Commons:History of Sundaland Museum

The first museum with a story line narrated about Sundanese History, Culture and Civilization with the concept of Edu-Art-Tainment, provides educational education for our young generation about past history and presents it with an exhibition of a collection of artifacts, which are combined and packaged with audio visuals. , supporting ornaments using sensory in our five senses (.the Five Senses) which are applied in 19. this thematic diorama zone makes the History of Sundaland Museum the only museum in West Java that is wrapped with contemporary IT technology.

Starting from the history of the formation of the Land of Java 2.5 million years ago, the history of the land of Sunda, the discovery of the Buni people, the Bedouin tribe, the mystery of Mount Padang, the entry of the influence of Islam in Gujarat and the Kingdom of Champa to the entry of the symbols of Islamic influence by Syech Datuk. Kafi, Syech Quro, Haji Purwa and the arrival of Admiral Chengho, gave the color and growth of Islam on the coast of West Java, until the formation of the Cirebon Sultanate, Kanoman Palace, Banten Sultanate. The struggles and battles of Sunda Kelapa, the VOC Trade Agreement, Batavia to the Rengasdengklok Agreement and preparations for Indonesian Independence contributed to complete the historical narrative in this Museum.

The 19 zones in the History of Java museum are equipped with dozens of interesting instagramable selfie spots, 2 times watching animated cinemas and 3D films, all museum narrative information using the Augmented Reality application, QR (which can be downloaded first via Google Play Store) and Video Maping. interesting thing, it is very suitable as one of the recreational educational vehicles for today's millennial families. Where the location is integrated with the Carnival Theme Park, Galuh Mas-Karawang. In addition, the Sunda History Museum is competent as a research center, as a public space that provides resources for shared learning, such as study tours, corporate tours and visits to religious tourism symbols, so that it also has an impact on fostering a sense of pride and love for Sundanese history and culture. , as well as increasing his piety and faith in Islam. The Sunda History Museum provides Student Worksheets (according to the school curriculum level). and a very interesting Virtual Tour equipped with modern IT sophistication, with a hybrid learning pattern (online and offline).


Collections of History of Sundaland Museum can be accessed at Category:History of Sundaland Museum.