Commons:Picture of the Year/2010/Results/R1/Other animals/Table



Other animals in Round 1 (Total:)
Filename Thumb
Category # Vote maxmum
on May 5 12:50
(by tool including ineligible votes)
on May 6 18:24
(by tool ignorig possibly ineligible votes)
Count on votepages Vote
Votelist Note
File:Red eyed tree frog edit2.jpg
Other animals #1 271 255 263 checked by Miya Votelist (R1)
File:AgamaSinaita01 ST 10.jpg
Other animals #2 233 216 222 checked by Miya Votelist (R1)
File:Red-eared sliders and Mallard in Golden Gate Park 1.jpg
Other animals #3 174 162 167 checked by Miya Votelist (R1)
File:Cnidaria Luc Viatour.jpg
Other animals 152 142 145 Votelist (R1)
File:Ceriantharia by Luc Viatour.jpg
Other animals 121 111 116 Votelist (R1)
File:Chlamydoselachus anguineus head.jpg
Other animals 110 100 101 Votelist (R1)
File:Entacmaea quadricolor (Bubble tip anemone).jpg
Other animals 90 86 89 Votelist (R1)
File:Green turtle in Kona 2008.jpg
Other animals 90 82 84 Votelist (R1)
File:Tripneustes ventricosus (West Indian Sea Egg-top) and Echinometra viridis (Reef Urchin - bottom).jpg
Other animals 71 65 69 Votelist (R1)
File:Carcharhinus melanopterus Luc Viatour.jpg
Other animals 64 61 63 Votelist (R1)
File:Shortnose greeneye Chlorophthalmus agassizi.jpg
Other animals 65 59 62 Votelist (R1)
File:Colonial anemone zebra.jpg
Other animals 60 58 58 Votelist (R1)
File:Dendropsophus microcephalus - calling male (Cope, 1886).jpg
Other animals 61 57 61 Votelist (R1)
File:Phyllidiopsis papilligera (Black-spotted Nudibranch - North Haiti).jpg
Other animals 61 57 59 Votelist (R1)
File:Actinoscyphia aurelia 1.jpg
Other animals 60 55 59 Votelist (R1)
File:Crocodylus acutus mexico 01.jpg
Other animals 49 45 47 Votelist (R1)
File:Giant clam black&white komodo.jpg
Other animals 47 44 46 Votelist (R1)
File:Helcogramma striata (Neon triplefin) on Diploastrea heliopora (Hard coral).jpg
Other animals 46 43 44 Votelist (R1)
File:Montastraea cavernosa (Great Star Coral) with Elacatinus oceanops (Neon Goby).jpg
Other animals 44 43 44 Votelist (R1)
File:Zamenis longissimus.jpg
Other animals 43 42 42 Votelist (R1)
File:Arothron hispidus is being cleaned by Hawaiian cleaner wrasses, Labroides phthirophagus 1.jpg
Other animals 36 35 35 Votelist (R1)
File:Wirecoral goby.jpg
Other animals 36 34 35 Votelist (R1)
File:Atelopus certus calling male.jpg
Other animals 35 33 33 Votelist (R1)
File:Spirobranchus giganteus (Christmastree Worm - yellow variation).jpg
Other animals 35 33 34 Votelist (R1)
File:Condylactis gigantea (Giant Anemone - yellow & pink tip variation).jpg
Other animals 35 32 34 Votelist (R1)
File:Eucidaris tribuloides (Slate-pencil Urchin).jpg
Other animals 33 32 32 Votelist (R1)
File:Condylactis gigantea (Giant Anemone) red base.jpg
Other animals 30 29 29 Votelist (R1)
File:Emblemariopsis carib (Caribbean Flagfin Blenny).jpg
Other animals 28 26 28 Votelist (R1)
File:Rana sylvatica SC 2.jpg
Other animals 28 25 26 Votelist (R1)
File:Sepioteuthis sepioidea (Caribbean Reef Squid).jpg
Other animals 26 25 26 Votelist (R1)
File:Collared Lizard 2.jpg
Other animals 26 24 25 Votelist (R1)
File:Colpophyllia natans (Boulder Brain Coral) entire colony.jpg
Other animals 25 23 25 Votelist (R1)
File:Peacock Flounder Bothus mancus in Kona.jpg
Other animals 23 22 22 Votelist (R1)
File:Cameleon Tunisie.jpg
Other animals 24 21 22 Votelist (R1)
File:Sepia latimanus (Reef cuttlefish) dark coloration.jpg
Other animals 20 20 20 Votelist (R1)
File:Reef starfish (Stichaster australis) doing push-ups.jpg
Other animals 18 17 18 Votelist (R1)
File:Rana clamitans MN.jpg
Other animals 17 16 18 Votelist (R1)
File:Flexopecten ponticus 2008 G1.jpg
Other animals 14 14 14 Votelist (R1)
File:Eastern Water Dragon Clontarf.jpg
Other animals 8 6 8 Votelist (R1)

Commons:Picture of the Year/2010/Results/R1/ALL/Table