Commons:Model license

Model license

consent from models in photos and video



This page presents model license documents which a photographer or videographer can present to their models to seek their agreement for depiction in a photo or video.

Frequently asked questions


Is this information a Wikimedia Commons guideline?


No. See Commons:Policies and guidelines for all the guidelines. Existing Wikimedia Commons guidelines which are similar to this information include

What is a model license?


A model license is a text agreement that a person depicted in media, such as a photo or video, has consented to appear in that media.

Other terms and phrases for model license are model release, model consent, or agreement to be the subject of a photo or video.

Who uses model licenses?


In professional photography and videography model licenses are common.

When does Wikimedia Commons require model licenses?


Wikimedia Commons does not have any clear policy on a requirement for model licenses. The Wikimedia Commons community sometimes deletes files for lack of a model license. At the same time, the Wikimedia Commons has no rule that a model license is ever required.

Can users apply model licenses to media files in Wikimedia Commons?


Yes, many files in Wikimedia Commons have model licenses applied to them.