Commons:Featured sound candidates/Set/Historical recordings of Le Cid

Historical recordings of Le Cid, not featured edit

Voting period is over. Please don't add any new votes.Voting period ends on 20 Jun 2019 at 10:42:41
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1885Le Cid: "Pleurez, pleurez, mes yeux"
From Jules Massenet's Le Cid (1885). Sung by Marguerite Sylva in 1910 for Edison Records.
1885Le Cid: "O souverain, O juge, O père!"
From Jules Massenet's Le Cid (1885). Sung by Enrico Caruso in 1916 for the Victor Talking Machine Company.

  Description Two historical recordings from Le Cid

Sorry, had a bad cold. They have very similar subject matters, and pair well to show the male and female leads Adam Cuerden (talk) 13:27, 18 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]

I'm glad you're feeling better. Please consider nominating these files separately if the set nomination fails. For my part, I understand your rationale for it but don't really agree with it. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 21:45, 18 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Confirmed results:
Result: 3 support, 0 oppose, 0 neutral → not featured. /Eatcha (talk) 08:20, 8 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]