Category:Valued images of Heteroptera

  • EnglishTrue bug
  • čeština: Ploštice
  • Deutsch: Wanzen
  • Esperanto: Heteropteroj
  • español: Chinche
  • eesti: Lutikalised
  • suomi: Luteet
  • עברית: פשפשים
  • 日本語: カメムシ亜目
  • 한국어: 노린재류
  • Nederlands: Wantsen
  • norsk: Teger
  • polski: Pluskwiaki różnoskrzydłe
  • português: Percevejo
  • svenska: Halvvingar
  • ไทย: แมงดานา
  • 中文: 異翅亞目
(Note: no wikidata item is associated with this category)
DomainEukaryota • RegnumAnimalia • PhylumArthropoda • SubphylumHexapoda • ClassisInsecta • SubclassisPterygota • InfraclassisNeoptera • SuperordoParaneoptera • OrdoHemiptera • SubordoHeteroptera Latreille, 1810
This category is part of the Valued images project.

Media in category "Valued images of Heteroptera"

The following 60 files are in this category, out of 60 total.