Commons:Picture of the Year/2019/R1/v/Ivanovo Obl Myt asv2018-08 img18.jpg

Picture of the Year 2019
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Ivanovo Obl Myt asv2018-08 img18.jpg

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  1. ...have registered before Wed, 01 Jan 2020 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
  2. ...and have more than 75 edits before Wed, 01 Jan 2020 00:00:00 +0000 UTC in any single Wikimedia project that is still alive.
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  1. Kiril Simeonovski
  2. Michael Barera
  3. George Ho
  4. Роман Франц
  5. OmenBreeze
  6. Duży Bartek
  7. Meiræ
  8. Glennfcowan
  9. Simon Burchell
  10. Naked8Snake
  11. SirEdimon
  12. Anasskoko
  13. Freshman404
  14. Donald Trung
  15. Eatcha
  16. Buendia22
  17. Brackenheim
  18. Brateevsky
  19. Capricornis crispus
  20. Лапоть
  21. J. 'mach' wust
  22. Anewplayer
  23. GangStarr4Life
  24. Mykola7
  25. X-Javier
  26. NGC 54
  27. Baiji
  28. LuizaAbovyan
  29. WikiAviator
  30. FelixL.
  31. 相思意
  32. Eien20
  33. Ranjithsiji
  34. IM Serious
  35. BD2412
  36. Benlol98
  37. Animataru
  38. Renan Rabbit
  39. Carturo222
  40. Abductive
  41. Skiasaurus
  42. AntiCompositeNumber
  43. Keo010122
  44. Narsilien
  45. Nikokok
  46. Info-Screen
  47. Olga-lisenkova
  48. Nightenbelle
  49. Clerkon
  50. Lhimec
  51. Jstalins
  52. Amaurea
  53. Matheus Jampa da Silva
  54. Akymakr
  55. Bolcom
  56. Beusson
  57. GiovanniPen
  58. Deltahead
  59. Wolverène
  60. Наукова Думка
  61. Craeosh 77
  62. GRDN711
  63. Raposartico
  64. WhatamIdoing
  65. Happy5214
  66. Rawal Bishal
  67. Lusccasdeutsch
  68. Betau
  69. Adrian Neata
  70. Sorrow3
  71. Sipalius
  72. Piotr Bart
  73. Riverhugger
  74. Hasley
  75. Fabiorahamim
  76. NaBUru38
  77. Daniel Case
  78. Ganímedes
  79. WilSha
  80. かっぱん
  81. Mpn
  82. Hondurazian
  83. Ldorfman
  84. Hatovix
  85. Leo0428
  86. MS2054
  87. Kseniya 7
  88. Nina Flor
  89. Seven twentynine
  90. Djiboun
  91. Jdx
  92. Lion-hearted85
  93. Eman235