Commons:Photo challenge/2014 - April - Four Elements/Voting/Result

  • Nbr contributors: 21
  • Nbr voters: 32
  • Nbr images: 39

Note: The 321 column shows the scoring under the current system where reviewers reward their 1st choice with 3 points, 2nd choice with 2 points and 3rd place with one point. These points are then totalled to produce a score for the image. The other columns show what the score would be under different point weightings given to 1st/2nd/3rd place. These figures are presented for information-only, and may help if we decide to change vote-scoring system.

Image Author Rank 321 421 111 110 100
Nikodem Nijaki 1 19 24 8 6 5
Mightyhansa 2 17 19 9 6 2
Crisco 1492 3 15 18 7 5 3
Nandaro 4 14 16 7 5 2
The Photographer 5 13 15 7 4 2
Pradatsch 6 12 14 6 4 2
Benreis 7 12 13 7 4 1
Nandaro 8 8 10 3 3 2
N8eule78 9 7 9 3 2 2
DXR 10 6 7 3 2 1
Araujojoan96 11 5 6 2 2 1
Crisco 1492 12 5 5 3 2 0
The Photographer 13 5 5 3 2 0
Anna reg 14 5 5 3 2 0
Lesekreis 15 4 5 2 1 1
Gyrostat 16 4 5 2 1 1
Lesekreis 17 3 4 1 1 1
Achim Raschka 18 3 4 1 1 1
N8eule78 19 3 4 1 1 1
Anna reg 20 3 3 2 1 0
Royalbroil 21 3 4 1 1 1
Uoaei1 22 3 4 1 1 1
Benreis 23 3 4 1 1 1
Nikodem Nijaki 24 2 2 1 1 0
Marianne Casamance 25 1 1 1 0 0