Commons:Picture of the Year/2021/R1/v/Внешний слой медицинской маски (поляризация).tif

Picture of the Year 2021
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Внешний слой медицинской маски (поляризация).tif

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  1. Brunnaiz
  2. Jormtz
  3. Fabiorahamim
  4. Abductive
  5. BD2412
  6. Gower
  7. Du Hugin Skulblaka
  8. Makary
  9. Irvan Ary Maulana
  11. JukoFF
  12. Thingofme
  14. Zangala
  15. Camelia.boban
  16. DrHolsow
  17. Kiril Simeonovski
  18. Redwidgeon
  19. Cxristopher
  20. Xtine66
  21. Lvova
  22. Dowlinme
  23. OwenBlacker
  24. Sebastián Arena
  25. Yahya
  26. Yokaotoko7
  27. Tintenklecks
  28. Avsolov
  29. Reformbenediktiner
  30. Momantra
  31. 恩力
  32. Thym
  33. Mascha2013
  34. Лапоть
  35. Dungodung
  36. J. N. Squire
  37. Toyotsu
  38. Ziko
  39. Eve Teschlemacher
  40. Urdangaray
  41. Cyfraw
  42. Wikkiwonkk
  43. Risker
  44. Thanhdien8421
  45. Tozina
  46. Megalogastor
  47. Dhtwiki
  48. KrmezljavKuza
  49. Caligatus
  50. CharlyeTB
  51. EvergreenFir
  52. Katya0133
  53. Warp3
  54. Geolina163
  55. MirkoS18
  56. Meona Rasa Avis a.k.a. CR
  57. מקף
  58. Tb123
  59. Seven twentynine
  60. Jianhui67
  61. Ra'ike
  62. Jsamwrites
  63. Thi
  64. Djiboun
  65. Stylus59
  66. Mushushu
  67. Cybularny
  68. Ryan Hodnett
  69. P12062545
  70. Aderguit
  71. Maire
  72. BelPatty86