Commons:Picture of the Year/2020/R1/v/Chacma baboon (Papio ursinus ruacana) backlit.jpg

Picture of the Year 2020
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Chacma baboon (Papio ursinus ruacana) backlit.jpg

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  1. Uoaei1
  2. Laurent Jerry
  3. Alejan98
  4. Tim riley
  5. OwenBlacker
  6. Shagil Kannur
  7. BD2412
  8. El Lombard
  9. Achim55
  10. Wallacegromit1
  11. Pax85
  12. Sally V
  13. Avis28
  14. Xia
  15. Klr's eye
  16. Cephas
  17. Ponor
  18. Bestalex
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  20. AntanO
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  32. Kyslinka27
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  34. Celeda
  35. Taras-fedora-syn
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  68. Артём Кочкин
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  72. Willers
  73. Nann Chhay
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  75. Liridon
  76. Ammonium121
  77. Gabefair
  78. Daniel Case
  79. Magnificus
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  81. Erdpferd
  82. 4nn1l2
  83. Souravdas1998
  84. IanTrobsky
  85. Wordreader
  87. Taras
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  90. Michitaro
  91. Mr. Moonlight
  92. Daniel Mietchen
  93. Masum Ibn Musa
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  96. Geof Sheppard
  97. Donald Trung
  98. Sammyday
  99. Léna
  100. Mushushu