Commons:Commons Photographers User Group/Meetup on March 31, 2017

Although our user group has not yet been officially confirmed, we had our first meetup! Code, Raymond, and Frank Schulenburg gathered in Berlin (during the Wikimedia Conference 2017) to do what photographers like doing best: taking photos, talking about photography, and sharing insights into gear and techniques. Code, who currently lives in Berlin with his family, suggested the Oberbaumbrücke as the first target for our cameras and lenses. So, on the evening of March 31, 2017, we met at a Berlin underground station and walked to the Oberbaumbrücke. Upon our arrival, we waited for the best lighting conditions, set up Code's tripod, and started sharing our thoughts about ND-filters, and the difference between Sigma Art and Zeiss lenses. Further equipped with some bottles of beer, we occasionally clicked the shutter. Then, we headed to a place on the other side of the bridge and continued to shoot. Code explained why he was eager to get his hands on the next iteration of Canon's 6D full-frame camera. Frank and Raymond listened carefully as Code explained what David Iliff (a master of church interior photos) had taught him about panoramic tripod heads and taking pictures of church interiors. As the daylight started to fade, we headed to a German restaurant to eat some Schnitzel (what else?), drink some more German beers and talk further about photography, Diego's camel picture issues, and a lot of other non-Commons related stuff. It was a fun evening that all three of us enjoyed tremendously. You'll find some pictures taken during the event below and more on Commons in the category
