Category:Symbols on Jewish gravestones in the Czech Republic

  • Star of David / Hvězda Davidova: šesticípá hvězda Davidova, symbol Judaismu
  • Kohanim hands / Kohenské ruce - modlící se ruce: Two hands with outspread fingers indicated that the dead man was descended from priestly stock (Kohanim) who blessed the people in this fashion
  • Ewer / Džbán či konvice (s mísou): Levite pitcher (and bowl)
  • The shofar (ram's horn) / Šofar: indicates that the deceased was a blower of the shofar
  • Deer / Jelen: people whose name is Zvi, Hirsch or Naftali (deer representing the tribe of Naphtali)
  • Lion / Lev: people whose name is Aryeh, Judah, Leib or Loew (lion representing the tribe of Judah)
  • Bear / Medvěd: people whose name is Dov and Ber.
  • Wolf / Vlk: representing the tribe of Benjamin
  • Books / Knihy: an open book indicates the presence of a rabbi, an officiating minister, or just a scholar; groups of books are sometimes arranged in an open bookcase, or on shelves.
  • Fish / Ryba: zodiac sign for the month of Adar
  • Menorah / Menora: one of the oldest symbols of Judaism
  • Candle / Svíčka: one of the most accepted symbols of the woman. The candle was lit by the Jewish woman. A broken candle on a gravestone symbolizes an early death, at a young age.
  • Crown / Koruna: The crown has many meanings - it is a symbol of the re-establishment of the kingdom of Judah. On the gravestones appear three crowns: Crown of the Torah that symbolizes wisdom and knowledge; Crown of Royalty symbolizes sovereignty and power; and Crown of a Good Name. / Koruna moudrosti (vzdělání), Koruna kněžství (Tóra, zbožnost, duchovní a společenské vědy, filosofie apod.; často na náhrobcích rabínů) a Koruna království (kariéra, úspěch, vážnost u druhých)
  • Tree / Strom: A broken tree or branch is a sign that the deceased was young at the time of death
  • Bird / Pták: appears on the gravestones of many women
  • Grapes / Hrozny: a cluster of grapes is an emblem of Israel, but also a symbol of wealth
  • Anchor / Kotva: symbolizes hope or eternal life, or simply the job of a sailor

Media in category "Symbols on Jewish gravestones in the Czech Republic"

The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total.