
This page is a translated version of a page Commons:First steps/License selection and the translation is 64% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:First steps/License selection and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
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为上传的文件选好一个许可协议至关重要,因为在维基共享资源上所有文件都必须是自由授权的。 所以首先要确定您上传的文件是属于自由文档协议的,下面叙述的是路线图的内容。



  • 一般来说,如果您将自己创作的文件以自由协议形式发布,您将不能再收回版权。
  • Some free licenses automatically cover various versions of the licensed content, because, under applicable copyright law, these versions would be considered the same work. For instance, you may wish to license thumbnail-quality files under a Creative Commons license while keeping raw, higher-resolution copies proprietary. However, when doing so, you should be warned that you might well be unintentionally licensing those other versions, because, in regard to copyright, the two could be considered the same work.
If you grant such a license for users to use a version of a work, the license may automatically give users the same rights to use any version that differs only in the level of some automatic conversion, regardless of the quality or resolution. While details of what would be considered the same work vary between jurisdictions, one key issue is whether or not enough creative expression is added in the conversion. See Commons:Same work for more details.
  • 最容易判断的授权情况是自我绘画图片。由您制作的照片则有一些问题。如果任何可识别的人都有合理的隐私期望,那么就需要他们的授权才能发表。组成合理的隐私期望在各个国家间差别巨大。参见COM:IDENT获取更多有关这些区别的,精确详细的信息。
  • 有些国家存在永久公开展示的艺术品,例如德国、瑞士、奥地利等全景自由适用国,但有些国家没有这种规定,例如法国和意大利。如果当地适用全景自由,您可以不受限地上传您的艺术品或建筑图片。这在诸如法国和意大利等国则不允许,例如您不可以上传意大利首都罗马意大利文明宫图片,除非地点偶然出现于整张照片中。
  • 大部分网站的图片都不允许上传到这里,除非是版权所有者以自由版权协议发布的。你也可以通过邮件方式请求版权所有者的许可,如果得到允许了,请将授权信转发至permissions@wikimedia.org permissions-zh@wikimedia.org(中文),同时在上传时注明。我们建议您使用Commons:Email templates上标准的信件格式向作者请求授权。
  • 艺术品的创作者去世超过70年,在大部分国家都此作品都位于公有领域,这意味着在绝大多数情况下,您可以随意上传以上的作品,包括它们的(第三方)复制品。这是因为这些复制品没有复制者自己的创造性在里面(请参阅Bridgeman v. Corel这一裁决)。


期限 意义
License A legal document outlining the permitted use (or lack thereof) of media. Only the copyright owner of media can apply a license to it.
CC Creative Commons, an organization that has written free licenses for public use. These licenses are prefixed with CC.
Attribution Giving credit to the author. In CC licenses, this is abbreviated with BY.
Share-alike Licensing works derived from a copylefted source in a similar fashion, this is abbreviated with SA.
Copyleft Allowing more permissive use than traditional copyright.
Fair use A doctrine in which the public has a limited right to use copyrighted materials.





“自己的作品,需要署名,版权属佐”({{CC BY-SA 4.0}}
This selection requires that the author of the media be credited for the work and any derivative works to be licensed similarly. This is the recommended choice, as it makes using your media files very easy while still allowing you to keep some rights to the work.
“自己的作品,需要署名”({{CC BY 4.0}}
Another multi-license, this option requires attribution and/or releasing derivative works under similar licenses.



选择好后,可以勾选“Watch this page”(监视页面),这个图片就进入你的“Watchlist”(监视名单)中,监视名单在你打开的任何页面上面,你可以随时监视是否有人对这个图片进行过更改。

点击“Upload file”(上传键),过一会将会回到你上传的图片页面上,可以将你的图片加到某一分类或条目中,例如你拍摄的月亮可以加到Moon条目中。否则人们不容易发现你的图片在哪里,详细信息参见第一步/质量和说明

If you uploaded the file for use in Wikipedia or another project that uses Wikimedia Commons as a file repository, you still need to edit the relevant page(s) in that other project in order to make your file show up there. Please refer to that project's help pages about media use for further instructions. The instructions for the English language Wikipedia can be found at Wikipedia:Picture tutorial.

