Commons:Picture of the Year/2017/R1/v/2016.06.18.-12-Bonadieshafen Friesenheimer Insel Mannheim--Beilfleck-Rotwidderchen.jpg

Picture of the Year 2017
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2016.06.18.-12-Bonadieshafen Friesenheimer Insel Mannheim--Beilfleck-Rotwidderchen.jpg

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  1. Jamain
  2. Suisant7
  3. George Chernilevsky
  4. Warp3
  5. Sa.vakilian
  6. Качуровська
  7. Mirek256
  8. DerBorg
  9. علاء
  10. Sujalajus
  11. Jan Arkesteijn
  12. Semmendinger
  13. BD2412
  14. Msm020373
  15. DL77
  16. Dirtsc
  17. Clarice Reis
  18. Piotr Bart
  19. Glennfcowan
  20. Tiven2240
  21. Jordi escarre
  22. Amqui
  23. Whoop whoop pull up
  24. TheRunnerUp
  25. Zoranzoki21
  26. Camervan
  27. ComputerHotline
  28. Avertje
  29. Abductive
  30. Mjrmtg
  31. B20180
  32. Tdl1060
  33. Harnut Vlad
  34. Daniel Case
  35. Kusurija
  36. Patriccck
  37. Lyttle-Wight
  38. Rzuwig
  39. Merxistan
  40. Syced
  41. Anson.
  42. Talfraz
  43. ArjanH
  44. Dontworry
  45. Kess
  46. Ldorfman
  47. Tomascastelazo
  48. Yetisyny
  49. BSRF
  50. 4nn1l2
  51. Lhimec
  52. MarSch
  53. Jianhui67
  54. DrPZ
  55. Tequask
  56. Touzrimounir
  57. Tupungato
  58. Nina Flor
  59. Georgez