Category:Stamps of Memel

The coat of arms of East Prussia as province of the Kingdom of Prussia
Lithuanian rebels during the riots of 1923
The flag of Memelland, 1920 - 1923
The town Memel in historical drawing
The "Memelland" (light violet) 1923 - 1939, Spanish map version
The provinces East and West Prussia, 1905
Beach of Memelland, contemporary

As Memelland (1918 - 1923: Memelgebiet) was named the most north eastern territories of the German Empire. As north eastern part of the former Kingdom of Prussia encompassed it all German areas eastern of the Curonian Lagoon and of the rivers Neman and lower Šešupė as well as the part of the Curonian Spit eastwards of the there town Nida (Lithuanian: "Nidaros", German “Nidden”).

To the geographic names:
   *  Curonian Lagoon (lagoon) = Lithuanian Kuršių marios, German: Kurisches Haff
   *  Curonian Spit (spit) = Lithuanian: Kurṧių narija, German: Kurische Nehrung
   *  Neman (river) = Lithuanian: Njemen; German: Memel
   *  Memel (town) = Lithuanian Klaipeda; German: Memel
   *  Nida (town) = Lithuanian: Nidaros; German: Nidden

After the World War I was the “Memelgebiet“, according to article 99 of the Treaty of Versailles, ceded by Germany to Lithuania without a special referendum of the population. As from the 10th of January, 1920 to the 16th of February, 1923 was the “Memel Territory” administrated by a French civil administration with a mandate of the League of Nations and with support of French military units.

At the same time with the annection of the West German “Ruhrgebiet” by France and Belgium came it also in the Memelland in 1923 to armed riots by Lithuanian separatists (mostly entered from the then Lithuania; the so-called “Minor-Lithuanian riot”) and which result in a withdrawal of the French forces and a following occupation of the Memelland by Lithuanian military units. As from the 16th of February, 1923 was the annection of the Memelland by Lithuania also internationally recognized by side of the League of Nations. Nevertheless remained the Memelland under law of war and was as such an autonomous province of Lithuania until December 1926, as these areas got as Klaipėdos kraštas a full part of Lithuania.

After a German ultimatum was the Memelland re-ceded again by Lithuania to Germany on the 20th of March, 1939 until to the occupation of these areas by Soviet military units end of 1944. Thereupon this region was a part of the Lithuanian Socialist Soviet Republic of the USSR (Soviet Union).

Since 1990 is the Memelland part of the Republic of Lithuania.

The postal history of Memel encompasses the following stamp areas:
   -   Memelland until 1866: see Category:Stamps of the Kingdom of Prussia
   -   Memelland 1866 - 1871: see Category:Stamps of the North German Confederation
   -   Memelland 1871 - 1920: see Category:Stamps of the German Empire
   -   Memelgebiet 1920 – 1923: see below Category:Stamps of Memel, French mandate administration 1920-1923
   -   Klaipeda (Memel) 1923 – 1926: see below Category:Stamps of Memel, Lithuanian occupation, 1923-1926 = autonomous region of Lithuania
   -   Klaipeda 1926 – 1939: see Category:Stamps of Lithuania
   -   Memelland 1939 – 1944: see Category:Stamps of Nazi Germany
   -   Klaipeda in the Lithuanian SSR 1945 – 1990: see Category:Stamps of the Soviet Union
   -   "Klaipėdos kraštas" as part of the Republic of Lithiania since 1990: see Category:Stamps of Lithuania


This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.

Media in category "Stamps of Memel"

The following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total.