Commons:GLAMwiki Toolset Project/Outreach schedule

The purpose of this document is to identify community outreach that will be conducted by the workgroup members to insure that Wikipedians and GLAMs get the opportunity to learn about the project, possibly turn them into advocates of the GLAM Wiki Toolset. The Wikimedia Commons Toolset pages will be used as a primary tool for information sharing and project updates.

Depending on the development of the tool, community outreach will be completed in the following schedule. This plan will be regularly evaluated by the group members and may be adjusted to be more effective:

This page contains the organisational timeline for GLAMwiki Toolset beta launch, to be used and consulted by the involved people of the project.

For your convenience we have added from 1 to 3 stars for each task to give an indication about their importance. As remarked above, beside very few exceptions in bold, their scope is purely indicative:

  • - very important task to do (MUST)
  • - important tasks: these are structural to the tool (SHOULD)
  • - normal tasks (COULD)
  • - optional tasks: from nice to very nice to have (WOULD LOVE)

Pre-launch Timeline

Due time Task Importance Status
August The GLAMwiki toolset project - work in progress presentation at Wikimania 2012 (Dan Entous)     
?? Presentation at Wikimedia GLAM Camp UK (Geer Oskam)     
?? Presentation at Wikimedia NL Conference (Sandra Fauconnier / Lotte Balthussen & Dan Entous)     
January 2013
Jan 13 Project Announcement at Europeana Blog & on wiki (Geer Oskam)     
March 2013
March Begin recruitment of Project Ambassadors & GLAM pilots      
April 2013
April 13 Alpha review at Europeana Blog & on wiki (Geer Oskam)     
April 13 GLAMwiki UK Conference (Geer Oskam)     
May 2013
May 13 Presentation at Elag 2013 (Valentine Charles)     
May 13 Amsterdam Hackathon 2013 ( Dan Entous, Jacob Lundqvist, Maarten Zeinstra, David Haskiya )     
Aug 2013
Aug 13 Presentation at Wikimania 2013      
Sep 2013
Sep 13 USGLAMout, Hangout Online with US GLAM (Kippelboy)     
November 2013
Nov Presentation of the project (Dan Entous)     
Nov 31 Drafting of a Communications Plan timeline (Kippelboy)      
December 2013
Dec 12 Beta release launched on Wikimedia Commons beta      
Dec 15 Fixing all pages with official naming "GLAMwiki Toolset"      
Dec 15 Announcement at the Cultural partnerships closed mailing list      
Dec 15 Ask for translations of the Tool to translatewiki     
Dec 27 Contact Wikimedia Commons community of editors      
Dec 27 Contact Europeana Communications Team to aware them of the project launch      
Dec 31 Final list of Beta Uploaders (1 per funding chapter)      
January 2014
Jan 25 XML sample files from beta uploaders     
Jan 31 First massive upload done        
Jan 31 Start advertising the tool in local Wikimedia communities      
February 2014
Feb 26 Official press release drafted by Europeana    
Feb 26 Quotes from maing actors (GLAMs and chapters)    
March 2014
March 5 Press release launched by Europeana & funding Chapters    
March 26 Blog post on Wikimedia Foundation and Europeana's blog    

Post-launch Timeline

Due time Task Importance Status
April 2014
April 1 Draf a contact calendar to partner organisations or institutions From Europeana Network    
April 15 Start processing already existing pictures on Wikimedia Commons    
April 25 Prepare a survey to early uploaders (if possible on their language, otherwise English)   
April 31 Send final proposal for GAC 2014 for 2nd phase of GWToolset    
May 15 Uploading UGC Calendar from E1914-E1918 to Wikimedia Commons