Commons:Picture of the Year/2019/R2/v/Elephant Trunk.png

Picture of the Year 2019
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Elephant Trunk.png

To vote, you must

  1. ...have registered before Wed, 01 Jan 2020 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
  2. ...and have more than 75 edits before Wed, 01 Jan 2020 00:00:00 +0000 UTC in any single Wikimedia project that is still alive.
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  1. Elliotea
  2. Soap
  3. Mardetanha
  4. ToprakM
  5. Willevans7
  6. ParticipantOfTheEncyclopedia
  7. Thi
  8. Nicolas Eynaud
  9. 8matex8matex8
  10. Spider 001757
  11. Winschu
  12. Tran Trong Nhan
  13. Mahveotm
  14. Matankic
  15. Franjo Josip
  16. Retza Yupoi
  17. EFFemeer
  18. Edoardo Simon
  19. David Sedlecký
  20. Rwos
  21. Diriector Doc
  22. Samuele Wikipediano 1348
  23. دنيا
  24. Grtek
  25. Themium
  26. DMT biscuit
  27. QEDK
  28. The Mountain that Rides
  29. Watzmann
  30. Zio27
  31. 尾崎歩夢
  32. EEIM
  33. Kfiatek4300
  34. Мартын 48
  35. Stepojevac
  36. Mickey83
  37. Giodiassi5
  38. Riccardo Cacace
  39. Bru Water
  40. Jeromi Mikhael
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  42. TKsdik8900
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  44. Pivot327
  45. Edi7*
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  47. Xinbenlv
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  50. BEANS X2
  51. Balurbala
  52. 宝安区浩哥
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  71. Pavithraes
  72. TongcyDai
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  74. Ulfrannug
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  84. Bruce The Deus
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  87. Malopez 21
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  92. Carl6087
  93. LuizaAbovyan
  94. OraMAAG
  95. Yuriz
  96. Polyarch
  97. Inglewoodplz
  98. Jsalatas
  99. Повелитель Звёзд
  100. Elisauer
  101. RBauske
  102. Maox223
  103. AstatinePiggy
  104. ??pyphp??
  105. Vemnox
  106. Mtonihouse
  107. Lxlalexlxl
  108. Adolphus79
  109. مؤيد العودة
  110. Esperantoil
  111. Rtohme