Category:Solomon Islands in the 1930s
Media in category "Solomon Islands in the 1930s"
The following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total.
1939 2 shilling British Solomon Islands stamp.jpg 603 × 400; 100 KB
Bundesarchiv Bild 102-12715, Salomon-Inseln, Polizeibeamte.jpg 800 × 567; 61 KB
Ontong java 1934.jpg 860 × 916; 150 KB
Solomonislands1939canoe5sh-sg71.jpg 554 × 397; 246 KB
Solomonislands1939canoepalm3d-sg65.jpg 450 × 298; 161 KB
Solomonislands1939fruits1sh-sg68.jpg 541 × 391; 196 KB
West Midlands Police Museum (13200228735).jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 845 KB