Category:West Midlands (region)
Aragonés: Midlands de l'Ueste u Midlands Occidentals (West Midlands en anglés) ye una d'as nueu rechions oficials d'Anglaterra. Midlands de l'Ueste ye un termin cheografico creyato ta describir una rechión situata a l'ueste d'o centro d'Anglaterra, conoixita como Midlands. (→Midlands de l'Ueste)
Brezhoneg: 20px|Arabat kemmeskañ ar Rannvro-mañ gant Kontelezh Kornôg Midlands (→Rannvro Kornôg Midlands)
Čeština: Region West Midlands je jeden z 9 regionů, nejvyšších správních celků Anglie. Zahrnuje západní polovinu oblasti tradičně nazývané Midlands. Region je geograficky různorodý od městských aglomerací v centru oblasti až po venkovská hrabství Shropshire a Herefordshire, která hraničí s Walesem. Nejdelší řeka Velké Británie Severn protéká regionem jihozápadním směrem. Nejvyšším místem je Black Mountain s výškou 703 metrů nad mořem. Občas bývá zaměňován pojem region West Midlands s daleko menším hrabstvím West Midlands. (→West Midlands (anglický region))
Cymraeg: Un o rhanbarth swyddogol Lloegr yw Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr, sy'n gorchuddio hanner gorllewinol y rhanbarth traddodiadol a adwaenir fel Canolbarth Lloegr. Mae'n cynnwys dinas ail fwyaf y Deyrnas Unedig, sef Birmingham, ac ardal drefol fwy Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr, sy'n cynnwys dinas Wolverhampton a threfi mawr Dudley, Walsall a West Bromwich. Lleolir Coventry a Solihull yn sir Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr. (→Gorllewin Canolbarth Lloegr (rhanbarth))
Dansk: West Midlands er en region i den vestlige del af det centrale England. (→West Midlands (region))
Deutsch: West Midlands ist eine der neun Regionen Englands und besteht aus dem größten Teil der westlichen Midlands. (→West Midlands (Region))
English: The West Midlands is an official region of England, covering the western half of the area traditionally known as the Midlands. It contains the second most populous British city, Birmingham, and the larger West Midlands conurbation, which includes the city of Wolverhampton and large towns of Dudley, Solihull, Walsall and West Bromwich. The city of Coventry is also located within the West Midlands county, but is separated from the conurbation to the west by several miles of green belt. (→West Midlands (region))
Esperanto: West Midlands estas unu el la anglaj regionoj. Ĝi ankau estas metropola provinco. (→West Midlands)
Español: Midlands del Oeste o Midlands Occidentales (West Midlands, en inglés) es una de las nueve regiones oficiales de Inglaterra. Midlands del Oeste es un término geográfico creado para describir una región que se sitúa al oeste respecto al centro de Inglaterra, conocida como Midlands. (→Midlands del Oeste)
Euskara: Mendebaldeko Midlands ( ingelesez West Midlands) Ingalaterrako eskualdeetariko bat da, Ingalaterrako Midlands eskualde tradizionalaren mendebaldeko zatia. (→Mendebaldeko Midlands)
فارسی: میدلند غربی یکی از ۹ ناحیه در کشور انگلستان میباشد که شهرهای بیرمنگام، کاونتری، استوک-آن-ترنت و ولورهمپتون در این ناحیه قرار دارند. (→میدلند غربی)
Suomi: Länsi-Midlands tarkoittaa aluetta Englannissa; pohjois-eteläsuunnassa keskivaiheilla ja itä-länsisuunnassa suunnilleen Penniinien länsipuolella. (→Länsi-Midlands)
Français : Les Midlands de l'Ouest sont une région située à l'ouest de l' Angleterre. Ses administrations sont localisées à Birmingham. (→Midlands de l'Ouest)
Gaeilge: Réigiún is ea An Lár-Réigiún Thiar i Sasana. Is iad Birmingham, Coventry, Stoke-on-Trent agus Wolverhampton na bailte is mó ann. (→An Lár-Réigiún Thiar)
Galego: Os Midlands do Oeste (en inglés, West Midlands) é unha das nove rexións de Inglaterra. Comprende os condados de West Midlands, Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire e Worcestershire. Non hai que confundir a rexión de West Midlands co seu condado integrante de West Midlands. Segundo o censo do 2001 conta cunha poboación de 5.267.337 habitantes distribuidos nunha área de 13.004 quilómetros cadrados, sendo a principal cidade da rexión Birmingham. Outras cidades de importancia son Coventry, Stoke-on-Trent, Wolverhampton, Dudley, Walsall, Telford, West Bromwich e Sutton Coldfield. (→Midlands do Oeste - West Midlands)
Bahasa Indonesia: West Midlands merupakan salah satu region di Inggris. Region ini memiliki luas wilayah 13.004 km² dengan penduduk sebanyak 5.267.337 jiwa (2001). Region ini beribukota di Birmingham dan terbagi menjadi 6 county yaitu Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, West Midlands, dan Worcestershire. (→West Midlands (region))
Íslenska: Vestur-Miðhéruð (e. West Midlands) er einn af níu embættislegum landshlutum á Englandi og nær yfir vesturhelming svæðisins sem nefnist Miðhéruð. Önnur stærsta borgin á Bretlandi, Birmingham, er í þessum landshluta. Það er til stórt þéttbýli í vestur-Miðhéruðum sem inniheldur borgirnar Dudley, Solihull, Walsall og West Bromwich. Borgin Coventry er líka í landshlutanum en er aðskilin af öðrum þéttbýlunum. (→Vestur-Miðhéruð (landshluti))
Italiano: Le Midlands Occidentali (West Midlands in inglese) comprendono la porzione occidentale dell'Inghilterra centrale, conosciuta come Midlands. Il territorio della regione confina con quello delle regioni Nord Ovest a nord, Midlands Orientali a est, Sud Est e Sud Ovest a sud e con il Galles a ovest. (→Midlands Occidentali (regione))
Lietuvių: Vakarų Midlandsas – oficialus Anglijos regionas, centrinės šalies dalies vakaruose. Apima Birmingamo miestą, Vakarų Midlandso konurbaciją (Volverhamptono, Dadlio, Salihalo, Volsolo, Vest Bromvičo miestus), Koventrį. Į regioną įeina šios grafystės: Herefordširas, Šropširas, Stafordširas, Vorikširas, Vakarų Midlandsas ir Vusterširas. Regiono plotas 13 004 km². 5,267 mln. gyventojų (2001 m.). Administracinis centras – Birmingamas. (→Vakarų Midlandsas (regionas))
Nederlands: West Midlands is een regio van Engeland met ongeveer 5,3 miljoen inwoners en daarmee de vijfde regio naar inwoneraantal. De regio staat ook wel bekend onder haar historische naam Mercia. (→West Midlands (regio))
Norsk nynorsk: Vest-Midlands ( engelsk West Midlands) er ein region vest i sentrale område av England. Det same namnet vert nytta om eit av grevskapa i regionen. (→Vest-Midlands)
Norsk bokmål: Vest-Midlands (West Midlands) er en region i den vestlige del av det sentrale England. Det samme navnet brukes om et av grevskapene i regionen, se West Midlands for informasjon om dette. (→Vest-Midlands)
Polski: West Midlands – jeden z dziewięciu regionów Anglii. Stolicą jest Birmingham. Oprócz Birmingham większe miasta to Wolverhampton, Coventry i Stoke-on-Trent. Region stanowi także okręg wyborczy do Parlamentu Europejskiego. (→West Midlands (region))
Português: Midlands Ocidentais ou Midlands do Oeste (West Midlands, em inglês) formam uma das nove regiões oficiais da Inglaterra. West Midlands é um termo geográfico criado para descrever a região oeste do centro da Inglaterra, conhecida como Midlands. (→Midlands Ocidentais)
Română: West Midlands (Tărâmurile de mijloc vestice) este una dintre cele nouă regiuni ale Angliei. (→West Midlands (regiune))
Русский: Западный Мидленд (Уэст-Мидлендс; ) — регион на западе Англии. Столица и крупнейший город — Бирмингем. Другие крупные города — Ковентри, Шрусбери. Название региона по-английски совпадает с названием одного из входящих в него метропольных графств — Уэст-Мидлендс, однако по-русски принято первое частично переводить, что позволяет избежать некоторой путаницы. (→Западный Мидленд)
Simple English: The West Midlands is an official Region of England, covering the western half of the Midlands. (→West Midlands (region))
Slovenčina: West Midlands, doslova: Západné Stredné oblasti, je jeden z administratívnych regiónov Anglicka. (→West Midlands (región))
Svenska: West Midlands, på svenska ibland även Västra Midlands, är en av Englands nio regioner. Den har drygt 5 200 000 invånare och har Birmingham som administrativt centrum. (→West Midlands (region))
Kiswahili: Midlands Magharibi ( Kiing.: West Midlands) ni moja ya mikoa 9 ya kujitawala ya Uingereza. Idadi ya wakazi wake ni takriban 5,267,337. Mji wake mkuu ni Birmingham. (→Midlands Magharibi)
ไทย: ภาคมิดแลนด์สตะวันตกของอังกฤษ หรือ ภาคเวสต์มิดแลนด์สของอังกฤษ ( ภาษาอังกฤษ: West Midlands) เป็นหนึ่งในเก้าของภาคการปกครองของอังกฤษที่ครอบคลุมอาณาบริเวณตอนกลางทางตะวันตกที่เรียกกันว่า “มิดแลนด์ส” รวมทั้งเมืองเบอร์มิงแฮมที่มีประชากรมากเป็นลำดับสองของสหราชอาณาจักร นอกจากนั้นก็ยังรวมกลุ่มเมืองมิดแลนด์สตะวันตก (West Midlands conurbation) ที่รวมทั้งโวลเวอร์แฮมพ์ตัน, ดัดลีย์, โซลิฮัลล์, วอลซาลล์ และเวสต์บรอมมิช รวมทั้งโคเวนทริที่ตั้งอยู่ในเคานตี้เวสต์มิดแลนด์แต่แยกจากกลุ่มเมืองมิดแลนด์สตะวันตกโดยแนวไม้ (green belt) ที่ยาวหลายกิโลเมตร (→ภาคมิดแลนด์สตะวันตกของอังกฤษ)
Українська: За́хідний Мі́дленд — регіон на заході Англії. Столиця та найбільше місто — Бірмінгем. Інші великі міста — Ковентрі, Шрусбері. (→Західний Мідленд (регіон))
Vèneto: Łe Midlands Osidentałi (West Midlands en inglexe) łe conprende ła porsion osidentałe de ł'Inghiltera sentrałe, conosesta come Midlands. El teritorio deła rejon el confina con queło dełe rejon Nord Ovest a nord, Midlands Orientałi a est, Sud Est e Sud Ovest a sud e con il Gałes a ovest. (→Midlands Osidentałi)
one of nine official regions of England | |||||
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Location | England | ||||
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This category has the following 11 subcategories, out of 11 total.
Media in category "West Midlands (region)"
The following 198 files are in this category, out of 198 total.
A461 at M6 junction 9 - - 1863147.jpg 640 × 480; 67 KB
A461 roundabout from the M6 - - 2819499.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 3.92 MB
Amberley Road - - 1853609.jpg 640 × 480; 134 KB
Ashbourne Road, Little Bloxwich - - 2799528.jpg 640 × 428; 65 KB
Barn Owl box taken with Pulsar Helion XQ38F.png 826 × 469; 648 KB
Barr Beacon - - 3305847.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 770 KB
Barr Beacon at sunset - - 3070113.jpg 504 × 344; 18 KB
Barr Beacon summit - - 2027763.jpg 640 × 480; 67 KB
Ben Aston.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 1.92 MB
Black Country Housing Association.jpg 623 × 548; 105 KB
Bodens Lane - - 1853578.jpg 640 × 480; 249 KB
Bourne Vale Pumping Station - - 2187522.jpg 427 × 640; 100 KB
Bourne Vale, Bourne Vale - - 2121892.jpg 640 × 480; 134 KB
Bridgnorth Angling Society fishing spot - - 858998.jpg 640 × 480; 388 KB
Busa Obi Picture taken in London 2013.jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 2.06 MB
Canal Junction - Cannock Extension (W^E) - - 2102609.jpg 3,648 × 2,048; 1.97 MB
Canalside dwellings - - 2102607.jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 2.68 MB
Cannock Extension (Wyrley and Essington) - - 2102606.jpg 2,736 × 3,648; 1.67 MB
Cannock Extension (W^E canal) - - 2102605.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 728 KB
Car park at Boundary Mill (2 views) - - 3179994.jpg 2,816 × 2,112; 1.37 MB
Cherrywood Road - - 1853613.jpg 640 × 480; 167 KB
Closed Pub - - 2483610.jpg 2,816 × 1,880; 2.5 MB
Come fly with me… - - 2105061.jpg 640 × 427; 403 KB
Corner of Park Hall Road and Skip Lane - - 1853663.jpg 640 × 480; 166 KB
Council House & Coventry Cathedral panoramic view from Civic Centre 4 (31804215235).jpg 6,340 × 1,835; 2.41 MB
Crook Lane - - 1853574.jpg 640 × 480; 155 KB
Culvert on tributary of the Ford Brook - - 1872495.jpg 640 × 480; 410 KB
Cycle route on the old railway - - 1873108.jpg 640 × 480; 318 KB
Derelict sign to derelict pub, Walsall - - 2731402.jpg 600 × 800; 228 KB
Diamond 20163 SN68 AJM at Bilston on 23.jpg 3,828 × 2,552; 6.51 MB
Diamond Buses Wright Streetlite DF 32316.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 4.45 MB
Diamond Buses Wright Streetlite DF 32320 at Tividale Depot.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 6.08 MB
Diamond Buses Wright Streetlite DF 32324 on 16.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 7.6 MB
Dickinson Drive in Bescot, Walsall - - 2732554.jpg 800 × 526; 244 KB
Dickinson Drive in Bescot, Walsall - - 2732563.jpg 800 × 535; 265 KB
Dilapidated Pub Sign - - 2483614.jpg 2,816 × 1,880; 1.03 MB
Eastridge Looking at Snailbeach.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 950 KB
Electrical installation - - 2763740.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 663 KB
Elevator at Snailbeach mine near Eastridge Mountain Biking Woods.jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 1.84 MB
Entrance gate to Fishley Park Golf - - 2102576.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 836 KB
Evolution Explored Shrewsbury.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.75 MB
Fellows Park from the railway - - 2008831.jpg 2,100 × 1,357; 337 KB
Fields adjoining Crook Lane - - 1853571.jpg 640 × 480; 177 KB
Fieldscape from Doe Bank Lane - - 1853592.jpg 640 × 480; 194 KB
Fire Extinguisher (169791127).jpeg 1,309 × 2,048; 629 KB
Fishing on the Rushall canal - - 2660991.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 2.66 MB
Fishley Park Golf - - 2102575.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 603 KB
Floodlighting tower, Bescot freight yard - - 2105076.jpg 640 × 427; 364 KB
Footbridge over Midland Railway trackbed - - 2651765.jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 1.49 MB
Ford Street Pleck - - 2237544.jpg 2,472 × 1,632; 569 KB
Garden Gate - - 2457999.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 3.16 MB
Gateways, Crook Lane - - 1853568.jpg 640 × 480; 177 KB
George Stephenson pub ^ restaurant - - 2651737.jpg 3,650 × 1,980; 562 KB
Gnarled tree - - 2420563.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 5.3 MB
Goscote Close, Goscote - - 2121773.jpg 640 × 480; 77 KB
Green area by the B4151 east of Walsall - - 2731412.jpg 800 × 523; 364 KB
Hazelwood Road at Limetree Road - - 1853610.jpg 640 × 480; 147 KB
Hednesford Bridge, M6 (Toll) - - 2659522.jpg 640 × 430; 32 KB
Hope it's not the test track - - 790190.jpg 640 × 480; 55 KB
Hope, a drover's stance^ - - 961330.jpg 480 × 640; 112 KB
Horse paddock adjoining Crook Lane - - 1853577.jpg 640 × 480; 154 KB
Housing and hotel in Bescot Road, Walsall - - 2732523.jpg 1,024 × 614; 540 KB
Housing and hotel in Bescot Road, Walsall - - 2732533.jpg 1,024 × 552; 401 KB
Housing in Bescot Road in Pleck, Walsall - - 2732525.jpg 800 × 579; 400 KB
Just another muddy field - - 1038588.jpg 640 × 480; 87 KB
Limetree Road - - 1853611.jpg 640 × 480; 159 KB
Line of trees - - 2894305.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 3.72 MB
Lonely horse of Skip Lane - - 1853653.jpg 640 × 480; 211 KB
Long Barrow, Soulton, Shropshire.jpg 3,264 × 2,445; 2.22 MB
Longhorn Public House - - 2115360.jpg 2,816 × 1,880; 2.26 MB
Ludlow.jpg 1,069 × 1,098; 353 KB
M6 Motorway at junction 10 - - 2246053.jpg 640 × 480; 67 KB
M6 southbound approaching junction 9 - - 2609889.jpg 640 × 480; 54 KB
M6 southbound at Junction 10 - - 3260047.jpg 640 × 479; 54 KB
M6 southbound nearing Wednesbury - - 2609866.jpg 640 × 481; 48 KB
M6, Junction 10 overbridge - - 3116179.jpg 640 × 430; 45 KB
Mayor of the West Midlands Logo.svg 300 × 74; 6 KB
Midland Red Buses at Aston Manor.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 5.13 MB
More feet than sheep^ - - 1003198.jpg 640 × 461; 121 KB
Morrisons in Walsall - - 3361518.jpg 1,500 × 978; 138 KB
New houses backing onto the railway line - - 3355970.jpg 1,044 × 783; 314 KB
New housing on Hawbush Road - - 3355959.jpg 1,240 × 930; 315 KB
New housing, Roebuck Road - - 3224724.jpg 640 × 480; 47 KB
New Stile and upgraded towpath - - 2102568.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 551 KB
NEWM 4908 (BX13 JWJ) (11501075756).jpg 1,280 × 960; 740 KB
No wheels on my wagon - - 1176387.jpg 640 × 480; 118 KB
No1 Radio School.jpg 3,002 × 2,062; 2.15 MB
Northbound M5 and M6 junction - - 2080398.jpg 640 × 480; 77 KB
Norton Canes village sign - - 2121847.jpg 640 × 480; 82 KB
Norton Road, north of Highbridge - - 2121840.jpg 640 × 480; 84 KB
Nos. 25 And 26 Castle Street And Attached Railings.jpg 2,592 × 3,456; 1.81 MB
Not bad for a view from the patio - - 1640637.jpg 640 × 480; 58 KB
Not my idea of fun on a sunny Sunday... - - 2815144.jpg 1,469 × 1,102; 337 KB
Not Quite Sure^ - - 1763664.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 2.88 MB
Off Roading Gone Wrong - - 809345.jpg 640 × 421; 54 KB
Oh boy^ Does this need a refit. - - 1038578.jpg 640 × 480; 156 KB
Open Land, Walsall - - 2121783.jpg 640 × 480; 57 KB
Overhead Sign Gantry at Junction 10 - - 3313131.jpg 640 × 480; 511 KB
Park Farm Road - - 1853599.jpg 640 × 480; 149 KB
Pathway in the sunshine - - 2116306.jpg 2,816 × 1,880; 3.18 MB
Pelsall Bridge and Finger Post - - 2064947.jpg 640 × 360; 133 KB
Plantlife on canal - - 2102569.jpg 2,272 × 1,704; 763 KB
Playground in the clearing - - 2710559.jpg 640 × 480; 94 KB
Playing fields off Sneyd Lane - - 2536720.jpg 1,152 × 864; 299 KB
Population pyramid of the West Midlands by ethnicity in 2021.svg 3,245 × 2,578; 89 KB
Postbox on Longwood Road - - 2027747.jpg 640 × 480; 104 KB
Pylon and paddock, Doe Bank Lane - - 1853582.jpg 480 × 640; 196 KB
Pylons beside Bridle Lane - - 2027758.jpg 480 × 640; 87 KB
Rail seats at Shrewsbury Town.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 2.58 MB
Recreational field - - 2660985.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 3.1 MB
Red House, Great Barr (geograph 3210743).jpg 640 × 480; 88 KB
Redder earth than I've ever seen - - 1443407.jpg 640 × 480; 111 KB
Rhydd Covert Scout Hut (geograph 2173939).jpg 640 × 480; 120 KB
River Seven 2.jpg 3,264 × 1,836; 2.85 MB
River Seven.jpg 3,264 × 1,836; 2.45 MB
Rock - panoramio (12).jpg 1,600 × 899; 366 KB
Signage outside IKEA store - - 2815152.jpg 1,306 × 979; 393 KB
Site of Fishley Church - - 2102564.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 995 KB
Site of Pelsall Steel Works 1832 - 1888 - - 2102557.jpg 1,200 × 1,600; 612 KB
Skip Lane - - 1853658.jpg 480 × 640; 248 KB
Skip Lane junction, Sutton Road - - 1853634.jpg 640 × 480; 246 KB
South.Staffordshire.line.railway.and.rail.bridge.remains.jpg 2,592 × 1,936; 2.09 MB
Sparks Badge.jpg 3,189 × 2,003; 4.69 MB
St Julian's Churchyard.jpg 3,840 × 2,160; 2.03 MB
St Julian's House.jpg 3,840 × 2,160; 3.57 MB
Stanmore - panoramio.jpg 1,408 × 1,056; 174 KB
Stanmore camp - panoramio - Tanya Dedyukhina (1).jpg 1,408 × 1,056; 226 KB
Stanmore camp - panoramio.jpg 1,408 × 1,056; 222 KB
Stephenson Avenue, Walsall - - 2797199.jpg 640 × 480; 90 KB
Stream - panoramio (17).jpg 2,048 × 2,048; 1.73 MB
Sunrise - panoramio (92).jpg 2,048 × 2,048; 1.15 MB
Sunset over Park Hall lake - - 2894303.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 3.14 MB
Sutton Road (B4151) - - 1853616.jpg 640 × 480; 196 KB
Sutton Road (B4151) - - 1853649.jpg 640 × 480; 173 KB
Tasteful Shropshire Graffiti - panoramio.jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 1.01 MB
Teaching lab .jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.43 MB
The A4148 Broadway West in Walsall - - 3370123.jpg 979 × 734; 443 KB
The Arbo Squad.jpg 4,032 × 1,960; 3.79 MB
The B4151 Sutton Road approaching Walsall - - 2731425.jpg 1,024 × 683; 497 KB
The Bradford Arms pub, Caldmore - - 3370158.jpg 979 × 734; 510 KB
The Church at Junction 10 - - 3291914.jpg 1,306 × 979; 309 KB
The Fingerpost Pub - - 2064907.jpg 640 × 480; 188 KB
The Foley Arms - - 2027766.jpg 640 × 480; 101 KB
The King George V at Bescot, Walsall - - 2732254.jpg 800 × 514; 311 KB
The Longhorn near Daisy Bank, Walsall - - 2731453.jpg 800 × 544; 376 KB
The Longhorn near Daisy Bank, Walsall - - 2731600.jpg 800 × 529; 304 KB
The old Forest Office, Whitcliffe - January 2012 - panoramio.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 3.59 MB
The Old Irish Harp - panoramio.jpg 1,536 × 2,048; 524 KB
The Public, West Bromwich - look out the windows - Road works (5586470948).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 2.41 MB
The Three Crowns (detail) near Walsall - - 2731403.jpg 607 × 800; 473 KB
The Three Crowns near Walsall - - 2534483.jpg 800 × 583; 320 KB
The Three Crowns near Walsall - - 2731401.jpg 1,024 × 551; 391 KB
The Three Crowns near Walsall - - 2731406.jpg 800 × 600; 325 KB
The Three Crowns near Walsall - - 2731409.jpg 1,024 × 569; 380 KB
The Walsall Branch Canal - - 3339130.jpg 1,142 × 857; 305 KB
There - panoramio (1).jpg 2,048 × 2,048; 1.61 MB
There's a road here somewhere - - 954395.jpg 639 × 423; 136 KB
They forgot the sign for steep-hill - - 1442264.jpg 640 × 426; 383 KB
They See Me Rollin.jpg 900 × 600; 59 KB
They're blue to me - - 1443418.jpg 640 × 480; 82 KB
This is no road - - 859761.jpg 640 × 480; 133 KB
Three Crowns Pub - - 2483607.jpg 2,816 × 1,880; 1.86 MB
Timberland Trail - Forest of Mercia - - 2710583.jpg 480 × 640; 90 KB
Track between gardens - - 2115384.jpg 2,816 × 1,880; 2.52 MB
Transformer pole off Sutton Road - - 1853614.jpg 640 × 480; 156 KB
Tree - panoramio (64).jpg 2,448 × 2,448; 2.05 MB
Trees - panoramio (74).jpg 2,048 × 2,048; 1.02 MB
UK born and foreign born population pyramid in the West Midlands in 2021.svg 2,623 × 2,043; 48 KB
Valley shot from Clunbury Hill - panoramio.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 5.48 MB
View - panoramio (58).jpg 2,448 × 2,448; 1.93 MB
View from Whitcliffe Wood - January 2012 - panoramio.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 3.76 MB
View of Carding Mill Valley, June 2009 - panoramio.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 795 KB
ViewFromWynettCoppice.jpg 1,200 × 900; 854 KB
Walsall - Birmingham Road - - 1853674.jpg 640 × 480; 230 KB
WayMarker.jpg 1,200 × 900; 869 KB
WendyMorton.jpg 773 × 1,243; 378 KB
Woodend Road - - 2116320.jpg 2,816 × 1,880; 2.6 MB
Wyrley and Essington Canal - - 2121789.jpg 640 × 480; 61 KB
Folly Brook Valley - - 706158.jpg 640 × 480; 42 KB
Time for a breather - - 709457.jpg 637 × 436; 54 KB