Commons:Picture of the Year/2015/R1/v/2015.08.05.-09-Anglersee Huettenfeld-Lampertheim--Grosser Blaupfeil-Paarungsrad.jpg

Picture of the Year 2015
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2015.08.05.-09-Anglersee Huettenfeld-Lampertheim--Grosser Blaupfeil-Paarungsrad.jpg

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  1. ComputerHotline
  2. Cekli829
  3. Cybularny
  4. Kroton
  5. DrPZ
  6. InsaneHacker
  7. Rita2008
  8. Dontworry
  9. Utcursch
  10. Orguljaš
  11. Ngoclong19
  12. Bestoernesto
  13. Fedex87
  14. Maasaak
  15. Koite
  16. Abductive
  17. Allan Aguilar
  18. Stupid Corn
  19. SyedAminul
  20. Fraenir
  21. Bluerasberry
  22. Sanya3
  23. Murat Güneş Altuntaşoğlu
  24. JerrySa1
  25. TrippingTroubadour
  26. Gnom
  28. Axuxius
  29. Smommss
  30. BrVn0w
  31. Avtandil
  32. Victor Lopes
  33. Tolstoyan at Heart
  34. Spetsnaz1991
  35. Gabriel C
  36. Pleple2000
  37. Chuck Entz
  38. Zyephyrus
  39. Lystopad