Commons:Picture of the Year/2017/R1/v/2015 Winobluszcz trójklapowy 02.jpg

Picture of the Year 2017
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2015 Winobluszcz trójklapowy 02.jpg

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  1. ...have registered before Mon, 01 Jan 2018 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
  2. ...and have more than 75 edits before Mon, 01 Jan 2018 00:00:00 +0000 UTC in any single Wikimedia project that is still alive.
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  1. Zhuyifei1999
  2. Rhododendrites
  3. Suisant7
  4. Betau
  5. Laurent Jerry
  6. Ovva olfa
  7. Danyele
  8. Salicyna
  9. DerBorg
  10. علاء
  11. Semmendinger
  12. BD2412
  13. Piotr Bart
  14. Sententiosus
  15. Lvova
  16. Joanmrl
  17. Ollleksa
  18. Ravenanation
  19. Netrat
  20. Kormuh
  21. Well-Informed Optimist
  22. Lamblings
  23. Lo Ximiendo
  24. Beatrice
  25. Micejerry
  26. Avertje
  27. Abujoy
  28. Urdangaray
  29. Oaktree b
  30. Pelz
  31. Jjm596
  32. Sgars
  33. Kaganer
  34. ToBeFree
  35. Shahin
  36. DavidCiani
  37. Tidoni
  38. FeyBart
  39. Liuxinyu970226
  40. Seraphimblade
  41. Wallacegromit1
  42. י. א. פליישר
  43. Arijansumanti
  44. Stackler
  45. Jariola
  46. Francophile124
  47. Amorymeltzer
  48. Eall Ân Ûle
  49. Purplewowies
  50. Ugncreative Usergname
  51. Fontema
  52. Techno-Freak
  53. Shimon Yanowitz
  54. Aw58
  55. Emw
  56. Honischboy
  57. Cha Rồng
  58. Jianhui67
  59. Okras
  60. DrTrumpet
  61. Tharumaxx
  62. Giaccai
  63. Borvan53
  65. TongcyDai
  66. Wafry
  67. Touzrimounir
  68. Ryuu
  69. Simon Burchell
  70. Nutcracker100
  71. Afifa Afrin
  72. Riverhugger
  73. Kiryienka