Category:Square matrices representing 2n-cubes

A hypercube with even dimension can be represented by a square matrix that preserves some of the hypercubes symmetry.

With binary entries these matrices can represent Boolean functions. See subcategory Binary square matrices representing sets of (2*n)-cube vertices.

This category could contain all kinds of matrices representing 2n-cubes. But most are like those in Square matrices representing 2n-cubes (image set), which have aspects of a Hasse diagram.

matrix size h.c. vert.
mat. fields
subcategory example
2 21 × 21 2 × 2 4 2x2 matrices representing squares File:2-cube matrix.svg
4 22 × 22 4 × 4 16 4x4 matrices representing tesseracts File:4-cube matrix.svg
6 23 × 23 8 × 8 64 8x8 matrices representing hexeracts File:6-cube matrix.svg
8 24 × 24 16 × 16 256 16x16 matrices representing octeracts File:8-cube matrix.svg
10 25 × 25 32 × 32 1024 32x32 matrices representing 10-cubes File:10-cube matrix.svg
12 26 × 26 64 × 64 4096 64x64 matrices representing 12-cubes File:12-cube matrix.svg
14 27 × 27 128 × 128 16384 128x128 matrices representing 14-cubes
16 28 × 28 256 × 256 65536 256x256 matrices representing 16-cubes