Commons:National Archives and Records Administration/Categorize/US National Archives series: War Production Board, compiled 1942 - 1943

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Category:US National Archives series: War Production Board, compiled 1942 - 1943
No. File Categorized?
1 Two More P ^amp, W Men Honored For Individual Production Merit - NARA - 533859.tif ✓ Done
2 Cited For Gallantry in Action^ - NARA - 533860.tif ✓ Done
3 Attendance Flag Presentation to Dept. 2 Jan. 5, 1943 - NARA - 533861.tif ✓ Done
4 Production Plus-Its Up to Us^ - NARA - 533862.tif ✓ Done
5 '"V " Depends on Me^ - NARA - 533863.tif ✓ Done
6 WPB Honors 11 More Packard War Workers^ - NARA - 533864.tif ✓ Done
7 Give Books For Soldiers - NARA - 533865.tif ✓ Done
8 Merry Christmas to All And to All a Good Fight - NARA - 533866.tif ✓ Done
9 No Factory Will Run On Memorial Day - NARA - 533867.tif ✓ Done
10 Yes Sir, George Washington - NARA - 533868.tif ✓ Done
11 Long May It Wave - NARA - 533869.tif ✓ Done
12 Santa Clause Has Gone To War - NARA - 533870.tif ✓ Done
13 By Direct Wire From Western Union - NARA - 533871.tif ✓ Done
14 Independence Day July 4th "Victory" - NARA - 533872.tif ✓ Done
15 Our Pledge Labor Day Sept. 7, 1942 To Get There First With The Most and The Best In War Material - NARA - 533873.tif ✓ Done
16 Season's Greetings - NARA - 533874.tif ✓ Done
17 Western Union A Labor Day Telegram To All Goodyearites - NARA - 533875.tif ✓ Done
18 Drive Headquarters - NARA - 533876.tif ✓ Done
19 Were Glad You've Moved but Let us know Your New Address - NARA - 533877.tif ✓ Done
20 The V Marks the Spots - NARA - 533878.tif ✓ Done
21 Keep Vital Wires and Cable Moving - NARA - 533879.tif ✓ Done
22 The Washington Post Layout Sheet - NARA - 533880.tif ✓ Done
23 Stop Waste Go Production - NARA - 533881.tif ✓ Done
24 Save America's Vital Essentials - NARA - 533882.tif ✓ Done
25 Help Eliminate Waste in Our Plant - NARA - 533883.tif ✓ Done
26 Materials are Precious Let's Make Every Piece Count - NARA - 533884.tif ✓ Done
27 Hold Up That Air Pressure - NARA - 533885.tif ✓ Done
28 They Need Your Old Radio And Parts - NARA - 533886.tif ✓ Done
29 Tokio Kid Say Driving Like Sap Helping For Jap - NARA - 533887.tif ✓ Done
30 Effort For Victory - NARA - 533888.tif ✓ Done
31 Don't Break Waste - NARA - 533889.tif ✓ Done
32 Aim Your Holes at the War Ore-Not at the Walls. Our Fighting Men Can't Shoot Waste at the Axis - NARA - 533890.tif ✓ Done
33 Save Hoses - NARA - 533891.tif ✓ Done
34 Factory Whistles are Bugles, Too - NARA - 533892.tif ✓ Done
35 Save Material Eliminate Waste - NARA - 533893.tif ✓ Done
36 These Vital Materials Have Gone to War - NARA - 533894.tif ✓ Done
37 Oxygen is Vital...Don't Waste It - NARA - 533895.tif ✓ Done
38 Enlist Now - NARA - 533896.tif ✓ Done
39 We'll Have To Get Along With Less So That They Can Have More - NARA - 533897.tif ✓ Done
40 You Maintenance Men Can Be A Big Help - NARA - 533898.tif ✓ Done
41 Be A Waste Warden - NARA - 533899.tif ✓ Done
42 Save Material - NARA - 533900.tif ✓ Done
43 You've Got A Job To Do Too, Young Man - NARA - 533901.tif ✓ Done
44 The Supply is Limited - NARA - 533902.tif ✓ Done
45 Conserve Equipment - NARA - 533903.tif ✓ Done
46 Conserve^ Salvage^ - NARA - 533904.tif ✓ Done
47 Lubrication Means Conservation - NARA - 533905.tif ✓ Done
48 Hurry^ - NARA - 533906.tif ✓ Done
49 America Is Short Of Steel - NARA - 533907.tif ✓ Done
50 Save A Tap. Slap A Jap^ - NARA - 533908.tif ✓ Done
51 Swap Rides To Work - NARA - 533909.tif ✓ Done
52 Oxygen, Acetylene, Calcium Carbide - NARA - 533910.tif ✓ Done
53 Meat is Rationed So is Chewing the Fat Less. Gab More Guns - NARA - 533911.tif ✓ Done
54 Make Them A Grease Spot From the Grease Pot - NARA - 533912.tif ✓ Done
55 Poster Advertising a Patent Attorney - NARA - 533913.tif ✓ Done
56 Eat Less Meat - NARA - 533914.tif ✓ Done
57 Enjoy It Don't Waste It^ - NARA - 533915.tif ✓ Done
58 You Don't Get Hash Marks By Wasting Chow^ - NARA - 533916.tif ✓ Done
59 Nobody Likes to See Good Food Go To Waste^ - NARA - 533917.tif ✓ Done
60 Don't Push Boys^ There's Plenty of Food If Some Dope Doesn't Waste It - NARA - 533918.tif ✓ Done
61 "Scuttlebutt Sam Says" - Who's Wasting Good Food Around Here^ - NARA - 533919.tif ✓ Done
62 "Scuttlebutt Sam" Says. Don't Let Them Hang it on You^ It Means Food Waster First Class. Don't Waste Food^ - NARA - 533920.tif ✓ Done
63 "Scuttlebutt Sam" Says. Won't Be Any Crumbs Pal-This is the Best Chow in the Navy - NARA - 533921.tif ✓ Done
64 "Scuttlebutt Sam" Says. They Do Not Serve Who Merely Sit and Waste^ - NARA - 533922.tif ✓ Done
65 The Meat Shortage Threatens at Hercules - NARA - 533923.tif ✓ Done
66 Detour^ - NARA - 533924.tif ✓ Done
67 Cause and Effect - NARA - 533925.tif ✓ Done
68 Stop The Jack Rabbit Start^ - NARA - 533926.tif ✓ Done
69 Don't Waste Gasoline, Rubber, Money. Share Your Car^ - NARA - 533927.tif ✓ Done
70 Flip Up That Backseat Share The Ride^ - NARA - 533928.tif ✓ Done
71 X Marks The Spots that Can Get You the Gas and Tires You Need - NARA - 533929.tif ✓ Done
72 Every Mile You Drive Over - Axis Smiles^ 35mph - NARA - 533930.tif ✓ Done
73 Well What Do You Expect for Twenty-Five Cents-Gasoline^ - NARA - 533931.tif ✓ Done
74 Tighten Up^ - NARA - 533932.tif ✓ Done
75 Save Gas and Rubber - NARA - 533933.tif ✓ Done
76 Our Goal 4 Riders in Every Car - NARA - 533935.tif ✓ Done
77 Swap Rides-Take Care of Your Tires - NARA - 533936.tif ✓ Done
78 Save a Soldier's Life - NARA - 533937.tif ✓ Done
79 Make Every Tire Carry A Passenger - NARA - 533938.tif ✓ Done
80 Wastin' That "Solid Rubber" Ain't in the Groove - NARA - 533939.tif ✓ Done
81 A Bus - NARA - 533940.tif ✓ Done
82 Don't Speed 'Round Curves - NARA - 533941.tif ✓ Done
83 You Should Not Roll Except on the Road To Victory - NARA - 533942.tif ✓ Done
84 Save Rubber - NARA - 533943.tif ✓ Done
85 Save Rubber and Gasoline - NARA - 533944.tif ✓ Done
86 Shoot For Par on Every Drive-Four to A Car and Even Five^ - NARA - 533945.tif ✓ Done
87 We Reached Our 10 Percent War Bond Goal - NARA - 533946.tif ✓ Done
88 Joe Bottleneck Hitler's Little Helper - NARA - 533947.tif ✓ Done
89 Be Wise-Pick Up The Scrap - NARA - 533948.tif ✓ Done
90 The Japanazi Metal in This Plant Prevented the Building of This Machine Gun - NARA - 533949.tif ✓ Done
91 National Scrap Shortage - NARA - 533950.tif ✓ Done
92 100 Pieces to Make. 76 Pieces Finished - NARA - 533951.tif ✓ Done
93 Scrap Reduction Increases Production - NARA - 533952.tif ✓ Done
94 Scrap^ These Boys Need It^ - NARA - 533953.tif ✓ Done
95 Get in The Scrap^ Put it Here - NARA - 533954.tif ✓ Done
96 Scrap Makes Guns, Tanks, Ships. Put it Here - NARA - 533955.tif ✓ Done
97 Sink Axis Subs With Scrap - NARA - 533956.tif ✓ Done
98 Tokio Kid Say - NARA - 533957.tif ✓ Done
99 Attention Please Are You Helping^ - NARA - 533958.tif ✓ Done
100 This is Your Scrap Make It Count - NARA - 533959.tif ✓ Done
101 Conserve Material - NARA - 533960.tif ✓ Done
102 Don't Forget to Bring Your Scrap To Our Plant's Scrap Pile Now^ - NARA - 533961.tif ✓ Done
103 Scrap - NARA - 533962.tif ✓ Done
104 Don't Play Hide and Seek With Scrap. Turn it Over to Your Inspector at Once - NARA - 533963.tif ✓ Done
105 Search Your Garages, Attics, and Basements. Then Put the Scrap in the Back of Your Car. Bring it to Work and We'll Do... - NARA - 533964.tif ✓ Done
106 Scrap Can Win. Bring it in^ - NARA - 533965.tif ✓ Done
107 Junk For the Punks^ - NARA - 533966.tif ✓ Done
108 Meet Private Scrap - NARA - 533967.tif ✓ Done
109 And Pass the Ammunition - NARA - 533968.tif ✓ Done
110 The Missing Plane, Scrap is to Blame - NARA - 533969.tif ✓ Done
111 Their Victory, Their Lives Depend on Metal - NARA - 533970.tif ✓ Done
112 Clean House In Your Tool Box - NARA - 533971.tif ✓ Done
113 Are You One Of These Heroes^ - NARA - 533972.tif ✓ Done
114 Cut Down Scrap and Beat the Jap - NARA - 533973.tif ✓ Done
115 Results of Our Scrap Clean Up - NARA - 533974.tif ✓ Done
116 Uncle Sam Needs Your Scrap - NARA - 533975.tif ✓ Done
117 You Can't Pop a Jap with Scrap - NARA - 533976.tif ✓ Done
118 Scrap^ Will Help Win. Don't Mix it - NARA - 533977.tif ✓ Done
119 Please Mr - NARA - 533978.tif ✓ Done
120 Had to Make the Old Parts Do-But Best of Luck^ - NARA - 533979.tif ✓ Done
121 Get in the Scrap to Lick the Axis - NARA - 533980.tif ✓ Done
122 But Scrap Has Value. Put it in the Right Can - NARA - 533981.tif ✓ Done
123 Memories of a Fifty Caliber Machine Gun Bullet - NARA - 533982.tif ✓ Done
124 Scrap^ Will Help Win. Don't Mix it - NARA - 533983.tif ✓ Done
125 Any Scrap Neighbor - NARA - 533984.tif ✓ Done
126 Cold Hard Facts - NARA - 533985.tif ✓ Done
127 Your Working For a Lot More Than Just a Paycheck - NARA - 533986.tif ✓ Done
128 I Wouldn't Stand a Chance if It Wasn't For You - NARA - 533987.tif ✓ Done
129 "I Still Think Were Invincible" - NARA - 533988.tif ✓ Done
130 Our Fight to Win is Right Here. Work to Win - NARA - 533989.tif ✓ Done
131 Don't Transfer Now^ Stick To Your Job - NARA - 533990.tif ✓ Done
132 Ain't it the Truth^ - NARA - 533991.tif ✓ Done
133 They're Fighting Are You Working^ - NARA - 533992.tif ✓ Done
134 The Grind That'll Win - NARA - 533993.tif ✓ Done
135 Help Urgently Needed - NARA - 533994.tif ✓ Done
136 Step On 'Em. Work To Win - NARA - 533995.tif ✓ Done
137 Are You in This War^ Yes You - NARA - 533996.tif ✓ Done
138 Your Job is Your Gun. Give the Enemy Hell^ - NARA - 533997.tif ✓ Done
139 We're All In The Army Now. Let's All Work to Win^ - NARA - 533998.tif ✓ Done
140 Twice A Patriot - NARA - 533999.tif ✓ Done
141 Here's A Man Worth Working For^ - NARA - 534000.tif ✓ Done
142 We Have One Big Fight. Let's Work Shoulder to Shoulder - NARA - 534001.tif ✓ Done
143 Don't Cash In Your War Bonds - NARA - 534002.tif ✓ Done
144 Project 3501 is Ready for War - NARA - 534003.tif ✓ Done
145 "These Wires Carry Fighting Words Mister" - NARA - 534004.tif ✓ Done
146 War Production Drive - NARA - 534005.tif ✓ Done
147 2nd War Loan. Invest at Least 10 Percent in War Bonds^ - NARA - 534006.tif ✓ Done
148 So Your Job Is Unimportant - NARA - 534007.tif ✓ Done
149 Don't Let This Fellow Down^ Buy War Bonds - NARA - 534008.tif ✓ Done
150 Effort For Victory. War Bonds - NARA - 534009.tif ✓ Done
151 Hey^ The Dogs Are Ready^ Are You Helping with the Bond Fire^ - NARA - 534010.tif ✓ Done
152 Hit the Bull's Eye with War Bonds - NARA - 534011.tif ✓ Done
153 Keep this Bonded - NARA - 534012.tif ✓ Done
154 Don't Keep Spare Change in Pocketbooks. Put Every Spare Cent in Defense Stamps - NARA - 534013.tif ✓ Done
155 Every Month TVA Employees Buy Two Flying Fortresses with their Pay-roll Bond Purchases^ - NARA - 534014.tif ✓ Done
156 What Can I Do^ - NARA - 534015.tif ✓ Done
157 War Bonds Will Keep Him Punching - NARA - 534016.tif ✓ Done
158 Above All Keep 'Em Flying - NARA - 534017.tif ✓ Done
159 As The Battle Goes On - NARA - 534018.tif ✓ Done
160 The 100 Percent Victory Road - NARA - 534019.tif ✓ Done
161 Steel Answers Pearl Harbor - NARA - 534020.tif ✓ Done
162 Dig Deep. Bury The Axis With War Bonds - NARA - 534021.tif ✓ Done
163 It Takes Taxes and Bonds - NARA - 534022.tif ✓ Done
164 Buy War Bonds Regularly - NARA - 534023.tif ✓ Done
165 Say^ What th' Heck Let's Buy the Stacks and Break the Neck of these Dirty Quacks - NARA - 534024.tif ✓ Done
166 The Jig is Up If You Keep Buying War Bonds - NARA - 534025.tif ✓ Done
167 Bond-Bard the Axis - NARA - 534026.tif ✓ Done
168 Japs Execute Doolittle Men. We'll Pay You Back Tojo If it Takes Our Last Dime. Buy More War Bonds. - NARA - 534027.tif ✓ Done
169 Power To Make the Victory Grade - NARA - 534028.tif ✓ Done
170 Hartford Hospital Building Fund Drive - NARA - 534029.tif ✓ Done
171 For Distinguished Service - NARA - 534030.tif ✓ Done
172 Bond-Bard the Axis - NARA - 534031.tif ✓ Done
173 Bond-Bard the Axis - NARA - 534032.tif ✓ Done
174 Keep 'Em Running with Extra War Bonds - NARA - 534033.tif ✓ Done
175 Somewhere in England - NARA - 534034.tif ✓ Done
176 Take Your Choice - NARA - 534035.tif ✓ Done
177 A Fable... Bill Jones Has a Bad Nightmare - NARA - 534036.tif ✓ Done
178 Bond-Bard the Axis - NARA - 534037.tif ✓ Done
179 Give Once For All Three Community War Fund - NARA - 534038.tif ✓ Done
180 Western Union - NARA - 534039.tif ✓ Done
181 Community War Fund. 3 Jobs in One - NARA - 534040.tif ✓ Done
182 Bond-Bard the Axis - NARA - 534041.tif ✓ Done
183 Bond-Bard the Axis - NARA - 534042.tif ✓ Done
184 We'll "Go Across". You "Come Across" For Extra Bonds - NARA - 534043.tif ✓ Done
185 If the Absentee Bugs Bite You...Tell Us. Your Labor Management Committee. - NARA - 534044.tif ✓ Done
186 How - NARA - 534045.tif ✓ Done
187 Jimmie Says, "Tell Pop to Keep on Buying those War Bonds...As Many as He Can...The More Equipment the Sooner We'll be... - NARA - 534046.tif ✓ Done
188 U.S. Bonds. Axis Bonds. Take Your Choice - NARA - 534047.tif ✓ Done
189 And I'll take th' Change in Stamps - NARA - 534048.tif ✓ Done
190 Dig Down Deep For Victory 1942 - NARA - 534049.tif ✓ Done
191 Every Le N'er Has A Date In Berlin - NARA - 534050.tif ✓ Done
192 We Dood It^ - NARA - 534051.tif ✓ Done
193 Every 4 Months 10 Percent Of L ^amp, N's Payroll Equals - NARA - 534052.tif ✓ Done
194 Everybody. Every Pay Day. 10 Percent - NARA - 534053.tif ✓ Done
195 Bond-Bard the Axis War Bonds - NARA - 534054.tif ✓ Done
196 Bond Bard the Axis - NARA - 534055.tif ✓ Done
197 Don't Be a Temporary 10 Percent Giver. United States Defense Bonds-Stamps - NARA - 534056.tif ✓ Done
198 Blueprint of Victory - NARA - 534057.tif ✓ Done
199 Buy Bonds and Win the War. Cashing in Bonds is Aiding the Axis - NARA - 534058.tif ✓ Done
200 50 cents - NARA - 534059.tif ✓ Done
201 Join Now^ Make 'Em Say "Uncle" for Uncle Sam - NARA - 534060.tif ✓ Done
202 Soon a Special U.S. Tresury Dept. Flag will Fly over our company, symbolizing loyalty in the War Bond Drive... - NARA - 534061.tif ✓ Done
203 Buy War Bonds Regularly - NARA - 534062.tif ✓ Done
204 Bonds to Bomb Tokyo. 10 Percent will Help to do it - NARA - 534063.tif ✓ Done
205 Don't Scrap Your War Bonds^ - NARA - 534064.tif ✓ Done
206 Buy War Savings Bonds. Beat the Promise - NARA - 534065.tif ✓ Done
207 Treasury Dept. War Savings Staff - NARA - 534066.tif ✓ Done
208 War Wires - NARA - 534067.tif ✓ Done
209 Weather is a Weapon - NARA - 534068.tif ✓ Done
210 Bonds or Bondage. Everybody Every Pay day. 10 Percent - NARA - 534069.tif ✓ Done
211 Let's Show Them. Invest 10 Percent of your Pay to keep this away^ Buy War Bonds - NARA - 534070.tif ✓ Done
212 Get Aboard The Bond Wagon. Join NCR's 10 Percent or More Club - NARA - 534071.tif ✓ Done
213 Our Fighting Dollars Are Needed to Win - NARA - 534072.tif ✓ Done
214 I Gave a Man^ - NARA - 534073.tif ✓ Done
215 Department War Bond Score. Force the Red to the Top - NARA - 534074.tif ✓ Done
216 We've Won This Flag. Keep it Flying - NARA - 534075.tif ✓ Done
217 Let's Show Them. Buy War Bonds Today^ - NARA - 534076.tif ✓ Done
218 Gentlemen Prefer Bonds - NARA - 534077.tif ✓ Done
219 Thanks For Buyin' Them Bonds - NARA - 534078.tif ✓ Done
220 "Give Us More Of These" Get Your 10 Percent of U.S. War Bonds-Stamps - NARA - 534079.tif ✓ Done
221 If there is a Delay in the Delivery of your Savings Bond-Be patient^ The Federal Reserve Banks are Swamped with Work - NARA - 534080.tif ✓ Done
222 MacArthur's Men are Dying for You^ - NARA - 534081.tif ✓ Done
223 More Bonds Means More Bombs For Tokyo - NARA - 534082.tif ✓ Done
224 You're Behind the Gun When You Work at York and Invest 10 Percent of Your Pay in War Bonds - NARA - 534083.tif ✓ Done
225 Take it From Me or I'll Take it From You - NARA - 534084.tif ✓ Done
226 Star of Glory - NARA - 534085.tif ✓ Done
227 Keep on Buying to Keep 'Em Flying - NARA - 534086.tif ✓ Done
228 Keep Your Eyes on the Target. Mistakes Help the Axis Victory - NARA - 534087.tif ✓ Done
229 Want to Hit Hitler and the Jackpot too^ - NARA - 534088.tif ✓ Done
230 Her Boys are Serving US. For Her Sake Let's do Our Part. Buy A Bond For Mother's Day May 10, 1942 - NARA - 534089.tif ✓ Done
231 Our Home Front is the Production Front - NARA - 534090.tif ✓ Done
232 What is the United War Fund^ All were Asked to Do is Give 12 hours Pay. Give This Pay day. - NARA - 534091.tif ✓ Done
233 Bonds or Bondage^ - NARA - 534092.tif ✓ Done
234 Invest Part of Your Pay in Defense Savings Bonds - NARA - 534093.tif ✓ Done
235 Don't Go Broke. After the War Buy More War Bonds - NARA - 534094.tif ✓ Done
236 Let's Keep Ours Flying... Keep on Buying-War Bonds - NARA - 534095.tif ✓ Done
237 Wear Goggles Buy Bonds^ - NARA - 534096.tif ✓ Done
238 Keep These Hands Off^ Keep Buying Bonds - NARA - 534097.tif ✓ Done
239 Keep Old Glory Forever Free, Buy More Bonds For Victory - NARA - 534098.tif ✓ Done
240 We Can't All Fight. But We All Can Help Buy War Bonds^ - NARA - 534099.tif ✓ Done
241 We Work Each Day To Make The Dough. To Buy the Bonds To Lick the Foe^ - NARA - 534100.tif ✓ Done
242 Wipe Him Out Keep Buying Bonds - NARA - 534101.tif ✓ Done
243 Bonds of Loyalty Brings Smiles of Satisfaction - NARA - 534102.tif ✓ Done
244 "I Can Always Depend On Hercules for that Extra Push" Let's Buy an Extra War Bond^ - NARA - 534103.tif ✓ Done
245 This York Welder is Working for Uncle Sam...And So Are You - NARA - 534104.tif ✓ Done
246 Keep this Horror From Your Home. Invest 10 Percent in War Bonds Back Up our Battleskies^ - NARA - 534105.tif ✓ Done
247 Don't Let Him Down^ Buy War Bonds - NARA - 534106.tif ✓ Done
248 Be a Regular Fellow^ - NARA - 534107.tif ✓ Done
249 Steel Answers Pearl Harbor - NARA - 534108.tif ✓ Done
250 He's In there Pitching For Us^ - NARA - 534109.tif ✓ Done
251 No Bull. Sure You Can Help^ - NARA - 534110.tif ✓ Done
252 Don't Let Him Down. Buy War Bonds and Stamps - NARA - 534111.tif ✓ Done
253 Don't Let Him Down^ Buy War Bonds and Stamps - NARA - 534112.tif ✓ Done
254 Your Bakery Job is Important^ Over 25 Percent of Everyone's Daily Energy Comes From Baked Goods - NARA - 534113.tif ✓ Done
255 Your Bakery Job is Important^ Over 25 Percent of Everyone's Daily Energy Comes From Baked Goods - NARA - 534114.tif ✓ Done
256 Your Job is Important^ - NARA - 534115.tif ✓ Done
257 Victory Garden Plots Free For Employees - NARA - 534116.tif ✓ Done
258 The Standard Register Company - NARA - 534117.tif ✓ Done
259 A Little Cultivation Now^ Means a Big Harvest Later On^ - NARA - 534118.tif ✓ Done
260 Axis Line Pounded by Martins - NARA - 534119.tif ✓ Done
261 New Guinea Natives Carry U.S. Wounded - NARA - 534120.tif ✓ Done
262 Midway to Hell - NARA - 534121.tif ✓ Done
263 U.S. Troops Swarm Ashore in North Africa. Old Glory Leads March on Algerian Airfield - NARA - 534122.tif ✓ Done
264 We're Giving 'Em 187 Kinds of Hell - NARA - 534123.tif ✓ Done
265 He Asked For it-Let's Give it to 'Im^ - NARA - 534124.tif ✓ Done
266 Foreign Campaign Prove American Weapons are Tops^ Keep 'Em Blasting^ - NARA - 534125.tif ✓ Done
267 We French Workers Warn You...Defeat Means Slavery, Starvation, Death - NARA - 534126.tif ✓ Done
268 The Fighting Filipinos - NARA - 534127.tif ✓ Done
269 Colds Cause Absence and Lost Production - NARA - 534128.tif ✓ Done
270 Vision is Vital To Victory - NARA - 534129.tif ✓ Done
271 Red Blood Needed For Red Blooded Americans - NARA - 534130.tif ✓ Done
272 Straining Eyes - NARA - 534131.tif ✓ Done
273 Vision For Victory See-Power Will Win - NARA - 534132.tif ✓ Done
274 Colds Hold Up The Works. To Stay Fit and Keep the War Effort Rolling - NARA - 534133.tif ✓ Done
275 Sure It Makes You Mad^ The Red Cross Alone Can Give Immediate Assistance. Lend Your Support - NARA - 534134.tif ✓ Done
276 Get First Aid At Once^ Big Aches From Little Injuries Grow - NARA - 534135.tif ✓ Done
277 Six Easy Ways To Catch A Cold - NARA - 534136.tif ✓ Done
278 Keep Fit - NARA - 534137.tif ✓ Done
279 Keep Well to Win - NARA - 534138.tif ✓ Done
280 Don't Let Sickness Sabotage Your Work - NARA - 534139.tif ✓ Done
281 The Work, The Brains and Ingenuity of Every M.H.R. Employee is Helping to Win this War - NARA - 534140.tif ✓ Done
282 For National Defense Carry On-Don't Be Carried Out - NARA - 534141.tif ✓ Done
283 What Would You Do^ - NARA - 534142.tif ✓ Done
284 We Said, "We Can't All Fly it But Together We'll Buy It" And So We-Did^ - NARA - 534143.tif ✓ Done
285 Where, When, Who, What, Why, How^ - NARA - 534144.tif ✓ Done
286 Is There An Idea Under Your Hat^ - NARA - 534145.tif ✓ Done
287 The Idea Round Table. Put Yours In the Suggestion Box - NARA - 534146.tif ✓ Done
288 Keep 'Em Coming - NARA - 534147.tif ✓ Done
289 Bonds For Brainstorms - NARA - 534148.tif ✓ Done
290 1000 Pennies for Your Thoughts - NARA - 534149.tif ✓ Done
291 Break the Bottlenecks with Ideas. Use the Suggestion Box - NARA - 534150.tif ✓ Done
292 Gee Ain't I Smart^ I'll Bet Some of You Other Guys ain't so 'Dum' Also - NARA - 534151.tif ✓ Done
293 Psst^ Don't Look Now. But My Name is On the Suggestion Bulletin For Having the Best Idea Last Month. Why don't You Try^ - NARA - 534152.tif ✓ Done
294 Donald Nelson Calls For..."All Out" Production. A Good "Idea" Can Help Speed Victory - NARA - 534153.tif ✓ Done
295 Don't Get Discouraged - NARA - 534154.tif ✓ Done
296 An Idea May Mean Wealth In Your Wallet^ - NARA - 534155.tif ✓ Done
297 Fifth Year Smashin Thru to 1943. Year of Suggestions and Victory^ - NARA - 534156.tif ✓ Done
298 Perfect Shipping is Patriotic - NARA - 534157.tif ✓ Done
299 Perfect Shipping - NARA - 534158.tif ✓ Done
300 Let's Make It A "Strike"...There's No Time To "Spare" - NARA - 534159.tif ✓ Done
301 Choose Your Bonds - NARA - 534160.tif ✓ Done
302 Your Patriotism Can be Best Demonstrated by Sending Us Your Suggestions For Improving Our Operating Methods^ - NARA - 534161.tif ✓ Done
303 A Message From the Front To You Ideas Will Help^ Send Yours Now - NARA - 534162.tif ✓ Done
304 Turn in Your Scrap. Let's Make Terror Reign On the Axis - NARA - 534163.tif ✓ Done
305 Pulling Together - NARA - 534164.tif ✓ Done
306 What Do You Suggest During Current War Conditions - NARA - 534165.tif ✓ Done
307 An Idea At Work - NARA - 534166.tif ✓ Done
308 Your Ideas Are Welcomed - NARA - 534167.tif ✓ Done
309 The Reasons For Suggestions - NARA - 534168.tif ✓ Done
310 Suggestion Contest - NARA - 534169.tif ✓ Done
311 Winners. Month of July - NARA - 534170.tif ✓ Done
312 Production For Victory. Ford Instrument Co. Grand Prize. Win A Pin - NARA - 534171.tif ✓ Done
313 Joe and His Smile - NARA - 534172.tif ✓ Done
314 National Defense. A Call to Suggesters - NARA - 534173.tif ✓ Done
315 Production Drive Committee. International Harvester Company - NARA - 534174.tif ✓ Done
316 Your Ideas Will Make a Monkey Out Of Hitler - NARA - 534175.tif ✓ Done
317 Suggestion Contest. Win War Bonds $325.00 Monthly - NARA - 534176.tif ✓ Done
318 Have You Any Ideas^^^ - NARA - 534177.tif ✓ Done
319 The Power of Thought - NARA - 534178.tif ✓ Done
320 Your Mind Is Your Best Tool-Use it to Work Out New Ideas^ - NARA - 534179.tif ✓ Done
321 Jot it Down^ - NARA - 534180.tif ✓ Done
322 Suggest Ways To Save - NARA - 534181.tif ✓ Done
323 Your Suggestions Have an A-1-A Priority^ - NARA - 534182.tif ✓ Done
324 Let Us Put Your Ideas For Posters into Print - NARA - 534183.tif ✓ Done
325 Effort For Victory Suggestions - NARA - 534184.tif ✓ Done
326 Japanese Justice - NARA - 534185.tif ✓ Done
327 Some Recent Suggestion Awards - NARA - 534186.tif ✓ Done
328 Hats Off to the Winners of These Awards - NARA - 534187.tif ✓ Done
329 Suggestions. 1941 a Record Year - NARA - 534188.tif ✓ Done
330 Hungry Men Can't Fight - NARA - 534189.tif ✓ Done
331 Let's Keep 'Em Rolling^ Your Suggestions Will Help - NARA - 534190.tif ✓ Done
332 It's Payday For Imagineers - NARA - 534191.tif ✓ Done
333 Let's Stamp Out the Rattler - NARA - 534192.tif ✓ Done
334 What's On Your Mind^ This or This. Think What Are You Doing To Win^ - NARA - 534193.tif ✓ Done
335 Whitfield Chapman - NARA - 534194.tif ✓ Done
336 Winners July-August Slogan Contest - NARA - 534195.tif ✓ Done
337 Blueprint of Victory. Have You Any Suggestion - NARA - 534196.tif ✓ Done
338 Ideas For Uncle Sam - NARA - 534197.tif ✓ Done
339 Imagination in the Office. Imagineering in the Shop - NARA - 534198.tif ✓ Done
340 They Need Your Help to Keep 'Em Firing - NARA - 534199.tif ✓ Done
341 Be Good It Pays - NARA - 534200.tif ✓ Done
342 Bristol's Slogan Contest - NARA - 534201.tif ✓ Done
343 Winners Production Drive Drawing For December - NARA - 534202.tif ✓ Done
344 Speed Up Your Slogans^ Only A Few Days Left to Enter the Contest - NARA - 534203.tif ✓ Done
345 Prize Winning Slogans - NARA - 534204.tif ✓ Done
346 You Are Vital - NARA - 534205.tif ✓ Done
347 Grief Burying - NARA - 534206.tif ✓ Done
348 "Full Speed Ahead For Victory" What You Are Making Will Do It^ - NARA - 534207.tif ✓ Done
349 Man of the Hour. The Imagineer. He is Doing Things - NARA - 534208.tif ✓ Done
350 Your Ideas and Help are Necessary...To Push Emerson Production "Over the Top" - NARA - 534209.tif ✓ Done
351 Boston's Tragic Fire - NARA - 534210.tif ✓ Done
352 She'll Sail to Victory with the Valves You Make - NARA - 534211.tif ✓ Done
353 "I've Worked Out A Way to Save Ten Minutues Everytime...By Setting Up the Forms This Way" Say You Really Hit A Lick... - NARA - 534212.tif ✓ Done
354 Ideas Will Help. Beat The Promise. Let's Have Yours^ - NARA - 534213.tif ✓ Done
355 Verboten, Oh Yeah - NARA - 534214.tif ✓ Done
356 You Can Help - NARA - 534215.tif ✓ Done
357 "Pledge to Victory" Cash Awards for Suggestions to Assure Safety, Maintain Quality, Increase Production - NARA - 534216.tif ✓ Done
358 Do You Want to Lose the War^ - NARA - 534217.tif ✓ Done
359 Thanks Buddy for the Valves You're Making^ - NARA - 534218.tif ✓ Done
360 Write Our Fighting Slogan For this War - NARA - 534219.tif ✓ Done
361 Ideas are the Basis of Progress. Every Improvement in This World was the Result of Someone's Idea - NARA - 534220.tif ✓ Done
362 You Are Helping Win the War with Your Hands. Help Also with Your Brains - NARA - 534221.tif ✓ Done
363 Suggestion Awards - NARA - 534222.tif ✓ Done
364 U.S. War Bonds and War Stamps For New Ideas - NARA - 534223.tif ✓ Done
365 Suggestion Awards Increased Again^ - NARA - 534224.tif ✓ Done
366 Special 3-months NCR Suggestion Contest - NARA - 534225.tif ✓ Done
367 Goodyearites TURN IN YOUR SUGGESTIONS TO STOP bottlenecks, breakdowns, defectives - NARA - 534226.tif ✓ Done
368 Thanks...For a Swell Slogan^ - NARA - 534227.tif ✓ Done
369 You Can Help Win this War with Ideas - NARA - 534228.tif ✓ Done
370 See the Mighty Double Wasps in Production - NARA - 534229.tif ✓ Done
371 See the Mighty Corsairs in Production - NARA - 534230.tif ✓ Done
372 -Make that Suggestion Today- - NARA - 534231.tif ✓ Done
373 Win $325.00 Monthly For Your Ideas War Bonds - NARA - 534232.tif ✓ Done
374 All Out For Victory Victory in 1943 - NARA - 534233.tif ✓ Done
375 Let's Get Straight on this Production Drive - NARA - 534234.tif ✓ Done
376 Suggestion Award Procedure - NARA - 534235.tif ✓ Done
377 Time Saved On Your Job. Saves Lives On His^ - NARA - 534236.tif ✓ Done
378 Brains Make Bullets^ Let's Make it Better. Our Fighters Need the BEST of Our Work^ - NARA - 534237.tif ✓ Done
379 Join the Parade Of Winners - NARA - 534238.tif ✓ Done
380 Warner ^amp, Swasey Workers who Have Aided with Ideas of Victory - NARA - 534239.tif ✓ Done
381 Can We Do it Better or Faster...We Want Your Ideas - NARA - 534240.tif ✓ Done
382 Drop Your Ideas in the Suggestion Box - NARA - 534241.tif ✓ Done
383 To Be a 100 Percent Production Soldier You Must Submit an Accepted Suggestion - NARA - 534242.tif ✓ Done
384 His Suggestion Made Him a Production Hero - NARA - 534243.tif ✓ Done
385 Uncle Sam Wants Your Ideas^ Keep 'Em Firing - NARA - 534244.tif ✓ Done
386 Anniversary Message - NARA - 534245.tif ✓ Done
387 Brains Make Bullets. You Can Help^ - NARA - 534246.tif ✓ Done
388 Let's Pull Together and Cut Costs - NARA - 534247.tif ✓ Done
389 If It'll Save a Second...It's a Great Idea. Let's Have It^ - NARA - 534248.tif ✓ Done
390 Uncle Sam asks NCR for War Production Slogans - NARA - 534249.tif ✓ Done
391 Simply suggest..."The Better Way" - NARA - 534250.tif ✓ Done
392 Our Country Needs Your Production Ideas - NARA - 534251.tif ✓ Done
393 Your Ideas Wanted. Uncle Sam Beat the 8 Ball Schedule - NARA - 534252.tif ✓ Done
394 Speed Victory Let's Have Your Ideas - NARA - 534253.tif ✓ Done
395 Write a Teamwork Slogan. Win a War Bond^ - NARA - 534254.tif ✓ Done
396 To Be a 100 Percent Production Soldier You Must Submit an Accepted Suggestion - NARA - 534255.tif ✓ Done
397 ...Think^ Is There a Better Way to Do it^ - NARA - 534256.tif ✓ Done
398 To Be a 100 Percent Production Soldier You Must Submit an Accepted Suggestion - NARA - 534257.tif ✓ Done
399 "No Brave Man Shall Die Because I have Failed to Do My Job" - NARA - 534258.tif ✓ Done
400 Lest You Forget - NARA - 534259.tif ✓ Done
401 Enemy Sighted...Let's Stick Together, Were All in the Same Boat^ - NARA - 534260.tif ✓ Done
402 We Are Proud of Him. Let's Make Him Proud of US - NARA - 534261.tif ✓ Done
403 Emerson Ex-Service Men's Club - NARA - 534262.tif ✓ Done
404 He Also Fights Who Gives His Best - NARA - 534263.tif ✓ Done
405 Every Dog Will Have His Day. Tojo Will Have His Soon - NARA - 534264.tif ✓ Done
406 Reveille For Workers. Taps for Japs - NARA - 534265.tif ✓ Done
407 We're at War^ Let's Win it^ - NARA - 534266.tif ✓ Done
408 We-All Are With You 100 Percent General Knudsen - NARA - 534267.tif ✓ Done
409 Savage - NARA - 534268.tif ✓ Done
410 Meet the Men From the Fighting Front Here at This Plant - NARA - 534269.tif ✓ Done
411 Outdoor Life - NARA - 534270.tif ✓ Done
412 He's Reporting, "We're Doing Our Best" Are You^ - NARA - 534271.tif ✓ Done
413 Our Boys Are Fighting That You May Live - NARA - 534272.tif ✓ Done
414 He May Be Your Kin. Do All You Can to Help Him Win^ - NARA - 534273.tif ✓ Done
415 He, Too, Has a Family. It's Up to You to See Him Through - NARA - 534274.tif ✓ Done
416 Swap Riding - NARA - 534275.tif ✓ Done
417 He Won't Give Up. Don't You Let Up - NARA - 534276.tif ✓ Done
418 Worth Fighting For - NARA - 534277.tif ✓ Done
419 It's Got To Come Off^ - NARA - 534278.tif ✓ Done
420 Captain Mack Don't Let Them Down - NARA - 534279.tif ✓ Done
421 You Care Do Your Share^ - NARA - 534280.tif ✓ Done
422 This is America. It's Worth Working For - NARA - 534281.tif ✓ Done
423 This is America. It's Worth Working For - NARA - 534282.tif ✓ Done
424 This is America. It's Worth Working For - NARA - 534283.tif ✓ Done
425 Who Does What to Who^ - NARA - 534284.tif ✓ Done
426 Let's Show Them - NARA - 534285.tif ✓ Done
427 Don't Let Him Down - NARA - 534286.tif ✓ Done
428 Give It Your Best^ - NARA - 534287.tif ✓ Done
429 Our Job^ To Free These Americans^ - NARA - 534288.tif ✓ Done
430 ...So You Think Your Job is Monotonous^ - NARA - 534289.tif ✓ Done
431 The Best Fed and the Best Clothed Soldiers in the World - NARA - 534290.tif ✓ Done
432 What are You Doing About It^ - NARA - 534291.tif ✓ Done
433 "Pick Out the Biggest One and Fire" - NARA - 534292.tif ✓ Done
434 Do More for Doolittle - NARA - 534293.tif ✓ Done
435 These Boys Must Kill or Be Killed. Their Lives Depend on Your Work - NARA - 534294.tif ✓ Done
436 We are Now In This War^ We are all in it all the Way - NARA - 534295.tif ✓ Done
437 "Hand in Hand or Ball and Chain" - NARA - 534296.tif ✓ Done
438 Don't Kid's Up to You. Stop Him^ - NARA - 534297.tif ✓ Done
439 Cheerfully I Serve - NARA - 534298.tif ✓ Done
440 We'll Make 'Em Wish they Never Started it^ - NARA - 534299.tif ✓ Done
441 They're Out to Win. Are You^ - NARA - 534300.tif ✓ Done
442 Work Hard. Keep Trying Save Our Fighting Men From Dying^ - NARA - 534301.tif ✓ Done
443 Give 'Em Hell Boys, You Can Bank On Us - NARA - 534302.tif ✓ Done
444 These Colors Won't Run. Remember Pearl Harbor - NARA - 534303.tif ✓ Done
445 Say Mister- "My Daddy's Over There". Keep 'Em Flying - NARA - 534304.tif ✓ Done
446 Keep It Up Brother - NARA - 534305.tif ✓ Done
447 Don't Be Sorry You Didn't Do Enough^ - NARA - 534306.tif ✓ Done
448 Together For Victory - NARA - 534307.tif ✓ Done
449 Remember It Can Happen Here^ - NARA - 534308.tif ✓ Done
450 Don't Let Me Down - NARA - 534309.tif ✓ Done
451 We're Counting On You^ - NARA - 534310.tif ✓ Done
452 Make Him Pay For That Day^ - NARA - 534311.tif ✓ Done
453 Ring His Death Knell - NARA - 534312.tif ✓ Done
454 A Salute. From the Fighting Front To the Production Front. Let's All Stay on the Job - NARA - 534313.tif ✓ Done
455 You Build Quality -Then They Can Take It - and Here's How - NARA - 534314.tif ✓ Done
456 "What Your're Making May Save My Daddy's Life" - NARA - 534315.tif ✓ Done
457 Please Help Bring My Daddy Home Before Next Christmas - NARA - 534316.tif ✓ Done
458 "Please Keep the Bombs Away" - NARA - 534317.tif ✓ Done
459 It Can Happen Here^ Unless We Keep 'Em Firing^ - NARA - 534318.tif ✓ Done
460 ...To Win...We Must Fight^ No One is a Spectator^ - NARA - 534319.tif ✓ Done
461 Keep That Hat On High - NARA - 534320.tif ✓ Done
462 Keep That Hat On High - NARA - 534321.tif ✓ Done
463 If Ye Break Faith with Us Who Die. We Shall Not Sleep - NARA - 534322.tif ✓ Done
464 Meet Your Schedules for Victory. The Toughest Job is Still Ahead^ - NARA - 534323.tif ✓ Done
465 Every Mother's Son is Counting On You^ - NARA - 534324.tif ✓ Done
466 That's The Spot To Hit^ Give Us the Stuff and We'll Hit it^ - NARA - 534325.tif ✓ Done
467 Victory Still Comes High^ It's a Tough Road To Tokyo^ - NARA - 534326.tif ✓ Done
468 Couldn't Have Done It Without You^ Full Speed Ahead. We've Still Got a Big Job to Do^ - NARA - 534327.tif ✓ Done
469 "We Will Have To Fight Our Way Ashore" You're Building Victory Here Today^ - NARA - 534328.tif ✓ Done
470 I'm Proud of You Folks too^ - NARA - 534329.tif ✓ Done
471 Work to Set 'Em Free^ - NARA - 534330.tif ✓ Done
472 Captain Mack to Visit Westinghouse - NARA - 534331.tif ✓ Done
473 Carnegie-Illinois' "Flying Tiger" Bill Bartling - NARA - 534332.tif ✓ Done
474 Back Up Eisenhower with More G-E Production - NARA - 534333.tif ✓ Done
475 Speed^ - NARA - 534334.tif ✓ Done
476 The Spirit of America - NARA - 534335.tif ✓ Done
477 Termites of Destruction - NARA - 534336.tif ✓ Done
478 These Colors Will Not Run^ - NARA - 534337.tif ✓ Done
479 Peace on Earth - NARA - 534338.tif ✓ Done
480 Keep Them Smiling Keep. Their Freedom Forever Produce - NARA - 534339.tif ✓ Done
481 America Today - NARA - 534340.tif ✓ Done
482 Stop Squawking. Keep Punching - NARA - 534341.tif ✓ Done
483 Abraham Lincoln - NARA - 534342.tif ✓ Done
484 He Fought To Give Us Our Country. Let's Fight to Keep It - NARA - 534343.tif ✓ Done
485 Bill Of Rights-And Lefts - NARA - 534344.tif ✓ Done
486 No Matter Where or Who Ya Are Today - NARA - 534345.tif ✓ Done
487 "That We Here Highly Resolve That These Dead Shall Not Have Died In Vain" - NARA - 534346.tif ✓ Done
488 Let Us Write A New Declaration of Independence - NARA - 534347.tif ✓ Done
489 "Let Freedom Be Our Boast...Let It's Altar Reach the Skies" - NARA - 534348.tif ✓ Done
490 Liberty. Preserve this Heritage - NARA - 534349.tif ✓ Done
491 You Can Fool Everybody But God And Your Conscience. Give A Full Days Work - NARA - 534350.tif ✓ Done
492 If Ye Break Faith With Us, Who Die...We Shall Not Sleep - NARA - 534351.tif ✓ Done
493 "With Our Energy and Sleepless Vigilance We Go Forth to Victory" - Abraham Lincoln - NARA - 534352.tif ✓ Done
494 "When We Assumed The Soldier We Did Not Lay Aside The Citizen" - (George) Washington's Epitaph - NARA - 534353.tif ✓ Done
495 "Never Before Have We Had So Little Time In Which To Do So Much" - Franklin D. Roosevelt - NARA - 534354.tif ✓ Done
496 Manpower Lost in 1941-Shop Accidents Deprived Our Fighting Forces of... - NARA - 534355.tif ✓ Done
497 The Give and Take of Air War - NARA - 534356.tif ✓ Done
498 A Full Crew Sheet Makes Good News (word "news" is struck out) Noose - NARA - 534357.tif ✓ Done
499 Together For Victory - NARA - 534358.tif ✓ Done
500 Do It or Rue It - NARA - 534359.tif ✓ Done
501 Production By You and Me Will End The Axis Three - NARA - 534360.tif ✓ Done
502 Production Up Means Axis Down - NARA - 534361.tif ✓ Done
503 From Shore to Shore Let's Give Them More - NARA - 534362.tif ✓ Done
504 How To Win the War - NARA - 534363.tif ✓ Done
505 Time, Production - NARA - 534364.tif ✓ Done
506 Don't Slow Up...They Won't^^ - NARA - 534365.tif ✓ Done
507 Produce For Victory^ - NARA - 534366.tif ✓ Done
508 At Your Job Today...Don't Bunt When the U.S. Needs Home Runs - NARA - 534367.tif ✓ Done
509 Western Union - NARA - 534368.tif ✓ Done
510 My Pledge to My President - NARA - 534369.tif ✓ Done
511 Our Duty^ - NARA - 534370.tif ✓ Done
512 For Production Achievement. Army ^amp, Navy - NARA - 534371.tif ✓ Done
513 Another Star is Added. Army ^amp, Navy - NARA - 534372.tif ✓ Done
514 Let's Hit And Run Till Victory's Won^ - NARA - 534373.tif ✓ Done
515 The Standard Register Company - NARA - 534374.tif ✓ Done
516 Together We Win^ - NARA - 534375.tif ✓ Done
517 We'll Keep It Flying^ Army ^amp, Navy - NARA - 534376.tif ✓ Done
518 Army ^amp, Navy. Bridgeport Brass Ordnance Employees Are Working For the Star - NARA - 534377.tif ✓ Done
519 Let's Shoot For the Stars^ On our Pennant. Army ^amp, Navy - NARA - 534378.tif ✓ Done
520 Keep Your Mind On Your Work. Don't Rust Out - NARA - 534379.tif ✓ Done
521 More Effort Gets More Production - NARA - 534380.tif ✓ Done
522 It is Later (and Worse) Than You Think - NARA - 534381.tif ✓ Done
523 For You Who Fight We Made it Right^ - NARA - 534382.tif ✓ Done
524 "He Says it should have been over long ago but they're building so dammed many Turret Lathes" - NARA - 534383.tif ✓ Done
525 Our Metal Aids Fighting Navy - NARA - 534384.tif ✓ Done
526 "Having seen the quality of work and of the workerson our production lines..." - Franklin D. Roosevelt - NARA - 534385.tif ✓ Done
527 Sun Gas Helps U.S. Bombers Blast Italy. "Gas 'Em Up" - NARA - 534386.tif ✓ Done
528 It's Packard Built Engines That Power 'Em - NARA - 534387.tif ✓ Done
529 Packard Engines Hit Berlin - NARA - 534388.tif ✓ Done
530 Keeping Faith with Our Fighting Partners. The Inland Way for U.S.A. - NARA - 534389.tif ✓ Done
531 OK Boss - NARA - 534390.tif ✓ Done
532 The Following Unit Of Homestead Works Established New Production and Shipping Records - NARA - 534391.tif ✓ Done
533 An Emergency^ - NARA - 534392.tif ✓ Done
534 In the Service They're Deserters. Don't Be a Production Slacker - NARA - 534393.tif ✓ Done
535 Kinda Give It Your Personal Attention, Will You^ More Production - NARA - 534394.tif ✓ Done
536 "We're Depending On You" Produce to Win - NARA - 534395.tif ✓ Done
537 We Are Working For Victory in '43 on the Production Fighting and Home Fronts - NARA - 534396.tif ✓ Done
538 Work ^amp, Sweat for Victory - NARA - 534397.tif ✓ Done
539 They Can't Miss If We Beat Our Quota. More Production With Less Scrap - NARA - 534398.tif ✓ Done
540 The Second Front Is Right Here^ Produce More For Victory - NARA - 534399.tif ✓ Done
541 Your Job Is Your Gun. Give The Enemy Hell^ - NARA - 534400.tif ✓ Done
542 More^ More of Everything-Quick^ - NARA - 534401.tif ✓ Done
543 Teamed For Victory - NARA - 534402.tif ✓ Done
544 A Good Soldier Sticks to His Post - NARA - 534403.tif ✓ Done
545 "No Production Lag Till Hitler's In the Bag" - NARA - 534404.tif ✓ Done
546 Sign the Pledge to Our Armed Forces. Get This Pin - NARA - 534405.tif ✓ Done
547 Hurry^ Sign This Pledge - NARA - 534406.tif ✓ Done
548 Be a 100 Percent Production Soldier Buob You'll Know Soon^ - NARA - 534407.tif ✓ Done
549 A Policy Statement By Your Labor- Management Committee - NARA - 534408.tif ✓ Done
550 Production is Your Protection - NARA - 534409.tif ✓ Done
551 More Production - NARA - 534410.tif ✓ Done
552 Put Your Shoulder To the Wheel...Push with All Your Might^ matter how you feel...We've Got to Win This... - NARA - 534411.tif ✓ Done
553 "K.O. " ToJo...Be a 100 Percent Production Soldier - NARA - 534412.tif ✓ Done
554 Knock the Pan Off Japan^ - NARA - 534413.tif ✓ Done
555 Outwork the Enemy - NARA - 534414.tif ✓ Done
556 The Bristol Company is 100 Percent on War Work - NARA - 534415.tif ✓ Done
557 Victory^-And Non-Stop Work Will Speed it^ - NARA - 534416.tif ✓ Done
558 Set 'Em on Their Axis^ - NARA - 534417.tif ✓ Done
559 Proof That Goodyearites are Helping Rub Out the Axis - NARA - 534418.tif ✓ Done
560 The Standard Register Company - NARA - 534419.tif ✓ Done
561 The Fighting Plane You're Working On Today...May Be Over Berlin or Tokio Next Week^ - NARA - 534420.tif ✓ Done
562 So Much Depends On Us^ - NARA - 534421.tif ✓ Done
563 Fore^ Let's Put Everything into this Drive^ - NARA - 534422.tif ✓ Done
564 "Non-Stop" Work will Win - NARA - 534423.tif ✓ Done
565 Every Bristol Employee - NARA - 534424.tif ✓ Done
566 Give Him A "Putsch" in the Puss^ With Production Now - NARA - 534425.tif ✓ Done
567 Speed Up Get On Life Saving Time - NARA - 534426.tif ✓ Done
568 Together-To Victory - NARA - 534427.tif ✓ Done
569 We Are Now in This War^ We are All in it All the Way - NARA - 534428.tif ✓ Done
570 Keep the Home Fires Burning More Production^ - NARA - 534429.tif ✓ Done
571 A Good Soldier Sticks To His Post^ - NARA - 534430.tif ✓ Done
572 More More More More More Production - NARA - 534431.tif ✓ Done
573 Yes Sir^ We're Gonna Lift that Line^ - NARA - 534432.tif ✓ Done
574 Bowl them Over More Production - NARA - 534433.tif ✓ Done
575 Though We Have Them On the Run, Do Not think the Battle's Won... - NARA - 534434.tif ✓ Done
576 Be A 100 Percent Production Soldier^ BUOB^ - NARA - 534435.tif ✓ Done
577 Be a 100 Percent Production Soldier. Back Up Our Battleskies - NARA - 534436.tif ✓ Done
578 Be a 100 Percent Production Soldier. Back Up Our Battleskies - NARA - 534437.tif ✓ Done
579 Over 285 of your Fellow Workers Now Serve in our Armed Forces - NARA - 534438.tif ✓ Done
580 "Don't Let us Down" - NARA - 534439.tif ✓ Done
581 Don't Let Us Down^ - NARA - 534440.tif ✓ Done
582 Pledge to Victory. the war may be won or lost in this plant - NARA - 534441.tif ✓ Done
583 Our Battle is Production - NARA - 534442.tif ✓ Done
584 Be a 100 Percent Production Soldier. Back up Our Battleskies^ - NARA - 534443.tif ✓ Done
585 Sign This Pledge to Our Armed Forces - NARA - 534444.tif ✓ Done
586 Though Our Enemies Are Taking a Backward Step. Let's Not Slow Up That Old Production Pep^ - NARA - 534445.tif ✓ Done
587 Corsairs Climb Right Into the Fight^ - NARA - 534446.tif ✓ Done
588 If We Maintain Our Production Pace. It'll Be one More PPFFFTTT^ In Der Fuehrer's Face - NARA - 534447.tif ✓ Done
589 Let's Produce to Reduce the Axis. Let's Smother 'Em with Production^ - NARA - 534448.tif ✓ Done
590 War Educational Bulletin - NARA - 534449.tif ✓ Done
591 War Educational Bulletin - NARA - 534450.tif ✓ Done
592 War Educational Bulletin - NARA - 534451.tif ✓ Done
593 War Educational Bulletin - NARA - 534452.tif ✓ Done
594 War Educational Bulletin - NARA - 534453.tif ✓ Done
595 Another Shot At Hitler - NARA - 533934.tif ✓ Done
596 War Educational Bulletin - NARA - 534454.tif ✓ Done
597 War Educational Bulletin - NARA - 534455.tif ✓ Done
598 War Educational Bulletin - NARA - 534456.tif ✓ Done
599 War on Waste. Let's Hang the Rats^ - NARA - 534457.tif ✓ Done
600 War on Waste. Let's Hang the Rats^ - NARA - 534458.tif ✓ Done
601 A Fine Watch Runs by Co-ordination of All it's Parts - NARA - 534459.tif ✓ Done
602 This Machine Producing War Orders. Keep It Running - NARA - 534460.tif ✓ Done
603 Ours. We Are Proud of It - NARA - 534461.tif ✓ Done
604 Practice Good Workmanship - NARA - 534462.tif ✓ Done
605 Prevent Accidents - NARA - 534463.tif ✓ Done
606 Preserve Machines - NARA - 534464.tif ✓ Done
607 Conserve Time - NARA - 534465.tif ✓ Done
608 Conserve Time - NARA - 534466.tif ✓ Done
609 Preserve Tools - NARA - 534467.tif ✓ Done
610 Conserve Materials - NARA - 534468.tif ✓ Done
611 Conserve Materials - NARA - 534469.tif ✓ Done
612 Conserve Materials - NARA - 534470.tif ✓ Done
613 What Can I Do^ - NARA - 534471.tif ✓ Done
614 The Real "V" for Victory. Joined Hands will Crack These Nuts^ - NARA - 534472.tif ✓ Done
615 Production^ Darn Toot'n To Keep our Boys Shoot'n - NARA - 534473.tif ✓ Done
616 Carnegie-Illinois Victory Legion Program - NARA - 534474.tif ✓ Done
617 War Educational Bulletin - NARA - 534475.tif ✓ Done
618 War Educational Bulletin - NARA - 534476.tif ✓ Done
619 What Do You Think We are in^ A War or Tug-of-War Let's Get them Rolling^ - NARA - 534477.tif ✓ Done
620 We Fight When We Produce^ - NARA - 534478.tif ✓ Done
621 Which Side Are You On^ - NARA - 534479.tif ✓ Done
622 American Soldiers of Production Demand Revenge on Tokyo for the Execution of our American Air Men - NARA - 534480.tif ✓ Done
623 The Price of Victory. Blood, Sweat, Tears. Sweat-Our Contribution - NARA - 534481.tif ✓ Done
624 Uncle Sam Says-It will take two forces to win this war - NARA - 534482.tif ✓ Done
625 A 4 Point Plan - NARA - 534483.tif ✓ Done
626 7252 in the service, 94709 in our plants, and Still Working Together^ - NARA - 534484.tif ✓ Done
627 AO means...All Out for Production - NARA - 534485.tif ✓ Done
628 If you were in the field and we were in the factory...Production would be doubled in a month - NARA - 534486.tif ✓ Done
629 Lieut. Gen. Brehon Somervell, Chief of the U.S. Army Services of Supply - NARA - 534487.tif
630 Have You Done Your Share For Victory Today^ More Production - NARA - 534488.tif ✓ Done
631 Crush the Snake for Victory's Sake. Our Production Make Much More - NARA - 534489.tif ✓ Done
632 Keep On Punching In - NARA - 534490.tif ✓ Done
633 For that Long Face. More Production - NARA - 534491.tif ✓ Done
634 Let's Cooperate so we can Operate on the Axis - NARA - 534492.tif ✓ Done
635 You Are a Production Soldier so do your Part - NARA - 534493.tif ✓ Done
636 This is to Certify that this department is 100 Percent Pledged to Victory - NARA - 534494.tif ✓ Done
637 This is a War of Production. Smash the Axis^ - NARA - 534495.tif ✓ Done
638 Victory and Defeat are .001" apart. "Keep On the Ball" - NARA - 534496.tif ✓ Done
639 Keep Production on Schedule - NARA - 534497.tif ✓ Done
640 "Tomorrow" Hell^ We need it Now - NARA - 534498.tif ✓ Done
641 Uncle Sam Says, "Charles Goodall Thought this up..." - NARA - 534499.tif ✓ Done
642 Productioneers Throw Another Log on the Fire^ Let's Keep the Home Fires Burning^ - NARA - 534500.tif ✓ Done
643 Look At All Three...Then decide which one you want to kick first and hardest with more production - NARA - 534501.tif ✓ Done
644 Yes, Productioneers Time Counts - NARA - 534502.tif ✓ Done
645 Danger for Hitler Productioneers at Work - NARA - 534503.tif ✓ Done
646 "May it Wave Forever" - NARA - 534504.tif ✓ Done
647 Remember our Air Men^ Murder,The Specialty of the Yellow B S. More Production^^ - NARA - 534505.tif ✓ Done
648 America. Europe - NARA - 534506.tif ✓ Done
649 Better Work to Win^ - NARA - 534507.tif ✓ Done
650 So you can't take it, Herman^ - NARA - 534508.tif ✓ Done
651 Heil Hitler...To H-L with you^ - NARA - 534509.tif ✓ Done
652 So Sorry, Please - NARA - 534510.tif ✓ Done
653 Let's Give Them Some "Bomby" Weather over there - NARA - 534511.tif ✓ Done
654 For Someone We Know. We'll Make Production Grow - NARA - 534512.tif ✓ Done
655 Roosevelt said-"We can, We will, We must" Productioneers will help him say "We did" - NARA - 534513.tif ✓ Done
656 We can't all be in our country's service. But we can all be of service to our country - NARA - 534514.tif ✓ Done
657 Link-Belt Producers are Axis-Reducers - NARA - 534515.tif ✓ Done
658 Roast the Pig - NARA - 534516.tif ✓ Done
659 Slogan for June '43, Rush that Job-it may save a Gob^^ - NARA - 534517.tif ✓ Done
660 Victory - NARA - 534518.tif ✓ Done
661 The Jap Knows^ Let's beat our quotas - NARA - 534519.tif ✓ Done
662 Not bad "Big Boy"...but Watch Me^ Let's help the little guy along - NARA - 534520.tif ✓ Done
663 One piece more means Peace once more - NARA - 534521.tif ✓ Done
664 Production will get him in the end - NARA - 534522.tif ✓ Done
665 They're watching us...Plenty^ - NARA - 534523.tif ✓ Done
666 Put all your Power in the Job^ - NARA - 534524.tif ✓ Done
667 Dont be a Bottleneck. Beat the Promise - NARA - 534525.tif ✓ Done
668 Don't be an Armchair General^ Be a Production soldier^ - NARA - 534526.tif ✓ Done
669 Wipe Off that Smile - NARA - 534527.tif ✓ Done
670 Wanted - NARA - 534528.tif ✓ Done
671 Don't Stop Production. Don't look for Excuses. Don't listen to Rumors - NARA - 534529.tif ✓ Done
672 Put the Squeeze on the Japanese. Beat your Promise - NARA - 534530.tif ✓ Done
673 American Production is Breaking the Web^ Boost Production for Invasion - NARA - 534531.tif ✓ Done
674 Finished^ Hell No^ Get 'Em Back in Action Fast^ - NARA - 534532.tif ✓ Done
675 Keep Punching... in the Battle of Production - NARA - 534533.tif ✓ Done
676 Let's Win Here. We are the Men supporting the men behind the guns - NARA - 534534.tif ✓ Done
677 Give it your all boys More Production - NARA - 534535.tif ✓ Done
678 Speed Up^ - NARA - 534536.tif ✓ Done
679 Field Services Bulletin - NARA - 534537.tif ✓ Done
680 L-M Promotions - NARA - 534538.tif ✓ Done
681 Make it a Homer Uncle^ - NARA - 534539.tif ✓ Done
682 We'll Help Make it a Homer Uncle^ - NARA - 534540.tif ✓ Done
683 Make the Minutes Count and Watch Production Mount^ - NARA - 534541.tif ✓ Done
684 See that he gets those spare parts now not later - NARA - 534542.tif ✓ Done
685 You're at the Front Keep it Moving^ - NARA - 534543.tif ✓ Done
686 Victory on the sea Begins on the shore - NARA - 534544.tif ✓ Done
687 Beat these Three Knaves with your production "Aces" - NARA - 534545.tif ✓ Done
688 United we stand. Divided we fall. Beat the Promise - NARA - 534546.tif ✓ Done
689 Don't hold him back. Produce More - NARA - 534547.tif ✓ Done
690 100 Percent Production - Axis trouble. Keep the bums on the Double^ - NARA - 534548.tif ✓ Done
691 Let's go over the Top - NARA - 534549.tif ✓ Done
692 Martin Co. Production - NARA - 534550.tif ✓ Done
693 Blueprint of Victory - NARA - 534551.tif ✓ Done
694 Blueprint of Victory. Have you any Suggestions^ - NARA - 534552.tif ✓ Done
695 Blueprint of Victory. Don't Be an Absentee - NARA - 534553.tif ✓ Done
696 Blueprint of Victory - NARA - 534554.tif ✓ Done
697 Blueprint of Victory - NARA - 534555.tif ✓ Done
698 Blueprint of Victory. Avoid the Black Widow of war production - NARA - 534556.tif ✓ Done
699 Emerson Electric News Flashes - NARA - 534557.tif ✓ Done
700 Letter from a Former Employee - NARA - 534558.tif ✓ Done
701 He may be one of our Boys^ Let's give him all we've got - NARA - 534559.tif ✓ Done
702 Keep Fightin' soldier We're backing you^ With More Production^ - NARA - 534560.tif ✓ Done
703 His life may depend on this Part - NARA - 534561.tif ✓ Done
704 1618 reasons for making the very best ammunition - NARA - 534562.tif ✓ Done
705 Deliver for "D" Day^ - NARA - 534563.tif ✓ Done
706 Get 'Em out for your Navy^ - NARA - 534564.tif ✓ Done
707 Deliver for "D" Day^ - NARA - 534565.tif ✓ Done
708 Put the Squeeze on the Japanese^ Beat the Promise - NARA - 534566.tif ✓ Done
709 Your Production. Beat your Promise - NARA - 534567.tif ✓ Done
710 He was Hired to Pace Joe^ - NARA - 534568.tif ✓ Done
711 Increased Production. Tokyo Destruction - NARA - 534569.tif ✓ Done
712 Bowl them Over. More Production - NARA - 534570.tif ✓ Done
713 Winchester Creed for 1943 - NARA - 534571.tif ✓ Done
714 The More Sweat the Less blood and tears - NARA - 534572.tif ✓ Done
715 More hits, more work, no errors helps to beat the axis "Terrors" - NARA - 534573.tif ✓ Done
716 And Better 10 Percent In every dept - NARA - 534574.tif ✓ Done
717 Production Don't take that day off - NARA - 534575.tif ✓ Done
718 Our War Production has earned a Star - NARA - 534576.tif ✓ Done
719 America Expects Brewster Production. We'll win if we Work - NARA - 534577.tif ✓ Done
720 Pushing Ahead Together - NARA - 534578.tif ✓ Done
721 Production The key to victory - NARA - 534579.tif ✓ Done
722 Victory is their Buisness - NARA - 534580.tif ✓ Done
723 Fighting tools for fighting men. Give 'Em what they need to win^ - NARA - 534581.tif ✓ Done
724 Be a "WOW"-Work to Win - NARA - 534582.tif ✓ Done
725 On the road to Berlin - NARA - 534583.tif ✓ Done
726 Merchant Marine Drives for Victory - NARA - 534584.tif ✓ Done
727 Theirs...the sweat and blood-and all they ask of us is sweat^ - NARA - 534585.tif ✓ Done
728 Hands Across the Sea^ Their greater need is your Fastest Speed - NARA - 534586.tif ✓ Done
729 They Risk All For Us^ Let's Sweat for them - NARA - 534587.tif ✓ Done
730 Vot do we want mit Dot Afrika anyhow...All Dot iss iss sand^^ - NARA - 534588.tif ✓ Done
731 Future Scene "and then they stared shipping more Turret Lathes - NARA - 534589.tif ✓ Done
732 From a Former Member of Shell 45 - NARA - 534590.tif ✓ Done
733 All a Matter of Time - NARA - 534591.tif ✓ Done
734 Make it Good^ - NARA - 534592.tif ✓ Done
735 Vy Didn't somevone tell me about doze gott dam savage Producinkers^ - NARA - 534593.tif ✓ Done
736 Tokio Kid Say - NARA - 534594.tif ✓ Done
737 Carnegie-Illinois Men Win Praise - NARA - 534595.tif ✓ Done
738 Objectives of the Joint War Production drive - NARA - 534597.tif ✓ Done
739 Give 'Em Hell Boys, You can bank on US - NARA - 534598.tif ✓ Done
740 We Can't Win with Blue Prints - NARA - 534599.tif ✓ Done
741 Stamp 'Em Out^ - NARA - 534600.tif
742 Production is the Thing that will get that Swing^ Let's step it up^ - NARA - 534601.tif ✓ Done
743 Keep 'Em on the Run. More Production will get 'em in the end^ - NARA - 534602.tif
744 Let's give it a damn good pump - NARA - 534603.tif
745 You are helping win the war with your hands. Help also with your brains - NARA - 534604.tif
746 There's more to do-Do it^ - NARA - 534605.tif ✓ Done
747 The 2nd Front depends on the Home Front Beat the Promise - NARA - 534606.tif
748 They're out to Win^ - NARA - 534607.tif
749 We are all in the Same Boat and headed in the Right Direction to fight this war^ - NARA - 534608.tif
750 Midwest is Backing You On land On sea ^amp, in the Air - NARA - 534609.tif
751 Let's Win Here - NARA - 534610.tif
752 Get 'Em Flying...Speed the Beat^ - NARA - 534611.tif
753 They Also Serve...Who stay at home and work - NARA - 534612.tif
754 We Salute...Stanley Rogers - NARA - 534613.tif
755 Were Dishing it Out - NARA - 534614.tif
756 Watch out for the Wasps^ - NARA - 534615.tif
757 First Photo of All-United "Corsair" on Battlefront - NARA - 534616.tif ✓ Done
758 Feel like taking a day off^ Think of This - NARA - 534617.tif
759 Pratt ^amp, Whitney-powered "Marauder" on Tunisian Front - NARA - 534618.tif ✓ Done
760 All-United "KingFishers" Still Serving Well - NARA - 534619.tif
761 Twin Wasp - NARA - 534620.tif
762 War Production Board - NARA - 534621.tif ✓ Done
763 It's Up To You - NARA - 534622.tif
764 Knock 'Em on their Axis - NARA - 534623.tif
765 Our Forefathers Fought and Died for this Freedom - NARA - 534624.tif
766 In the Air-Crew Teamwork Wins Flying Fortress Battles. On the Job-The same Teamwork Helps Win at Remington - NARA - 534625.tif
767 Hold Formation - NARA - 534626.tif
768 Ed Gerber's Resolution for 1943 - NARA - 534627.tif
769 Back Him Up - NARA - 534628.tif
770 Himmel^ Always They are Working^ - NARA - 534629.tif
771 Full Speed Ahead^ Victory Begins At Home - NARA - 534630.tif
772 Take it from me, Brother We've Still Got a Big Job to Do^ - NARA - 534631.tif
773 You Cut off His Right Arm ...When You Don't Work Back up Our Battleskies^ - NARA - 534632.tif
774 Victory Begins at Home - NARA - 534633.tif
775 Swing it Brother^ Don't Slow up the Ship^ - NARA - 534634.tif
776 Step On it^ - NARA - 534635.tif
777 An Absent "T" Won't Help Spell Vic ory - NARA - 534636.tif
778 Absenteeism Will Cause This. What did You do today^ - NARA - 534637.tif ✓ Done
779 AWOL Helps our Enemies - NARA - 534638.tif
780 I am Never Absent How about You^ Are you on the Job Every day^ - NARA - 534639.tif
781 Missing from Action^ He has An Excuse Have You^ - NARA - 534640.tif
782 Have You Been A.W.O.L - NARA - 534641.tif
783 Victory First^ - NARA - 534642.tif
784 He Won't Desert his post...Will you desert yours^ - NARA - 534643.tif ✓ Done
785 Rear Admiral W.H.P. Blandy - NARA - 534644.tif
786 War Production Drive - NARA - 534645.tif
787 Absence makes the war last longer. Stay on the Job^ - NARA - 534646.tif ✓ Done
788 Your Absence may cost A life - NARA - 534647.tif
789 Slogan for April, Vic-ory - NARA - 534648.tif
790 Our Boys Need Powder Gun Powder^ - NARA - 534649.tif
791 Habitual Absentee - NARA - 534650.tif ✓ Done
792 These-Jap Zeros Also Attack Our Boys - NARA - 534651.tif ✓ Done
793 Raise the Board and Pass the New Ambition. Everybody on the Job Everyday^^ - NARA - 534652.tif
794 Did he Miss a Lifetime-Because You Missed a Day^ Don't lay-off - NARA - 534653.tif
795 Every Day you take off is an aid to the Enemy - NARA - 534654.tif
796 That good old Right - NARA - 534655.tif
797 Who, Me...Help Hitler^ With one little fishing trip^ - NARA - 534656.tif
798 Don't Stay Out^ A full house beats three of a kind - NARA - 534657.tif
799 War Production Drive - NARA - 534658.tif
800 To All Clysler Men Absent Flom Job. Thanks - NARA - 534659.tif ✓ Done
801 Absentees Stop Look Take Notice - NARA - 534660.tif ✓ Done
802 Official Schickelgruber Alibi Chart - NARA - 534661.tif
803 Pulling for Hitler - NARA - 534662.tif ✓ Done
804 Vic ory The absent T - NARA - 534663.tif
805 You lost this 21 thousand dollars. We lost this 22 thousand man hours of Production - NARA - 534664.tif
806 Are You Speeding Victory Every Day - NARA - 534665.tif
807 Blueprint for Victory - NARA - 534666.tif
808 On the Job, Weather or Not - NARA - 534667.tif
809 Do You Want to Lose the War^ - NARA - 534668.tif
810 Do you want to lose the war^ - NARA - 534669.tif
811 Absenteeism is a Vote for the Axis - NARA - 534670.tif ✓ Done
812 The Day You Missed Work-Fellow Americans were Dying for You-on the Battlefields - NARA - 534671.tif ✓ Done
813 The Day You Were Absent fellow Americans were Dying for You on the Battlefields - NARA - 534672.tif ✓ Done
814 Earn Your Share in America's Victory by Being on the Job every day - NARA - 534673.tif ✓ Done
815 Absenteeism can lead to this - NARA - 534674.tif ✓ Done
816 There's more to do-Do it^ - NARA - 534675.tif ✓ Done
817 "So You're not coming in Tomorrow Bud" - NARA - 534676.tif ✓ Done
818 Don't be a "skip" - NARA - 534677.tif
819 Death never takes a Holiday. Why should You^ - NARA - 534678.tif
820 Let's Go-There may be a sub chaser in this tree^ - NARA - 534679.tif
821 Don't let Idle Cylinders Jam Production. Keep 'Em Rolling^ - NARA - 534680.tif
822 Production - NARA - 534681.tif
823 At sea we live our job. Lets be on the job Everyday^ - NARA - 534682.tif
824 Win this Flag for your Colliery - NARA - 534683.tif
825 "Who's Holding Up My Ammunition" - NARA - 534684.tif
826 These Boys are on the Job Everyday-Are You^ - NARA - 534685.tif
827 Don't Give Up the Ship^ - NARA - 534686.tif
828 Shipbuilders Creed for '43 - NARA - 534687.tif
829 Put them acrosss^ The Toughest Job is Still Ahead^ - NARA - 534688.tif
830 Back The Attack-With 6 Full Days Work Every Week - NARA - 534689.tif
831 He Can't Lay Off - NARA - 534690.tif
832 This is a War Plant Don't be a Deserter - NARA - 534691.tif
833 Have You Been A.W.O.L - NARA - 534692.tif
834 We Can't Skin Japs with Absenteeism - NARA - 534693.tif ✓ Done
835 We'll Lick Absenteeism or we'll lose the war - NARA - 534694.tif ✓ Done
836 Jap Much Glad when you be Absentee - NARA - 534695.tif ✓ Done
837 Monday Morning too^ On the Job Monday - NARA - 534696.tif
838 Absent - NARA - 534697.tif ✓ Done
839 Was that Day Off Worth his Life^ - NARA - 534698.tif
840 Absence makes the war last longer - NARA - 534699.tif
841 Partners. When You are Absent without Good Reason - NARA - 534700.tif
842 Time to Go^ He's on the Job Everyday-Are you^ - NARA - 534701.tif
843 All Out to Win means All Out to Work - NARA - 534702.tif
844 Abenteeism - NARA - 534703.tif
845 I Need You on the Job Every Day - NARA - 534704.tif
846 He was Never an Absentee^ - NARA - 534705.tif
847 Vic ory. Don't You be that AbsenTee^ - NARA - 534706.tif
848 He is Absent. Is your Reason as Good^ - NARA - 534707.tif ✓ Done
849 August 10, 1942 A.W.O.L - NARA - 534708.tif
850 Let's Stick to Our Guns - NARA - 534709.tif
851 If You Don't work they can't Fly - NARA - 534710.tif
852 Save them this fate. Don't stay home from Work^ - NARA - 534711.tif
853 Rub out the Axis - NARA - 534712.tif
854 Save your bullets for the Axis. Don't Take Time Off^ - NARA - 534713.tif
855 Absence makes the War Grow longer - NARA - 534714.tif
856 You aid the Axis when you're Absent - NARA - 534715.tif ✓ Done
857 Think of them before you take a day off^ - NARA - 534716.tif
858 Punch Wins^ - NARA - 534717.tif
859 Lay-offs cost lives Keep 'Em Firing - NARA - 534718.tif
860 Why Don't You Do Right Like the other Folks Do - NARA - 534719.tif
861 Who's holdin up my Supplies^ - NARA - 534720.tif
862 Vic ory. You can't spell Victory with an absentee - NARA - 534721.tif
863 An absent "T" won't help spell VIC ORY^ - NARA - 534722.tif
864 If we keep machines roaring, They' ll keep the planes soaring - NARA - 534723.tif
865 Fighters grounded-No spares^ - NARA - 534724.tif
866 If we produce enough of these. We Won't Need These - NARA - 534725.tif
867 More Power to Him^ Get 'Em Flying - NARA - 534726.tif
868 Speed the Beat^ - NARA - 534727.tif
869 Memo for Tomorrow...Victory^ - NARA - 534728.tif
870 This is a War of Production. Get 'Em Flying - NARA - 534729.tif
871 SEND US MORE... and fast - NARA - 534730.tif
874 The fighting plane you're working on TODAY... May be over Berlin or Tokio NEXT WEEK^ - NARA - 534733.tif
875 DON'T FORGET, This BOMBER has a DATE too... in TOKYO^ KEEP `EM FLYING - NARA - 534734.tif
876 Let's keep the fortresses flying to the fighting fronts^ - NARA - 534735.tif
877 It's only 1000 minutes from Cheyenne to Berlin^ Let's keep `em moving^ - NARA - 534736.tif
878 On the fighting front^ On the home front^ Let's keep `em flying^ - NARA - 534737.tif
879 Hit `em in the Axis. A plane every 8 minutes - NARA - 534738.tif
880 Thousand of Curtiss "STARS" say "DON'T LET US DOWN" Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 534739.tif
881 Rush those planes. Strike that blow. Rain destruction on Tokyo. - NARA - 534740.tif
882 "FOR GOD'S SAKE SEND PLANES" Planes mean guns - our guns. Let's go, everybody... keep`em firing^ - NARA - 534741.tif
883 You lost 6612 hours last week. Com'on we need your help... give us those tanks for our planes. - NARA - 534742.tif
884 `Fess up... Don't pass the buck^ American aircraft progress depends on you^ - NARA - 534743.tif
885 Guns^ Guns^^ Guns^^^ What good is a soldier without a gun^ Let's speed up^ "Give `em the guns" - NARA - 534744.tif
886 Rockets away^ Blasting the enemy from sea, land, and air. Rockets are speeding us toward victory in the Pacific. - NARA - 534745.tif
887 Rockets are number 1 on our hit parade. Keep `em humming^ - NARA - 534746.tif
888 We may not be welding tanks, but, boy, we're keeping a hercules plant running... and that's something in this war.... - NARA - 534747.tif
889 The more power we produce the more calling cards to - Hirohito. Let's see that he gets plenty of calling cards^ - NARA - 534748.tif
890 35,000 tons of fight. Guided by Spencer Alidades, Binoculars, Periscopes, mark 67 (degrees) 68 (degrees)... - NARA - 534749.tif ✓ Done
891 Our fighting men have the best planes in the world. Let's give them the best ammunition. - NARA - 534750.tif
892 Give us more weapons - NARA - 534751.tif
893 Hit `em hard^ With production^ - NARA - 534752.tif
894 You give us the "fire" we'll give `em hell^ Let's go, everybody - Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534753.tif
895 This is our fight, too, buddy^ Come on gang - We're building arms for victory^ - NARA - 534754.tif
896 Looking for me^ - NARA - 534755.tif
897 He needs your help^ "Come on, gang^ We're building arms for victory" - NARA - 534756.tif
898 O.K., General... We'll keep the fire power coming^ Fire-power is our business. - NARA - 534757.tif
899 Let's open a second "rushin'" front^ Rush^ to keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534758.tif
900 "Come on, gang^ We're building arms for victory" - NARA - 534759.tif
901 Whack the Jap on the back of his lap^ Let's go - everybody - keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534760.tif ✓ Done
902 Let's get in and pitch - to smash the son-of-a-sun^ Let's go, everybody - Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534761.tif
903 Keep him goose-stepping^ Let's go, everybody^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534762.tif
904 Fire-power will win^ - and fire power is our business^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534763.tif
905 Let `em have it^ Right square on the butt. "Come on, gang^ We're building arms for victory" - NARA - 534764.tif
906 Our enemies will use the minutes you lose. Make all the munitions you can. - NARA - 534765.tif
907 Together we can do it^ Labor. Management. Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534766.tif
908 Marks the spot^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534767.tif
909 They've got the guts^ Let's give `em the guns^ Fire-power is our business^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534768.tif
910 Let's catch him with his "panzers" down^ We will - if we keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534769.tif
911 From mine to firing line - more production - NARA - 534770.tif
912 Work the way they fight and we will win^ - NARA - 534771.tif
913 This is every American's fight^ Come on gang - let's rush - NARA - 534772.tif
914 Sure - I'm working harder. Come on, gang^ We're building arms for victory^ - NARA - 534773.tif
915 He is counting on us^ His fire-power depends on our work-power^ Let's go, everybody - Keep `em firing. - NARA - 534774.tif
916 Let's go, everybody^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534775.tif
917 Put him in "pincers"^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534776.tif
918 If you can't go across - come across^ Produce^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534777.tif
919 Your job is to keep `em shooting - NARA - 534778.tif
920 Express to Tokio. Right now there's just one weapon to sock the Japs in their own backyard - the torpedo. Every... - NARA - 534779.tif ✓ Done
921 Periscope eye view of what your work can do. Keep them coming... fast and right^ - NARA - 534780.tif
922 Monsters with flapping wings. It's the torpedo that gives them the destructive wallop^ - NARA - 534781.tif
923 The U.S.S Hornet is sunk^ The navy and the country count on you. - NARA - 534782.tif
924 You're darn tootin' it's complicated. Make sure your part is right, and the torpedo will be right^ - NARA - 534783.tif
925 They did it with torpedoes. You can help them put some more patches on their banner. - NARA - 534784.tif
926 You're in the Navy too. Don't let them down^ - NARA - 534785.tif
927 Win tank battles in Africa. Our bullets will do it^ - NARA - 534786.tif
928 Avenge Pearl Harbor. Our bullets will do it - NARA - 534787.tif ✓ Done
929 Drive the Japs from the Aleutians^ Our bullets will do it^ - NARA - 534788.tif
930 Murder in cold blood. Let's force the Japs to pay. Make every bullet grade `A'. - NARA - 534789.tif ✓ Done
931 Bristo screws... now used in Ford Jeeps - NARA - 534790.tif
932 Bristol's pyrometers... now used in U.S. sub-chasers - NARA - 534791.tif
933 Bristol's pyromasters... now used in heat-treating metals for Garand Rifles. - NARA - 534792.tif
934 Let's not keep him waiting. Prompt deliveries of Bristo screws and Bristol instruments keep him flying. - NARA - 534793.tif
935 Ships and planes need the "life-blood of war". - - - Better instruments mean more fuel, better in quality. - NARA - 534794.tif
936 Perfect rifle barrels. For Garand rifles are made with the help of superior Bristol instruments. - NARA - 534795.tif
937 North American P-51 Mustang Fighter - NARA - 534796.tif
938 You are helping to supply parts for this transport plane and its Jeeps. Raybestos products are vital to airplane and... - NARA - 534797.tif
939 You are helping to protect this valuable aircraft carrier. Raybestos products are vital to PT boats. "Help build `em... - NARA - 534798.tif ✓ Done
940 This is the flat top... OKONITE - NARA - 534799.tif
941 This is the light that lit the skies and worked with the ear - both use the wire that you made. Keep `em spotting^ - NARA - 534800.tif
942 In action over Africa and the Solomons. Raybestos brake lining helps land these deadly planes safely. "Help build `em... - NARA - 534801.tif ✓ Done
943 North America B-25 Bomber. ... Products made in this plant serve on "the invisible crew" of this mighty war bird. - NARA - 534802.tif ✓ Done
944 You are helping to supply this motorized equipment. Raybestos products are vital to motorcycles. "Help build `em... - NARA - 534803.tif
945 You are helping to make these dependable army vehicles. Raybestos products are vital to Jeeps. "Help build `em better." - NARA - 534804.tif
946 Consolidated B-24 Liberator. This great ship - largest of the American Bombers - carries Bendix Products into battle... - NARA - 534805.tif
947 To make mosquitos sting faster^ Keep fightin' - soldier^ - NARA - 534806.tif
948 You are helping to keep these convoys rolling. Raybestos Products are vital to trucks. "Help build `em better." - NARA - 534807.tif
949 You are helping to supply parts for this transport plane and its Jeeps. Raybestos Products are vital to airplanes and... - NARA - 534808.tif
950 You are helping to make better American tanks. Raybestos Products are vital to tanks. "Help build `em better." - NARA - 534809.tif
951 You are helping to protect this valuable aricraft carrier. Raybestos Products are vital to PT Boats. "Help build `em... - NARA - 534810.tif ✓ Done
952 Our fighting forces can't take time out to be late for battle or careless. Stay on the job. - NARA - 534811.tif
953 This kills only one Jap^ but this keeps a plane flying. Keep fightin' - soldier^ - NARA - 534812.tif
954 Start's `em flying^ Keep fightin', soldier - NARA - 534813.tif
955 Serve to survive - NARA - 534814.tif
956 "It's a horse on you, Adolph." - NARA - 534815.tif ✓ Done
957 "A real Axis nightmare." - NARA - 534816.tif
958 "Keep that lumber coming" - NARA - 534817.tif
959 All Harvester Products are war products... either for offense or defense. - NARA - 534818.tif
960 These war plants - NARA - 534819.tif
961 Keep them rolling... high production for victory^ - NARA - 534820.tif
962 Naked soldier can't fight. Weapons without uniforms are worthless. - NARA - 534821.tif
963 Both are weapons. Our farm and fighting forces depend on you. - NARA - 534822.tif
964 Manpower lost... For victory's sake - stay on the job^ - NARA - 534823.tif
965 This is our war too. Naked soldiers can't fight. Weapons without uniforms are worthless. - NARA - 534824.tif
966 They asked for it^ - NARA - 534825.tif
967 I can't see how this TVA maintenance work helps win the war - NARA - 534826.tif
968 Kilowatts to kill the rats. TVA power gives us aluminum for planes. - NARA - 534827.tif
969 "I'll tell ya, Doc, our shells have this same mark on `em" - NARA - 534828.tif
970 "Listen, soldier, it just doesn't make sense." - NARA - 534829.tif
971 "But gosh, Sarge, can I help it if this new wing tip makes me homesick" - NARA - 534830.tif
972 Power to win. 10 years of TVA - NARA - 534831.tif
973 We are building this dam to make the power to roll the aluminum to build the planes to beat the rats. - NARA - 534832.tif
974 Out of water power... comes air power. This is a TVA war job. - NARA - 534833.tif
975 We're clearing the way for TVA power. This is a war job - NARA - 534834.tif
976 Out of water power comes air power. These TVA dams are needed for victory. - NARA - 534835.tif
977 This is it... Fire power in the making. TVA jobs are war jobs. - NARA - 534836.tif
978 Electric power is a weapon of war. No tank, no shell, no plane can be made without it. TVA jobs are war jobs. - NARA - 534837.tif
979 York is with the fleet. There's material we've built in every Convoy. You can't fight a modern war without... - NARA - 534838.tif
980 Here's how it works - NARA - 534839.tif
981 Thanks, Buddy^ These little parts for our big trucks are just what the general ordered. Keep `em rolling the Inland... - NARA - 534840.tif
982 Thanks, Buddy^ I couldn't fly to save my life without these small parts. Keep `em flying the Inland way for U.S.A. - NARA - 534841.tif
983 No time for stewing. Keep on fighting - NARA - 534842.tif
984 No more "pig boats". Keep on fighting - NARA - 534843.tif
985 Eagle eyes aloft. Keep on fighting - NARA - 534844.tif
986 You're there with York. Keep on fighting - NARA - 534845.tif
987 Back him up with G-E production - NARA - 534846.tif
988 Your country needs coal. It is unpatriotic to miss time except for unavoidable reasons^ Work steadily. More production. - NARA - 534847.tif
989 Your country needs more coal for the war effort - NARA - 534848.tif
990 Boil `em in oil. Victory may be measured in gallons. Keep it flowing. - NARA - 534849.tif
991 Working together for Victory. Anthracite is a "fighting fuel." America needs it now. - NARA - 534850.tif
992 In Marcus Hook, we gas `em up^ Our oil helps build `em. Our gas helps fly `em. - NARA - 534851.tif
993 Oil goes to war. Be sure to see. In the battle too. Thrilling shots of planes in action. Battleships. Tanks^ - NARA - 534852.tif
994 100 octane puts our boys on top^ - NARA - 534853.tif
995 You can't beat Hitler in here^ - NARA - 534854.tif
996 "When the lights come on again..." Meanwhile... Let's you and I keep punching^ - NARA - 534855.tif
997 He may be your kin. Do all you can to help him win^ - NARA - 534856.tif
998 Drag it down. "Keep `em pulling" - NARA - 534857.tif
999 Full speed - ahead^ - NARA - 534858.tif
1000 The German Labor Day is different. One factory, one union, one guard. - NARA - 534859.tif ✓ Done
1001 "Ach^ You Yankee workers make me sick" - NARA - 534860.tif
1002 "Hi, Buddy" - NARA - 534861.tif
1003 Let's hit `em hard, America^ - NARA - 534862.tif
1004 "V." It also stands for volume^ - NARA - 534863.tif
1005 Production plus performance - NARA - 534864.tif
1006 All together - heave ho^ - NARA - 534865.tif
1007 "Coming events cast their shadows..." - NARA - 534866.tif
1008 Three blind rats^ - NARA - 534867.tif
1009 The hand that rocks the cradle - NARA - 534868.tif
1010 ... In the Axis' face - NARA - 534869.tif
1011 How he got the jump on them - NARA - 534870.tif
1012 Say Uncle^ - NARA - 534871.tif
1013 Out on a long, long limb - NARA - 534872.tif
1014 Push - it isn't a wishing stone^ - NARA - 534873.tif
1015 Time is short, Adolph^ - NARA - 534874.tif
1016 Rube Goldberg's latest war machine^ - NARA - 534875.tif ✓ Done
1017 Smoking `em out^ - NARA - 534876.tif
1018 "He is our boy" - NARA - 534877.tif
1019 Sucker bet - NARA - 534878.tif
1020 A challenge^ Only you can give the answer^ - NARA - 534879.tif
1021 "Coming-out party... with plenty of Yanks" - NARA - 534880.tif
1022 United for victory - NARA - 534881.tif
1023 Too little too late - NARA - 534882.tif
1024 Boy^ I sure did a good day's work today^ - NARA - 534883.tif
1025 These are the buttons to shoot for - NARA - 534884.tif
1026 Somewhere an American boy has a rendezvous with death. He is giving his all^ - NARA - 534885.tif
1027 Heil Hitler from Morey employees. Made in U.S.A - NARA - 534886.tif ✓ Done
1028 Are you doing all you can^ - NARA - 534887.tif
1029 Produce while it is still a privilege - NARA - 534888.tif
1030 Remember... and they will stall our production too. If they can. - NARA - 534889.tif
1031 Can you look him in the eye when he comes back^ It depends on what you do today^ - NARA - 534890.tif
1032 Paste this in your hat^ We can't win without you - NARA - 534891.tif
1033 "Tho we've received an E - for work well done let's keep doing it until we've won." - NARA - 534892.tif
1034 For their protection. Step up production^ - NARA - 534893.tif
1035 They Shall Not Have Died in Vain. Remember Pearl Harbor. Work, Fight, Sacrifice. Let's get it over with^ - NARA - 534894.tif
1036 Everytime you twist a nut think of Hitler - NARA - 534895.tif ✓ Done
1037 The size of this American Military Cemetery depends on what you do today^ Your job well done may save a son. - NARA - 534896.tif
1038 Every hour you work will save kids' lives^ Our work will win or lose this war. - NARA - 534897.tif
1039 Work ^amp, sweat for victory^ - NARA - 534898.tif
1040 V... - Wearing different uniforms but we all have the same big job. Let's go everybody - Keep `em firing. - NARA - 534899.tif
1041 Shall we let him get away with it. Let's go everybody - Keep `em firing. - NARA - 534900.tif
1042 Rub out the Axis^ - NARA - 534901.tif
1043 I'll dictate the terms from the White House^ Oh yeah^ - Not if we keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534902.tif
1044 "For the love of Hurry" He needs our best. Now^ The Inland way for U.S.A. - NARA - 534903.tif
1045 Don't let anything happen to them^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534904.tif
1046 Another American ace^ His guns are shooting down Nazis and Japs right now^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534905.tif
1047 Let's all pull together^ To keep it flying - Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534906.tif
1048 Their lives are in our hands. Let's keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534907.tif
1049 Our pledge - Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534908.tif
1050 Think. It's your job to out-think the Axis. American aircraft progress is up to you. - NARA - 534909.tif
1051 Never again. Too little and too late. Outwork the enemy - NARA - 534910.tif
1052 Never again. Too little and too late. Outwork the enemy - NARA - 534911.tif
1053 Results of slow production - NARA - 534912.tif
1054 Too little and too late - NARA - 534913.tif
1055 Their's to do or die. Ours to meet supply - NARA - 534914.tif
1056 Quiet please. A Victory Legion worker of Carnegie, Illinois sleeps here. - NARA - 534915.tif ✓ Done
1057 Sh-h-h. Carnegie - Illinois production soldier sleeping here. - NARA - 534916.tif ✓ Done
1058 Speed^ Speed^ Speed^ - NARA - 534917.tif
1059 Here we come. Carnegie - Illinois Victory Legion. Production drive committee. - NARA - 534918.tif
1060 Putting the prod in production. Production Drive Committee - NARA - 534919.tif
1061 "All out" for victory. Production Drive Committee - NARA - 534920.tif
1062 Production Drive Committee - NARA - 534921.tif
1063 Machines alone won't win the battles - It's the spirit back of the machine. Production Drive Committee. - NARA - 534922.tif
1064 For them, there is no day - no night - only battle. Remember - they can't take a day off. Production Drive Committee. - NARA - 534923.tif
1065 Made record.. broke same^ Production Drive Committee - NARA - 534924.tif
1066 Another blow at the Axis. Carnegie - Illinois Production Drive Committee. - NARA - 534925.tif
1067 Hot steel - to cold steel^ Production Drive Committee - NARA - 534926.tif
1068 Our big guns will build another Lexington. Production Drive Committee. - NARA - 534927.tif
1069 Full speed ahead. Every day counts. Production Drive Committee. - NARA - 534928.tif
1070 "Steel for Victory" - NARA - 534929.tif
1071 Don't hold this tiger. Let's have action^ - NARA - 534930.tif
1072 One day's power from Douglas Dam will make the aluminum to build 7 big bombers. This is a war job. - NARA - 534931.tif
1073 How to win a war. Keep you lab storage full, whether it needs it or not. - NARA - 534932.tif
1074 How to win a war. Don't skimp on tubing - NARA - 534933.tif
1075 Uncle Sam speaks to "SAVAGE." Let's make our answer - "Yes"^ Let's do "our level best." - NARA - 534934.tif
1076 Frozen planes, can't win a war. Let's get hot^ - NARA - 534935.tif
1077 Team-group identification - NARA - 534936.tif
1078 Defective pyrometers may mean loss of life and equipment - NARA - 534937.tif
1079 No duds when accurate instruments keep up quality of high explosives. - NARA - 534938.tif
1080 The "rubber" that armies roll on - NARA - 534939.tif
1081 Our army and navy need more of what you're making. Don't waste time here. Smash the Axis. - NARA - 534940.tif
1082 Time is ammunition. Don't waste it here. Smash the Axis - NARA - 534941.tif
1083 You've got something. Keep it in shape. Straighten bent rims. - NARA - 534942.tif
1084 An idle machine is an empty gun - NARA - 534943.tif
1085 Tokio Joe say gabby gals and gabby guys help put Axis velly wise. Thank you. - NARA - 534944.tif
1086 Ps-s-st.. shtick arount... your chob can vait^ - NARA - 534945.tif
1087 This may help pay taxes but this helps beat the Axis. Stay on the job. - NARA - 534946.tif
1088 If you must kill time kill it after the war - NARA - 534947.tif
1089 Wanted^ For sabotage. Luke the lady (crossed out) time killer. - NARA - 534948.tif
1090 Our fighting forces can't take time out. Stay on the job - NARA - 534949.tif
1091 Remember what Bob Lockhardt said about "the power of a minute"^ - NARA - 534950.tif
1092 Tokio kid say - Wash up early. Rush out door. Give Jap time for win war. - NARA - 534951.tif ✓ Done
1093 Tokio Joe say - You loaf in there... Make me very happy here in... Japan... - NARA - 534952.tif
1094 How many do you waste^ - NARA - 534953.tif
1095 Leave that message where you'll be. It will save time, you will see^ - NARA - 534954.tif
1096 Get mad - Smash it - Help us win - NARA - 534955.tif
1097 If you can't go across... "Come across" with an honest days work. - NARA - 534956.tif
1098 To win the war. Time is precious. Don't waste it^ - NARA - 534957.tif
1099 For victory we give our time. Let's not waste it - NARA - 534958.tif
1100 Time is what life is made of - spend it wisely^ - NARA - 534959.tif
1101 What happens if you slow down^ - NARA - 534960.tif
1102 When you loaf I love it - NARA - 534961.tif
1103 He's not killing time - NARA - 534962.tif
1104 An idle machine may cost your pal's life. Stay on the job. Keep your machines rolling. Smash the Axis. - NARA - 534963.tif
1105 If you waste time and hang around I won't have to hang paper again. - NARA - 534964.tif
1106 The greatest shortage of all. Willing workers win - NARA - 534965.tif
1107 All smackin' together every day^ Every absent worker halts the team-work. - NARA - 534966.tif
1108 Der Fuhrer says, "Trinken your beer, meine lieben Dummkopft, vork vill vait" Get back from lunch on time. - NARA - 534967.tif
1109 This is war^ Who pays for your neglect^ - NARA - 534968.tif
1110 Check your work^ - NARA - 534969.tif
1111 Give `em the best. Our fighters will do the rest - NARA - 534970.tif
1112 The eternal triangle^ - NARA - 534971.tif
1113 Good tools get at the rats. Don't let tools go on strike by breaking them. - NARA - 534972.tif
1114 Simple Sam. The wasting fool... Everyday he breaks a tool^ - NARA - 534973.tif
1115 They knocked the chip off Uncle Sam's shoulder^ So let's go productioneer... Let's show `em some chips^ - NARA - 534974.tif
1116 Tokio kid say - Broke up tools waste for scrap just like bullets make for Jap^ Thank you. - NARA - 534975.tif ✓ Done
1117 Learn your A-B-C's - NARA - 534976.tif
1118 Productioneers can't we do just a little bit more^ Better performance on your part will turn the tide. - NARA - 534977.tif
1119 Strike out the Axis. A perfect delivery - NARA - 534978.tif
1120 Simple Proportion- Conservation, Production-, Careful Handling, Effort^ - NARA - 534979.tif
1121 Critical materials can't be replaced^ - NARA - 534980.tif
1122 Do you want to lose the war^ Dance an extra hour tonight... what if you are late tomorrow^ - NARA - 534981.tif
1123 Blueprint of victory - NARA - 534982.tif
1124 You kill our boys when you kill time^ - NARA - 534983.tif
1125 "The forgiving minute" Get `em flying^ - NARA - 534984.tif
1126 Our fighting forces can't take time out to be late for battle or careless. Stay on the job. - NARA - 534985.tif
1127 Every minute counts - NARA - 534986.tif
1128 A minute wasted might mean a life lost - NARA - 534987.tif
1129 Make the minutes count and watch production mount - NARA - 534988.tif
1130 Minutes saved here mean lives saved there^ - NARA - 534989.tif
1131 ... And they think time is all they're killing - NARA - 534990.tif
1132 Thanks please for lost time - NARA - 534991.tif
1133 Do you want to lose the war^ ... Just loaf in the wash room. Thank you please for lost time on your job - NARA - 534992.tif
1134 Do you want to lose the war^ Go ahead and have fun... Hitler wants you to forget about your job. - NARA - 534993.tif
1135 And do they raise hell when the war news is bad^ - NARA - 534994.tif
1136 Do you want to lose the war^ Stay out late... Dissipate... Be tired. You can't do your best that way^ - NARA - 534995.tif
1137 What is the cost of a spoiled part^ - NARA - 534996.tif
1138 Bar the Axis. The soldier must keep his weapons in A-1 condition. Tools are your weapons. - NARA - 534997.tif
1139 Tokio kid say - Oh soooo happy - for honorable scrap, busting of tools, help winning for Jap. Thank you^ - NARA - 534998.tif ✓ Done
1140 Don't thow it. Use it^ - NARA - 534999.tif
1141 Be careful with gauges - NARA - 535000.tif
1142 Adolf gets the jitters - NARA - 535001.tif ✓ Done
1143 Broken tools can't fight. Tools are necessary to make war weapons. Keep them in the fight. - NARA - 535002.tif
1144 Broken.. and "out of the fight" because someone was careless. - NARA - 535003.tif
1145 Broken tools hold up production and help the "rising sun." - NARA - 535004.tif
1146 Broken tools are deserters from the production army. Keep them in perfect condition. - NARA - 535005.tif
1147 When in doubt don't^ - NARA - 535006.tif
1148 Poor handling of materials. Reason for scrap. Make it good^ - NARA - 535007.tif
1149 Reason for scrap^^ Lack of instruction^^ Make it good^ - NARA - 535008.tif
1150 One thing he can't swallow. Don't let tools go on strike by breaking them. - NARA - 535009.tif
1151 It may be a long rough journey. Help assure safe arrival at the fighting fronts. That's your job. - NARA - 535010.tif
1152 The plane that wasn't there grounded by spoiled parts - NARA - 535011.tif
1153 "It takes more than courage to win a war." - NARA - 535012.tif
1154 100 pieces to make. 82 pieces finished - NARA - 535013.tif
1155 Scraphappy Dan slambang man^ Scratches material by walking across it. Make him watch his step^ - NARA - 535014.tif
1156 Broken tools help the enemy. Return `em to tool crib - NARA - 535015.tif
1157 Keep `em flying - Back. Usable drums are like ammunition. Help the services, the industry, yourself. - NARA - 535016.tif
1158 If you want to kill time try working it to death. We're at war^ - NARA - 535017.tif
1159 The right tools for the right job - NARA - 535018.tif
1160 Quality must be built into a turbine. It cannot be inspected into it. - NARA - 535019.tif
1161 Giff me a break... chust hang around^ - NARA - 535020.tif
1162 Production done right will help win the fight - NARA - 535021.tif
1163 "Chalk us up - with another good day's work" Let's show them. - NARA - 535022.tif
1164 Don't let idle cylinders jam production. Keep `em rolling^ - NARA - 535023.tif
1165 Spoiled parts... Grounded planes - NARA - 535024.tif
1166 Do you want to lose the war^ ... Just laugh at inefficieny - NARA - 535025.tif
1167 Who loses^ You do^ - NARA - 535026.tif
1168 Good mechanics make good parts - not alibis - NARA - 535027.tif
1169 Ridicule lots if you pull a bone - none if you ask - NARA - 535028.tif
1170 Lost^ 1500 parts from war production. Lost^ Because a drop of oil was not applied on time on this spindle. - NARA - 535029.tif
1171 These broken N C R tools are not "tools of victory." Be careful. - NARA - 535030.tif
1172 A flyer's fate lies in your hands - NARA - 535031.tif
1173 One second of carelessness can wipe out all their work - NARA - 535032.tif
1174 How does you work leave the plant^ Like this or like this - NARA - 535033.tif
1175 Follow the oldtimer's advice. Handle tools carefully. Prevent accidents. Avoid spoilage. Come on. C-H... Do more... - NARA - 535034.tif
1176 We had to transfer Joe to this work using the only tool he can't break. - NARA - 535035.tif
1177 Moor toolie you crackie more happy Jappie. Hein - Werner - NARA - 535036.tif
1178 Tokio Kid - NARA - 535037.tif ✓ Done
1179 The missing worker, the idle machine are "defeats" in the battle of production. - NARA - 535038.tif
1180 Time lost means lives lost - NARA - 535039.tif
1181 It takes... 120 days to get a scrapped case back into production. - NARA - 535040.tif
1182 A job well done is a victory won^ - NARA - 535041.tif
1183 Give `em quality. Their lives depend upon it^ - NARA - 535042.tif
1184 Dull drills don't bite, - they break^ Drills are vital and scarce^ - NARA - 535043.tif
1185 This shell mill was broken by... Careless handling^ It takes 120 days to replace^ - NARA - 535044.tif
1186 The battle begins with your job^ Do it right - NARA - 535045.tif
1187 You make it right... ... They'll make it fight - NARA - 535046.tif
1188 Let's hit every dimension right on the button^ It takes careful, accurate work to - Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 535047.tif
1189 A broken tool means lost time^ Lost pay. Lost work^ Lost production^ Keep tools in shape to keep `em firing^ - NARA - 535048.tif
1190 Your tools are weapons. Take care of them - NARA - 535049.tif
1191 He can't fix guns in the air^ Build `em right^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 535050.tif
1192 Hidden errors come back to haunt you. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535051.tif
1193 Curtiss chief test pilots beg, "Don't hide an error" Tell your foreman. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535052.tif
1194 Killed by a hidden error. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535053.tif
1195 Death rides the skies on hidden errors. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535054.tif
1196 Use care. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535055.tif
1197 Another "break" for the Axis. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535056.tif
1198 Carelessness helps the enemy. Do it right the first time. Back up our battleskies. - NARA - 535057.tif
1199 Keep an eagle eye on quality. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535058.tif
1200 It takes 2 hands to fire those guns^ Your and his. Service `em right. Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 535059.tif
1201 Don't give the Japs a single break^ Guard against broken tools. - NARA - 535060.tif ✓ Done
1202 Another broken tool. Another defeat in the battle of production^ Let's keep `em fit to keep `em firing^ - NARA - 535061.tif
1203 The Gremlins will get you if you don't watch out^ - NARA - 535062.tif ✓ Done
1204 It's "O" if our guns don't fire. It's a "zero" if they do^ Service `em right^ - NARA - 535063.tif
1205 "Judgement Day". Lawlessness on the home front - NARA - 535064.tif
1206 Carelessness is sabotage^ It will take 90 days to replace this end mill broken through carelessness^ - NARA - 535065.tif
1207 Don't let carelessness knock you out. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535066.tif
1208 Running order. Everyone on the job and on time - NARA - 535067.tif
1209 Blue stars or gold stars depend on your work. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535068.tif
1210 Spoiled work grounds our flyers - NARA - 535069.tif
1211 The parts they were waiting for - NARA - 535070.tif
1212 Careful work now^ Carefree days later^ - NARA - 535071.tif
1213 Defective parts - Broken hearts - NARA - 535072.tif
1214 More toolie you crackie more happy Jappie. Beat the schedule. - NARA - 535073.tif
1215 Be careful with your tools. It will take 6 months to replace this one^ - NARA - 535074.tif
1216 Another shot at Hitler. A drop of oil may save a pound of metal^ - NARA - 535075.tif
1217 Carelessness helps Hitler - NARA - 535076.tif
1218 His accuracy depends on ours^ Let's go, everybody. Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 535077.tif
1219 How are we going to greet him when he comes back^ - NARA - 535078.tif
1220 You can bet your life - we made it right^ The Inland way for U.S.A. - NARA - 535079.tif
1221 Doc Salvage says - Don't mix your chips^ Your scrap can fight - if you sort it right^ - NARA - 535080.tif
1222 Know your fighting colors^ Do your part^ Follow the chart^ - NARA - 535081.tif
1223 Your scrap can fight if you sort it right^ Do your part^ Follow the chart^ - NARA - 535082.tif
1224 War puts your package on the spot. Pack It Right to Reach The Fight^ - NARA - 535083.tif
1225 Replace tools, gauges, and equipment - - - Teamwork will win^ - NARA - 535084.tif
1226 Carelessness helps Hitler - NARA - 535085.tif
1227 Tools are weapons^ Use them wisely... Better care means longer wear. - NARA - 535086.tif
1228 Our Fighting Forces Can't Take Time Ourt...Stay on the Job - NARA - 535087.tif
1229 Keep punching... everyday^ Your labor-management production committee. - NARA - 535088.tif
1230 "Too little too late." Were you late today^ - NARA - 535089.tif
1231 Day-dreaming at work means nightmares later^ Try harder today... For the U.S.A - NARA - 535090.tif ✓ Done
1232 Every time you're late postpones his fate^ Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535091.tif
1233 10 lost minutes by American workmen means 19 lost bombers^ Our work will win or lose this war. - NARA - 535092.tif
1234 Loafing sharpens their swords - dulls ours^ Turn the tide - NARA - 535093.tif
1235 Did he die too soon... because he washed up too soon^ - NARA - 535094.tif
1236 At your job today... don't bunt when the U.S. needs home runs. Every day counts^ - NARA - 535095.tif
1237 Want to swap places^ Then... stay on the job - NARA - 535096.tif
1238 Let's rock `em and sock `em. Hit and run. Every day... till victory's won. The Inland way for U.S.A. - NARA - 535097.tif
1239 The moments you shirk slow down our work. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535098.tif
1240 That last 20 minutes pack a one-two wallop for the Axis^ - NARA - 535099.tif
1241 Our best is little enough^ Give it everyday the Inland way for U.S.A. - NARA - 535100.tif
1242 When You Punch Me On Time, Every Day - You Are Really Taking A Sock At The Japanazis^ The Time From Now Til Victory... - NARA - 535101.tif
1243 The guy who relaxes is helping the Axis - NARA - 535102.tif
1244 Cutting air won't win this war^ This is wartime too^ Work ^amp, swear for victory^ - NARA - 535103.tif
1245 Ach, it is goot to hear there are so many slackers at Warner ^amp, Swasey^ You tella heem, Hirohete, it's da slacks... - NARA - 535104.tif ✓ Done
1246 "Keep punching" On the job... On time... Every working day^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 535105.tif
1247 Punch wins^ Their punch depends on your everyday^ - NARA - 535106.tif
1248 Get hot - keep moving. Don't waste a precious minute - NARA - 535107.tif
1249 Victory starts here^ - NARA - 535108.tif
1250 Shootin' the bull ain't shootin' Nazis^ - NARA - 535109.tif
1251 No time for a hangover here^ We all like our fun - but... we've got a job to do^ - NARA - 535110.tif
1252 Lost time is enemy time - NARA - 535111.tif
1253 In the "service" they're deserters. Don't be a production slacker. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535112.tif
1254 In the "service" they're deserters. Don't be a production slacker. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535113.tif
1255 In the "service" they're deserters. Don't be a production slacker. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535114.tif
1256 In the "service" they're deserters. Don't be a production slacker. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535115.tif
1257 In the "service" they're deserters. Don't be a production slacker. Back up our battleskies. - NARA - 535116.tif
1258 In the "service" they're deserters. Don't be a production slacker. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535117.tif
1259 In the "service" they're deserters. Don't be a production slacker. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535118.tif
1260 Is this your machine^ An idle machine is working for Hitler^ Be on the job^ - NARA - 535119.tif ✓ Done
1261 There's no time for horseplay - NARA - 535120.tif
1262 Be there when the whistle blows - NARA - 535121.tif
1263 I'm putting in a full day every day. Hercules men and women in the war. - NARA - 535122.tif
1264 Make every minute count. This is our war. Our job is production. - NARA - 535123.tif
1265 24 hours ever day... on both fronts - NARA - 535124.tif ✓ Done
1266 Right down the line get to work on time. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535125.tif
1267 No more smokes for him^ Were you to blame^ - NARA - 535126.tif
1268 When he comes back... Can you look him in the eye^ Work every day^ Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535127.tif
1269 Are you picking daisies while your buddy holds the bull^ - NARA - 535128.tif ✓ Done
1270 "Men's room marines" won't win this war^ Work ^amp, sweat for victory^ - NARA - 535129.tif
1271 The enemy laughs when you loaf. Stay on the job. Don't slow up the ship^ - NARA - 535130.tif
1272 The enemy never kills time^ Avoid time off^ Avoid time out^ Don't slow up the ship^ - NARA - 535131.tif
1273 Don't slow up the ship^ Avoid time off^ Avoid time out^ - NARA - 535132.tif ✓ Done
1274 Ever heard the one about the crowded toilets^ - NARA - 535133.tif
1275 The other shifts found this idle tool working for the Axis because you failed to return it^ - NARA - 535144.tif
1276 Thanks please for lost time - NARA - 535145.tif
1277 Let's talk it over after the war... our boys are winning the war by fighting... not talking^ - NARA - 535146.tif
1278 Do it right but fast. Make this year Hitler's last - NARA - 535147.tif ✓ Done
1279 These are tools of victory^ Don't keep other waiting for them. Return them to the tool-crib promptly. - NARA - 535148.tif
1280 Would they do^ - NARA - 535149.tif
1281 ... And this won't beat the Axis^ - NARA - 535150.tif
1282 ... And this won't beat the Axis^ - NARA - 535151.tif
1283 ... And this won't beat the Axis^ - NARA - 535152.tif
1284 ... And this won't beat the Axis - NARA - 535153.tif
1285 ... And this won't beat the Axis^ - NARA - 535154.tif
1286 ... And this won't beat the Axis^ - NARA - 535155.tif
1287 ... And this won't beat the Axis - NARA - 535156.tif
1288 You gotta make `em right if you wanta win the fight^ - NARA - 535157.tif
1289 And give the Axis - NARA - 535158.tif
1290 Look Dad - my train hauls tanks and soldiers too^ "Keep `em rolling." The railroads are the backbone of offense. - NARA - 535159.tif
1291 "Together we'll win." "Keep `em rolling." The railroads are the backbone of offense. - NARA - 535160.tif
1292 They're all "engines of war" "Keep `em rolling." The railroads are the backbone of offense. - NARA - 535161.tif
1293 Destination fighting front. "Keep `em rolling." The railroads are the backbone of offense. - NARA - 535162.tif
1294 We have no time to lose^ "Keep `em rolling." The railroads are the backbone of offense. - NARA - 535163.tif
1295 Tanks don't fight in factories^ "Keep `em rolling." The railroads are the first line of defense. - NARA - 535164.tif
1296 These boys need good tires. You can help them get the best by losing no time in turning out the instruments needed to... - NARA - 535165.tif
1297 Victory depends upon rubber... and you. Your job is a war job. - NARA - 535166.tif
1298 Your plant is a war plant - NARA - 535167.tif
1299 It's not only a tool, it's a ship you're building. Produce the plus. - NARA - 535168.tif
1300 America is launching ships 3 times as fast as last year. Let's go^ - NARA - 535169.tif
1301 "Down the ways in fewer days." - NARA - 535170.tif
1302 A destroyer escort heads for sea. Do sister ships need your materials to follow^ - NARA - 535171.tif
1303 Victory cannot be won without more good instruments. Our army, our navy, our air force all depend on us. Let's give... - NARA - 535172.tif
1304 Here's what "delivering the goods" means to Bristol and to our fighters. - NARA - 535173.tif
1305 What happened to the 4999th^ Do your part... Every part counts. - NARA - 535174.tif
1306 Downed^ By the 17,901st^ Do your part... Every part counts - NARA - 535175.tif
1307 The tools of victory are in N C R hands. Let's get there first with the most. - NARA - 535176.tif
1308 The tools of victory are in your hands. Let's get there first with the most. - NARA - 535177.tif
1309 The tools of victory are in your hands. Let's get there first with the most. - NARA - 535178.tif
1310 The tools of victory are in your hands. Let's get there first with the most. - NARA - 535179.tif
1311 Give us the tools^ - NARA - 535180.tif
1312 Let's give him more^ - NARA - 535181.tif
1313 The railroads need our help to "keep `em shooting." - NARA - 535182.tif
1314 Which side are you on^ - NARA - 535183.tif
1315 You're slipping, Doctor Goebbels - NARA - 535184.tif ✓ Done
1316 Tuesday is Der Fuehrer's birthday. Der fewer on the job the better he'll like it^ - NARA - 535185.tif
1317 Aw - that's Axis propoganda^ The old gang wouldn't let us down^ - NARA - 535186.tif
1318 His hunting license. Open season from Dec. 7 `41 until... no bag limit. - NARA - 535187.tif
1319 Merchant marine drives for victory - NARA - 535188.tif
1320 You gotta grow "buddy." 3,600,000 armed forces by 1943. Beat the schedule. - NARA - 535189.tif
1321 I don't feel like working. Don't sabotage the war effort by avoidable lay-offs^ - NARA - 535190.tif
1322 What is sabotage^ Sabotage is treason^ - NARA - 535191.tif ✓ Done
1323 Sabotage statutes - NARA - 535192.tif
1324 Are you hearing wild rumors^ What are you doing about them^ - NARA - 535193.tif
1325 Spies, saboteurs, "meatleggers" ^amp, hoarders. There isn't any great difference. They're all helping the enemy. Be... - NARA - 535194.tif
1326 Hurry that ship along will you^ and give us another crack at the Japs^ - NARA - 535195.tif
1327 Admiral Nimitz says - "We need this ship back in the fight" - NARA - 535196.tif
1328 Get `em into the fight^ - NARA - 535197.tif
1329 "Let's go^ Where's that landing boat" - NARA - 535198.tif
1330 They must be ready^ - NARA - 535199.tif
1331 Death on subs^ - NARA - 535200.tif
1332 Another American naval victory^ Stay on the job^ Keep `em launching^ Don't slow up the ship^ - NARA - 535201.tif
1333 You deliver the ships - we'll deliver the goods^ Stay on the job. Don't slow up the ship^ - NARA - 535202.tif
1334 The big questions for `43. How many^ How soon^ Stay on the job. Don't slow up the ship^ - NARA - 535203.tif
1335 Enemy gains in shipyard battle^ Stay on the job^ Don't slow up the ship^ - NARA - 535204.tif
1336 They're needed everywhere... at once^ - NARA - 535205.tif
1337 These people are helping the Axis^ Are you^ - NARA - 535206.tif
1338 Which side are you on^ - NARA - 535207.tif
1339 Sabotage. Deadlier than a dive bomber. Watch out^ - NARA - 535208.tif
1340 Be on alert. Help prevent sabotage by promptly reporting any suspicious person or act^ - NARA - 535209.tif
1341 Stamp it out^ ... Sabotage menaces your lives and national defense. - NARA - 535210.tif
1342 Stop scrap sabotage^ Scrap containers are for scrap only - NARA - 535211.tif
1343 Disarm this rat now^ 5th Columnist - NARA - 535212.tif
1344 Birds of a feather^ - NARA - 535213.tif
1345 Are you the one who writes dirty stuff on walls and railroad cars^ Your family should be proud of you^ - NARA - 535214.tif
1346 Don't hide or waste explosives - NARA - 535215.tif
1347 Don't take any wooden nickels^ Scrap loose talk - NARA - 535216.tif
1348 Are you one of these heroes^ - NARA - 535217.tif
1349 ^1 Schickelgruber. Only a schickelgruber comes to work late^ - NARA - 535218.tif
1350 ^2 Schickelgruber. Only a schickelgruber drives to work alone. - NARA - 535219.tif
1351 ^3 Schickelgruber. Only a schickelgruber takes a work-day off. - NARA - 535220.tif
1352 ^5 Schickelgruber. Only a schickelgruber can't keep up with his team-mates. - NARA - 535221.tif
1353 ^6 Schickelgruber. Only a schickelgruber keeps his machine sloppy... his floor messy. - NARA - 535222.tif
1354 ^7 Schickelgruber. Only a schickelgruber spoils half of everything he makes^ - NARA - 535223.tif
1355 ^8 Schickelgruber. He was sick two days last week - NARA - 535224.tif
1356 Beware of the man who spreads doubt. He may not be an agent of the enemy but he does the enemy's work^ - NARA - 535225.tif
1357 Wear it proudly. The badge of the production soldier protects your job from sabotage^ - NARA - 535226.tif
1358 Rush tanks immediately. A message from North Africa. Let's make those tracks - faster. The Inland way for U.S.A. - NARA - 535227.tif
1359 The world's toughest fighting man. Yet, deep inside he is just a lonely, homesick kid, praying for letters from home. - NARA - 535228.tif
1360 The folks back home are going through dimouts, rationing, heavy taxes and can't get coffee... We'll have to fight... - NARA - 535229.tif
1361 Confident with your aid - NARA - 535230.tif
1362 Guts or intestinal fortitude. Our boys in uniform can^ Yes - it takes guts to be an American^ Remember Pearl Harbor. - NARA - 535231.tif
1363 I'm doing without so they won't have to^ - NARA - 535232.tif
1364 It's all in your point of view^ - NARA - 535233.tif
1365 While our boys bled - NARA - 535234.tif
1366 Remember Pearl Harbor. Work - Fight - Sacrifice - NARA - 535235.tif
1367 You talk of sacrifice... He knew the meaning of sacrifice^ - NARA - 535236.tif
1368 Help our boys get these crosses and not these. Turn the tide. - NARA - 535237.tif
1369 A strange sort of prayer - NARA - 535238.tif
1370 They gave their best... give yours^ Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535239.tif
1371 A victory creed for `43. Produce for your navy. Victory begins at home^ - NARA - 535240.tif
1372 How many more^ - NARA - 535241.tif
1373 A victory creed for `43. Produce for your navy. Victory begins at home^ - NARA - 535242.tif
1374 This is sacrifice - NARA - 535243.tif
1375 An invitation to sabotage oil. Fire might stop war production. Don't let it happen here. - NARA - 535244.tif
1376 Stop him^ Careless fires can lose the war - NARA - 535245.tif
1377 Matches play tricks. The "kitchen match" has joined the Axis. Dangerous^ Use safety matches. - NARA - 535246.tif
1378 Forgetfulness helps the enemy. Don't let it happen here - NARA - 535247.tif
1379 Be on the alert^ for the world's greatest saboteur. Fire. Watch for fire hazards^ - NARA - 535248.tif
1380 "Stage setting" for sabotage. Avoid accidents by removing all rubbish. - NARA - 535249.tif
1381 Equally guilty. Carelessness. Sabotage - NARA - 535250.tif
1382 Accident or sabotage^ Prevent it by vigilance - NARA - 535251.tif ✓ Done
1383 Watch where you throw that cigarette^ Carelessness is the partner of sabotage. Let's stop it^ - NARA - 535252.tif
1384 War on fire - NARA - 535253.tif
1385 You can't use a tool with a sore thumb. Avoid accidents^ Victory. - NARA - 535254.tif
1386 With a prop - doors can't drop. In case of fire, heat causes automatic fire doors to close, thereby segregating fire... - NARA - 535255.tif
1387 Help our fire wardens. Keep aisles clear - NARA - 535256.tif
1388 Keep fire doors in operating condition. In case of fire, heat causes automatic fire doors to close, thereby... - NARA - 535257.tif
1389 Allies of the Axis^ - NARA - 535258.tif
1390 Only God can make a tree. But a careless human can easily cause the destruction of thousands. - NARA - 535259.tif
1391 Protect your job^ Prevent fires - NARA - 535260.tif
1392 No smoking means everybody^ - NARA - 535261.tif
1393 Don't burn yourself and others out of a job. Help prevent industrial fires by using safety matches. Do not use this... - NARA - 535262.tif
1394 Obey that rule. A cigarette stub can do as much damage as any incendiary bomb. - NARA - 535263.tif
1395 Think... does it include the safety factor^ Plant efficiency starts with your ability. - NARA - 535264.tif
1396 "Unsafe flashes." Sore fingers are big. Keep your eyes on your work. - NARA - 535265.tif
1397 Do it right the first time^ - NARA - 535134.tif
1398 Think^ Is it planned for minimum waste^ Plant efficiency depends on your ability. - NARA - 535135.tif
1399 Think... will it save production time^ Plant efficiency starts with your ability. - NARA - 535136.tif
1400 Unsafe flashes. Wear your goggles when working in acid - NARA - 535266.tif
1401 Report all leaks - it maybe acid. "You may save a life." - NARA - 535267.tif
1402 "Unsafe flashes." Ask him what the workbench is for - NARA - 535268.tif
1403 Unsafe flashes. Experience didn't save his fingers - NARA - 535269.tif
1404 "Unsafe flashes." Now his foot is crushed - NARA - 535270.tif
1405 It will go down if we pull together - NARA - 535271.tif
1406 Wanted^ by naval powder factory. 1,000,000 safe man hours. Everybody eligible. - NARA - 535272.tif
1407 We ask, is this a good scaffold^ Attention^ Mr. Supervisor. Good supervision and planning make safety. - NARA - 535273.tif
1408 Carelessness causes accidents... Accidents slow up production. - NARA - 535274.tif
1409 When God made man, He made no spare parts. Injuries detour our war effort. Do your job safely. - NARA - 535275.tif
1410 It can happen here. The way to keep this from happening to you is to wear your hair net completely covering your head. - NARA - 535276.tif
1411 Use your mask. Paint fumes and abrasive dusts are injurious. Keep them out of your lungs if you want to stay fit - NARA - 535277.tif
1412 Save your sight. Goggles protect your eyes from metal and abrasive chips. You can't see through a glass eye. - NARA - 535278.tif
1413 Wear safe clothing. Loose clothing is dangerous near moving machinery. Wear clothing suitable for the job - slacks... - NARA - 535279.tif
1414 Your safety means more production - NARA - 535280.tif
1415 This summer... avoid... poison ivy... sunburn... strange drinking water... over-eating. We need you on the job. - NARA - 535281.tif
1416 Swear by safety before this happens not afterwards^ - NARA - 535282.tif
1417 A message from the little man who wasn't there^ Be careful^ Don't take chances. - NARA - 535283.tif
1418 Take your choice^ Wear your safety glasses^ You're going to need one or the other^ - NARA - 535284.tif
1419 Accidents are "caused"^ They don't just happen - NARA - 535285.tif
1420 Every no-accident day is a shot at the Axis - NARA - 535286.tif
1421 Walk to the right. Thanks^ - NARA - 535287.tif
1422 Grime is a crime^ Are you guilty^ Let's all keep Cletrac clean. - NARA - 535288.tif
1423 He was not careful. Are you^ - NARA - 535289.tif
1424 You'd raise hell^ If your wife did not keep her working place in a neat condition. - NARA - 535290.tif
1425 Waiting for the chance to reap^ - NARA - 535291.tif
1426 Heavy trains require space for stopping. Give the motorman a chance. Get in the clear until the motor stops. - NARA - 535292.tif
1427 A dirty, littered floor can toss you for a loss just like this. - NARA - 535293.tif
1428 They cost us since Pearl Harbor - NARA - 535294.tif
1429 Mind^ or he will get you from behind - NARA - 535295.tif
1430 Look out below^ Be sure your partner or the mucker is in the clear while you are barring down. - NARA - 535296.tif
1431 A safety engineer's dream - NARA - 535297.tif
1432 33^ Here's the answer - NARA - 535298.tif
1433 Relative number of foot injuries caused by stepping on nails or spikes. Before cleanup drive... about a dozen each... - NARA - 535299.tif
1434 In rattlesnake country you look around before you sit down. Do likewise in dangerous country, underground. - NARA - 535300.tif
1435 Prevent falling accidents - NARA - 535301.tif
1436 This must be stopped^ Motormen must not follow the swamper too closely. - NARA - 535302.tif
1437 Take no chances^ Stull it up - NARA - 535303.tif
1438 Be careful of slabs on slides - NARA - 535304.tif
1439 Result^ - NARA - 535305.tif
1440 In every case where rock appears to be loose but can not be taken down it must be stulled or stringered before anyone... - NARA - 535306.tif
1441 Tojo like careless worker^ Be careful^ - NARA - 535307.tif
1442 Hitlers unintentional little helpers - NARA - 535308.tif ✓ Done
1443 Accident prevention begins where you are - NARA - 535309.tif
1444 Blueprint of victory. Avoid the black widow of war production. Prevent accident and injury. - NARA - 535310.tif
1445 Drill steel is war strength - NARA - 535311.tif
1446 Don't break waste. Waste not^ Want not^ - NARA - 535312.tif
1447 Talk it over with your boss - NARA - 535313.tif
1448 Important notice^ - NARA - 535314.tif
1449 Don't be a...(Hitler as a pig) Keep the plant clean^ - NARA - 535315.tif ✓ Done
1450 Keep machines oiled and cleaned. Always replace oil can on holder. - NARA - 535316.tif
1451 This mastermind broke his leg trying to step off a ten-foot high platform onto a step ladder that wasn't there... - NARA - 535317.tif
1452 It's things like that that make me mad^ I'd like to jab that nail into the careless guy and see how he'd like it^ - NARA - 535318.tif
1453 True story from a United Aircraft plant - NARA - 535319.tif
1454 Be careful... Don't be a war casualty - NARA - 535320.tif
1455 Tokio kid say - Oh so joyful for mishap - One more less now fighting Jap. Thank you. - NARA - 535321.tif ✓ Done
1456 Do you want to lose the war^ Be careless... Have an accident... You'll get compensated. - NARA - 535322.tif
1457 Scraphappy Dan. Slambang man. Watch out for this guy^ - NARA - 535323.tif
1458 Scraphappy Dan the slambang man piles tote boxes ^amp, smashes parts. Tell him to cut it out^ - NARA - 535324.tif
1459 Scraphappy Dan. Slambang Man^ Scratches material by walking across it. Make him watch his step^ - NARA - 535325.tif
1460 Scraphappy Dan the slambang man. Scratches finishes. Make him wise up^ - NARA - 535326.tif
1461 When you are wringing wet with sweat... A cool breeze is a thrill... But compressed air at such a time... Is very apt... - NARA - 535327.tif
1462 Lost time is waste, too^ Work safely - your country needs you. - NARA - 535328.tif
1463 Out of the plant for you means out of the fight for him. Remington war workers stay on the job. - NARA - 535329.tif
1464 Use handrails - NARA - 535330.tif
1465 A landlubbers pain in the neck. Carelessness - NARA - 535331.tif
1466 Let's keep things shipshape - NARA - 535332.tif
1467 Lift correctly. This way... Not this - NARA - 535333.tif
1468 His brains are there too - NARA - 535334.tif
1469 Safety here means more ships out there - NARA - 535335.tif
1470 Jewelry is dangerous - NARA - 535336.tif
1471 Wear headdress properly - NARA - 535337.tif
1472 Don't run^ - NARA - 535338.tif
1473 Stack material correctly - NARA - 535339.tif
1474 Don't wear loose clothing - NARA - 535340.tif
1475 There is no tolerance in safety - NARA - 535341.tif
1476 Safety glasses is his pocket, were never used by Joe Docket. Now he wears an eye of glass, but never mind, let is pass - NARA - 535342.tif
1477 Antics of Axey Dent the Cartlin - This is easy for me^ Wear a head covering for your own safety. - NARA - 535343.tif
1478 Introducing - Axey Dent the Cartlin. Watch for the adventures of Axey Dent. - NARA - 535344.tif
1479 We're in the army ordinance safety contest. Production with safety. - NARA - 535345.tif
1480 Brains makes bullets^ How can we prevent accidents and promote safety. You on the production line may have a... - NARA - 535346.tif
1481 Safety shoes prevent axidents (sic). Axidents (sic) give aid to the enemy. - NARA - 535347.tif
1482 "Axey Dents" are on the run^ Let's win that trophy^ Army Ordinance Safety Contest. - NARA - 535348.tif
1483 Follow safety rules^ - NARA - 535349.tif
1484 Please deposit rags in rag cans. Rubbish in G-1 cans and make it safe. "Let's all do our part" - NARA - 535350.tif
1485 America is the loser too - when avoidable accidents stop production. The U.S. army says - "Make haste safely." - NARA - 535351.tif
1486 Careful^ Here's where accidents strike. Let's work safely to keep `em firing^ - NARA - 535352.tif
1487 Goggles prevent axidents (sic). Axidents (sic) give aid to the enemy. - NARA - 535353.tif
1488 Lift right. Prevent axidents (sic). Axidents (sic) give aid to the enemy. - NARA - 535354.tif
1489 Avoid that risk... and you avoid this ride. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535355.tif
1490 Don't be his pal^ Remember... saftey first. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535356.tif
1491 Sure, we asked for speed - but... For your own safety - don't run in the plant^ - NARA - 535357.tif
1492 Guard against the danger of accidents. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535358.tif
1493 Accidents strike hardest at hands, eyes, feet. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535359.tif
1494 Proper safety apparel... Axidents (sic) give aid to the enemy. - NARA - 535360.tif
1495 Correct. It's not what you lift it's how you lift it^ - NARA - 535361.tif
1496 Arnold plant wins. Accidents help the Axis - NARA - 535362.tif
1497 Presenting Elmer ^amp, Elsie Alcoa. Watch for us. Our part in the war effort will be teaching you the safe way. - NARA - 535363.tif
1498 Incorrect. Stop using this method. It's absolutely wrong - NARA - 535364.tif
1499 Bring safety... home again... Take safety... back again - NARA - 535365.tif
1500 2 regular habits of victory. Safety ^amp, production - NARA - 535366.tif
1501 Floors were made to stand on - were made to walk on. Clean up^ and make it safe. - NARA - 535367.tif
1502 The unseeing eye - NARA - 535368.tif
1503 Man - goggles = eternal light. Man - googles = everlasting darkness. - NARA - 535369.tif ✓ Done
1504 Safety shoes or crutches^ - NARA - 535370.tif
1505 Speaking of overhead inspection. Falling objects are potential injuries. - NARA - 535371.tif
1506 Safety shoes saved Elmer's foot - NARA - 535372.tif
1507 It's just a little word - IF - NARA - 535373.tif
1508 I wish I had worn goggles - NARA - 535374.tif ✓ Done
1509 Once more goggles save eyes - NARA - 535375.tif ✓ Done
1510 Gremlins are floor greasers^ Watch your step^ Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535378.tif ✓ Done
1511 Gremlins love to pitch things at your eyes. Wear safety goggles. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535379.tif ✓ Done
1512 Gremlins will push you 'round^ Look where you're going^ Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535380.tif ✓ Done
1513 Gremlins think it's fun to hurt you. Use care always. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535381.tif ✓ Done
1514 Free speech doesn't mean careless talk^ - NARA - 535383.tif
1515 All hail the watchman - NARA - 535384.tif
1516 Don't be a walkee-talkee - NARA - 535385.tif
1517 Don't be a bigmouth - NARA - 535386.tif ✓ Done
1518 Sleeves up for national defense - NARA - 535387.tif
1519 You can defend America by safeguarding our service - NARA - 535388.tif
1520 This factory is our fortress. Help protect it - NARA - 535389.tif
1521 A wise old owl sat in an oak - The more he saw the less he spoke - The less he spoke the more he heard ... - NARA - 535390.tif
1522 All the ear-marks of a sneaky Jap^ Don't discuss your job^ - NARA - 535391.tif
1523 Do you leave keys in your locker^ - NARA - 535392.tif
1524 "Mums" the word^ Beware. He wants to know all about your job^ - NARA - 535393.tif
1525 Don't blab about our war production - NARA - 535394.tif
1526 Beat it^ But don't tell it^ - NARA - 535395.tif
1527 Don't blab. Loose traps help the Japs. Increase production for Axis destruction. - NARA - 535396.tif ✓ Done
1528 Don't be a... blabber. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535397.tif
1529 Loose talk costs lives. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535398.tif
1530 Join the Red Cross^ Support its noble work^ Our plant campaign begins Wednesday^ - NARA - 535399.tif ✓ Done
1531 World-wide mercy for our fighting men for the home front. Join the American Red Cross. Give to its war fund. See your... - NARA - 535400.tif
1532 War on wear and waste. U.S. truck conservation corps - NARA - 535401.tif
1533 War workers - NARA - 535402.tif ✓ Done
1534 The U.S. navy presents "trophies from Tokyo." - NARA - 535403.tif
1535 Awards. Liaisons. Research-Analysis. Idea Exchange. Administrative. Director General. Chief of Staff. - NARA - 535404.tif
1536 See the Navy's rocket exhibit^ - NARA - 535405.tif
1537 See the Navy's rocket exhibit^ - NARA - 535406.tif
1538 See the Navy's rocket exhibit^ - NARA - 535407.tif
1539 Say, where does that part go on an airplane^ They don't know all the answers but they're willing to learn. - NARA - 535408.tif
1540 U.S. Navy color chart. Ferrous and non-ferrous metals - NARA - 535409.tif ✓ Done
1541 Aircraft insignia - NARA - 535410.tif
1542 The new man needs your help. Remember you too were once a new employee. Aquaint him with the work and help prevent... - NARA - 535411.tif
1543 When you take that vacation, remember... millions of troops are on the move. Don't take any unnecessary trips^ - NARA - 535412.tif
1544 We can do it^ - NARA - 535413.tif ✓ Done
1545 It's a tradition with us, mister^ - NARA - 535414.tif
1546 It's Our Fight Too - NARA - 535415.tif
1547 I'm glad at the chance to do something real while my husband's in the army. And, say, these machinists are swell... - NARA - 535416.tif
1548 Good going girls. The sky's the limit - NARA - 535417.tif
1549 I'll need the boys out there. You will have to carry on. Work^ so they can fight^ - NARA - 535418.tif
1550 The girls behind the men behind the guns - NARA - 535419.tif
1551 Don't just kiss `em goodbye. Work to bring `em back. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535420.tif
1552 The WASPS are Warner and Swasey Production Soldierettes. Watch out for the WASPS^ - NARA - 535421.tif ✓ Done
1553 Have you a sister, mother, relative or friend to suggest as a possible employee at Hercules^ "Women needed" to help... - NARA - 535422.tif
1554 Two More P ^amp, W Men Honored For Individual Production Merit - NARA - 533859.jpg ✓ Done
1555 Cited For Gallantry in Action^ - NARA - 533860.jpg ✓ Done
1556 Attendance Flag Presentation to Dept. 2 Jan. 5, 1943 - NARA - 533861.jpg ✓ Done
1557 Production Plus-Its Up to Us^ - NARA - 533862.jpg ✓ Done
1558 '"V " Depends on Me^ - NARA - 533863.jpg ✓ Done
1559 WPB Honors 11 More Packard War Workers^ - NARA - 533864.jpg ✓ Done
1560 Give Books For Soldiers - NARA - 533865.jpg ✓ Done
1561 Merry Christmas to All And to All a Good Fight - NARA - 533866.jpg ✓ Done
1562 No Factory Will Run On Memorial Day - NARA - 533867.jpg ✓ Done
1563 Yes Sir, George Washington - NARA - 533868.jpg ✓ Done
1564 Long May It Wave - NARA - 533869.jpg ✓ Done
1565 Santa Clause Has Gone To War - NARA - 533870.jpg ✓ Done
1566 By Direct Wire From Western Union - NARA - 533871.jpg ✓ Done
1567 Independence Day July 4th "Victory" - NARA - 533872.jpg ✓ Done
1568 Our Pledge Labor Day Sept. 7, 1942 To Get There First With The Most and The Best In War Material - NARA - 533873.jpg ✓ Done
1569 Season's Greetings - NARA - 533874.jpg ✓ Done
1570 Western Union A Labor Day Telegram To All Goodyearites - NARA - 533875.jpg ✓ Done
1571 Drive Headquarters - NARA - 533876.jpg ✓ Done
1572 Were Glad You've Moved but Let us know Your New Address - NARA - 533877.jpg ✓ Done
1573 The V Marks the Spots - NARA - 533878.jpg ✓ Done
1574 Keep Vital Wires and Cable Moving - NARA - 533879.jpg ✓ Done
1575 The Washington Post Layout Sheet - NARA - 533880.jpg ✓ Done
1576 Stop Waste Go Production - NARA - 533881.jpg ✓ Done
1577 Save America's Vital Essentials - NARA - 533882.jpg ✓ Done
1578 Help Eliminate Waste in Our Plant - NARA - 533883.jpg ✓ Done
1579 Materials are Precious Let's Make Every Piece Count - NARA - 533884.jpg ✓ Done
1580 Hold Up That Air Pressure - NARA - 533885.jpg ✓ Done
1581 They Need Your Old Radio And Parts - NARA - 533886.jpg ✓ Done
1582 Tokio Kid Say Driving Like Sap Helping For Jap - NARA - 533887.jpg ✓ Done
1583 Effort For Victory - NARA - 533888.jpg ✓ Done
1584 Don't Break Waste - NARA - 533889.jpg ✓ Done
1585 Aim Your Holes at the War Ore-Not at the Walls. Our Fighting Men Can't Shoot Waste at the Axis - NARA - 533890.jpg ✓ Done
1586 Save Hoses - NARA - 533891.jpg ✓ Done
1587 Factory Whistles are Bugles, Too - NARA - 533892.jpg ✓ Done
1588 Save Material Eliminate Waste - NARA - 533893.jpg ✓ Done
1589 These Vital Materials Have Gone to War - NARA - 533894.jpg ✓ Done
1590 Oxygen is Vital...Don't Waste It - NARA - 533895.jpg ✓ Done
1591 Enlist Now - NARA - 533896.jpg ✓ Done
1592 We'll Have To Get Along With Less So That They Can Have More - NARA - 533897.jpg ✓ Done
1593 You Maintenance Men Can Be A Big Help - NARA - 533898.jpg ✓ Done
1594 Be A Waste Warden - NARA - 533899.jpg ✓ Done
1595 Save Material - NARA - 533900.jpg ✓ Done
1596 You've Got A Job To Do Too, Young Man - NARA - 533901.jpg ✓ Done
1597 The Supply is Limited - NARA - 533902.jpg ✓ Done
1598 Conserve Equipment - NARA - 533903.jpg ✓ Done
1599 Conserve^ Salvage^ - NARA - 533904.jpg ✓ Done
1600 Lubrication Means Conservation - NARA - 533905.jpg ✓ Done
1601 Hurry^ - NARA - 533906.jpg ✓ Done
1602 America Is Short Of Steel - NARA - 533907.jpg ✓ Done
1603 Save A Tap. Slap A Jap^ - NARA - 533908.jpg ✓ Done
1604 Swap Rides To Work - NARA - 533909.jpg ✓ Done
1605 Oxygen, Acetylene, Calcium Carbide - NARA - 533910.jpg ✓ Done
1606 Meat is Rationed So is Chewing the Fat Less. Gab More Guns - NARA - 533911.jpg ✓ Done
1607 Make Them A Grease Spot From the Grease Pot - NARA - 533912.jpg ✓ Done
1608 Poster Advertising a Patent Attorney - NARA - 533913.jpg ✓ Done
1609 Eat Less Meat - NARA - 533914.jpg ✓ Done
1610 Enjoy It Don't Waste It^ - NARA - 533915.jpg ✓ Done
1611 You Don't Get Hash Marks By Wasting Chow^ - NARA - 533916.jpg ✓ Done
1612 Nobody Likes to See Good Food Go To Waste^ - NARA - 533917.jpg ✓ Done
1613 Don't Push Boys^ There's Plenty of Food If Some Dope Doesn't Waste It - NARA - 533918.jpg ✓ Done
1614 "Scuttlebutt Sam Says" - Who's Wasting Good Food Around Here^ - NARA - 533919.jpg ✓ Done
1615 "Scuttlebutt Sam" Says. Don't Let Them Hang it on You^ It Means Food Waster First Class. Don't Waste Food^ - NARA - 533920.jpg ✓ Done
1616 "Scuttlebutt Sam" Says. Won't Be Any Crumbs Pal-This is the Best Chow in the Navy - NARA - 533921.jpg ✓ Done
1617 "Scuttlebutt Sam" Says. They Do Not Serve Who Merely Sit and Waste^ - NARA - 533922.jpg ✓ Done
1618 The Meat Shortage Threatens at Hercules - NARA - 533923.jpg ✓ Done
1619 Detour^ - NARA - 533924.jpg ✓ Done
1620 Cause and Effect - NARA - 533925.jpg ✓ Done
1621 Stop The Jack Rabbit Start^ - NARA - 533926.jpg ✓ Done
1622 Don't Waste Gasoline, Rubber, Money. Share Your Car^ - NARA - 533927.jpg ✓ Done
1623 Flip Up That Backseat Share The Ride^ - NARA - 533928.jpg ✓ Done
1624 X Marks The Spots that Can Get You the Gas and Tires You Need - NARA - 533929.jpg ✓ Done
1625 Every Mile You Drive Over - Axis Smiles^ 35mph - NARA - 533930.jpg ✓ Done
1626 Well What Do You Expect for Twenty-Five Cents-Gasoline^ - NARA - 533931.jpg ✓ Done
1627 Tighten Up^ - NARA - 533932.jpg ✓ Done
1628 Save Gas and Rubber - NARA - 533933.jpg ✓ Done
1629 Another Shot At Hitler - NARA - 533934.jpg ✓ Done
1630 Our Goal 4 Riders in Every Car - NARA - 533935.jpg ✓ Done
1631 Swap Rides-Take Care of Your Tires - NARA - 533936.jpg ✓ Done
1632 Save a Soldier's Life - NARA - 533937.jpg ✓ Done
1633 Make Every Tire Carry A Passenger - NARA - 533938.jpg ✓ Done
1634 Wastin' That "Solid Rubber" Ain't in the Groove - NARA - 533939.jpg ✓ Done
1635 A Bus - NARA - 533940.jpg ✓ Done
1636 Don't Speed 'Round Curves - NARA - 533941.jpg ✓ Done
1637 You Should Not Roll Except on the Road To Victory - NARA - 533942.jpg ✓ Done
1638 Save Rubber - NARA - 533943.jpg ✓ Done
1639 Save Rubber and Gasoline - NARA - 533944.jpg ✓ Done
1640 Shoot For Par on Every Drive-Four to A Car and Even Five^ - NARA - 533945.jpg ✓ Done
1641 We Reached Our 10 Percent War Bond Goal - NARA - 533946.jpg ✓ Done
1642 Joe Bottleneck Hitler's Little Helper - NARA - 533947.jpg ✓ Done
1643 Be Wise-Pick Up The Scrap - NARA - 533948.jpg ✓ Done
1644 The Japanazi Metal in This Plant Prevented the Building of This Machine Gun - NARA - 533949.jpg ✓ Done
1645 National Scrap Shortage - NARA - 533950.jpg ✓ Done
1646 100 Pieces to Make. 76 Pieces Finished - NARA - 533951.jpg ✓ Done
1647 Scrap Reduction Increases Production - NARA - 533952.jpg ✓ Done
1648 Scrap^ These Boys Need It^ - NARA - 533953.jpg ✓ Done
1649 Get in The Scrap^ Put it Here - NARA - 533954.jpg ✓ Done
1650 Scrap Makes Guns, Tanks, Ships. Put it Here - NARA - 533955.jpg ✓ Done
1651 Sink Axis Subs With Scrap - NARA - 533956.jpg ✓ Done
1652 Tokio Kid Say - NARA - 533957.jpg ✓ Done
1653 Attention Please Are You Helping^ - NARA - 533958.jpg ✓ Done
1654 This is Your Scrap Make It Count - NARA - 533959.jpg ✓ Done
1655 Conserve Material - NARA - 533960.jpg ✓ Done
1656 Don't Forget to Bring Your Scrap To Our Plant's Scrap Pile Now^ - NARA - 533961.jpg ✓ Done
1657 Scrap - NARA - 533962.jpg ✓ Done
1658 Don't Play Hide and Seek With Scrap. Turn it Over to Your Inspector at Once - NARA - 533963.jpg ✓ Done
1659 Search Your Garages, Attics, and Basements. Then Put the Scrap in the Back of Your Car. Bring it to Work and We'll Do... - NARA - 533964.jpg ✓ Done
1660 Scrap Can Win. Bring it in^ - NARA - 533965.jpg ✓ Done
1661 Junk For the Punks^ - NARA - 533966.jpg ✓ Done
1662 Meet Private Scrap - NARA - 533967.jpg ✓ Done
1663 And Pass the Ammunition - NARA - 533968.jpg ✓ Done
1664 The Missing Plane, Scrap is to Blame - NARA - 533969.jpg ✓ Done
1665 Their Victory, Their Lives Depend on Metal - NARA - 533970.jpg ✓ Done
1666 Clean House In Your Tool Box - NARA - 533971.jpg ✓ Done
1667 Are You One Of These Heroes^ - NARA - 533972.jpg ✓ Done
1668 Cut Down Scrap and Beat the Jap - NARA - 533973.jpg ✓ Done
1669 Results of Our Scrap Clean Up - NARA - 533974.jpg ✓ Done
1670 Uncle Sam Needs Your Scrap - NARA - 533975.jpg ✓ Done
1671 You Can't Pop a Jap with Scrap - NARA - 533976.jpg ✓ Done
1672 Scrap^ Will Help Win. Don't Mix it - NARA - 533977.jpg ✓ Done
1673 Please Mr - NARA - 533978.jpg ✓ Done
1674 Had to Make the Old Parts Do-But Best of Luck^ - NARA - 533979.jpg ✓ Done
1675 Get in the Scrap to Lick the Axis - NARA - 533980.jpg ✓ Done
1676 But Scrap Has Value. Put it in the Right Can - NARA - 533981.jpg ✓ Done
1677 Memories of a Fifty Caliber Machine Gun Bullet - NARA - 533982.jpg ✓ Done
1678 Scrap^ Will Help Win. Don't Mix it - NARA - 533983.jpg ✓ Done
1679 Any Scrap Neighbor - NARA - 533984.jpg ✓ Done
1680 Cold Hard Facts - NARA - 533985.jpg ✓ Done
1681 Your Working For a Lot More Than Just a Paycheck - NARA - 533986.jpg ✓ Done
1682 I Wouldn't Stand a Chance if It Wasn't For You - NARA - 533987.jpg ✓ Done
1683 "I Still Think Were Invincible" - NARA - 533988.jpg ✓ Done
1684 Our Fight to Win is Right Here. Work to Win - NARA - 533989.jpg ✓ Done
1685 Don't Transfer Now^ Stick To Your Job - NARA - 533990.jpg ✓ Done
1686 Ain't it the Truth^ - NARA - 533991.jpg ✓ Done
1687 They're Fighting Are You Working^ - NARA - 533992.jpg ✓ Done
1688 The Grind That'll Win - NARA - 533993.jpg ✓ Done
1689 Help Urgently Needed - NARA - 533994.jpg ✓ Done
1690 Step On 'Em. Work To Win - NARA - 533995.jpg ✓ Done
1691 Are You in This War^ Yes You - NARA - 533996.jpg ✓ Done
1692 Your Job is Your Gun. Give the Enemy Hell^ - NARA - 533997.jpg ✓ Done
1693 We're All In The Army Now. Let's All Work to Win^ - NARA - 533998.jpg ✓ Done
1694 Twice A Patriot - NARA - 533999.jpg ✓ Done
1695 Here's A Man Worth Working For^ - NARA - 534000.jpg ✓ Done
1696 We Have One Big Fight. Let's Work Shoulder to Shoulder - NARA - 534001.jpg ✓ Done
1697 Don't Cash In Your War Bonds - NARA - 534002.jpg ✓ Done
1698 Project 3501 is Ready for War - NARA - 534003.jpg ✓ Done
1699 "These Wires Carry Fighting Words Mister" - NARA - 534004.jpg ✓ Done
1700 War Production Drive - NARA - 534005.jpg ✓ Done
1701 2nd War Loan. Invest at Least 10 Percent in War Bonds^ - NARA - 534006.jpg ✓ Done
1702 So Your Job Is Unimportant - NARA - 534007.jpg ✓ Done
1703 Don't Let This Fellow Down^ Buy War Bonds - NARA - 534008.jpg ✓ Done
1704 Effort For Victory. War Bonds - NARA - 534009.jpg ✓ Done
1705 Hey^ The Dogs Are Ready^ Are You Helping with the Bond Fire^ - NARA - 534010.jpg ✓ Done
1706 Hit the Bull's Eye with War Bonds - NARA - 534011.jpg ✓ Done
1707 Keep this Bonded - NARA - 534012.jpg ✓ Done
1708 Don't Keep Spare Change in Pocketbooks. Put Every Spare Cent in Defense Stamps - NARA - 534013.jpg ✓ Done
1709 Every Month TVA Employees Buy Two Flying Fortresses with their Pay-roll Bond Purchases^ - NARA - 534014.jpg ✓ Done
1710 What Can I Do^ - NARA - 534015.jpg ✓ Done
1711 War Bonds Will Keep Him Punching - NARA - 534016.jpg ✓ Done
1712 Above All Keep 'Em Flying - NARA - 534017.jpg ✓ Done
1713 As The Battle Goes On - NARA - 534018.jpg ✓ Done
1714 The 100 Percent Victory Road - NARA - 534019.jpg ✓ Done
1715 Steel Answers Pearl Harbor - NARA - 534020.jpg ✓ Done
1716 Dig Deep. Bury The Axis With War Bonds - NARA - 534021.jpg ✓ Done
1717 It Takes Taxes and Bonds - NARA - 534022.jpg ✓ Done
1718 Buy War Bonds Regularly - NARA - 534023.jpg ✓ Done
1719 Say^ What th' Heck Let's Buy the Stacks and Break the Neck of these Dirty Quacks - NARA - 534024.jpg ✓ Done
1720 The Jig is Up If You Keep Buying War Bonds - NARA - 534025.jpg ✓ Done
1721 Bond-Bard the Axis - NARA - 534026.jpg ✓ Done
1722 Japs Execute Doolittle Men. We'll Pay You Back Tojo If it Takes Our Last Dime. Buy More War Bonds. - NARA - 534027.jpg ✓ Done
1723 Power To Make the Victory Grade - NARA - 534028.jpg ✓ Done
1724 Hartford Hospital Building Fund Drive - NARA - 534029.jpg ✓ Done
1725 For Distinguished Service - NARA - 534030.jpg ✓ Done
1726 Bond-Bard the Axis - NARA - 534031.jpg ✓ Done
1727 Bond-Bard the Axis - NARA - 534032.jpg ✓ Done
1728 Keep 'Em Running with Extra War Bonds - NARA - 534033.jpg ✓ Done
1729 Somewhere in England - NARA - 534034.jpg ✓ Done
1730 Take Your Choice - NARA - 534035.jpg ✓ Done
1731 A Fable... Bill Jones Has a Bad Nightmare - NARA - 534036.jpg ✓ Done
1732 Bond-Bard the Axis - NARA - 534037.jpg ✓ Done
1733 Give Once For All Three Community War Fund - NARA - 534038.jpg ✓ Done
1734 Western Union - NARA - 534039.jpg ✓ Done
1735 Community War Fund. 3 Jobs in One - NARA - 534040.jpg ✓ Done
1736 Bond-Bard the Axis - NARA - 534041.jpg ✓ Done
1737 Bond-Bard the Axis - NARA - 534042.jpg ✓ Done
1738 We'll "Go Across". You "Come Across" For Extra Bonds - NARA - 534043.jpg ✓ Done
1739 If the Absentee Bugs Bite You...Tell Us. Your Labor Management Committee. - NARA - 534044.jpg ✓ Done
1740 How - NARA - 534045.jpg ✓ Done
1741 Jimmie Says, "Tell Pop to Keep on Buying those War Bonds...As Many as He Can...The More Equipment the Sooner We'll be... - NARA - 534046.jpg ✓ Done
1742 U.S. Bonds. Axis Bonds. Take Your Choice - NARA - 534047.jpg ✓ Done
1743 And I'll take th' Change in Stamps - NARA - 534048.jpg ✓ Done
1744 Dig Down Deep For Victory 1942 - NARA - 534049.jpg ✓ Done
1745 Every Le N'er Has A Date In Berlin - NARA - 534050.jpg ✓ Done
1746 We Dood It^ - NARA - 534051.jpg ✓ Done
1747 Every 4 Months 10 Percent Of L ^amp, N's Payroll Equals - NARA - 534052.jpg ✓ Done
1748 Everybody. Every Pay Day. 10 Percent - NARA - 534053.jpg ✓ Done
1749 Bond-Bard the Axis War Bonds - NARA - 534054.jpg ✓ Done
1750 Bond Bard the Axis - NARA - 534055.jpg ✓ Done
1751 Don't Be a Temporary 10 Percent Giver. United States Defense Bonds-Stamps - NARA - 534056.jpg ✓ Done
1752 Blueprint of Victory - NARA - 534057.jpg ✓ Done
1753 Buy Bonds and Win the War. Cashing in Bonds is Aiding the Axis - NARA - 534058.jpg ✓ Done
1754 50 cents - NARA - 534059.jpg ✓ Done
1755 Join Now^ Make 'Em Say "Uncle" for Uncle Sam - NARA - 534060.jpg ✓ Done
1756 Soon a Special U.S. Tresury Dept. Flag will Fly over our company, symbolizing loyalty in the War Bond Drive... - NARA - 534061.jpg ✓ Done
1757 Buy War Bonds Regularly - NARA - 534062.jpg ✓ Done
1758 Bonds to Bomb Tokyo. 10 Percent will Help to do it - NARA - 534063.jpg ✓ Done
1759 Don't Scrap Your War Bonds^ - NARA - 534064.jpg ✓ Done
1760 Buy War Savings Bonds. Beat the Promise - NARA - 534065.jpg ✓ Done
1761 Treasury Dept. War Savings Staff - NARA - 534066.jpg ✓ Done
1762 War Wires - NARA - 534067.jpg ✓ Done
1763 Weather is a Weapon - NARA - 534068.jpg ✓ Done
1764 Bonds or Bondage. Everybody Every Pay day. 10 Percent - NARA - 534069.jpg ✓ Done
1765 Let's Show Them. Invest 10 Percent of your Pay to keep this away^ Buy War Bonds - NARA - 534070.jpg ✓ Done
1766 Get Aboard The Bond Wagon. Join NCR's 10 Percent or More Club - NARA - 534071.jpg ✓ Done
1767 Our Fighting Dollars Are Needed to Win - NARA - 534072.jpg ✓ Done
1768 I Gave a Man^ - NARA - 534073.jpg ✓ Done
1769 Department War Bond Score. Force the Red to the Top - NARA - 534074.jpg ✓ Done
1770 We've Won This Flag. Keep it Flying - NARA - 534075.jpg ✓ Done
1771 Let's Show Them. Buy War Bonds Today^ - NARA - 534076.jpg ✓ Done
1772 Gentlemen Prefer Bonds - NARA - 534077.jpg ✓ Done
1773 Thanks For Buyin' Them Bonds - NARA - 534078.jpg ✓ Done
1774 "Give Us More Of These" Get Your 10 Percent of U.S. War Bonds-Stamps - NARA - 534079.jpg ✓ Done
1775 If there is a Delay in the Delivery of your Savings Bond-Be patient^ The Federal Reserve Banks are Swamped with Work - NARA - 534080.jpg ✓ Done
1776 MacArthur's Men are Dying for You^ - NARA - 534081.jpg ✓ Done
1777 More Bonds Means More Bombs For Tokyo - NARA - 534082.jpg ✓ Done
1778 You're Behind the Gun When You Work at York and Invest 10 Percent of Your Pay in War Bonds - NARA - 534083.jpg ✓ Done
1779 Take it From Me or I'll Take it From You - NARA - 534084.jpg ✓ Done
1780 Star of Glory - NARA - 534085.jpg ✓ Done
1781 Keep on Buying to Keep 'Em Flying - NARA - 534086.jpg ✓ Done
1782 Keep Your Eyes on the Target. Mistakes Help the Axis Victory - NARA - 534087.jpg ✓ Done
1783 Want to Hit Hitler and the Jackpot too^ - NARA - 534088.jpg ✓ Done
1784 Her Boys are Serving US. For Her Sake Let's do Our Part. Buy A Bond For Mother's Day May 10, 1942 - NARA - 534089.jpg ✓ Done
1785 Our Home Front is the Production Front - NARA - 534090.jpg ✓ Done
1786 What is the United War Fund^ All were Asked to Do is Give 12 hours Pay. Give This Pay day. - NARA - 534091.jpg ✓ Done
1787 Bonds or Bondage^ - NARA - 534092.jpg ✓ Done
1788 Invest Part of Your Pay in Defense Savings Bonds - NARA - 534093.jpg ✓ Done
1789 Don't Go Broke. After the War Buy More War Bonds - NARA - 534094.jpg ✓ Done
1790 Let's Keep Ours Flying... Keep on Buying-War Bonds - NARA - 534095.jpg ✓ Done
1791 Wear Goggles Buy Bonds^ - NARA - 534096.jpg ✓ Done
1792 Keep These Hands Off^ Keep Buying Bonds - NARA - 534097.jpg ✓ Done
1793 Keep Old Glory Forever Free, Buy More Bonds For Victory - NARA - 534098.jpg ✓ Done
1794 We Can't All Fight. But We All Can Help Buy War Bonds^ - NARA - 534099.jpg ✓ Done
1795 We Work Each Day To Make The Dough. To Buy the Bonds To Lick the Foe^ - NARA - 534100.jpg ✓ Done
1796 Wipe Him Out Keep Buying Bonds - NARA - 534101.jpg ✓ Done
1797 Bonds of Loyalty Brings Smiles of Satisfaction - NARA - 534102.jpg ✓ Done
1798 "I Can Always Depend On Hercules for that Extra Push" Let's Buy an Extra War Bond^ - NARA - 534103.jpg ✓ Done
1799 This York Welder is Working for Uncle Sam...And So Are You - NARA - 534104.jpg ✓ Done
1800 Keep this Horror From Your Home. Invest 10 Percent in War Bonds Back Up our Battleskies^ - NARA - 534105.jpg ✓ Done
1801 Don't Let Him Down^ Buy War Bonds - NARA - 534106.jpg ✓ Done
1802 Be a Regular Fellow^ - NARA - 534107.jpg ✓ Done
1803 Steel Answers Pearl Harbor - NARA - 534108.jpg ✓ Done
1804 He's In there Pitching For Us^ - NARA - 534109.jpg ✓ Done
1805 No Bull. Sure You Can Help^ - NARA - 534110.jpg ✓ Done
1806 Don't Let Him Down. Buy War Bonds and Stamps - NARA - 534111.jpg ✓ Done
1807 Don't Let Him Down^ Buy War Bonds and Stamps - NARA - 534112.jpg ✓ Done
1808 Your Bakery Job is Important^ Over 25 Percent of Everyone's Daily Energy Comes From Baked Goods - NARA - 534113.jpg ✓ Done
1809 Your Bakery Job is Important^ Over 25 Percent of Everyone's Daily Energy Comes From Baked Goods - NARA - 534114.jpg ✓ Done
1810 Your Job is Important^ - NARA - 534115.jpg ✓ Done
1811 Victory Garden Plots Free For Employees - NARA - 534116.jpg ✓ Done
1812 The Standard Register Company - NARA - 534117.jpg ✓ Done
1813 A Little Cultivation Now^ Means a Big Harvest Later On^ - NARA - 534118.jpg ✓ Done
1814 Axis Line Pounded by Martins - NARA - 534119.jpg ✓ Done
1815 New Guinea Natives Carry U.S. Wounded - NARA - 534120.jpg ✓ Done
1816 Midway to Hell - NARA - 534121.jpg ✓ Done
1817 U.S. Troops Swarm Ashore in North Africa. Old Glory Leads March on Algerian Airfield - NARA - 534122.jpg ✓ Done
1818 We're Giving 'Em 187 Kinds of Hell - NARA - 534123.jpg ✓ Done
1819 He Asked For it-Let's Give it to 'Im^ - NARA - 534124.jpg ✓ Done
1820 Foreign Campaign Prove American Weapons are Tops^ Keep 'Em Blasting^ - NARA - 534125.jpg ✓ Done
1821 We French Workers Warn You...Defeat Means Slavery, Starvation, Death - NARA - 534126.jpg ✓ Done
1822 The Fighting Filipinos - NARA - 534127.jpg ✓ Done
1823 Colds Cause Absence and Lost Production - NARA - 534128.jpg ✓ Done
1824 Vision is Vital To Victory - NARA - 534129.jpg ✓ Done
1825 Red Blood Needed For Red Blooded Americans - NARA - 534130.jpg ✓ Done
1826 Straining Eyes - NARA - 534131.jpg ✓ Done
1827 Vision For Victory See-Power Will Win - NARA - 534132.jpg ✓ Done
1828 Colds Hold Up The Works. To Stay Fit and Keep the War Effort Rolling - NARA - 534133.jpg ✓ Done
1829 Sure It Makes You Mad^ The Red Cross Alone Can Give Immediate Assistance. Lend Your Support - NARA - 534134.jpg ✓ Done
1830 Get First Aid At Once^ Big Aches From Little Injuries Grow - NARA - 534135.jpg ✓ Done
1831 Six Easy Ways To Catch A Cold - NARA - 534136.jpg ✓ Done
1832 Keep Fit - NARA - 534137.jpg ✓ Done
1833 Keep Well to Win - NARA - 534138.jpg ✓ Done
1834 Don't Let Sickness Sabotage Your Work - NARA - 534139.jpg ✓ Done
1835 The Work, The Brains and Ingenuity of Every M.H.R. Employee is Helping to Win this War - NARA - 534140.jpg ✓ Done
1836 For National Defense Carry On-Don't Be Carried Out - NARA - 534141.jpg ✓ Done
1837 What Would You Do^ - NARA - 534142.jpg ✓ Done
1838 We Said, "We Can't All Fly it But Together We'll Buy It" And So We-Did^ - NARA - 534143.jpg ✓ Done
1839 Where, When, Who, What, Why, How^ - NARA - 534144.jpg ✓ Done
1840 Is There An Idea Under Your Hat^ - NARA - 534145.jpg ✓ Done
1841 The Idea Round Table. Put Yours In the Suggestion Box - NARA - 534146.jpg ✓ Done
1842 Keep 'Em Coming - NARA - 534147.jpg ✓ Done
1843 Bonds For Brainstorms - NARA - 534148.jpg ✓ Done
1844 1000 Pennies for Your Thoughts - NARA - 534149.jpg ✓ Done
1845 Break the Bottlenecks with Ideas. Use the Suggestion Box - NARA - 534150.jpg ✓ Done
1846 Gee Ain't I Smart^ I'll Bet Some of You Other Guys ain't so 'Dum' Also - NARA - 534151.jpg ✓ Done
1847 Psst^ Don't Look Now. But My Name is On the Suggestion Bulletin For Having the Best Idea Last Month. Why don't You Try^ - NARA - 534152.jpg ✓ Done
1848 Donald Nelson Calls For..."All Out" Production. A Good "Idea" Can Help Speed Victory - NARA - 534153.jpg ✓ Done
1849 Don't Get Discouraged - NARA - 534154.jpg ✓ Done
1850 An Idea May Mean Wealth In Your Wallet^ - NARA - 534155.jpg ✓ Done
1851 Fifth Year Smashin Thru to 1943. Year of Suggestions and Victory^ - NARA - 534156.jpg ✓ Done
1852 Perfect Shipping is Patriotic - NARA - 534157.jpg ✓ Done
1853 Perfect Shipping - NARA - 534158.jpg ✓ Done
1854 Let's Make It A "Strike"...There's No Time To "Spare" - NARA - 534159.jpg ✓ Done
1855 Choose Your Bonds - NARA - 534160.jpg ✓ Done
1856 Your Patriotism Can be Best Demonstrated by Sending Us Your Suggestions For Improving Our Operating Methods^ - NARA - 534161.jpg ✓ Done
1857 A Message From the Front To You Ideas Will Help^ Send Yours Now - NARA - 534162.jpg ✓ Done
1858 Turn in Your Scrap. Let's Make Terror Reign On the Axis - NARA - 534163.jpg ✓ Done
1859 Pulling Together - NARA - 534164.jpg ✓ Done
1860 What Do You Suggest During Current War Conditions - NARA - 534165.jpg ✓ Done
1861 An Idea At Work - NARA - 534166.jpg ✓ Done
1862 Your Ideas Are Welcomed - NARA - 534167.jpg ✓ Done
1863 The Reasons For Suggestions - NARA - 534168.jpg ✓ Done
1864 Suggestion Contest - NARA - 534169.jpg ✓ Done
1865 Winners. Month of July - NARA - 534170.jpg ✓ Done
1866 Production For Victory. Ford Instrument Co. Grand Prize. Win A Pin - NARA - 534171.jpg ✓ Done
1867 Joe and His Smile - NARA - 534172.jpg ✓ Done
1868 National Defense. A Call to Suggesters - NARA - 534173.jpg ✓ Done
1869 Production Drive Committee. International Harvester Company - NARA - 534174.jpg ✓ Done
1870 Your Ideas Will Make a Monkey Out Of Hitler - NARA - 534175.jpg ✓ Done
1871 Suggestion Contest. Win War Bonds $325.00 Monthly - NARA - 534176.jpg ✓ Done
1872 Have You Any Ideas^^^ - NARA - 534177.jpg ✓ Done
1873 The Power of Thought - NARA - 534178.jpg ✓ Done
1874 Your Mind Is Your Best Tool-Use it to Work Out New Ideas^ - NARA - 534179.jpg ✓ Done
1875 Jot it Down^ - NARA - 534180.jpg ✓ Done
1876 Suggest Ways To Save - NARA - 534181.jpg ✓ Done
1877 Your Suggestions Have an A-1-A Priority^ - NARA - 534182.jpg ✓ Done
1878 Let Us Put Your Ideas For Posters into Print - NARA - 534183.jpg ✓ Done
1879 Effort For Victory Suggestions - NARA - 534184.jpg ✓ Done
1880 Japanese Justice - NARA - 534185.jpg ✓ Done
1881 Some Recent Suggestion Awards - NARA - 534186.jpg ✓ Done
1882 Hats Off to the Winners of These Awards - NARA - 534187.jpg ✓ Done
1883 Suggestions. 1941 a Record Year - NARA - 534188.jpg ✓ Done
1884 Hungry Men Can't Fight - NARA - 534189.jpg ✓ Done
1885 Let's Keep 'Em Rolling^ Your Suggestions Will Help - NARA - 534190.jpg ✓ Done
1886 It's Payday For Imagineers - NARA - 534191.jpg ✓ Done
1887 Let's Stamp Out the Rattler - NARA - 534192.jpg ✓ Done
1888 What's On Your Mind^ This or This. Think What Are You Doing To Win^ - NARA - 534193.jpg ✓ Done
1889 Whitfield Chapman - NARA - 534194.jpg ✓ Done
1890 Winners July-August Slogan Contest - NARA - 534195.jpg ✓ Done
1891 Blueprint of Victory. Have You Any Suggestion - NARA - 534196.jpg ✓ Done
1892 Ideas For Uncle Sam - NARA - 534197.jpg ✓ Done
1893 Imagination in the Office. Imagineering in the Shop - NARA - 534198.jpg ✓ Done
1894 They Need Your Help to Keep 'Em Firing - NARA - 534199.jpg ✓ Done
1895 Be Good It Pays - NARA - 534200.jpg ✓ Done
1896 Bristol's Slogan Contest - NARA - 534201.jpg ✓ Done
1897 Winners Production Drive Drawing For December - NARA - 534202.jpg ✓ Done
1898 Speed Up Your Slogans^ Only A Few Days Left to Enter the Contest - NARA - 534203.jpg ✓ Done
1899 Prize Winning Slogans - NARA - 534204.jpg ✓ Done
1900 You Are Vital - NARA - 534205.jpg ✓ Done
1901 Grief Burying - NARA - 534206.jpg ✓ Done
1902 "Full Speed Ahead For Victory" What You Are Making Will Do It^ - NARA - 534207.jpg ✓ Done
1903 Man of the Hour. The Imagineer. He is Doing Things - NARA - 534208.jpg ✓ Done
1904 Your Ideas and Help are Necessary...To Push Emerson Production "Over the Top" - NARA - 534209.jpg ✓ Done
1905 Boston's Tragic Fire - NARA - 534210.jpg ✓ Done
1906 She'll Sail to Victory with the Valves You Make - NARA - 534211.jpg ✓ Done
1907 "I've Worked Out A Way to Save Ten Minutues Everytime...By Setting Up the Forms This Way" Say You Really Hit A Lick... - NARA - 534212.jpg ✓ Done
1908 Ideas Will Help. Beat The Promise. Let's Have Yours^ - NARA - 534213.jpg ✓ Done
1909 Verboten, Oh Yeah - NARA - 534214.jpg ✓ Done
1910 You Can Help - NARA - 534215.jpg ✓ Done
1911 "Pledge to Victory" Cash Awards for Suggestions to Assure Safety, Maintain Quality, Increase Production - NARA - 534216.jpg ✓ Done
1912 Do You Want to Lose the War^ - NARA - 534217.jpg ✓ Done
1913 Thanks Buddy for the Valves You're Making^ - NARA - 534218.jpg ✓ Done
1914 Write Our Fighting Slogan For this War - NARA - 534219.jpg ✓ Done
1915 Ideas are the Basis of Progress. Every Improvement in This World was the Result of Someone's Idea - NARA - 534220.jpg ✓ Done
1916 You Are Helping Win the War with Your Hands. Help Also with Your Brains - NARA - 534221.jpg ✓ Done
1917 Suggestion Awards - NARA - 534222.jpg ✓ Done
1918 U.S. War Bonds and War Stamps For New Ideas - NARA - 534223.jpg ✓ Done
1919 Suggestion Awards Increased Again^ - NARA - 534224.jpg ✓ Done
1920 Special 3-months NCR Suggestion Contest - NARA - 534225.jpg ✓ Done
1921 Goodyearites TURN IN YOUR SUGGESTIONS TO STOP bottlenecks, breakdowns, defectives - NARA - 534226.jpg ✓ Done
1922 Thanks...For a Swell Slogan^ - NARA - 534227.jpg ✓ Done
1923 You Can Help Win this War with Ideas - NARA - 534228.jpg ✓ Done
1924 See the Mighty Double Wasps in Production - NARA - 534229.jpg ✓ Done
1925 See the Mighty Corsairs in Production - NARA - 534230.jpg ✓ Done
1926 -Make that Suggestion Today- - NARA - 534231.jpg ✓ Done
1927 Win $325.00 Monthly For Your Ideas War Bonds - NARA - 534232.jpg ✓ Done
1928 All Out For Victory Victory in 1943 - NARA - 534233.jpg ✓ Done
1929 Let's Get Straight on this Production Drive - NARA - 534234.jpg ✓ Done
1930 Suggestion Award Procedure - NARA - 534235.jpg ✓ Done
1931 Time Saved On Your Job. Saves Lives On His^ - NARA - 534236.jpg ✓ Done
1932 Brains Make Bullets^ Let's Make it Better. Our Fighters Need the BEST of Our Work^ - NARA - 534237.jpg ✓ Done
1933 Join the Parade Of Winners - NARA - 534238.jpg ✓ Done
1934 Warner ^amp, Swasey Workers who Have Aided with Ideas of Victory - NARA - 534239.jpg ✓ Done
1935 Can We Do it Better or Faster...We Want Your Ideas - NARA - 534240.jpg ✓ Done
1936 Drop Your Ideas in the Suggestion Box - NARA - 534241.jpg ✓ Done
1937 To Be a 100 Percent Production Soldier You Must Submit an Accepted Suggestion - NARA - 534242.jpg ✓ Done
1938 His Suggestion Made Him a Production Hero - NARA - 534243.jpg ✓ Done
1939 Uncle Sam Wants Your Ideas^ Keep 'Em Firing - NARA - 534244.jpg ✓ Done
1940 Anniversary Message - NARA - 534245.jpg ✓ Done
1941 Brains Make Bullets. You Can Help^ - NARA - 534246.jpg ✓ Done
1942 Let's Pull Together and Cut Costs - NARA - 534247.jpg ✓ Done
1943 If It'll Save a Second...It's a Great Idea. Let's Have It^ - NARA - 534248.jpg ✓ Done
1944 Uncle Sam asks NCR for War Production Slogans - NARA - 534249.jpg ✓ Done
1945 Simply suggest..."The Better Way" - NARA - 534250.jpg ✓ Done
1946 Our Country Needs Your Production Ideas - NARA - 534251.jpg ✓ Done
1947 Your Ideas Wanted. Uncle Sam Beat the 8 Ball Schedule - NARA - 534252.jpg ✓ Done
1948 Speed Victory Let's Have Your Ideas - NARA - 534253.jpg ✓ Done
1949 Write a Teamwork Slogan. Win a War Bond^ - NARA - 534254.jpg ✓ Done
1950 To Be a 100 Percent Production Soldier You Must Submit an Accepted Suggestion - NARA - 534255.jpg ✓ Done
1951 ...Think^ Is There a Better Way to Do it^ - NARA - 534256.jpg ✓ Done
1952 To Be a 100 Percent Production Soldier You Must Submit an Accepted Suggestion - NARA - 534257.jpg ✓ Done
1953 "No Brave Man Shall Die Because I have Failed to Do My Job" - NARA - 534258.jpg ✓ Done
1954 Lest You Forget - NARA - 534259.jpg ✓ Done
1955 Enemy Sighted...Let's Stick Together, Were All in the Same Boat^ - NARA - 534260.jpg ✓ Done
1956 We Are Proud of Him. Let's Make Him Proud of US - NARA - 534261.jpg ✓ Done
1957 Emerson Ex-Service Men's Club - NARA - 534262.jpg ✓ Done
1958 He Also Fights Who Gives His Best - NARA - 534263.jpg ✓ Done
1959 Every Dog Will Have His Day. Tojo Will Have His Soon - NARA - 534264.jpg ✓ Done
1960 Reveille For Workers. Taps for Japs - NARA - 534265.jpg ✓ Done
1961 We're at War^ Let's Win it^ - NARA - 534266.jpg ✓ Done
1962 We-All Are With You 100 Percent General Knudsen - NARA - 534267.jpg ✓ Done
1963 Savage - NARA - 534268.jpg ✓ Done
1964 Meet the Men From the Fighting Front Here at This Plant - NARA - 534269.jpg ✓ Done
1965 Outdoor Life - NARA - 534270.jpg ✓ Done
1966 He's Reporting, "We're Doing Our Best" Are You^ - NARA - 534271.jpg ✓ Done
1967 Our Boys Are Fighting That You May Live - NARA - 534272.jpg ✓ Done
1968 He May Be Your Kin. Do All You Can to Help Him Win^ - NARA - 534273.jpg ✓ Done
1969 He, Too, Has a Family. It's Up to You to See Him Through - NARA - 534274.jpg ✓ Done
1970 Swap Riding - NARA - 534275.jpg ✓ Done
1971 He Won't Give Up. Don't You Let Up - NARA - 534276.jpg ✓ Done
1972 Worth Fighting For - NARA - 534277.jpg ✓ Done
1973 It's Got To Come Off^ - NARA - 534278.jpg ✓ Done
1974 Captain Mack Don't Let Them Down - NARA - 534279.jpg ✓ Done
1975 You Care Do Your Share^ - NARA - 534280.jpg ✓ Done
1976 This is America. It's Worth Working For - NARA - 534281.jpg ✓ Done
1977 This is America. It's Worth Working For - NARA - 534282.jpg ✓ Done
1978 This is America. It's Worth Working For - NARA - 534283.jpg ✓ Done
1979 Who Does What to Who^ - NARA - 534284.jpg ✓ Done
1980 Let's Show Them - NARA - 534285.jpg ✓ Done
1981 Don't Let Him Down - NARA - 534286.jpg ✓ Done
1982 Give It Your Best^ - NARA - 534287.jpg ✓ Done
1983 Our Job^ To Free These Americans^ - NARA - 534288.jpg ✓ Done
1984 ...So You Think Your Job is Monotonous^ - NARA - 534289.jpg ✓ Done
1985 The Best Fed and the Best Clothed Soldiers in the World - NARA - 534290.jpg ✓ Done
1986 What are You Doing About It^ - NARA - 534291.jpg ✓ Done
1987 "Pick Out the Biggest One and Fire" - NARA - 534292.jpg ✓ Done
1988 Do More for Doolittle - NARA - 534293.jpg ✓ Done
1989 These Boys Must Kill or Be Killed. Their Lives Depend on Your Work - NARA - 534294.jpg ✓ Done
1990 We are Now In This War^ We are all in it all the Way - NARA - 534295.jpg ✓ Done
1991 "Hand in Hand or Ball and Chain" - NARA - 534296.jpg ✓ Done
1992 Don't Kid's Up to You. Stop Him^ - NARA - 534297.jpg ✓ Done
1993 Cheerfully I Serve - NARA - 534298.jpg ✓ Done
1994 We'll Make 'Em Wish they Never Started it^ - NARA - 534299.jpg ✓ Done
1995 They're Out to Win. Are You^ - NARA - 534300.jpg ✓ Done
1996 Work Hard. Keep Trying Save Our Fighting Men From Dying^ - NARA - 534301.jpg ✓ Done
1997 Give 'Em Hell Boys, You Can Bank On Us - NARA - 534302.jpg ✓ Done
1998 These Colors Won't Run. Remember Pearl Harbor - NARA - 534303.jpg ✓ Done
1999 Say Mister- "My Daddy's Over There". Keep 'Em Flying - NARA - 534304.jpg ✓ Done
2000 Keep It Up Brother - NARA - 534305.jpg ✓ Done
2001 Don't Be Sorry You Didn't Do Enough^ - NARA - 534306.jpg ✓ Done
2002 Together For Victory - NARA - 534307.jpg ✓ Done
2003 Remember It Can Happen Here^ - NARA - 534308.jpg ✓ Done
2004 Don't Let Me Down - NARA - 534309.jpg ✓ Done
2005 We're Counting On You^ - NARA - 534310.jpg ✓ Done
2006 Make Him Pay For That Day^ - NARA - 534311.jpg ✓ Done
2007 Ring His Death Knell - NARA - 534312.jpg ✓ Done
2008 A Salute. From the Fighting Front To the Production Front. Let's All Stay on the Job - NARA - 534313.jpg ✓ Done
2009 You Build Quality -Then They Can Take It - and Here's How - NARA - 534314.jpg ✓ Done
2010 "What Your're Making May Save My Daddy's Life" - NARA - 534315.jpg ✓ Done
2011 Please Help Bring My Daddy Home Before Next Christmas - NARA - 534316.jpg ✓ Done
2012 "Please Keep the Bombs Away" - NARA - 534317.jpg ✓ Done
2013 It Can Happen Here^ Unless We Keep 'Em Firing^ - NARA - 534318.jpg ✓ Done
2014 ...To Win...We Must Fight^ No One is a Spectator^ - NARA - 534319.jpg ✓ Done
2015 Keep That Hat On High - NARA - 534320.jpg ✓ Done
2016 Keep That Hat On High - NARA - 534321.jpg ✓ Done
2017 If Ye Break Faith with Us Who Die. We Shall Not Sleep - NARA - 534322.jpg ✓ Done
2018 Meet Your Schedules for Victory. The Toughest Job is Still Ahead^ - NARA - 534323.jpg ✓ Done
2019 Every Mother's Son is Counting On You^ - NARA - 534324.jpg ✓ Done
2020 That's The Spot To Hit^ Give Us the Stuff and We'll Hit it^ - NARA - 534325.jpg ✓ Done
2021 Victory Still Comes High^ It's a Tough Road To Tokyo^ - NARA - 534326.jpg ✓ Done
2022 Couldn't Have Done It Without You^ Full Speed Ahead. We've Still Got a Big Job to Do^ - NARA - 534327.jpg ✓ Done
2023 "We Will Have To Fight Our Way Ashore" You're Building Victory Here Today^ - NARA - 534328.jpg ✓ Done
2024 I'm Proud of You Folks too^ - NARA - 534329.jpg ✓ Done
2025 Work to Set 'Em Free^ - NARA - 534330.jpg ✓ Done
2026 Captain Mack to Visit Westinghouse - NARA - 534331.jpg ✓ Done
2027 Carnegie-Illinois' "Flying Tiger" Bill Bartling - NARA - 534332.jpg ✓ Done
2028 Back Up Eisenhower with More G-E Production - NARA - 534333.jpg ✓ Done
2029 Speed^ - NARA - 534334.jpg ✓ Done
2030 The Spirit of America - NARA - 534335.jpg ✓ Done
2031 Termites of Destruction - NARA - 534336.jpg ✓ Done
2032 These Colors Will Not Run^ - NARA - 534337.jpg ✓ Done
2033 Peace on Earth - NARA - 534338.jpg ✓ Done
2034 Keep Them Smiling Keep. Their Freedom Forever Produce - NARA - 534339.jpg ✓ Done
2035 America Today - NARA - 534340.jpg ✓ Done
2036 Stop Squawking. Keep Punching - NARA - 534341.jpg ✓ Done
2037 Abraham Lincoln - NARA - 534342.jpg ✓ Done
2038 He Fought To Give Us Our Country. Let's Fight to Keep It - NARA - 534343.jpg ✓ Done
2039 Bill Of Rights-And Lefts - NARA - 534344.jpg ✓ Done
2040 No Matter Where or Who Ya Are Today - NARA - 534345.jpg ✓ Done
2041 "That We Here Highly Resolve That These Dead Shall Not Have Died In Vain" - NARA - 534346.jpg ✓ Done
2042 Let Us Write A New Declaration of Independence - NARA - 534347.jpg ✓ Done
2043 "Let Freedom Be Our Boast...Let It's Altar Reach the Skies" - NARA - 534348.jpg ✓ Done
2044 Liberty. Preserve this Heritage - NARA - 534349.jpg ✓ Done
2045 You Can Fool Everybody But God And Your Conscience. Give A Full Days Work - NARA - 534350.jpg ✓ Done
2046 If Ye Break Faith With Us, Who Die...We Shall Not Sleep - NARA - 534351.jpg ✓ Done
2047 "With Our Energy and Sleepless Vigilance We Go Forth to Victory" - Abraham Lincoln - NARA - 534352.jpg ✓ Done
2048 "When We Assumed The Soldier We Did Not Lay Aside The Citizen" - (George) Washington's Epitaph - NARA - 534353.jpg ✓ Done
2049 "Never Before Have We Had So Little Time In Which To Do So Much" - Franklin D. Roosevelt - NARA - 534354.jpg ✓ Done
2050 Manpower Lost in 1941-Shop Accidents Deprived Our Fighting Forces of... - NARA - 534355.jpg ✓ Done
2051 The Give and Take of Air War - NARA - 534356.jpg ✓ Done
2052 A Full Crew Sheet Makes Good News (word "news" is struck out) Noose - NARA - 534357.jpg ✓ Done
2053 Together For Victory - NARA - 534358.jpg ✓ Done
2054 Do It or Rue It - NARA - 534359.jpg ✓ Done
2055 Production By You and Me Will End The Axis Three - NARA - 534360.jpg ✓ Done
2056 Production Up Means Axis Down - NARA - 534361.jpg ✓ Done
2057 From Shore to Shore Let's Give Them More - NARA - 534362.jpg ✓ Done
2058 How To Win the War - NARA - 534363.jpg ✓ Done
2059 Time, Production - NARA - 534364.jpg ✓ Done
2060 Don't Slow Up...They Won't^^ - NARA - 534365.jpg ✓ Done
2061 Produce For Victory^ - NARA - 534366.jpg ✓ Done
2062 At Your Job Today...Don't Bunt When the U.S. Needs Home Runs - NARA - 534367.jpg ✓ Done
2063 Western Union - NARA - 534368.jpg ✓ Done
2064 My Pledge to My President - NARA - 534369.jpg ✓ Done
2065 Our Duty^ - NARA - 534370.jpg ✓ Done
2066 For Production Achievement. Army ^amp, Navy - NARA - 534371.jpg ✓ Done
2067 Another Star is Added. Army ^amp, Navy - NARA - 534372.jpg ✓ Done
2068 Let's Hit And Run Till Victory's Won^ - NARA - 534373.jpg ✓ Done
2069 The Standard Register Company - NARA - 534374.jpg ✓ Done
2070 Together We Win^ - NARA - 534375.jpg ✓ Done
2071 We'll Keep It Flying^ Army ^amp, Navy - NARA - 534376.jpg ✓ Done
2072 Army ^amp, Navy. Bridgeport Brass Ordnance Employees Are Working For the Star - NARA - 534377.jpg ✓ Done
2073 Let's Shoot For the Stars^ On our Pennant. Army ^amp, Navy - NARA - 534378.jpg ✓ Done
2074 Keep Your Mind On Your Work. Don't Rust Out - NARA - 534379.jpg ✓ Done
2075 More Effort Gets More Production - NARA - 534380.jpg ✓ Done
2076 It is Later (and Worse) Than You Think - NARA - 534381.jpg ✓ Done
2077 For You Who Fight We Made it Right^ - NARA - 534382.jpg ✓ Done
2078 "He Says it should have been over long ago but they're building so dammed many Turret Lathes" - NARA - 534383.jpg ✓ Done
2079 Our Metal Aids Fighting Navy - NARA - 534384.jpg ✓ Done
2080 "Having seen the quality of work and of the workerson our production lines..." - Franklin D. Roosevelt - NARA - 534385.jpg ✓ Done
2081 Sun Gas Helps U.S. Bombers Blast Italy. "Gas 'Em Up" - NARA - 534386.jpg ✓ Done
2082 It's Packard Built Engines That Power 'Em - NARA - 534387.jpg ✓ Done
2083 Packard Engines Hit Berlin - NARA - 534388.jpg ✓ Done
2084 Keeping Faith with Our Fighting Partners. The Inland Way for U.S.A. - NARA - 534389.jpg ✓ Done
2085 OK Boss - NARA - 534390.jpg ✓ Done
2086 The Following Unit Of Homestead Works Established New Production and Shipping Records - NARA - 534391.jpg ✓ Done
2087 An Emergency^ - NARA - 534392.jpg ✓ Done
2088 In the Service They're Deserters. Don't Be a Production Slacker - NARA - 534393.jpg ✓ Done
2089 Kinda Give It Your Personal Attention, Will You^ More Production - NARA - 534394.jpg ✓ Done
2090 "We're Depending On You" Produce to Win - NARA - 534395.jpg ✓ Done
2091 We Are Working For Victory in '43 on the Production Fighting and Home Fronts - NARA - 534396.jpg ✓ Done
2092 Work ^amp, Sweat for Victory - NARA - 534397.jpg ✓ Done
2093 They Can't Miss If We Beat Our Quota. More Production With Less Scrap - NARA - 534398.jpg ✓ Done
2094 The Second Front Is Right Here^ Produce More For Victory - NARA - 534399.jpg ✓ Done
2095 Your Job Is Your Gun. Give The Enemy Hell^ - NARA - 534400.jpg ✓ Done
2096 More^ More of Everything-Quick^ - NARA - 534401.jpg ✓ Done
2097 Teamed For Victory - NARA - 534402.jpg ✓ Done
2098 A Good Soldier Sticks to His Post - NARA - 534403.jpg ✓ Done
2099 "No Production Lag Till Hitler's In the Bag" - NARA - 534404.jpg ✓ Done
2100 Sign the Pledge to Our Armed Forces. Get This Pin - NARA - 534405.jpg ✓ Done
2101 Hurry^ Sign This Pledge - NARA - 534406.jpg ✓ Done
2102 Be a 100 Percent Production Soldier Buob You'll Know Soon^ - NARA - 534407.jpg ✓ Done
2103 A Policy Statement By Your Labor- Management Committee - NARA - 534408.jpg ✓ Done
2104 Production is Your Protection - NARA - 534409.jpg ✓ Done
2105 More Production - NARA - 534410.jpg ✓ Done
2106 Put Your Shoulder To the Wheel...Push with All Your Might^ matter how you feel...We've Got to Win This... - NARA - 534411.jpg ✓ Done
2107 "K.O. " ToJo...Be a 100 Percent Production Soldier - NARA - 534412.jpg ✓ Done
2108 Knock the Pan Off Japan^ - NARA - 534413.jpg ✓ Done
2109 Outwork the Enemy - NARA - 534414.jpg ✓ Done
2110 The Bristol Company is 100 Percent on War Work - NARA - 534415.jpg ✓ Done
2111 Victory^-And Non-Stop Work Will Speed it^ - NARA - 534416.jpg ✓ Done
2112 Set 'Em on Their Axis^ - NARA - 534417.jpg ✓ Done
2113 Proof That Goodyearites are Helping Rub Out the Axis - NARA - 534418.jpg ✓ Done
2114 The Standard Register Company - NARA - 534419.jpg ✓ Done
2115 The Fighting Plane You're Working On Today...May Be Over Berlin or Tokio Next Week^ - NARA - 534420.jpg ✓ Done
2116 So Much Depends On Us^ - NARA - 534421.jpg ✓ Done
2117 Fore^ Let's Put Everything into this Drive^ - NARA - 534422.jpg ✓ Done
2118 "Non-Stop" Work will Win - NARA - 534423.jpg ✓ Done
2119 Every Bristol Employee - NARA - 534424.jpg ✓ Done
2120 Give Him A "Putsch" in the Puss^ With Production Now - NARA - 534425.jpg ✓ Done
2121 Speed Up Get On Life Saving Time - NARA - 534426.jpg ✓ Done
2122 Together-To Victory - NARA - 534427.jpg ✓ Done
2123 We Are Now in This War^ We are All in it All the Way - NARA - 534428.jpg ✓ Done
2124 Keep the Home Fires Burning More Production^ - NARA - 534429.jpg ✓ Done
2125 A Good Soldier Sticks To His Post^ - NARA - 534430.jpg ✓ Done
2126 More More More More More Production - NARA - 534431.jpg ✓ Done
2127 Yes Sir^ We're Gonna Lift that Line^ - NARA - 534432.jpg ✓ Done
2128 Bowl them Over More Production - NARA - 534433.jpg ✓ Done
2129 Though We Have Them On the Run, Do Not think the Battle's Won... - NARA - 534434.jpg ✓ Done
2130 Be A 100 Percent Production Soldier^ BUOB^ - NARA - 534435.jpg ✓ Done
2131 Be a 100 Percent Production Soldier. Back Up Our Battleskies - NARA - 534436.jpg ✓ Done
2132 Be a 100 Percent Production Soldier. Back Up Our Battleskies - NARA - 534437.jpg ✓ Done
2133 Over 285 of your Fellow Workers Now Serve in our Armed Forces - NARA - 534438.jpg ✓ Done
2134 "Don't Let us Down" - NARA - 534439.jpg ✓ Done
2135 Don't Let Us Down^ - NARA - 534440.jpg ✓ Done
2136 Pledge to Victory. the war may be won or lost in this plant - NARA - 534441.jpg ✓ Done
2137 Our Battle is Production - NARA - 534442.jpg ✓ Done
2138 Be a 100 Percent Production Soldier. Back up Our Battleskies^ - NARA - 534443.jpg ✓ Done
2139 Sign This Pledge to Our Armed Forces - NARA - 534444.jpg ✓ Done
2140 Though Our Enemies Are Taking a Backward Step. Let's Not Slow Up That Old Production Pep^ - NARA - 534445.jpg ✓ Done
2141 Corsairs Climb Right Into the Fight^ - NARA - 534446.jpg ✓ Done
2142 If We Maintain Our Production Pace. It'll Be one More PPFFFTTT^ In Der Fuehrer's Face - NARA - 534447.jpg ✓ Done
2143 Let's Produce to Reduce the Axis. Let's Smother 'Em with Production^ - NARA - 534448.jpg ✓ Done
2144 War Educational Bulletin - NARA - 534449.jpg ✓ Done
2145 War Educational Bulletin - NARA - 534450.jpg ✓ Done
2146 War Educational Bulletin - NARA - 534451.jpg ✓ Done
2147 War Educational Bulletin - NARA - 534452.jpg ✓ Done
2148 War Educational Bulletin - NARA - 534453.jpg ✓ Done
2149 War Educational Bulletin - NARA - 534454.jpg ✓ Done
2150 War Educational Bulletin - NARA - 534455.jpg ✓ Done
2151 War Educational Bulletin - NARA - 534456.jpg ✓ Done
2152 War on Waste. Let's Hang the Rats^ - NARA - 534457.jpg ✓ Done
2153 War on Waste. Let's Hang the Rats^ - NARA - 534458.jpg ✓ Done
2154 A Fine Watch Runs by Co-ordination of All it's Parts - NARA - 534459.jpg ✓ Done
2155 This Machine Producing War Orders. Keep It Running - NARA - 534460.jpg ✓ Done
2156 Ours. We Are Proud of It - NARA - 534461.jpg ✓ Done
2157 Practice Good Workmanship - NARA - 534462.jpg ✓ Done
2158 Prevent Accidents - NARA - 534463.jpg ✓ Done
2159 Preserve Machines - NARA - 534464.jpg ✓ Done
2160 Conserve Time - NARA - 534465.jpg ✓ Done
2161 Conserve Time - NARA - 534466.jpg ✓ Done
2162 Preserve Tools - NARA - 534467.jpg ✓ Done
2163 Conserve Materials - NARA - 534468.jpg ✓ Done
2164 Conserve Materials - NARA - 534469.jpg ✓ Done
2165 Conserve Materials - NARA - 534470.jpg ✓ Done
2166 What Can I Do^ - NARA - 534471.jpg ✓ Done
2167 The Real "V" for Victory. Joined Hands will Crack These Nuts^ - NARA - 534472.jpg ✓ Done
2168 Production^ Darn Toot'n To Keep our Boys Shoot'n - NARA - 534473.jpg ✓ Done
2169 Carnegie-Illinois Victory Legion Program - NARA - 534474.jpg ✓ Done
2170 War Educational Bulletin - NARA - 534475.jpg ✓ Done
2171 War Educational Bulletin - NARA - 534476.jpg ✓ Done
2172 What Do You Think We are in^ A War or Tug-of-War Let's Get them Rolling^ - NARA - 534477.jpg ✓ Done
2173 We Fight When We Produce^ - NARA - 534478.jpg ✓ Done
2174 Which Side Are You On^ - NARA - 534479.jpg ✓ Done
2175 American Soldiers of Production Demand Revenge on Tokyo for the Execution of our American Air Men - NARA - 534480.jpg ✓ Done
2176 The Price of Victory. Blood, Sweat, Tears. Sweat-Our Contribution - NARA - 534481.jpg ✓ Done
2177 Uncle Sam Says-It will take two forces to win this war - NARA - 534482.jpg ✓ Done
2178 A 4 Point Plan - NARA - 534483.jpg ✓ Done
2179 7252 in the service, 94709 in our plants, and Still Working Together^ - NARA - 534484.jpg ✓ Done
2180 AO means...All Out for Production - NARA - 534485.jpg ✓ Done
2181 If you were in the field and we were in the factory...Production would be doubled in a month - NARA - 534486.jpg ✓ Done
2182 Lieut. Gen. Brehon Somervell, Chief of the U.S. Army Services of Supply - NARA - 534487.jpg ✓ Done
2183 Have You Done Your Share For Victory Today^ More Production - NARA - 534488.jpg ✓ Done
2184 Crush the Snake for Victory's Sake. Our Production Make Much More - NARA - 534489.jpg ✓ Done
2185 Keep On Punching In - NARA - 534490.jpg ✓ Done
2186 For that Long Face. More Production - NARA - 534491.jpg ✓ Done
2187 Let's Cooperate so we can Operate on the Axis - NARA - 534492.jpg ✓ Done
2188 You Are a Production Soldier so do your Part - NARA - 534493.jpg ✓ Done
2189 This is to Certify that this department is 100 Percent Pledged to Victory - NARA - 534494.jpg ✓ Done
2190 This is a War of Production. Smash the Axis^ - NARA - 534495.jpg ✓ Done
2191 Victory and Defeat are .001" apart. "Keep On the Ball" - NARA - 534496.jpg ✓ Done
2192 Keep Production on Schedule - NARA - 534497.jpg ✓ Done
2193 "Tomorrow" Hell^ We need it Now - NARA - 534498.jpg ✓ Done
2194 Uncle Sam Says, "Charles Goodall Thought this up..." - NARA - 534499.jpg ✓ Done
2195 Productioneers Throw Another Log on the Fire^ Let's Keep the Home Fires Burning^ - NARA - 534500.jpg ✓ Done
2196 Look At All Three...Then decide which one you want to kick first and hardest with more production - NARA - 534501.jpg ✓ Done
2197 Yes, Productioneers Time Counts - NARA - 534502.jpg ✓ Done
2198 Danger for Hitler Productioneers at Work - NARA - 534503.jpg ✓ Done
2199 "May it Wave Forever" - NARA - 534504.jpg ✓ Done
2200 Remember our Air Men^ Murder,The Specialty of the Yellow B S. More Production^^ - NARA - 534505.jpg ✓ Done
2201 America. Europe - NARA - 534506.jpg ✓ Done
2202 Better Work to Win^ - NARA - 534507.jpg ✓ Done
2203 So you can't take it, Herman^ - NARA - 534508.jpg ✓ Done
2204 Heil Hitler...To H-L with you^ - NARA - 534509.jpg ✓ Done
2205 So Sorry, Please - NARA - 534510.jpg ✓ Done
2206 Let's Give Them Some "Bomby" Weather over there - NARA - 534511.jpg ✓ Done
2207 For Someone We Know. We'll Make Production Grow - NARA - 534512.jpg ✓ Done
2208 Roosevelt said-"We can, We will, We must" Productioneers will help him say "We did" - NARA - 534513.jpg ✓ Done
2209 We can't all be in our country's service. But we can all be of service to our country - NARA - 534514.jpg ✓ Done
2210 Link-Belt Producers are Axis-Reducers - NARA - 534515.jpg ✓ Done
2211 Roast the Pig - NARA - 534516.jpg ✓ Done
2212 Slogan for June '43, Rush that Job-it may save a Gob^^ - NARA - 534517.jpg ✓ Done
2213 Victory - NARA - 534518.jpg ✓ Done
2214 The Jap Knows^ Let's beat our quotas - NARA - 534519.jpg ✓ Done
2215 Not bad "Big Boy"...but Watch Me^ Let's help the little guy along - NARA - 534520.jpg ✓ Done
2216 One piece more means Peace once more - NARA - 534521.jpg ✓ Done
2217 Production will get him in the end - NARA - 534522.jpg ✓ Done
2218 They're watching us...Plenty^ - NARA - 534523.jpg ✓ Done
2219 Put all your Power in the Job^ - NARA - 534524.jpg ✓ Done
2220 Dont be a Bottleneck. Beat the Promise - NARA - 534525.jpg ✓ Done
2221 Don't be an Armchair General^ Be a Production soldier^ - NARA - 534526.jpg ✓ Done
2222 Wipe Off that Smile - NARA - 534527.jpg ✓ Done
2223 Wanted - NARA - 534528.jpg ✓ Done
2224 Don't Stop Production. Don't look for Excuses. Don't listen to Rumors - NARA - 534529.jpg ✓ Done
2225 Put the Squeeze on the Japanese. Beat your Promise - NARA - 534530.jpg ✓ Done
2226 American Production is Breaking the Web^ Boost Production for Invasion - NARA - 534531.jpg ✓ Done
2227 Finished^ Hell No^ Get 'Em Back in Action Fast^ - NARA - 534532.jpg ✓ Done
2228 Keep Punching... in the Battle of Production - NARA - 534533.jpg ✓ Done
2229 Let's Win Here. We are the Men supporting the men behind the guns - NARA - 534534.jpg ✓ Done
2230 Give it your all boys More Production - NARA - 534535.jpg ✓ Done
2231 Speed Up^ - NARA - 534536.jpg ✓ Done
2232 Field Services Bulletin - NARA - 534537.jpg ✓ Done
2233 L-M Promotions - NARA - 534538.jpg ✓ Done
2234 Make it a Homer Uncle^ - NARA - 534539.jpg ✓ Done
2235 We'll Help Make it a Homer Uncle^ - NARA - 534540.jpg ✓ Done
2236 Make the Minutes Count and Watch Production Mount^ - NARA - 534541.jpg ✓ Done
2237 See that he gets those spare parts now not later - NARA - 534542.jpg ✓ Done
2238 You're at the Front Keep it Moving^ - NARA - 534543.jpg ✓ Done
2239 Victory on the sea Begins on the shore - NARA - 534544.jpg ✓ Done
2240 Beat these Three Knaves with your production "Aces" - NARA - 534545.jpg ✓ Done
2241 United we stand. Divided we fall. Beat the Promise - NARA - 534546.jpg ✓ Done
2242 Don't hold him back. Produce More - NARA - 534547.jpg ✓ Done
2243 100 Percent Production - Axis trouble. Keep the bums on the Double^ - NARA - 534548.jpg ✓ Done
2244 Let's go over the Top - NARA - 534549.jpg ✓ Done
2245 Martin Co. Production - NARA - 534550.jpg ✓ Done
2246 Blueprint of Victory - NARA - 534551.jpg ✓ Done
2247 Blueprint of Victory. Have you any Suggestions^ - NARA - 534552.jpg ✓ Done
2248 Blueprint of Victory. Don't Be an Absentee - NARA - 534553.jpg ✓ Done
2249 Blueprint of Victory - NARA - 534554.jpg ✓ Done
2250 Blueprint of Victory - NARA - 534555.jpg ✓ Done
2251 Blueprint of Victory. Avoid the Black Widow of war production - NARA - 534556.jpg ✓ Done
2252 Emerson Electric News Flashes - NARA - 534557.jpg ✓ Done
2253 Letter from a Former Employee - NARA - 534558.jpg ✓ Done
2254 He may be one of our Boys^ Let's give him all we've got - NARA - 534559.jpg ✓ Done
2255 Keep Fightin' soldier We're backing you^ With More Production^ - NARA - 534560.jpg ✓ Done
2256 His life may depend on this Part - NARA - 534561.jpg ✓ Done
2257 1618 reasons for making the very best ammunition - NARA - 534562.jpg ✓ Done
2258 Deliver for "D" Day^ - NARA - 534563.jpg ✓ Done
2259 Get 'Em out for your Navy^ - NARA - 534564.jpg ✓ Done
2260 Deliver for "D" Day^ - NARA - 534565.jpg ✓ Done
2261 Put the Squeeze on the Japanese^ Beat the Promise - NARA - 534566.jpg ✓ Done
2262 Your Production. Beat your Promise - NARA - 534567.jpg ✓ Done
2263 He was Hired to Pace Joe^ - NARA - 534568.jpg ✓ Done
2264 Increased Production. Tokyo Destruction - NARA - 534569.jpg ✓ Done
2265 Bowl them Over. More Production - NARA - 534570.jpg ✓ Done
2266 Winchester Creed for 1943 - NARA - 534571.jpg ✓ Done
2267 The More Sweat the Less blood and tears - NARA - 534572.jpg ✓ Done
2268 More hits, more work, no errors helps to beat the axis "Terrors" - NARA - 534573.jpg ✓ Done
2269 And Better 10 Percent In every dept - NARA - 534574.jpg ✓ Done
2270 Production Don't take that day off - NARA - 534575.jpg ✓ Done
2271 Our War Production has earned a Star - NARA - 534576.jpg ✓ Done
2272 America Expects Brewster Production. We'll win if we Work - NARA - 534577.jpg ✓ Done
2273 Pushing Ahead Together - NARA - 534578.jpg ✓ Done
2274 Production The key to victory - NARA - 534579.jpg ✓ Done
2275 Victory is their Buisness - NARA - 534580.jpg ✓ Done
2276 Fighting tools for fighting men. Give 'Em what they need to win^ - NARA - 534581.jpg ✓ Done
2277 Be a "WOW"-Work to Win - NARA - 534582.jpg ✓ Done
2278 On the road to Berlin - NARA - 534583.jpg ✓ Done
2279 Merchant Marine Drives for Victory - NARA - 534584.jpg ✓ Done
2280 Theirs...the sweat and blood-and all they ask of us is sweat^ - NARA - 534585.jpg ✓ Done
2281 Hands Across the Sea^ Their greater need is your Fastest Speed - NARA - 534586.jpg ✓ Done
2282 They Risk All For Us^ Let's Sweat for them - NARA - 534587.jpg ✓ Done
2283 Vot do we want mit Dot Afrika anyhow...All Dot iss iss sand^^ - NARA - 534588.jpg ✓ Done
2284 Future Scene "and then they stared shipping more Turret Lathes - NARA - 534589.jpg ✓ Done
2285 From a Former Member of Shell 45 - NARA - 534590.jpg ✓ Done
2286 All a Matter of Time - NARA - 534591.jpg ✓ Done
2287 Make it Good^ - NARA - 534592.jpg ✓ Done
2288 Vy Didn't somevone tell me about doze gott dam savage Producinkers^ - NARA - 534593.jpg ✓ Done
2289 Tokio Kid Say - NARA - 534594.jpg ✓ Done
2290 Carnegie-Illinois Men Win Praise - NARA - 534595.jpg ✓ Done
2291 Objectives of the Joint War Production drive - NARA - 534597.jpg ✓ Done
2292 Give 'Em Hell Boys, You can bank on US - NARA - 534598.jpg ✓ Done
2293 We Can't Win with Blue Prints - NARA - 534599.jpg ✓ Done
2294 Stamp 'Em Out^ - NARA - 534600.jpg
2295 Production is the Thing that will get that Swing^ Let's step it up^ - NARA - 534601.jpg ✓ Done
2296 Keep 'Em on the Run. More Production will get 'em in the end^ - NARA - 534602.jpg
2297 Let's give it a damn good pump - NARA - 534603.jpg
2298 You are helping win the war with your hands. Help also with your brains - NARA - 534604.jpg
2299 There's more to do-Do it^ - NARA - 534605.jpg ✓ Done
2300 The 2nd Front depends on the Home Front Beat the Promise - NARA - 534606.jpg
2301 They're out to Win^ - NARA - 534607.jpg
2302 We are all in the Same Boat and headed in the Right Direction to fight this war^ - NARA - 534608.jpg
2303 Midwest is Backing You On land On sea ^amp, in the Air - NARA - 534609.jpg
2304 Let's Win Here - NARA - 534610.jpg
2305 Get 'Em Flying...Speed the Beat^ - NARA - 534611.jpg
2306 They Also Serve...Who stay at home and work - NARA - 534612.jpg
2307 We Salute...Stanley Rogers - NARA - 534613.jpg
2308 Were Dishing it Out - NARA - 534614.jpg
2309 Watch out for the Wasps^ - NARA - 534615.jpg ✓ Done
2310 First Photo of All-United "Corsair" on Battlefront - NARA - 534616.jpg ✓ Done
2311 Feel like taking a day off^ Think of This - NARA - 534617.jpg
2312 Pratt ^amp, Whitney-powered "Marauder" on Tunisian Front - NARA - 534618.jpg ✓ Done
2313 All-United "KingFishers" Still Serving Well - NARA - 534619.jpg
2314 Twin Wasp - NARA - 534620.jpg
2315 War Production Board - NARA - 534621.jpg ✓ Done
2316 It's Up To You - NARA - 534622.jpg
2317 Knock 'Em on their Axis - NARA - 534623.jpg
2318 Our Forefathers Fought and Died for this Freedom - NARA - 534624.jpg
2319 In the Air-Crew Teamwork Wins Flying Fortress Battles. On the Job-The same Teamwork Helps Win at Remington - NARA - 534625.jpg
2320 Hold Formation - NARA - 534626.jpg
2321 Ed Gerber's Resolution for 1943 - NARA - 534627.jpg
2322 Back Him Up - NARA - 534628.jpg
2323 Himmel^ Always They are Working^ - NARA - 534629.jpg
2324 Full Speed Ahead^ Victory Begins At Home - NARA - 534630.jpg
2325 Take it from me, Brother We've Still Got a Big Job to Do^ - NARA - 534631.jpg
2326 You Cut off His Right Arm ...When You Don't Work Back up Our Battleskies^ - NARA - 534632.jpg
2327 Victory Begins at Home - NARA - 534633.jpg
2328 Swing it Brother^ Don't Slow up the Ship^ - NARA - 534634.jpg
2329 Step On it^ - NARA - 534635.jpg
2330 An Absent "T" Won't Help Spell Vic ory - NARA - 534636.jpg
2331 Absenteeism Will Cause This. What did You do today^ - NARA - 534637.jpg ✓ Done
2332 AWOL Helps our Enemies - NARA - 534638.jpg
2333 I am Never Absent How about You^ Are you on the Job Every day^ - NARA - 534639.jpg
2334 Missing from Action^ He has An Excuse Have You^ - NARA - 534640.jpg
2335 Have You Been A.W.O.L - NARA - 534641.jpg
2336 Victory First^ - NARA - 534642.jpg
2337 He Won't Desert his post...Will you desert yours^ - NARA - 534643.jpg ✓ Done
2338 Rear Admiral W.H.P. Blandy - NARA - 534644.jpg
2339 War Production Drive - NARA - 534645.jpg
2340 Absence makes the war last longer. Stay on the Job^ - NARA - 534646.jpg ✓ Done
2341 Your Absence may cost A life - NARA - 534647.jpg
2342 Slogan for April, Vic-ory - NARA - 534648.jpg
2343 Our Boys Need Powder Gun Powder^ - NARA - 534649.jpg
2344 Habitual Absentee - NARA - 534650.jpg ✓ Done
2345 These-Jap Zeros Also Attack Our Boys - NARA - 534651.jpg ✓ Done
2346 Raise the Board and Pass the New Ambition. Everybody on the Job Everyday^^ - NARA - 534652.jpg
2347 Did he Miss a Lifetime-Because You Missed a Day^ Don't lay-off - NARA - 534653.jpg
2348 Every Day you take off is an aid to the Enemy - NARA - 534654.jpg
2349 That good old Right - NARA - 534655.jpg
2350 Who, Me...Help Hitler^ With one little fishing trip^ - NARA - 534656.jpg
2351 Don't Stay Out^ A full house beats three of a kind - NARA - 534657.jpg
2352 War Production Drive - NARA - 534658.jpg
2353 To All Clysler Men Absent Flom Job. Thanks - NARA - 534659.jpg ✓ Done
2354 Absentees Stop Look Take Notice - NARA - 534660.jpg ✓ Done
2355 Official Schickelgruber Alibi Chart - NARA - 534661.jpg
2356 Pulling for Hitler - NARA - 534662.jpg ✓ Done
2357 Vic ory The absent T - NARA - 534663.jpg
2358 You lost this 21 thousand dollars. We lost this 22 thousand man hours of Production - NARA - 534664.jpg
2359 Are You Speeding Victory Every Day - NARA - 534665.jpg
2360 Blueprint for Victory - NARA - 534666.jpg
2361 On the Job, Weather or Not - NARA - 534667.jpg
2362 Do You Want to Lose the War^ - NARA - 534668.jpg
2363 Do you want to lose the war^ - NARA - 534669.jpg
2364 Absenteeism is a Vote for the Axis - NARA - 534670.jpg ✓ Done
2365 The Day You Missed Work-Fellow Americans were Dying for You-on the Battlefields - NARA - 534671.jpg
2366 The Day You Were Absent fellow Americans were Dying for You on the Battlefields - NARA - 534672.jpg
2367 Earn Your Share in America's Victory by Being on the Job every day - NARA - 534673.jpg
2368 Absenteeism can lead to this - NARA - 534674.jpg ✓ Done
2369 There's more to do-Do it^ - NARA - 534675.jpg ✓ Done
2370 "So You're not coming in Tomorrow Bud" - NARA - 534676.jpg ✓ Done
2371 Don't be a "skip" - NARA - 534677.jpg
2372 Death never takes a Holiday. Why should You^ - NARA - 534678.jpg
2373 Let's Go-There may be a sub chaser in this tree^ - NARA - 534679.jpg
2374 Don't let Idle Cylinders Jam Production. Keep 'Em Rolling^ - NARA - 534680.jpg
2375 Production - NARA - 534681.jpg
2376 At sea we live our job. Lets be on the job Everyday^ - NARA - 534682.jpg
2377 Win this Flag for your Colliery - NARA - 534683.jpg
2378 "Who's Holding Up My Ammunition" - NARA - 534684.jpg
2379 These Boys are on the Job Everyday-Are You^ - NARA - 534685.jpg
2380 Don't Give Up the Ship^ - NARA - 534686.jpg
2381 Shipbuilders Creed for '43 - NARA - 534687.jpg
2382 Put them acrosss^ The Toughest Job is Still Ahead^ - NARA - 534688.jpg
2383 Back The Attack-With 6 Full Days Work Every Week - NARA - 534689.jpg
2384 He Can't Lay Off - NARA - 534690.jpg
2385 This is a War Plant Don't be a Deserter - NARA - 534691.jpg
2386 Have You Been A.W.O.L - NARA - 534692.jpg
2387 We Can't Skin Japs with Absenteeism - NARA - 534693.jpg ✓ Done
2388 We'll Lick Absenteeism or we'll lose the war - NARA - 534694.jpg ✓ Done
2389 Jap Much Glad when you be Absentee - NARA - 534695.jpg ✓ Done
2390 Monday Morning too^ On the Job Monday - NARA - 534696.jpg
2391 Absent - NARA - 534697.jpg ✓ Done
2392 Was that Day Off Worth his Life^ - NARA - 534698.jpg
2393 Absence makes the war last longer - NARA - 534699.jpg
2394 Partners. When You are Absent without Good Reason - NARA - 534700.jpg
2395 Time to Go^ He's on the Job Everyday-Are you^ - NARA - 534701.jpg
2396 All Out to Win means All Out to Work - NARA - 534702.jpg
2397 Abenteeism - NARA - 534703.jpg
2398 I Need You on the Job Every Day - NARA - 534704.jpg
2399 He was Never an Absentee^ - NARA - 534705.jpg
2400 Vic ory. Don't You be that AbsenTee^ - NARA - 534706.jpg
2401 He is Absent. Is your Reason as Good^ - NARA - 534707.jpg ✓ Done
2402 August 10, 1942 A.W.O.L - NARA - 534708.jpg
2403 Let's Stick to Our Guns - NARA - 534709.jpg
2404 If You Don't work they can't Fly - NARA - 534710.jpg
2405 Save them this fate. Don't stay home from Work^ - NARA - 534711.jpg
2406 Rub out the Axis - NARA - 534712.jpg
2407 Save your bullets for the Axis. Don't Take Time Off^ - NARA - 534713.jpg
2408 Absence makes the War Grow longer - NARA - 534714.jpg
2409 You aid the Axis when you're Absent - NARA - 534715.jpg ✓ Done
2410 Think of them before you take a day off^ - NARA - 534716.jpg
2411 Punch Wins^ - NARA - 534717.jpg
2412 Lay-offs cost lives Keep 'Em Firing - NARA - 534718.jpg
2413 Why Don't You Do Right Like the other Folks Do - NARA - 534719.jpg
2414 Who's holdin up my Supplies^ - NARA - 534720.jpg
2415 Vic ory. You can't spell Victory with an absentee - NARA - 534721.jpg
2416 An absent "T" won't help spell VIC ORY^ - NARA - 534722.jpg
2417 If we keep machines roaring, They' ll keep the planes soaring - NARA - 534723.jpg
2418 Fighters grounded-No spares^ - NARA - 534724.jpg
2419 If we produce enough of these. We Won't Need These - NARA - 534725.jpg
2420 More Power to Him^ Get 'Em Flying - NARA - 534726.jpg
2421 Speed the Beat^ - NARA - 534727.jpg
2422 Memo for Tomorrow...Victory^ - NARA - 534728.jpg
2423 This is a War of Production. Get 'Em Flying - NARA - 534729.jpg
2424 SEND US MORE... and fast - NARA - 534730.jpg
2425 These are BREWSTER PRODUCTS. BUILD MORE OF THEM - NARA - 534731.jpg
2427 The fighting plane you're working on TODAY... May be over Berlin or Tokio NEXT WEEK^ - NARA - 534733.jpg
2428 DON'T FORGET, This BOMBER has a DATE too... in TOKYO^ KEEP `EM FLYING - NARA - 534734.jpg
2429 Let's keep the fortresses flying to the fighting fronts^ - NARA - 534735.jpg
2430 It's only 1000 minutes from Cheyenne to Berlin^ Let's keep `em moving^ - NARA - 534736.jpg
2431 On the fighting front^ On the home front^ Let's keep `em flying^ - NARA - 534737.jpg
2432 Hit `em in the Axis. A plane every 8 minutes - NARA - 534738.jpg
2433 Thousand of Curtiss "STARS" say "DON'T LET US DOWN" Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 534739.jpg
2434 Rush those planes. Strike that blow. Rain destruction on Tokyo. - NARA - 534740.jpg
2435 "FOR GOD'S SAKE SEND PLANES" Planes mean guns - our guns. Let's go, everybody... keep`em firing^ - NARA - 534741.jpg
2436 You lost 6612 hours last week. Com'on we need your help... give us those tanks for our planes. - NARA - 534742.jpg
2437 `Fess up... Don't pass the buck^ American aircraft progress depends on you^ - NARA - 534743.jpg
2438 Guns^ Guns^^ Guns^^^ What good is a soldier without a gun^ Let's speed up^ "Give `em the guns" - NARA - 534744.jpg
2439 Rockets away^ Blasting the enemy from sea, land, and air. Rockets are speeding us toward victory in the Pacific. - NARA - 534745.jpg
2440 Rockets are number 1 on our hit parade. Keep `em humming^ - NARA - 534746.jpg
2441 We may not be welding tanks, but, boy, we're keeping a hercules plant running... and that's something in this war.... - NARA - 534747.jpg
2442 The more power we produce the more calling cards to - Hirohito. Let's see that he gets plenty of calling cards^ - NARA - 534748.jpg
2443 35,000 tons of fight. Guided by Spencer Alidades, Binoculars, Periscopes, mark 67 (degrees) 68 (degrees)... - NARA - 534749.jpg ✓ Done
2444 Our fighting men have the best planes in the world. Let's give them the best ammunition. - NARA - 534750.jpg
2445 Give us more weapons - NARA - 534751.jpg
2446 Hit `em hard^ With production^ - NARA - 534752.jpg
2447 You give us the "fire" we'll give `em hell^ Let's go, everybody - Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534753.jpg
2448 This is our fight, too, buddy^ Come on gang - We're building arms for victory^ - NARA - 534754.jpg
2449 Looking for me^ - NARA - 534755.jpg
2450 He needs your help^ "Come on, gang^ We're building arms for victory" - NARA - 534756.jpg
2451 O.K., General... We'll keep the fire power coming^ Fire-power is our business. - NARA - 534757.jpg
2452 Let's open a second "rushin'" front^ Rush^ to keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534758.jpg
2453 "Come on, gang^ We're building arms for victory" - NARA - 534759.jpg
2454 Whack the Jap on the back of his lap^ Let's go - everybody - keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534760.jpg ✓ Done
2455 Let's get in and pitch - to smash the son-of-a-sun^ Let's go, everybody - Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534761.jpg
2456 Keep him goose-stepping^ Let's go, everybody^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534762.jpg
2457 Fire-power will win^ - and fire power is our business^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534763.jpg
2458 Let `em have it^ Right square on the butt. "Come on, gang^ We're building arms for victory" - NARA - 534764.jpg
2459 Our enemies will use the minutes you lose. Make all the munitions you can. - NARA - 534765.jpg
2460 Together we can do it^ Labor. Management. Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534766.jpg
2461 Marks the spot^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534767.jpg
2462 They've got the guts^ Let's give `em the guns^ Fire-power is our business^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534768.jpg
2463 Let's catch him with his "panzers" down^ We will - if we keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534769.jpg
2464 From mine to firing line - more production - NARA - 534770.jpg
2465 Work the way they fight and we will win^ - NARA - 534771.jpg
2466 This is every American's fight^ Come on gang - let's rush - NARA - 534772.jpg
2467 Sure - I'm working harder. Come on, gang^ We're building arms for victory^ - NARA - 534773.jpg
2468 He is counting on us^ His fire-power depends on our work-power^ Let's go, everybody - Keep `em firing. - NARA - 534774.jpg
2469 Let's go, everybody^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534775.jpg
2470 Put him in "pincers"^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534776.jpg
2471 If you can't go across - come across^ Produce^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534777.jpg
2472 Your job is to keep `em shooting - NARA - 534778.jpg
2473 Express to Tokio. Right now there's just one weapon to sock the Japs in their own backyard - the torpedo. Every... - NARA - 534779.jpg ✓ Done
2474 Periscope eye view of what your work can do. Keep them coming... fast and right^ - NARA - 534780.jpg
2475 Monsters with flapping wings. It's the torpedo that gives them the destructive wallop^ - NARA - 534781.jpg
2476 The U.S.S Hornet is sunk^ The navy and the country count on you. - NARA - 534782.jpg
2477 You're darn tootin' it's complicated. Make sure your part is right, and the torpedo will be right^ - NARA - 534783.jpg
2478 They did it with torpedoes. You can help them put some more patches on their banner. - NARA - 534784.jpg
2479 You're in the Navy too. Don't let them down^ - NARA - 534785.jpg
2480 Win tank battles in Africa. Our bullets will do it^ - NARA - 534786.jpg
2481 Avenge Pearl Harbor. Our bullets will do it - NARA - 534787.jpg ✓ Done
2482 Drive the Japs from the Aleutians^ Our bullets will do it^ - NARA - 534788.jpg
2483 Murder in cold blood. Let's force the Japs to pay. Make every bullet grade `A'. - NARA - 534789.jpg ✓ Done
2484 Bristo screws... now used in Ford Jeeps - NARA - 534790.jpg
2485 Bristol's pyrometers... now used in U.S. sub-chasers - NARA - 534791.jpg
2486 Bristol's pyromasters... now used in heat-treating metals for Garand Rifles. - NARA - 534792.jpg
2487 Let's not keep him waiting. Prompt deliveries of Bristo screws and Bristol instruments keep him flying. - NARA - 534793.jpg
2488 Ships and planes need the "life-blood of war". - - - Better instruments mean more fuel, better in quality. - NARA - 534794.jpg
2489 Perfect rifle barrels. For Garand rifles are made with the help of superior Bristol instruments. - NARA - 534795.jpg
2490 North American P-51 Mustang Fighter - NARA - 534796.jpg
2491 You are helping to supply parts for this transport plane and its Jeeps. Raybestos products are vital to airplane and... - NARA - 534797.jpg
2492 You are helping to protect this valuable aircraft carrier. Raybestos products are vital to PT boats. "Help build `em... - NARA - 534798.jpg ✓ Done
2493 This is the flat top... OKONITE - NARA - 534799.jpg
2494 This is the light that lit the skies and worked with the ear - both use the wire that you made. Keep `em spotting^ - NARA - 534800.jpg
2495 In action over Africa and the Solomons. Raybestos brake lining helps land these deadly planes safely. "Help build `em... - NARA - 534801.jpg ✓ Done
2496 North America B-25 Bomber. ... Products made in this plant serve on "the invisible crew" of this mighty war bird. - NARA - 534802.jpg ✓ Done
2497 You are helping to supply this motorized equipment. Raybestos products are vital to motorcycles. "Help build `em... - NARA - 534803.jpg
2498 You are helping to make these dependable army vehicles. Raybestos products are vital to Jeeps. "Help build `em better." - NARA - 534804.jpg
2499 Consolidated B-24 Liberator. This great ship - largest of the American Bombers - carries Bendix Products into battle... - NARA - 534805.jpg
2500 To make mosquitos sting faster^ Keep fightin' - soldier^ - NARA - 534806.jpg
2501 You are helping to keep these convoys rolling. Raybestos Products are vital to trucks. "Help build `em better." - NARA - 534807.jpg
2502 You are helping to supply parts for this transport plane and its Jeeps. Raybestos Products are vital to airplanes and... - NARA - 534808.jpg
2503 You are helping to make better American tanks. Raybestos Products are vital to tanks. "Help build `em better." - NARA - 534809.jpg
2504 You are helping to protect this valuable aricraft carrier. Raybestos Products are vital to PT Boats. "Help build `em... - NARA - 534810.jpg ✓ Done
2505 Our fighting forces can't take time out to be late for battle or careless. Stay on the job. - NARA - 534811.jpg
2506 This kills only one Jap^ but this keeps a plane flying. Keep fightin' - soldier^ - NARA - 534812.jpg
2507 Start's `em flying^ Keep fightin', soldier - NARA - 534813.jpg
2508 Serve to survive - NARA - 534814.jpg
2509 "It's a horse on you, Adolph." - NARA - 534815.jpg ✓ Done
2510 "A real Axis nightmare." - NARA - 534816.jpg
2511 "Keep that lumber coming" - NARA - 534817.jpg
2512 All Harvester Products are war products... either for offense or defense. - NARA - 534818.jpg
2513 These war plants - NARA - 534819.jpg
2514 Keep them rolling... high production for victory^ - NARA - 534820.jpg
2515 Naked soldier can't fight. Weapons without uniforms are worthless. - NARA - 534821.jpg
2516 Both are weapons. Our farm and fighting forces depend on you. - NARA - 534822.jpg
2517 Manpower lost... For victory's sake - stay on the job^ - NARA - 534823.jpg
2518 This is our war too. Naked soldiers can't fight. Weapons without uniforms are worthless. - NARA - 534824.jpg
2519 They asked for it^ - NARA - 534825.jpg
2520 I can't see how this TVA maintenance work helps win the war - NARA - 534826.jpg
2521 Kilowatts to kill the rats. TVA power gives us aluminum for planes. - NARA - 534827.jpg
2522 "I'll tell ya, Doc, our shells have this same mark on `em" - NARA - 534828.jpg
2523 "Listen, soldier, it just doesn't make sense." - NARA - 534829.jpg
2524 "But gosh, Sarge, can I help it if this new wing tip makes me homesick" - NARA - 534830.jpg
2525 Power to win. 10 years of TVA - NARA - 534831.jpg
2526 We are building this dam to make the power to roll the aluminum to build the planes to beat the rats. - NARA - 534832.jpg
2527 Out of water power... comes air power. This is a TVA war job. - NARA - 534833.jpg
2528 We're clearing the way for TVA power. This is a war job - NARA - 534834.jpg
2529 Out of water power comes air power. These TVA dams are needed for victory. - NARA - 534835.jpg
2530 This is it... Fire power in the making. TVA jobs are war jobs. - NARA - 534836.jpg
2531 Electric power is a weapon of war. No tank, no shell, no plane can be made without it. TVA jobs are war jobs. - NARA - 534837.jpg
2532 York is with the fleet. There's material we've built in every Convoy. You can't fight a modern war without... - NARA - 534838.jpg
2533 Here's how it works - NARA - 534839.jpg
2534 Thanks, Buddy^ These little parts for our big trucks are just what the general ordered. Keep `em rolling the Inland... - NARA - 534840.jpg
2535 Thanks, Buddy^ I couldn't fly to save my life without these small parts. Keep `em flying the Inland way for U.S.A. - NARA - 534841.jpg
2536 No time for stewing. Keep on fighting - NARA - 534842.jpg
2537 No more "pig boats". Keep on fighting - NARA - 534843.jpg
2538 Eagle eyes aloft. Keep on fighting - NARA - 534844.jpg
2539 You're there with York. Keep on fighting - NARA - 534845.jpg
2540 Back him up with G-E production - NARA - 534846.jpg
2541 Your country needs coal. It is unpatriotic to miss time except for unavoidable reasons^ Work steadily. More production. - NARA - 534847.jpg
2542 Your country needs more coal for the war effort - NARA - 534848.jpg
2543 Boil `em in oil. Victory may be measured in gallons. Keep it flowing. - NARA - 534849.jpg
2544 Working together for Victory. Anthracite is a "fighting fuel." America needs it now. - NARA - 534850.jpg
2545 In Marcus Hook, we gas `em up^ Our oil helps build `em. Our gas helps fly `em. - NARA - 534851.jpg
2546 Oil goes to war. Be sure to see. In the battle too. Thrilling shots of planes in action. Battleships. Tanks^ - NARA - 534852.jpg
2547 100 octane puts our boys on top^ - NARA - 534853.jpg
2548 You can't beat Hitler in here^ - NARA - 534854.jpg
2549 "When the lights come on again..." Meanwhile... Let's you and I keep punching^ - NARA - 534855.jpg
2550 He may be your kin. Do all you can to help him win^ - NARA - 534856.jpg
2551 Drag it down. "Keep `em pulling" - NARA - 534857.jpg
2552 Full speed - ahead^ - NARA - 534858.jpg
2553 The German Labor Day is different. One factory, one union, one guard. - NARA - 534859.jpg ✓ Done
2554 "Ach^ You Yankee workers make me sick" - NARA - 534860.jpg
2555 "Hi, Buddy" - NARA - 534861.jpg
2556 Let's hit `em hard, America^ - NARA - 534862.jpg
2557 "V." It also stands for volume^ - NARA - 534863.jpg
2558 Production plus performance - NARA - 534864.jpg
2559 All together - heave ho^ - NARA - 534865.jpg
2560 "Coming events cast their shadows..." - NARA - 534866.jpg
2561 Three blind rats^ - NARA - 534867.jpg
2562 The hand that rocks the cradle - NARA - 534868.jpg
2563 ... In the Axis' face - NARA - 534869.jpg
2564 How he got the jump on them - NARA - 534870.jpg
2565 Say Uncle^ - NARA - 534871.jpg
2566 Out on a long, long limb - NARA - 534872.jpg
2567 Push - it isn't a wishing stone^ - NARA - 534873.jpg
2568 Time is short, Adolph^ - NARA - 534874.jpg
2569 Rube Goldberg's latest war machine^ - NARA - 534875.jpg ✓ Done
2570 Smoking `em out^ - NARA - 534876.jpg
2571 "He is our boy" - NARA - 534877.jpg
2572 Sucker bet - NARA - 534878.jpg
2573 A challenge^ Only you can give the answer^ - NARA - 534879.jpg
2574 "Coming-out party... with plenty of Yanks" - NARA - 534880.jpg
2575 United for victory - NARA - 534881.jpg
2576 Too little too late - NARA - 534882.jpg
2577 Boy^ I sure did a good day's work today^ - NARA - 534883.jpg
2578 These are the buttons to shoot for - NARA - 534884.jpg
2579 Somewhere an American boy has a rendezvous with death. He is giving his all^ - NARA - 534885.jpg
2580 Heil Hitler from Morey employees. Made in U.S.A - NARA - 534886.jpg ✓ Done
2581 Are you doing all you can^ - NARA - 534887.jpg
2582 Produce while it is still a privilege - NARA - 534888.jpg
2583 Remember... and they will stall our production too. If they can. - NARA - 534889.jpg
2584 Can you look him in the eye when he comes back^ It depends on what you do today^ - NARA - 534890.jpg
2585 Paste this in your hat^ We can't win without you - NARA - 534891.jpg
2586 "Tho we've received an E - for work well done let's keep doing it until we've won." - NARA - 534892.jpg
2587 For their protection. Step up production^ - NARA - 534893.jpg
2588 They Shall Not Have Died in Vain. Remember Pearl Harbor. Work, Fight, Sacrifice. Let's get it over with^ - NARA - 534894.jpg
2589 Everytime you twist a nut think of Hitler - NARA - 534895.jpg ✓ Done
2590 The size of this American Military Cemetery depends on what you do today^ Your job well done may save a son. - NARA - 534896.jpg
2591 Every hour you work will save kids' lives^ Our work will win or lose this war. - NARA - 534897.jpg
2592 Work ^amp, sweat for victory^ - NARA - 534898.jpg
2593 V... - Wearing different uniforms but we all have the same big job. Let's go everybody - Keep `em firing. - NARA - 534899.jpg
2594 Shall we let him get away with it. Let's go everybody - Keep `em firing. - NARA - 534900.jpg
2595 Rub out the Axis^ - NARA - 534901.jpg
2596 I'll dictate the terms from the White House^ Oh yeah^ - Not if we keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534902.jpg
2597 "For the love of Hurry" He needs our best. Now^ The Inland way for U.S.A. - NARA - 534903.jpg
2598 Don't let anything happen to them^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534904.jpg
2599 Another American ace^ His guns are shooting down Nazis and Japs right now^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534905.jpg
2600 Let's all pull together^ To keep it flying - Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534906.jpg
2601 Their lives are in our hands. Let's keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534907.jpg
2602 Our pledge - Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 534908.jpg
2603 Think. It's your job to out-think the Axis. American aircraft progress is up to you. - NARA - 534909.jpg
2604 Never again. Too little and too late. Outwork the enemy - NARA - 534910.jpg
2605 Never again. Too little and too late. Outwork the enemy - NARA - 534911.jpg
2606 Results of slow production - NARA - 534912.jpg
2607 Too little and too late - NARA - 534913.jpg
2608 Their's to do or die. Ours to meet supply - NARA - 534914.jpg
2609 Quiet please. A Victory Legion worker of Carnegie, Illinois sleeps here. - NARA - 534915.jpg ✓ Done
2610 Sh-h-h. Carnegie - Illinois production soldier sleeping here. - NARA - 534916.jpg ✓ Done
2611 Speed^ Speed^ Speed^ - NARA - 534917.jpg
2612 Here we come. Carnegie - Illinois Victory Legion. Production drive committee. - NARA - 534918.jpg
2613 Putting the prod in production. Production Drive Committee - NARA - 534919.jpg
2614 "All out" for victory. Production Drive Committee - NARA - 534920.jpg
2615 Production Drive Committee - NARA - 534921.jpg
2616 Machines alone won't win the battles - It's the spirit back of the machine. Production Drive Committee. - NARA - 534922.jpg
2617 For them, there is no day - no night - only battle. Remember - they can't take a day off. Production Drive Committee. - NARA - 534923.jpg
2618 Made record.. broke same^ Production Drive Committee - NARA - 534924.jpg
2619 Another blow at the Axis. Carnegie - Illinois Production Drive Committee. - NARA - 534925.jpg
2620 Hot steel - to cold steel^ Production Drive Committee - NARA - 534926.jpg
2621 Our big guns will build another Lexington. Production Drive Committee. - NARA - 534927.jpg
2622 Full speed ahead. Every day counts. Production Drive Committee. - NARA - 534928.jpg
2623 "Steel for Victory" - NARA - 534929.jpg
2624 Don't hold this tiger. Let's have action^ - NARA - 534930.jpg
2625 One day's power from Douglas Dam will make the aluminum to build 7 big bombers. This is a war job. - NARA - 534931.jpg
2626 How to win a war. Keep you lab storage full, whether it needs it or not. - NARA - 534932.jpg
2627 How to win a war. Don't skimp on tubing - NARA - 534933.jpg
2628 Uncle Sam speaks to "SAVAGE." Let's make our answer - "Yes"^ Let's do "our level best." - NARA - 534934.jpg
2629 Frozen planes, can't win a war. Let's get hot^ - NARA - 534935.jpg
2630 Team-group identification - NARA - 534936.jpg
2631 Defective pyrometers may mean loss of life and equipment - NARA - 534937.jpg
2632 No duds when accurate instruments keep up quality of high explosives. - NARA - 534938.jpg
2633 The "rubber" that armies roll on - NARA - 534939.jpg
2634 Our army and navy need more of what you're making. Don't waste time here. Smash the Axis. - NARA - 534940.jpg
2635 Time is ammunition. Don't waste it here. Smash the Axis - NARA - 534941.jpg
2636 You've got something. Keep it in shape. Straighten bent rims. - NARA - 534942.jpg
2637 An idle machine is an empty gun - NARA - 534943.jpg
2638 Tokio Joe say gabby gals and gabby guys help put Axis velly wise. Thank you. - NARA - 534944.jpg
2639 Ps-s-st.. shtick arount... your chob can vait^ - NARA - 534945.jpg
2640 This may help pay taxes but this helps beat the Axis. Stay on the job. - NARA - 534946.jpg
2641 If you must kill time kill it after the war - NARA - 534947.jpg
2642 Wanted^ For sabotage. Luke the lady (crossed out) time killer. - NARA - 534948.jpg
2643 Our fighting forces can't take time out. Stay on the job - NARA - 534949.jpg
2644 Remember what Bob Lockhardt said about "the power of a minute"^ - NARA - 534950.jpg
2645 Tokio kid say - Wash up early. Rush out door. Give Jap time for win war. - NARA - 534951.jpg ✓ Done
2646 Tokio Joe say - You loaf in there... Make me very happy here in... Japan... - NARA - 534952.jpg
2647 How many do you waste^ - NARA - 534953.jpg
2648 Leave that message where you'll be. It will save time, you will see^ - NARA - 534954.jpg
2649 Get mad - Smash it - Help us win - NARA - 534955.jpg
2650 If you can't go across... "Come across" with an honest days work. - NARA - 534956.jpg
2651 To win the war. Time is precious. Don't waste it^ - NARA - 534957.jpg
2652 For victory we give our time. Let's not waste it - NARA - 534958.jpg
2653 Time is what life is made of - spend it wisely^ - NARA - 534959.jpg
2654 What happens if you slow down^ - NARA - 534960.jpg
2655 When you loaf I love it - NARA - 534961.jpg
2656 He's not killing time - NARA - 534962.jpg
2657 An idle machine may cost your pal's life. Stay on the job. Keep your machines rolling. Smash the Axis. - NARA - 534963.jpg
2658 If you waste time and hang around I won't have to hang paper again. - NARA - 534964.jpg
2659 The greatest shortage of all. Willing workers win - NARA - 534965.jpg
2660 All smackin' together every day^ Every absent worker halts the team-work. - NARA - 534966.jpg
2661 Der Fuhrer says, "Trinken your beer, meine lieben Dummkopft, vork vill vait" Get back from lunch on time. - NARA - 534967.jpg
2662 This is war^ Who pays for your neglect^ - NARA - 534968.jpg
2663 Check your work^ - NARA - 534969.jpg
2664 Give `em the best. Our fighters will do the rest - NARA - 534970.jpg
2665 The eternal triangle^ - NARA - 534971.jpg
2666 Good tools get at the rats. Don't let tools go on strike by breaking them. - NARA - 534972.jpg
2667 Simple Sam. The wasting fool... Everyday he breaks a tool^ - NARA - 534973.jpg
2668 They knocked the chip off Uncle Sam's shoulder^ So let's go productioneer... Let's show `em some chips^ - NARA - 534974.jpg
2669 Tokio kid say - Broke up tools waste for scrap just like bullets make for Jap^ Thank you. - NARA - 534975.jpg ✓ Done
2670 Learn your A-B-C's - NARA - 534976.jpg
2671 Productioneers can't we do just a little bit more^ Better performance on your part will turn the tide. - NARA - 534977.jpg
2672 Strike out the Axis. A perfect delivery - NARA - 534978.jpg
2673 Simple Proportion- Conservation, Production-, Careful Handling, Effort^ - NARA - 534979.jpg
2674 Critical materials can't be replaced^ - NARA - 534980.jpg
2675 Do you want to lose the war^ Dance an extra hour tonight... what if you are late tomorrow^ - NARA - 534981.jpg
2676 Blueprint of victory - NARA - 534982.jpg
2677 You kill our boys when you kill time^ - NARA - 534983.jpg
2678 "The forgiving minute" Get `em flying^ - NARA - 534984.jpg
2679 Our fighting forces can't take time out to be late for battle or careless. Stay on the job. - NARA - 534985.jpg
2680 Every minute counts - NARA - 534986.jpg
2681 A minute wasted might mean a life lost - NARA - 534987.jpg
2682 Make the minutes count and watch production mount - NARA - 534988.jpg
2683 Minutes saved here mean lives saved there^ - NARA - 534989.jpg
2684 ... And they think time is all they're killing - NARA - 534990.jpg
2685 Thanks please for lost time - NARA - 534991.jpg
2686 Do you want to lose the war^ ... Just loaf in the wash room. Thank you please for lost time on your job - NARA - 534992.jpg
2687 Do you want to lose the war^ Go ahead and have fun... Hitler wants you to forget about your job. - NARA - 534993.jpg
2688 And do they raise hell when the war news is bad^ - NARA - 534994.jpg
2689 Do you want to lose the war^ Stay out late... Dissipate... Be tired. You can't do your best that way^ - NARA - 534995.jpg
2690 What is the cost of a spoiled part^ - NARA - 534996.jpg
2691 Bar the Axis. The soldier must keep his weapons in A-1 condition. Tools are your weapons. - NARA - 534997.jpg
2692 Tokio kid say - Oh soooo happy - for honorable scrap, busting of tools, help winning for Jap. Thank you^ - NARA - 534998.jpg ✓ Done
2693 Don't thow it. Use it^ - NARA - 534999.jpg
2694 Be careful with gauges - NARA - 535000.jpg
2695 Adolf gets the jitters - NARA - 535001.jpg ✓ Done
2696 Broken tools can't fight. Tools are necessary to make war weapons. Keep them in the fight. - NARA - 535002.jpg
2697 Broken.. and "out of the fight" because someone was careless. - NARA - 535003.jpg
2698 Broken tools hold up production and help the "rising sun." - NARA - 535004.jpg
2699 Broken tools are deserters from the production army. Keep them in perfect condition. - NARA - 535005.jpg
2700 When in doubt don't^ - NARA - 535006.jpg
2701 Poor handling of materials. Reason for scrap. Make it good^ - NARA - 535007.jpg
2702 Reason for scrap^^ Lack of instruction^^ Make it good^ - NARA - 535008.jpg
2703 One thing he can't swallow. Don't let tools go on strike by breaking them. - NARA - 535009.jpg
2704 It may be a long rough journey. Help assure safe arrival at the fighting fronts. That's your job. - NARA - 535010.jpg
2705 The plane that wasn't there grounded by spoiled parts - NARA - 535011.jpg
2706 "It takes more than courage to win a war." - NARA - 535012.jpg
2707 100 pieces to make. 82 pieces finished - NARA - 535013.jpg
2708 Scraphappy Dan slambang man^ Scratches material by walking across it. Make him watch his step^ - NARA - 535014.jpg
2709 Broken tools help the enemy. Return `em to tool crib - NARA - 535015.jpg
2710 Keep `em flying - Back. Usable drums are like ammunition. Help the services, the industry, yourself. - NARA - 535016.jpg
2711 If you want to kill time try working it to death. We're at war^ - NARA - 535017.jpg
2712 The right tools for the right job - NARA - 535018.jpg
2713 Quality must be built into a turbine. It cannot be inspected into it. - NARA - 535019.jpg
2714 Giff me a break... chust hang around^ - NARA - 535020.jpg
2715 Production done right will help win the fight - NARA - 535021.jpg
2716 "Chalk us up - with another good day's work" Let's show them. - NARA - 535022.jpg
2717 Don't let idle cylinders jam production. Keep `em rolling^ - NARA - 535023.jpg
2718 Spoiled parts... Grounded planes - NARA - 535024.jpg
2719 Do you want to lose the war^ ... Just laugh at inefficieny - NARA - 535025.jpg
2720 Who loses^ You do^ - NARA - 535026.jpg
2721 Good mechanics make good parts - not alibis - NARA - 535027.jpg
2722 Ridicule lots if you pull a bone - none if you ask - NARA - 535028.jpg
2723 Lost^ 1500 parts from war production. Lost^ Because a drop of oil was not applied on time on this spindle. - NARA - 535029.jpg
2724 These broken N C R tools are not "tools of victory." Be careful. - NARA - 535030.jpg
2725 A flyer's fate lies in your hands - NARA - 535031.jpg
2726 One second of carelessness can wipe out all their work - NARA - 535032.jpg
2727 How does you work leave the plant^ Like this or like this - NARA - 535033.jpg
2728 Follow the oldtimer's advice. Handle tools carefully. Prevent accidents. Avoid spoilage. Come on. C-H... Do more... - NARA - 535034.jpg
2729 We had to transfer Joe to this work using the only tool he can't break. - NARA - 535035.jpg
2730 Moor toolie you crackie more happy Jappie. Hein - Werner - NARA - 535036.jpg
2731 Tokio Kid - NARA - 535037.jpg ✓ Done
2732 The missing worker, the idle machine are "defeats" in the battle of production. - NARA - 535038.jpg
2733 Time lost means lives lost - NARA - 535039.jpg
2734 It takes... 120 days to get a scrapped case back into production. - NARA - 535040.jpg
2735 A job well done is a victory won^ - NARA - 535041.jpg
2736 Give `em quality. Their lives depend upon it^ - NARA - 535042.jpg
2737 Dull drills don't bite, - they break^ Drills are vital and scarce^ - NARA - 535043.jpg
2738 This shell mill was broken by... Careless handling^ It takes 120 days to replace^ - NARA - 535044.jpg
2739 The battle begins with your job^ Do it right - NARA - 535045.jpg
2740 You make it right... ... They'll make it fight - NARA - 535046.jpg
2741 Let's hit every dimension right on the button^ It takes careful, accurate work to - Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 535047.jpg
2742 A broken tool means lost time^ Lost pay. Lost work^ Lost production^ Keep tools in shape to keep `em firing^ - NARA - 535048.jpg
2743 Your tools are weapons. Take care of them - NARA - 535049.jpg
2744 He can't fix guns in the air^ Build `em right^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 535050.jpg
2745 Hidden errors come back to haunt you. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535051.jpg
2746 Curtiss chief test pilots beg, "Don't hide an error" Tell your foreman. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535052.jpg
2747 Killed by a hidden error. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535053.jpg
2748 Death rides the skies on hidden errors. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535054.jpg
2749 Use care. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535055.jpg
2750 Another "break" for the Axis. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535056.jpg
2751 Carelessness helps the enemy. Do it right the first time. Back up our battleskies. - NARA - 535057.jpg
2752 Keep an eagle eye on quality. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535058.jpg
2753 It takes 2 hands to fire those guns^ Your and his. Service `em right. Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 535059.jpg
2754 Don't give the Japs a single break^ Guard against broken tools. - NARA - 535060.jpg ✓ Done
2755 Another broken tool. Another defeat in the battle of production^ Let's keep `em fit to keep `em firing^ - NARA - 535061.jpg
2756 The Gremlins will get you if you don't watch out^ - NARA - 535062.jpg ✓ Done
2757 It's "O" if our guns don't fire. It's a "zero" if they do^ Service `em right^ - NARA - 535063.jpg
2758 "Judgement Day". Lawlessness on the home front - NARA - 535064.jpg
2759 Carelessness is sabotage^ It will take 90 days to replace this end mill broken through carelessness^ - NARA - 535065.jpg
2760 Don't let carelessness knock you out. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535066.jpg
2761 Running order. Everyone on the job and on time - NARA - 535067.jpg
2762 Blue stars or gold stars depend on your work. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535068.jpg
2763 Spoiled work grounds our flyers - NARA - 535069.jpg
2764 The parts they were waiting for - NARA - 535070.jpg
2765 Careful work now^ Carefree days later^ - NARA - 535071.jpg
2766 Defective parts - Broken hearts - NARA - 535072.jpg
2767 More toolie you crackie more happy Jappie. Beat the schedule. - NARA - 535073.jpg
2768 Be careful with your tools. It will take 6 months to replace this one^ - NARA - 535074.jpg
2769 Another shot at Hitler. A drop of oil may save a pound of metal^ - NARA - 535075.jpg
2770 Carelessness helps Hitler - NARA - 535076.jpg
2771 His accuracy depends on ours^ Let's go, everybody. Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 535077.jpg
2772 How are we going to greet him when he comes back^ - NARA - 535078.jpg
2773 You can bet your life - we made it right^ The Inland way for U.S.A. - NARA - 535079.jpg
2774 Doc Salvage says - Don't mix your chips^ Your scrap can fight - if you sort it right^ - NARA - 535080.jpg
2775 Know your fighting colors^ Do your part^ Follow the chart^ - NARA - 535081.jpg
2776 Your scrap can fight if you sort it right^ Do your part^ Follow the chart^ - NARA - 535082.jpg
2777 War puts your package on the spot. Pack It Right to Reach The Fight^ - NARA - 535083.jpg
2778 Replace tools, gauges, and equipment - - - Teamwork will win^ - NARA - 535084.jpg
2779 Carelessness helps Hitler - NARA - 535085.jpg
2780 Tools are weapons^ Use them wisely... Better care means longer wear. - NARA - 535086.jpg
2781 Our Fighting Forces Can't Take Time Ourt...Stay on the Job - NARA - 535087.jpg
2782 Keep punching... everyday^ Your labor-management production committee. - NARA - 535088.jpg
2783 "Too little too late." Were you late today^ - NARA - 535089.jpg
2784 Day-dreaming at work means nightmares later^ Try harder today... For the U.S.A - NARA - 535090.jpg ✓ Done
2785 Every time you're late postpones his fate^ Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535091.jpg
2786 10 lost minutes by American workmen means 19 lost bombers^ Our work will win or lose this war. - NARA - 535092.jpg
2787 Loafing sharpens their swords - dulls ours^ Turn the tide - NARA - 535093.jpg
2788 Did he die too soon... because he washed up too soon^ - NARA - 535094.jpg
2789 At your job today... don't bunt when the U.S. needs home runs. Every day counts^ - NARA - 535095.jpg
2790 Want to swap places^ Then... stay on the job - NARA - 535096.jpg
2791 Let's rock `em and sock `em. Hit and run. Every day... till victory's won. The Inland way for U.S.A. - NARA - 535097.jpg
2792 The moments you shirk slow down our work. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535098.jpg
2793 That last 20 minutes pack a one-two wallop for the Axis^ - NARA - 535099.jpg
2794 Our best is little enough^ Give it everyday the Inland way for U.S.A. - NARA - 535100.jpg
2795 When You Punch Me On Time, Every Day - You Are Really Taking A Sock At The Japanazis^ The Time From Now Til Victory... - NARA - 535101.jpg
2796 The guy who relaxes is helping the Axis - NARA - 535102.jpg
2797 Cutting air won't win this war^ This is wartime too^ Work ^amp, swear for victory^ - NARA - 535103.jpg
2798 Ach, it is goot to hear there are so many slackers at Warner ^amp, Swasey^ You tella heem, Hirohete, it's da slacks... - NARA - 535104.jpg ✓ Done
2799 "Keep punching" On the job... On time... Every working day^ Keep `em firing^ - NARA - 535105.jpg
2800 Punch wins^ Their punch depends on your everyday^ - NARA - 535106.jpg
2801 Get hot - keep moving. Don't waste a precious minute - NARA - 535107.jpg
2802 Victory starts here^ - NARA - 535108.jpg
2803 Shootin' the bull ain't shootin' Nazis^ - NARA - 535109.jpg
2804 No time for a hangover here^ We all like our fun - but... we've got a job to do^ - NARA - 535110.jpg
2805 Lost time is enemy time - NARA - 535111.jpg
2806 In the "service" they're deserters. Don't be a production slacker. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535112.jpg
2807 In the "service" they're deserters. Don't be a production slacker. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535113.jpg
2808 In the "service" they're deserters. Don't be a production slacker. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535114.jpg
2809 In the "service" they're deserters. Don't be a production slacker. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535115.jpg
2810 In the "service" they're deserters. Don't be a production slacker. Back up our battleskies. - NARA - 535116.jpg
2811 In the "service" they're deserters. Don't be a production slacker. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535117.jpg
2812 In the "service" they're deserters. Don't be a production slacker. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535118.jpg
2813 Is this your machine^ An idle machine is working for Hitler^ Be on the job^ - NARA - 535119.jpg ✓ Done
2814 There's no time for horseplay - NARA - 535120.jpg
2815 Be there when the whistle blows - NARA - 535121.jpg
2816 I'm putting in a full day every day. Hercules men and women in the war. - NARA - 535122.jpg
2817 Make every minute count. This is our war. Our job is production. - NARA - 535123.jpg
2818 24 hours ever day... on both fronts - NARA - 535124.jpg ✓ Done
2819 Right down the line get to work on time. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535125.jpg
2820 No more smokes for him^ Were you to blame^ - NARA - 535126.jpg
2821 When he comes back... Can you look him in the eye^ Work every day^ Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535127.jpg
2822 Are you picking daisies while your buddy holds the bull^ - NARA - 535128.jpg
2823 "Men's room marines" won't win this war^ Work ^amp, sweat for victory^ - NARA - 535129.jpg
2824 The enemy laughs when you loaf. Stay on the job. Don't slow up the ship^ - NARA - 535130.jpg
2825 The enemy never kills time^ Avoid time off^ Avoid time out^ Don't slow up the ship^ - NARA - 535131.jpg
2826 Don't slow up the ship^ Avoid time off^ Avoid time out^ - NARA - 535132.jpg ✓ Done
2827 Ever heard the one about the crowded toilets^ - NARA - 535133.jpg
2828 The other shifts found this idle tool working for the Axis because you failed to return it^ - NARA - 535144.jpg
2829 Thanks please for lost time - NARA - 535145.jpg
2830 Let's talk it over after the war... our boys are winning the war by fighting... not talking^ - NARA - 535146.jpg
2831 Do it right but fast. Make this year Hitler's last - NARA - 535147.jpg ✓ Done
2832 These are tools of victory^ Don't keep other waiting for them. Return them to the tool-crib promptly. - NARA - 535148.jpg
2833 Would they do^ - NARA - 535149.jpg
2834 ... And this won't beat the Axis^ - NARA - 535150.jpg
2835 ... And this won't beat the Axis^ - NARA - 535151.jpg
2836 ... And this won't beat the Axis^ - NARA - 535152.jpg
2837 ... And this won't beat the Axis - NARA - 535153.jpg
2838 ... And this won't beat the Axis^ - NARA - 535154.jpg
2839 ... And this won't beat the Axis^ - NARA - 535155.jpg
2840 ... And this won't beat the Axis - NARA - 535156.jpg
2841 You gotta make `em right if you wanta win the fight^ - NARA - 535157.jpg
2842 And give the Axis - NARA - 535158.jpg
2843 Look Dad - my train hauls tanks and soldiers too^ "Keep `em rolling." The railroads are the backbone of offense. - NARA - 535159.jpg
2844 "Together we'll win." "Keep `em rolling." The railroads are the backbone of offense. - NARA - 535160.jpg
2845 They're all "engines of war" "Keep `em rolling." The railroads are the backbone of offense. - NARA - 535161.jpg
2846 Destination fighting front. "Keep `em rolling." The railroads are the backbone of offense. - NARA - 535162.jpg
2847 We have no time to lose^ "Keep `em rolling." The railroads are the backbone of offense. - NARA - 535163.jpg
2848 Tanks don't fight in factories^ "Keep `em rolling." The railroads are the first line of defense. - NARA - 535164.jpg
2849 These boys need good tires. You can help them get the best by losing no time in turning out the instruments needed to... - NARA - 535165.jpg
2850 Victory depends upon rubber... and you. Your job is a war job. - NARA - 535166.jpg
2851 Your plant is a war plant - NARA - 535167.jpg
2852 It's not only a tool, it's a ship you're building. Produce the plus. - NARA - 535168.jpg
2853 America is launching ships 3 times as fast as last year. Let's go^ - NARA - 535169.jpg
2854 "Down the ways in fewer days." - NARA - 535170.jpg
2855 A destroyer escort heads for sea. Do sister ships need your materials to follow^ - NARA - 535171.jpg
2856 Victory cannot be won without more good instruments. Our army, our navy, our air force all depend on us. Let's give... - NARA - 535172.jpg
2857 Here's what "delivering the goods" means to Bristol and to our fighters. - NARA - 535173.jpg
2858 What happened to the 4999th^ Do your part... Every part counts. - NARA - 535174.jpg
2859 Downed^ By the 17,901st^ Do your part... Every part counts - NARA - 535175.jpg
2860 The tools of victory are in N C R hands. Let's get there first with the most. - NARA - 535176.jpg
2861 The tools of victory are in your hands. Let's get there first with the most. - NARA - 535177.jpg
2862 The tools of victory are in your hands. Let's get there first with the most. - NARA - 535178.jpg
2863 The tools of victory are in your hands. Let's get there first with the most. - NARA - 535179.jpg
2864 Give us the tools^ - NARA - 535180.jpg
2865 Let's give him more^ - NARA - 535181.jpg
2866 The railroads need our help to "keep `em shooting." - NARA - 535182.jpg
2867 Which side are you on^ - NARA - 535183.jpg
2868 You're slipping, Doctor Goebbels - NARA - 535184.jpg ✓ Done
2869 Tuesday is Der Fuehrer's birthday. Der fewer on the job the better he'll like it^ - NARA - 535185.jpg
2870 Aw - that's Axis propoganda^ The old gang wouldn't let us down^ - NARA - 535186.jpg
2871 His hunting license. Open season from Dec. 7 `41 until... no bag limit. - NARA - 535187.jpg
2872 Merchant marine drives for victory - NARA - 535188.jpg
2873 You gotta grow "buddy." 3,600,000 armed forces by 1943. Beat the schedule. - NARA - 535189.jpg
2874 I don't feel like working. Don't sabotage the war effort by avoidable lay-offs^ - NARA - 535190.jpg
2875 What is sabotage^ Sabotage is treason^ - NARA - 535191.jpg ✓ Done
2876 Sabotage statutes - NARA - 535192.jpg
2877 Are you hearing wild rumors^ What are you doing about them^ - NARA - 535193.jpg
2878 Spies, saboteurs, "meatleggers" ^amp, hoarders. There isn't any great difference. They're all helping the enemy. Be... - NARA - 535194.jpg
2879 Hurry that ship along will you^ and give us another crack at the Japs^ - NARA - 535195.jpg ✓ Done
2880 Admiral Nimitz says - "We need this ship back in the fight" - NARA - 535196.jpg
2881 Get `em into the fight^ - NARA - 535197.jpg ✓ Done
2882 "Let's go^ Where's that landing boat" - NARA - 535198.jpg
2883 They must be ready^ - NARA - 535199.jpg
2884 Death on subs^ - NARA - 535200.jpg
2885 Another American naval victory^ Stay on the job^ Keep `em launching^ Don't slow up the ship^ - NARA - 535201.jpg
2886 You deliver the ships - we'll deliver the goods^ Stay on the job. Don't slow up the ship^ - NARA - 535202.jpg
2887 The big questions for `43. How many^ How soon^ Stay on the job. Don't slow up the ship^ - NARA - 535203.jpg
2888 Enemy gains in shipyard battle^ Stay on the job^ Don't slow up the ship^ - NARA - 535204.jpg
2889 They're needed everywhere... at once^ - NARA - 535205.jpg
2890 These people are helping the Axis^ Are you^ - NARA - 535206.jpg
2891 Which side are you on^ - NARA - 535207.jpg
2892 Sabotage. Deadlier than a dive bomber. Watch out^ - NARA - 535208.jpg
2893 Be on alert. Help prevent sabotage by promptly reporting any suspicious person or act^ - NARA - 535209.jpg
2894 Stamp it out^ ... Sabotage menaces your lives and national defense. - NARA - 535210.jpg
2895 Stop scrap sabotage^ Scrap containers are for scrap only - NARA - 535211.jpg
2896 Disarm this rat now^ 5th Columnist - NARA - 535212.jpg
2897 Birds of a feather^ - NARA - 535213.jpg
2898 Are you the one who writes dirty stuff on walls and railroad cars^ Your family should be proud of you^ - NARA - 535214.jpg
2899 Don't hide or waste explosives - NARA - 535215.jpg
2900 Don't take any wooden nickels^ Scrap loose talk - NARA - 535216.jpg
2901 Are you one of these heroes^ - NARA - 535217.jpg
2902 ^1 Schickelgruber. Only a schickelgruber comes to work late^ - NARA - 535218.jpg
2903 ^2 Schickelgruber. Only a schickelgruber drives to work alone. - NARA - 535219.jpg
2904 ^3 Schickelgruber. Only a schickelgruber takes a work-day off. - NARA - 535220.jpg
2905 ^5 Schickelgruber. Only a schickelgruber can't keep up with his team-mates. - NARA - 535221.jpg
2906 ^6 Schickelgruber. Only a schickelgruber keeps his machine sloppy... his floor messy. - NARA - 535222.jpg
2907 ^7 Schickelgruber. Only a schickelgruber spoils half of everything he makes^ - NARA - 535223.jpg
2908 ^8 Schickelgruber. He was sick two days last week - NARA - 535224.jpg
2909 Beware of the man who spreads doubt. He may not be an agent of the enemy but he does the enemy's work^ - NARA - 535225.jpg
2910 Wear it proudly. The badge of the production soldier protects your job from sabotage^ - NARA - 535226.jpg
2911 Rush tanks immediately. A message from North Africa. Let's make those tracks - faster. The Inland way for U.S.A. - NARA - 535227.jpg
2912 The world's toughest fighting man. Yet, deep inside he is just a lonely, homesick kid, praying for letters from home. - NARA - 535228.jpg
2913 The folks back home are going through dimouts, rationing, heavy taxes and can't get coffee... We'll have to fight... - NARA - 535229.jpg
2914 Confident with your aid - NARA - 535230.jpg
2915 Guts or intestinal fortitude. Our boys in uniform can^ Yes - it takes guts to be an American^ Remember Pearl Harbor. - NARA - 535231.jpg
2916 I'm doing without so they won't have to^ - NARA - 535232.jpg
2917 It's all in your point of view^ - NARA - 535233.jpg
2918 While our boys bled - NARA - 535234.jpg
2919 Remember Pearl Harbor. Work - Fight - Sacrifice - NARA - 535235.jpg
2920 You talk of sacrifice... He knew the meaning of sacrifice^ - NARA - 535236.jpg
2921 Help our boys get these crosses and not these. Turn the tide. - NARA - 535237.jpg
2922 A strange sort of prayer - NARA - 535238.jpg
2923 They gave their best... give yours^ Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535239.jpg
2924 A victory creed for `43. Produce for your navy. Victory begins at home^ - NARA - 535240.jpg
2925 How many more^ - NARA - 535241.jpg
2926 A victory creed for `43. Produce for your navy. Victory begins at home^ - NARA - 535242.jpg
2927 This is sacrifice - NARA - 535243.jpg
2928 An invitation to sabotage oil. Fire might stop war production. Don't let it happen here. - NARA - 535244.jpg
2929 Stop him^ Careless fires can lose the war - NARA - 535245.jpg
2930 Matches play tricks. The "kitchen match" has joined the Axis. Dangerous^ Use safety matches. - NARA - 535246.jpg
2931 Forgetfulness helps the enemy. Don't let it happen here - NARA - 535247.jpg
2932 Be on the alert^ for the world's greatest saboteur. Fire. Watch for fire hazards^ - NARA - 535248.jpg
2933 "Stage setting" for sabotage. Avoid accidents by removing all rubbish. - NARA - 535249.jpg
2934 Equally guilty. Carelessness. Sabotage - NARA - 535250.jpg
2935 Accident or sabotage^ Prevent it by vigilance - NARA - 535251.jpg ✓ Done
2936 Watch where you throw that cigarette^ Carelessness is the partner of sabotage. Let's stop it^ - NARA - 535252.jpg
2937 War on fire - NARA - 535253.jpg
2938 You can't use a tool with a sore thumb. Avoid accidents^ Victory. - NARA - 535254.jpg
2939 With a prop - doors can't drop. In case of fire, heat causes automatic fire doors to close, thereby segregating fire... - NARA - 535255.jpg
2940 Help our fire wardens. Keep aisles clear - NARA - 535256.jpg
2941 Keep fire doors in operating condition. In case of fire, heat causes automatic fire doors to close, thereby... - NARA - 535257.jpg
2942 Allies of the Axis^ - NARA - 535258.jpg
2943 Only God can make a tree. But a careless human can easily cause the destruction of thousands. - NARA - 535259.jpg
2944 Protect your job^ Prevent fires - NARA - 535260.jpg
2945 No smoking means everybody^ - NARA - 535261.jpg
2946 Don't burn yourself and others out of a job. Help prevent industrial fires by using safety matches. Do not use this... - NARA - 535262.jpg
2947 Obey that rule. A cigarette stub can do as much damage as any incendiary bomb. - NARA - 535263.jpg
2948 Think... does it include the safety factor^ Plant efficiency starts with your ability. - NARA - 535264.jpg
2949 "Unsafe flashes." Sore fingers are big. Keep your eyes on your work. - NARA - 535265.jpg
2950 Unsafe flashes. Wear your goggles when working in acid - NARA - 535266.jpg
2951 Report all leaks - it maybe acid. "You may save a life." - NARA - 535267.jpg
2952 "Unsafe flashes." Ask him what the workbench is for - NARA - 535268.jpg
2953 Unsafe flashes. Experience didn't save his fingers - NARA - 535269.jpg
2954 "Unsafe flashes." Now his foot is crushed - NARA - 535270.jpg
2955 It will go down if we pull together - NARA - 535271.jpg
2956 Wanted^ by naval powder factory. 1,000,000 safe man hours. Everybody eligible. - NARA - 535272.jpg
2957 We ask, is this a good scaffold^ Attention^ Mr. Supervisor. Good supervision and planning make safety. - NARA - 535273.jpg
2958 Carelessness causes accidents... Accidents slow up production. - NARA - 535274.jpg
2959 When God made man, He made no spare parts. Injuries detour our war effort. Do your job safely. - NARA - 535275.jpg
2960 It can happen here. The way to keep this from happening to you is to wear your hair net completely covering your head. - NARA - 535276.jpg
2961 Use your mask. Paint fumes and abrasive dusts are injurious. Keep them out of your lungs if you want to stay fit - NARA - 535277.jpg
2962 Save your sight. Goggles protect your eyes from metal and abrasive chips. You can't see through a glass eye. - NARA - 535278.jpg
2963 Wear safe clothing. Loose clothing is dangerous near moving machinery. Wear clothing suitable for the job - slacks... - NARA - 535279.jpg
2964 Your safety means more production - NARA - 535280.jpg
2965 This summer... avoid... poison ivy... sunburn... strange drinking water... over-eating. We need you on the job. - NARA - 535281.jpg
2966 Swear by safety before this happens not afterwards^ - NARA - 535282.jpg
2967 A message from the little man who wasn't there^ Be careful^ Don't take chances. - NARA - 535283.jpg
2968 Take your choice^ Wear your safety glasses^ You're going to need one or the other^ - NARA - 535284.jpg
2969 Accidents are "caused"^ They don't just happen - NARA - 535285.jpg
2970 Every no-accident day is a shot at the Axis - NARA - 535286.jpg
2971 Walk to the right. Thanks^ - NARA - 535287.jpg
2972 Grime is a crime^ Are you guilty^ Let's all keep Cletrac clean. - NARA - 535288.jpg
2973 He was not careful. Are you^ - NARA - 535289.jpg
2974 You'd raise hell^ If your wife did not keep her working place in a neat condition. - NARA - 535290.jpg
2975 Waiting for the chance to reap^ - NARA - 535291.jpg
2976 Heavy trains require space for stopping. Give the motorman a chance. Get in the clear until the motor stops. - NARA - 535292.jpg
2977 A dirty, littered floor can toss you for a loss just like this. - NARA - 535293.jpg
2978 They cost us since Pearl Harbor - NARA - 535294.jpg
2979 Mind^ or he will get you from behind - NARA - 535295.jpg
2980 Look out below^ Be sure your partner or the mucker is in the clear while you are barring down. - NARA - 535296.jpg
2981 A safety engineer's dream - NARA - 535297.jpg
2982 33^ Here's the answer - NARA - 535298.jpg
2983 Relative number of foot injuries caused by stepping on nails or spikes. Before cleanup drive... about a dozen each... - NARA - 535299.jpg
2984 In rattlesnake country you look around before you sit down. Do likewise in dangerous country, underground. - NARA - 535300.jpg
2985 Prevent falling accidents - NARA - 535301.jpg
2986 This must be stopped^ Motormen must not follow the swamper too closely. - NARA - 535302.jpg
2987 Take no chances^ Stull it up - NARA - 535303.jpg
2988 Be careful of slabs on slides - NARA - 535304.jpg
2989 Result^ - NARA - 535305.jpg
2990 In every case where rock appears to be loose but can not be taken down it must be stulled or stringered before anyone... - NARA - 535306.jpg
2991 Tojo like careless worker^ Be careful^ - NARA - 535307.jpg
2992 Hitlers unintentional little helpers - NARA - 535308.jpg ✓ Done
2993 Accident prevention begins where you are - NARA - 535309.jpg
2994 Blueprint of victory. Avoid the black widow of war production. Prevent accident and injury. - NARA - 535310.jpg
2995 Drill steel is war strength - NARA - 535311.jpg
2996 Don't break waste. Waste not^ Want not^ - NARA - 535312.jpg
2997 Talk it over with your boss - NARA - 535313.jpg
2998 Important notice^ - NARA - 535314.jpg
2999 Don't be a...(Hitler as a pig) Keep the plant clean^ - NARA - 535315.jpg ✓ Done
3000 Keep machines oiled and cleaned. Always replace oil can on holder. - NARA - 535316.jpg
3001 This mastermind broke his leg trying to step off a ten-foot high platform onto a step ladder that wasn't there... - NARA - 535317.jpg
3002 It's things like that that make me mad^ I'd like to jab that nail into the careless guy and see how he'd like it^ - NARA - 535318.jpg
3003 True story from a United Aircraft plant - NARA - 535319.jpg
3004 Be careful... Don't be a war casualty - NARA - 535320.jpg
3005 Tokio kid say - Oh so joyful for mishap - One more less now fighting Jap. Thank you. - NARA - 535321.jpg ✓ Done
3006 Do you want to lose the war^ Be careless... Have an accident... You'll get compensated. - NARA - 535322.jpg
3007 Scraphappy Dan. Slambang man. Watch out for this guy^ - NARA - 535323.jpg
3008 Scraphappy Dan the slambang man piles tote boxes ^amp, smashes parts. Tell him to cut it out^ - NARA - 535324.jpg
3009 Scraphappy Dan. Slambang Man^ Scratches material by walking across it. Make him watch his step^ - NARA - 535325.jpg
3010 Scraphappy Dan the slambang man. Scratches finishes. Make him wise up^ - NARA - 535326.jpg
3011 When you are wringing wet with sweat... A cool breeze is a thrill... But compressed air at such a time... Is very apt... - NARA - 535327.jpg
3012 Lost time is waste, too^ Work safely - your country needs you. - NARA - 535328.jpg
3013 Out of the plant for you means out of the fight for him. Remington war workers stay on the job. - NARA - 535329.jpg
3014 Use handrails - NARA - 535330.jpg
3015 A landlubbers pain in the neck. Carelessness - NARA - 535331.jpg
3016 Let's keep things shipshape - NARA - 535332.jpg
3017 Lift correctly. This way... Not this - NARA - 535333.jpg
3018 His brains are there too - NARA - 535334.jpg
3019 Safety here means more ships out there - NARA - 535335.jpg
3020 Jewelry is dangerous - NARA - 535336.jpg
3021 Wear headdress properly - NARA - 535337.jpg
3022 Don't run^ - NARA - 535338.jpg
3023 Stack material correctly - NARA - 535339.jpg
3024 Don't wear loose clothing - NARA - 535340.jpg
3025 There is no tolerance in safety - NARA - 535341.jpg
3026 Safety glasses is his pocket, were never used by Joe Docket. Now he wears an eye of glass, but never mind, let is pass - NARA - 535342.jpg
3027 Antics of Axey Dent the Cartlin - This is easy for me^ Wear a head covering for your own safety. - NARA - 535343.jpg
3028 Introducing - Axey Dent the Cartlin. Watch for the adventures of Axey Dent. - NARA - 535344.jpg
3029 We're in the army ordinance safety contest. Production with safety. - NARA - 535345.jpg
3030 Brains makes bullets^ How can we prevent accidents and promote safety. You on the production line may have a... - NARA - 535346.jpg
3031 Safety shoes prevent axidents (sic). Axidents (sic) give aid to the enemy. - NARA - 535347.jpg
3032 "Axey Dents" are on the run^ Let's win that trophy^ Army Ordinance Safety Contest. - NARA - 535348.jpg
3033 Follow safety rules^ - NARA - 535349.jpg
3034 Please deposit rags in rag cans. Rubbish in G-1 cans and make it safe. "Let's all do our part" - NARA - 535350.jpg
3035 America is the loser too - when avoidable accidents stop production. The U.S. army says - "Make haste safely." - NARA - 535351.jpg
3036 Careful^ Here's where accidents strike. Let's work safely to keep `em firing^ - NARA - 535352.jpg
3037 Goggles prevent axidents (sic). Axidents (sic) give aid to the enemy. - NARA - 535353.jpg
3038 Lift right. Prevent axidents (sic). Axidents (sic) give aid to the enemy. - NARA - 535354.jpg
3039 Avoid that risk... and you avoid this ride. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535355.jpg
3040 Don't be his pal^ Remember... saftey first. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535356.jpg
3041 Sure, we asked for speed - but... For your own safety - don't run in the plant^ - NARA - 535357.jpg
3042 Guard against the danger of accidents. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535358.jpg
3043 Accidents strike hardest at hands, eyes, feet. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535359.jpg
3044 Proper safety apparel... Axidents (sic) give aid to the enemy. - NARA - 535360.jpg
3045 Correct. It's not what you lift it's how you lift it^ - NARA - 535361.jpg
3046 Arnold plant wins. Accidents help the Axis - NARA - 535362.jpg
3047 Presenting Elmer ^amp, Elsie Alcoa. Watch for us. Our part in the war effort will be teaching you the safe way. - NARA - 535363.jpg
3048 Incorrect. Stop using this method. It's absolutely wrong - NARA - 535364.jpg
3049 Bring safety... home again... Take safety... back again - NARA - 535365.jpg
3050 2 regular habits of victory. Safety ^amp, production - NARA - 535366.jpg
3051 Floors were made to stand on - were made to walk on. Clean up^ and make it safe. - NARA - 535367.jpg
3052 The unseeing eye - NARA - 535368.jpg
3053 Man - goggles = eternal light. Man - googles = everlasting darkness. - NARA - 535369.jpg ✓ Done
3054 Safety shoes or crutches^ - NARA - 535370.jpg
3055 Speaking of overhead inspection. Falling objects are potential injuries. - NARA - 535371.jpg
3056 Safety shoes saved Elmer's foot - NARA - 535372.jpg
3057 It's just a little word - IF - NARA - 535373.jpg
3058 I wish I had worn goggles - NARA - 535374.jpg ✓ Done
3059 Once more goggles save eyes - NARA - 535375.jpg ✓ Done
3060 Gremlins are floor greasers^ Watch your step^ Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535378.jpg ✓ Done
3061 Gremlins love to pitch things at your eyes. Wear safety goggles. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535379.jpg ✓ Done
3062 Gremlins will push you 'round^ Look where you're going^ Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535380.jpg ✓ Done
3063 Gremlins think it's fun to hurt you. Use care always. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535381.jpg ✓ Done
3064 Free speech doesn't mean careless talk^ - NARA - 535383.jpg
3065 All hail the watchman - NARA - 535384.jpg
3066 Don't be a walkee-talkee - NARA - 535385.jpg
3067 Don't be a bigmouth - NARA - 535386.jpg ✓ Done
3068 Sleeves up for national defense - NARA - 535387.jpg
3069 You can defend America by safeguarding our service - NARA - 535388.jpg
3070 This factory is our fortress. Help protect it - NARA - 535389.jpg
3071 A wise old owl sat in an oak - The more he saw the less he spoke - The less he spoke the more he heard ... - NARA - 535390.jpg
3072 All the ear-marks of a sneaky Jap^ Don't discuss your job^ - NARA - 535391.jpg
3073 Do you leave keys in your locker^ - NARA - 535392.jpg
3074 "Mums" the word^ Beware. He wants to know all about your job^ - NARA - 535393.jpg
3075 Don't blab about our war production - NARA - 535394.jpg
3076 Beat it^ But don't tell it^ - NARA - 535395.jpg
3077 Don't blab. Loose traps help the Japs. Increase production for Axis destruction. - NARA - 535396.jpg ✓ Done
3078 Don't be a... blabber. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535397.jpg
3079 Loose talk costs lives. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535398.jpg
3080 Join the Red Cross^ Support its noble work^ Our plant campaign begins Wednesday^ - NARA - 535399.jpg ✓ Done
3081 World-wide mercy for our fighting men for the home front. Join the American Red Cross. Give to its war fund. See your... - NARA - 535400.jpg
3082 War on wear and waste. U.S. truck conservation corps - NARA - 535401.jpg
3083 War workers - NARA - 535402.jpg ✓ Done
3084 The U.S. navy presents "trophies from Tokyo." - NARA - 535403.jpg
3085 Awards. Liaisons. Research-Analysis. Idea Exchange. Administrative. Director General. Chief of Staff. - NARA - 535404.jpg
3086 See the Navy's rocket exhibit^ - NARA - 535405.jpg
3087 See the Navy's rocket exhibit^ - NARA - 535406.jpg
3088 See the Navy's rocket exhibit^ - NARA - 535407.jpg
3089 Say, where does that part go on an airplane^ They don't know all the answers but they're willing to learn. - NARA - 535408.jpg
3090 U.S. Navy color chart. Ferrous and non-ferrous metals - NARA - 535409.jpg ✓ Done
3091 Aircraft insignia - NARA - 535410.jpg
3092 The new man needs your help. Remember you too were once a new employee. Aquaint him with the work and help prevent... - NARA - 535411.jpg
3093 When you take that vacation, remember... millions of troops are on the move. Don't take any unnecessary trips^ - NARA - 535412.jpg
3094 We can do it^ - NARA - 535413.jpg ✓ Done
3095 It's a tradition with us, mister^ - NARA - 535414.jpg
3096 It's Our Fight Too - NARA - 535415.jpg
3097 I'm glad at the chance to do something real while my husband's in the army. And, say, these machinists are swell... - NARA - 535416.jpg
3098 Good going girls. The sky's the limit - NARA - 535417.jpg
3099 I'll need the boys out there. You will have to carry on. Work^ so they can fight^ - NARA - 535418.jpg
3100 The girls behind the men behind the guns - NARA - 535419.jpg
3101 Don't just kiss `em goodbye. Work to bring `em back. Back up our battleskies^ - NARA - 535420.jpg
3102 The WASPS are Warner and Swasey Production Soldierettes. Watch out for the WASPS^ - NARA - 535421.jpg ✓ Done
3103 Have you a sister, mother, relative or friend to suggest as a possible employee at Hercules^ "Women needed" to help... - NARA - 535422.jpg
3104 What Can I Do^ - NARA - 534471 (cropped).jpg ✓ Done
3105 Army & Navy - NARA - 534596.tif ✓ Done