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圖檔可供自由使用,我們更歡迎你參與,貢獻新的 圖檔。辦法相當簡單,只需跟隨簡單的繪製步驟,也請你多多鼓勵我們 :]。

計劃分成三部分:黑白圖檔 (~1.000), 紅色漸變色圖檔 (~100) 及GIFs動畫 (~250)


當然,你可以在你的網頁使用這些圖檔,它們是以Creative Commons 2.5 授權發布 ^,使用的時候須列明:

  1. 來源:
  2. 授權: Images/animations under CC + GFDL
  3. 作者: -bw.png主要是M4RC0;-red.png主要是Muke和Yug;-order.gif主要是Wikic及Micheletb
Commons:Stroke Order Project members <ed>
Black & white images :
Animations : FanNihongo
Red images :
Organisation and accessibility: Swift

  1. 214康熙字典部首(~150幀)及亞洲字母(~15幀)需要黑白圖檔
  2. -red.png 進展緩慢(2 用戶)。
  3. 新圖尺寸:*-order.gif的300x300可用了。


(P.S. 請給予我們鼓勵和意見吧!)



黑白 (*-bw.png)和漸變紅色 (*-red.png) 可作印刷用途。筆順動畫計劃(*-order.gif)則較貼近書法實況,也較難製作,但較為美觀。


這個計劃包含三套筆順: 簡體中文(S)、日文(J)和繁體中文(T)。以簡體中文的的「中」字為例,檔名為「中-red.png」,日文版為「中-jred.png」,而繁體版為「中-tred.png」。


This Stroke order project is also particulary link to calligraphic issue. The Free fonts use are chosen because of their calligraphic Kǎishū [楷書] appareance. The 3 ways of writing provide, modern chinese, japanese, and traditionnal chinese, correspond to the 3 main calligraphic schools. When a calligraphy is write, the way of writing [influence] the graphical result, especialy in cursives styles. Knowing the good stroke order will allow you to write a fully japanese calligraphy, or a fully traditionnal calligraphy, as ancient masters were writing the same words. The more calligraphic sub-project being the *-order.gif of Wikic.

The 214 radicals: model for other characters

For convenience and pedagogic purposes, we first work to complete the 214 Kangxi radicals in modern Chinese order, japanese and traditionnal chinese stroke order. This list is the most famous component analysis of Chinese characters. By doing this list, we will build a model which will allow every volunteer with some basic graphic skills to join the project, and contribute to its progress on the 2,000 most common characters.

An SVG ethimological sister-project

The Stroke order project was originally restricted to Standard Script (楷書 kǎishū) characters, showing the correct stroke order. Subsequently, some users began uploading historical characters, using, a dictionary of etymological research published online. This SVG etymological sister-project now plans to upload free SVG images of characters in oracle bone, bronzeware, great seal, and small seal styles.

Database integration

This Stroke order project is especialy thought to be useful as a graphic database, completing by pictures free databases such as EDICT, CEDICT. All the files are in unicode (UTF-8). All file are upload under clear file name such as :

馬-order.gif such as [hanzi]-subproject.ext

By defaut, file are for main-China stroke order. But if you are interesting by japanese order, give the priority to files contening « j » (*-jorder.gif ; *-jred.png ;...). If you are interesting by traditionnal chinese order, give the priority to files contening « t » (*-torder.gif ; *-tred.png ;...).
Since January 2007, the Deuscht version of CEDICT, HanDeDict, use about one thousand of our free *-bw.png images.

Other days Task

An other interesting skill of this Stroke order project is the « Other Days task ». After hard work spend in front of our computers and graphic softs, we take a rest. We go far away from Commons, far away from our computer. Some to play football, some to read books, some to raise squirrels, several to study well for their next exam. Some other [older] to take care of their family. etc.

(P.S. Would you like to provide an encouragement to this team and this free project ?)




Wikipedians use this work: fr:Tracé_d'un_sinogramme, en:Stroke_order#Types_of_strokes
Wiktionarians using it : fr, la, de
