Commons:Picture of the Year/2008/Results/Round 2/List/uk

Третій щорічний конкурс «Зображення року» на Вікісховищі

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Зображання року 2008

# 1 – 74 votes in Round 2;
Category - Other animals #1 – 260 votes in Round 1;
Коні (Equus caballus) в горах Країни Басків

Credit: Mikel Ortega
Edited by Richard Bartz. .

# 2 – 71 votes in Round 2;
Category - People and human activities #1 – 225 votes in Round 1;
Виступ ілюзіоніста-«поглинача вогню» з циркового колективу Jaipur Maharaja Brass Band у місті Шассеп'єр у Бельгії.

Credit: Wikimedian Luc Viatour.

# 3 – 46 votes in Round 2;
Category - Constructions #1 – 170 votes in Round 1;
Паровози Чиказької і Північно-Західної залізниці в локомотивному депо в Чикаго, 1942 рік.

Credit: Jack Delano.

# 4 – 45 votes in Round 2;
Category - Nature views #3 – 167 votes in Round 1;
Сутінкові промені сонця над озером в парку Ґолден-Ґейт (Сан-Франциско).

Credit: Wikimedian Mila Zinkova.

# 5 – 35 votes in Round 2;
Category - Panoramas #3 – 153 votes in Round 1;
Панорама нічного Гонконгу.

Credit: Wikimedian Base64.

# 6 – 30 votes in Round 2;
Category - Panoramas #2 – 169 votes in Round 1;
Нічний Париж, вигляд з башти Монпарнас

Credit: Wikimedian Benh LIEU SONG.

# 7 – 27 votes in Round 2;
Category - Non-photographic art and historic maps #1 – 98 votes in Round 1;
Drawing of a revealing figure Sythatia with typical elements from manga and anime to illustrate the term ecchi.
Credit: Wikimedian Niabot.

# 8 – 19 votes in Round 2;
Category - Other animals #3 – 143 votes in Round 1;
Green turtle, Chelonia mydas, and his total internal reflection
Credit: Wikimedian Mila Zinkova.

# 8 – 19 votes in Round 2;
Category - Arthropods #2 – 142 votes in Round 1;
Animated Gif of a Cicada (Tibicen sp.) Molting. Taken by T. Nathan Mundhenk, in Centerville, Ohio USA July 30 2007. Each frame taken at 1 minute intervals. 30 minute gap in middle while cicada rested. The Cicada takes about 2 hours to complete the process.
Credit: Wikimedian T. Nathan Mundhenk
Edited by CarolSpears.

# 8 – 19 votes in Round 2;
Category - People and human activities #2 – 129 votes in Round 1;
Мати-імігрантка. 32-річна мати сімох дітей в Каліфорнії в 1930-ті роки в час «Великої депресії».

Credit: Dorothea Lange.

# 9 – 18 votes in Round 2;
Category - Arthropods #8 – 72 votes in Round 1;
Муха Rhagio scolopaceus.

Credit: Wikimedian Richard Bartz.

# 10 – 17 votes in Round 2;
Category - Constructions #4 – 155 votes in Round 1;
Зал Гран-Фойє в Опера́ Гарньє, Париж, Франція

Credit: Wikimedian Eric Pouhier
Edited by Rainer Zenz, Niabot.

# 10 – 17 votes in Round 2;
Category - Constructions #7 – 133 votes in Round 1;
Гребля на водосховищі Ґордон (Gordon Dam), Південно-Західний Національний парк (Southwest National Park), о. Тасманія, Австралія.

Credit: Wikimedian Noodle snacks.

# 11 – 15 votes in Round 2;
Category - Constructions #3 – 161 votes in Round 1;
Пожежа у містечку Масвіль (Massueville), Квебек, Канада

Credit: Wikimedian Sylvain Pedneault.

# 11 – 15 votes in Round 2;
Category - Nature views #1 – 184 votes in Round 1;
Arching fountain of a Pahoehoe approximately 10 m high issuing from the western end of the 0740 vents, a series of spatter cones 170 m long, south of Pu‘u Kahaualea. Episodes 2 and 3 were characterized by spatter and cinder cones, such as Pu‘u Halulu, which was 60 m high by episode 3.
Credit: J.D. Griggs
Edited by Mbz1.

# 12 – 14 votes in Round 2;
Category - Arthropods #4 – 123 votes in Round 1;
Голова мухи (Caliphrodae).

Credit: Wikimedian Richard Bartz.

# 13 – 13 votes in Round 2;
Category - People and human activities #3 – 127 votes in Round 1;
A New York City fireman calls for 10 more rescue workers to make their way into the rubble of the World Trade Center (Text by U.S. Navy)
Credit: Preston Keres.

# 13 – 13 votes in Round 2;
Category - Nature views #2 – 174 votes in Round 1;
Officially known as Mount John Laurie, Yamnuska is the popular name for this mountain in Kananaskis Country west of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Credit: Wikimedian Chuck Szmurlo.

# 13 – 13 votes in Round 2;
Category - Nature views #4 – 141 votes in Round 1;
This image of an ice wall and the ocean floor at Explorer's Cover, New Harbor, McMurdo Sound is adjacent to remote-controlled photographic equipment. An underwater camera is connected by cable to onshore facilities, which upload images to the Internet via radio signals.

main visible species :
the antarctic scallop (Adamussium colbecki)
the common antarctic sea urchin (Sterechinus neumayeri)
a stalk-like bush sponge (Homaxinella balfourensis)
a brittlestar (Ophionotus victoriae)
seaspiders (Colossendeis sp.)

Credit: Steve Clabuesch.

# 14 – 12 votes in Round 2;
Category - Objects and outer space #1 – 173 votes in Round 1;
Відображення у мильній бульбашці.

Credit: Wikimedian Mila Zinkova
Edited by Alvesgaspar.

# 14 – 12 votes in Round 2;
Category - Objects and outer space #4 – 106 votes in Round 1;
Галактика NGC 5194, взірець класичної спіральної галактики в сузір'ї Гончих псів

Credit: NASA and European Space Agency.

# 14 – 12 votes in Round 2;
Category - Other animals #2 – 150 votes in Round 1;
Риба мандаринка (Synchiropus splendidus) в акваріум міста Льєж, Бельгія

Credit: Wikimedian Luc Viatour.

# 15 – 11 votes in Round 2;
Category - Constructions #2 – 168 votes in Round 1;
Замок Шенонсо на Луарі (Франція)

Credit: Wikimedian Ra-smit
Edited by Caspian blue.

# 15 – 11 votes in Round 2;
Category - Arthropods #3 – 134 votes in Round 1;
Гігантська леопардова моль (Hypercompe scribonia)

Credit: Wikimedian Kevincollins123.

# 16 – 10 votes in Round 2;
Category - Plants and fungi #2 – 106 votes in Round 1;
Wild daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus).
Credit: Wikimedian Martin Hirtreiter.

# 17 – 9 votes in Round 2;
Category - Panoramas #4 – 153 votes in Round 1;
«Кінська Підкова» (The Horseshoe) — вигин річки Колорадо.

Credit: Wikimedian Christian Mehlführer.

# 17 – 9 votes in Round 2;
Category - Plants and fungi #3 – 100 votes in Round 1;
Квітка індійського лотоса (Nelumbo nucifera) із Аделаїдського ботанічного саду, Південна Австралія

Credit: Wikimedian Peripitus.

File:Diving emperor penguin.jpg
# 17 – 9 votes in Round 2;
Category - Birds #2 – 116 votes in Round 1;
Імператорський пінгвін (Aptenodytes forsteri) пірнає у воду в Антарктиці.

Credit: Glenn Grant.

# 17 – 9 votes in Round 2;
Category - People and human activities #4 – 124 votes in Round 1;
The United States Marine Corps (USMC) M-198 155mm Howitzer gun crew of 4th Battalion, 14th Marines, Marines at Camp Fallujah, Iraq in support of Operation Phantom Fury."
Credit: Lance Corporal Samantha L. Jones.

# 18 – 8 votes in Round 2;
Category - Birds #3 – 96 votes in Round 1;
Особина синиці блакитної (Cyanistes caeruleus)
Credit: Wikimedian Luc Viatour.

# 18 – 8 votes in Round 2;
Category - Plants and fungi #4 – 81 votes in Round 1;
Два дерева модрини європейської (Larix decidua) під час сутінків на тлі гірського пасма Сассолунґо (Sassolungo), Південний Тіроль, Італія.

Credit: Wikimedian Llorenzi.

# 18 – 8 votes in Round 2;
Category - Arthropods #1 – 171 votes in Round 1;
Electron scan micrography of Aceria anthocoptes.

Original caption reads: "The Rust Mite (Aceria anthocoptes), a potential biological control agent of the weed, Canada Thistle. Magnified 1,400X. (LTSEM) Plate #26873. Courtesy, Erbe, Pooley: USDA, ARS, EMU."

Credit: Erbe, Pooley.

# 19 – 6 votes in Round 2;
Category - Other animals #4 – 132 votes in Round 1;
Деревна жаба (Litoria chloris) з виряченими червоними очима, що живе на сході Австралії

Credit: Wikimedian LiquidGhoul
Edited by Muhammad .

# 19 – 6 votes in Round 2;
Category - Panoramas #1 – 181 votes in Round 1;
Blasting of a chimney at the former Henninger brewery in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Sachsenhausen.
Credit: Wikimedian Heptagon.

# 20 – 5 votes in Round 2;
Category - Emblems & Diagrams #3 – 118 votes in Round 1;
Схема м'язів руки людини.

Credit: Wikimedian The Photographer.

# 20 – 5 votes in Round 2;
Category - Constructions #5 – 152 votes in Round 1;
Ескалатори станції метро (Копенгаген, Данія)

Credit: Stig Nygaard
Edited by Lycaon.

# 20 – 5 votes in Round 2;
Category - Panoramas #6 – 131 votes in Round 1;
Гірська панорама навколо Ульвікфьорду, Західна Норвегія

Credit: Wikimedian Aqwis.

# 21 – 4 votes in Round 2;
Category - Emblems & Diagrams #1 – 133 votes in Round 1;
Тривимірна модель чотиривимірного кубу.

Credit: Wikimedian JasonHise.

# 21 – 4 votes in Round 2;
Category - Panoramas #4 – 153 votes in Round 1;
A multi segment panoramic image of the London skyline from the Bermondsey banks of the Thames. Taken by myself with a Canon 5D and 70-200mm f/2.8L lens.
Credit: Wikimedian Diliff.

# 21 – 4 votes in Round 2;
Category - Birds #1 – 119 votes in Round 1;
Зелений фіалковух (Colibri thalassinus)

Credit: Wikimedian Mdf
Edited by Laitche.

# 22 – 3 votes in Round 2;
Category - Emblems & Diagrams #2 – 124 votes in Round 1;
Animation of a simple constant-velocity joint.
Credit: Wikimedian Pwld.

# 22 – 3 votes in Round 2;
Category - Objects and outer space #3 – 117 votes in Round 1;
Демонстрація піротехнічного трюку «Гігантське автородео» (Giant Auto Rodéo), яку було здійснено в містечку Сіней (Намюр, Бельгія), 2008 рік.

Credit: Wikimedian Luc Viatour.

# 22 – 3 votes in Round 2;
Category - Constructions #6 – 138 votes in Round 1;
The Walt Disney Concert Hall, home to the Los Angeles Philharmonic, features an acoustically superior auditorium paneled in hardwood.
Credit: Carol M. Highsmith.

# 22 – 3 votes in Round 2;
Category - Plants and fungi #4 – 81 votes in Round 1;
Роса на траві

Credit: Wikimedian Luc Viatour.

# 22 – 3 votes in Round 2;
Category - Arthropods #7 – 76 votes in Round 1;
Photograph of a female Eastern tiger swallowtail (Papilio glaucus en ) feeding on the nectar of the Mexican Sunflower . The picture was taken in Aston Township, Pennsylvania.
Credit: Wikimedian Derek Ramsey.

# 23 – 2 votes in Round 2;
Category - Non-photographic art and historic maps #2 – 90 votes in Round 1;
"Studies of Embryos" by Leonardo da Vinci (Pen over red chalk 1510-1513)
Credit: Luc Viatour
(Author: Leonardo da Vinci).

# 23 – 2 votes in Round 2;
Category - Objects and outer space #2 – 127 votes in Round 1;
The tall ship Irving Johnson lies hard aground, only yards from shore, near the entrance to Channel Islands Harbor, Oxnard, California, March 2005.
Credit: Mike Brodey
Edited by Massimo Catarinella.

# 23 – 2 votes in Round 2;
Category - Arthropods #5 – 91 votes in Round 1;
"Platycryptus undatus". A 9 millimeter-long female jumping spider found in Newport News, Virginia. The lens setup utilized was a Nikon 50mm f/1.4D reverse mounted on a Nikon 70-300mm f/4-5.6G . 13 images of variable focus were captured and composited in CombineZM, a focus stacking program.
Credit: Wikimedian Kevincollins123.

# 23 – 2 votes in Round 2;
Category - Arthropods #6 – 87 votes in Round 1;
Eastern Lubber Grasshopper(Romalea microptera)
Credit: Wikimedian Tomfriedel.

# 24 – 1 votes in Round 2;
Category - Plants and fungi #1 – 108 votes in Round 1;
Квітка остеоспермума (Osteospermum) з родини айстрових.

Credit: Wikimedian Derek Ramsey.

# 24 – 1 votes in Round 2;
Category - Non-photographic art and historic maps #3 – 86 votes in Round 1;
The Girl with a Pearl Earring.
Credit: ?
(Author: Johannes Vermeer).