Commons:Picture of the Year/2020/R1/v/Clark Center Stanford October 2019 HDR 1.jpg

Picture of the Year 2020
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Clark Center Stanford October 2019 HDR 1.jpg - listed
Clark Center Stanford October 2019 HDR 2.jpg- belongs to file set

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  1. PubliusHadrianus
  2. Mbkv717
  3. BD2412
  4. Jan Polák
  5. Bibeyjj
  6. KrmezljavKuza
  7. Bluerasberry
  8. Linshi2
  9. Dirtsc
  10. 名字长的让人受不了
  11. Dora the Axe-plorer
  12. RickyCourtney
  13. Scottandrewhutchins
  14. Elvatomasvato
  15. Sergial980
  16. LouisKWTM
  17. CX Zoom
  18. Direct700
  19. Buendia22
  20. Bkn anime
  21. Soumya-8974
  22. Frettie
  23. Drzewianin
  24. Deror avi
  25. Rohieb
  26. Herobrine
  27. Vitaliy VK
  28. Duncan1800
  29. Sebastian Wallroth
  30. かめつる
  31. DaSupremo
  32. George Chernilevsky
  33. Applejuice
  34. Waddie96
  35. Nann Chhay
  36. MSN12102001
  37. Bark
  38. Metrostroy2033
  39. M.hekmat
  40. Daniel Case
  41. Jonie148
  42. ThüringerChatte
  43. شاخه زيتون
  44. KL052
  46. Nguyenhai314
  47. Veracious
  48. CoffeeEngineer
  49. Endou subaru
  50. Grest7
  51. Willers
  52. Cyfraw
  53. Arbnos
  54. Aeggy
  55. Ammonium121
  56. Donald Trung
  57. Clindberg
  58. Masum Ibn Musa
  59. 5225C
  60. Hasley
  61. Cathy Richards
  62. Trace
  63. VulpesVulpes42
  64. Andromedabluesphere440
  65. Teachix
  66. Michitaro
  67. Thingofme
  68. Jianhui67
  69. Cybularny
  70. Jdx
  71. PtrQs