Category talk:Serena Williams

Real Name : Serena Williams

Birth Date: September 26,1981

Birth Place: Saginaw ( MI)USA Planetary Positions at Birth Sun:03° 19' in Libra Moon:13° 45' in Virgo Mercury:29° 15' in Libra Venus:15° 45' in Scorpio Mars:15° 17' in Leo Jupiter:16° 56' in Libra Saturn:11° 41' in Libra Uranus:27° 14' in Scorpio Neptune:22° 13' in Sagittarius Pluto:23° 22' in Libra Birth Time: 20:28:00Rapper Lonnie Rashid Lynn, better known as Common, has fuelled rumours that he will marry Serena Williams by going public with his love for the tennis champion. Serena Is Jupiter Very Power Full --June And July very Lucky Month. "Serena Williams Wimbeldon Tennis Champion in 2013 sure and definity (master of astrology K.SUNIL--Sri lanka (

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