Commons:Picture of the Year/2019/R2/v/Little Venice in Colmar 01.jpg

Picture of the Year 2019
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Little Venice in Colmar 01.jpg

To vote, you must

  1. ...have registered before Wed, 01 Jan 2020 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
  2. ...and have more than 75 edits before Wed, 01 Jan 2020 00:00:00 +0000 UTC in any single Wikimedia project that is still alive.
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  1. Vogler
  2. Geher
  3. Pethrus
  4. StultuS
  5. Openbk
  6. Pinguin55
  7. Tournasol7
  8. Another Believer
  9. Toxophilus
  10. Gerry89
  11. Tbjornstad
  12. Thoasp
  13. Mbkv717
  14. Bluepjs23
  15. DonPedro71
  16. Blast furnace chip worker
  17. DCDuring
  18. Horizons14
  19. Btornado
  20. Антуан
  21. Apn
  22. Epitalon
  23. Erik tavr
  24. MacsBug
  25. Superzen
  26. Billgates2
  27. Wicyclist
  28. GcSwRhIc
  29. Petzi
  30. Rosiestep
  31. Epiceavert
  32. Kontrollstellekundl
  33. Bzhqc
  34. Юрко Градовський
  35. Toanout
  36. Bilorv
  37. Strandist
  38. Rreu
  39. John Foxe
  40. Jrouquie
  41. Fideli
  42. Tdl1060
  43. Alsee
  44. Gzen92
  45. RoesslerP
  46. O. Morand
  47. Villarinho
  48. Drbeechwood
  49. Serenewilliams
  50. Alustriel
  51. Robby
  52. FakeShemp
  53. Ilyaroz
  54. J. N. Squire
  55. Marcia Beatriz Einsfeld
  56. Robina Fox
  57. Babyauditor
  58. FierDeLaFrance
  59. Gimadacon
  60. Maheshmmhshm
  61. Magalia
  62. Lepricavark