<nowiki>hipersensibilidad de tipo IV; hypersensibilité retardée; cellförmedlad allergi; type 4-allergi; type IV overgevoeligheid; hipersensibilitat de tipus IV; Hypersenzitivita IV. typu; IV-es típusú túlérzékenység; preobčutljivost tipa IV; type IV hypersensitivity; النوع الرابع من فرط التحسس; 延遲性過敏反應; hipersensibilidá de triba IV; malattia; Krankheit; inflammatory response driven by T cell recognition of processed soluble or cell-associated antigens, leading to cytokine release and leukocyte activation; хвороба; biologisch proces; Hipersensibilidad tipo IV; hypersensibilité type 4; hypersensitivity reaction type IV disease; delayed hypersensitivity response; GO:0001806; delayed-type hypersensitivity; Hypersensitivity, Delayed; type IV-allergi; Ⅳ型超敏反应; IV-es típusú hiperszenzitivitás</nowiki>
type IV hypersensitivity
inflammatory response driven by T cell recognition of processed soluble or cell-associated antigens, leading to cytokine release and leukocyte activation