Commons:Picture of the Year/2015/R1/v/Dobbertiner See 2008.jpg

Picture of the Year 2015
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Dobbertiner See 2008.jpg

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  1. ...have registered before Fri, 01 Jan 2016 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
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  1. ArionEstar
  2. Shizhao
  3. Meiræ
  4. Cybularny
  5. Kgbo
  6. XXN
  7. מינוזיג
  8. Gzzz
  9. Saschaporsche
  10. TheVovaNik
  11. Federigo Federighi
  12. Gianfranco
  13. Tequask
  14. Rberchie
  15. Jed 20012
  16. Mith
  17. Лука Батумец
  18. Daphne mesereum
  19. Araluce Oscar
  20. Kolchak1923
  21. Koite
  22. Abductive
  23. FPP
  24. Themidget17
  25. MTV.Home
  26. OlEnglish
  27. Qaswed
  28. Rekowo
  29. Hardtofindausername
  30. Killuminator
  31. Dionysus
  32. Utcursch
  33. SMAUG
  34. Queenyzoe
  35. Grest7
  36. Stringence
  37. Alex1986rus
  38. Lantuszka
  39. Fraxinus Croat
  40. BD2412
  41. Taysin
  42. Alfasst
  43. Jasra
  44. Igro by
  45. Maragm
  46. Filippo Sorrentino
  47. Twenex
  48. David Devon
  49. Eien20
  50. Smommss
  51. OwenBlacker
  52. Hedwig von Ebbel
  53. Serhiy LS
  54. George Ho
  55. Not Sure
  56. Daniel Case
  57. Rainwaterfall
  58. Denver20
  59. Avtandil
  60. Utahwriter14
  61. Vnnen
  62. Devwebtel
  63. Castell
  64. Loadmaster
  65. 如沐西风
  66. Kenrick95
  67. MS2054
  68. Renegadefl
  69. Victor Lopes
  70. Jitmem
  71. Vinvlugt
  72. Ximonic
  73. Kibele
  74. Piotrjutkiewicz
  75. Jariola
  76. Spouchot
  77. Ajpvalente
  78. Georgez
  79. Cranberry Products
  80. Avatar9n
  81. White Master