Category:Viggo Kalhauge

Den danske komponist og organist Viggo Kalhauge 1840-1905

Danish composer and organplayer Viggo Kalhauge 1840-1905

<nowiki>Viggo Kalhauge; Viggo Kalhauge; Viggo Kalhauge; Viggo Kalhauge; Sophus Vigo Haroldo Kalhange; Viggo Kalhauge; Viggo Kalhauge; Viggo Kalhauge; Viggo Kalhauge; Viggo Kalhauge; Viggo Kalhauge; Fue un organista y compositor danés del romanticismo; ডেনীয় সঙ্গীত রচয়িতা; compositeur danois; Taani helilooja; musikagile danimarkarra; compositor danés (1840–1905); compositor danès; cyfansoddwr a aned yn 1840; compositor dinamarquês; Danish composer; آهنگساز دانمارکی; dansk komponist og organist (1840-1905); compozitor danez; dansk kompositör; מלחין דני; Deens componist (1840-1905); Danish composer; kompozitor danez; ملحن دنماركي; compositor danés; Danish composer; cumadóir Danmhargach; compositore danese; Sophus Viggo Harald Kalhauge; Sophus Vigo Haroldo Kalhange; Sophus Viggo Harald Kalhauge; Sophus Vigo Haroldo Kalhange; Sophus Viggo Harald Kalhauge</nowiki>
Viggo Kalhauge 
Danish composer
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Date of birth12 August 1840
Date of death19 February 1905
Country of citizenship
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Media in category "Viggo Kalhauge"

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