Category:X. Országos Rendőr- és Tűzoltónap (Budapest)

~10th National Police and Firefighter/Firefighting? Day in Budapest. It was an all-day program on 2023-04-22 in Budapest. In mornig the police convoy departing from Szent György Square in Castle District (1st District) the fire brigade convoy departing from Flórián Square in 3rd district, the Traditional Police Squadron, as well as the Orchestra of the Standby Police and the Central Band of Disaster Management will lead the march to the City Park. After that, the official program will be opened by Budapest Chief of Police and the Head of the Metropolitan Directorate of Disaster Management on the main stage of City Park. Equestrian show, dog show, helicopter convoy flight, martial arts and MH valiant Sándor Szurmay Budapest Garrison Brigade armed-musical presentation etc. Then Budapest motorcycle police officers of the police headquarters will hold a musical show in Hősök tere/Heroes' Square. After the concert of Deniz and Reni Orsovai, the podcast discussions of the Budapest Police Headquarters could be followed live on stage, and the most modern police equipment could be seen on the smart island area. In the north part of the park exhibited the vehicles of the Disaster Management, fire engines, rescue vehicles. In the south part exhibited the police and military vehicles. There were exhibition tents of the National Prison Service Command, Parliamentary Guard, National Directorate General for Aliens Policing, National Tax and Customs Administration, National Forensic and Detective Association, National University of Public Service, Association of Budapest and Agglomeration Civil Guard Organizations, Traditional Police Squadron Republican Guard Regiment Traditionalist Circle of Friends, Animal Rescue League etc
X. Országos Rendőr- és Tűzoltónap Budapesten. Info:[1].

Media in category "X. Országos Rendőr- és Tűzoltónap (Budapest)"

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