Commons:Picture of the Year/2019/R1/v/Balcones de la Avenida Maritima - Santa Cruz de La Palma 14.jpg

Picture of the Year 2019
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Balcones de la Avenida Maritima - Santa Cruz de La Palma 14.jpg

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  1. Michael Barera
  2. Meiræ
  3. Jkü
  4. SirEdimon
  5. Patrik Kunec
  6. Tupungato
  7. अंजानी
  8. Sujalajus
  9. Anasskoko
  10. MOs810
  11. Meno25
  12. Ecelan
  13. Jimj wpg
  14. باسم
  15. 4nn1l2
  16. Chainwit.
  17. Cybularny
  18. Donald Trung
  19. Karamellpudding1999
  20. DMySon
  21. Deror avi
  22. Makary
  23. Shi Annan
  24. Mtvdanilo
  25. FelixL.
  26. Abductive
  27. Gustavo La Pizza
  28. IM Serious
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  30. Louis hi
  31. BD2412
  32. MarieVirtuElle
  33. Jörg Blobelt
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  74. Marcia Beatriz Einsfeld
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  80. WilSha
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  89. Nina Flor
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