Category:Toronto Fire Services Engine No. 33

Toronto's Police Services and the Toronto Fire Department hosts an annual community outreach event in David Crombie Park every summer. In my opinion the jewel of the event was this beautiful heritage fire engine. It is a 1938 model, with a long operational history. Captain Ron Jones, the very approachable officer who answered my questions said the vehicle's last operational post was at the fire station on Toronto Island. The engine and drive train had to be replaced, after the end of its operational life, to put the engine back on the road. It seemed to me the vehicle was a hit at this outreach event, justifying the effort of keeping it running. Captain Jones told me that the hoses could be removed from her upper deck, and she could carry firefighter's coffins at their funerals, a task for which its smaller size and lower profile made it better suited than larger, more modern fire engines.

Captain Jones informed me the windshield wipers are not original, they are nautical wipers, pressed into service for the fire engine.