Commons:Picture of the Year/2021/R1/v/BM 93 Talent Jora Bru.jpg

Picture of the Year 2021
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BM 93 Talent Jora Bru.jpg

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  1. Derkoenig
  2. Workster
  3. Corn cheese
  4. Geneviève de Paris
  5. LemonOrangeLime
  6. Mbrickn
  7. Fabiorahamim
  8. Freak-Line-Community
  9. IanThePineapple
  10. RodRabelo7
  11. BD2412
  12. Apisite
  13. Broc
  14. KaMeWa2
  15. Tayari
  16. Florstein
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  27. Betseg
  28. Spokane Writer & Editor
  29. Thingofme
  30. Fivework
  31. Nyamo Kurosawa
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  33. .Anja.
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  49. Kiril Simeonovski
  50. Bún bòa
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  52. Hanif Al Husaini
  53. Nella.hohlova
  54. Michael Barera
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  74. F123
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  103. Michal30
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  107. Filipović Zoran
  108. EpicPupper
  109. Linie29
  110. Padawane
  111. VasuVR
  112. Seven twentynine
  113. Avtandil
  114. Pomkiar
  115. Patrik Kunec
  116. WTM
  117. Nina Flor
  118. Marsman
  119. J. N. Squire
  120. Aleksey Churushkin
  121. Vinícius94
  122. GPSLeo
  123. G0d0 2019
  124. V-astro
  125. Rodrigum
  126. Animataru
  127. P12062545
  128. Ajpvalente
  129. JohnEntwistle
  130. Nigmont