Category:Wolf socialization period (approx. 24 to 77 days)

Ontogenetic stages of wolves
(based on: International Wolf Center 2015, YNPT 2021, and supplementary the Italian Wikipedia article “Neotenia” (rev.135529706))
1st: Newborn
  (0~2 months)
2nd: Game stage
  (2~4 months)
3rd: Saver stage
  (4~6 months)
4th: Hooker stage
5th: Adult stage
1. Neonatal

(birth to 12d)

2. Transitional

(14 to 24d)

3. Socialization

(24 to 77d)

4. Juvenile

(8 to 16w)

5. Rapid Growth

(14 to 27w)

6. Slow Growth

(27 to 51w)

7. Sexual maturity

(1 to 3y)