Commons:Picture of the Year/2015/R1/v/La Belle Otero, par Jean Reutlinger, sepia.jpg

Picture of the Year 2015
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La Belle Otero, par Jean Reutlinger, sepia.jpg

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  1. ...have registered before Fri, 01 Jan 2016 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
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  1. Shizhao
  2. Richard Avery
  3. Cybularny
  4. Dorades
  5. Oaktree b
  6. Yann
  7. DrPZ
  8. Syrio
  9. Mis4930
  10. Le ciel est par dessus le toit
  11. Weikrx
  12. Human10.0
  13. Jed 20012
  14. TomášPolonec
  15. Ngoclong19
  16. Daphne mesereum
  17. Lyrric
  18. Bellatrovata
  19. Jgefd
  20. Gobonobo
  21. Abductive
  22. EddBarrows
  23. Michael Barera
  24. Sakhalinio
  25. 2ReinreB2
  26. Juandev
  27. Allan Aguilar
  28. Erenin
  29. KosmischeSynth
  30. Killuminator
  31. Bgpaulus
  32. Queenyzoe
  33. Shakko
  34. Chenspec
  35. Mediatus
  36. Triptropic
  37. Lost tiree, lost dutch :O
  38. BigrTex
  39. Fraxinus Croat
  40. BD2412
  41. StarLegacy
  42. Մելքոնյան Սյուզաննա
  43. Tanada
  44. EllsworthSchmittendorf
  45. Сергей Корнилов
  46. Micpol
  47. Raimundo Pastor
  48. DerBorg
  49. Djiboun
  50. Dtrebbien
  51. Кондрашев Александр
  52. Wildcursive
  53. Omar sansi
  54. Trace
  55. Sue Douglasss
  56. Daniel Case
  57. Микола Василечко
  58. Smommss
  59. Tamariki
  60. BS Thurner Hof
  61. Harryhenry1
  62. Dnllnd
  63. Ceccofil
  64. Zyephyrus
  65. Metrónomo
  66. Robina Fox
  67. Blaue Max
  68. The Traditionalist
  69. Ldorfman
  70. Jariola
  71. Christihan
  72. Thi
  73. Pleple2000
  74. Chuck Entz
  75. Asav
  76. Piponwa
  77. White Master