Commons:Picture of the Year/2021/R1/v/Flickr - DVIDSHUB - Giant standing Buddhas of Bamiyan still cast shadows (Image 2 of 8).jpg

Picture of the Year 2021
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Flickr - DVIDSHUB - Giant standing Buddhas of Bamiyan still cast shadows (Image 2 of 8).jpg

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  1. Iamawesomeautomatic
  2. Wowzers122
  3. Trung geo
  4. Jklamo
  5. Wallacegromit1
  6. Workster
  7. TheFirstVicar4
  8. Fabiorahamim
  9. Filetime
  10. Mbrickn
  11. MS2054
  12. JoePhin
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  162. HMa
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  164. Thi
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  166. Maor X
  167. MZaplotnik
  168. G0d0 2019
  169. GK-romain
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  171. 4nn1l2
  172. Ml1000231
  173. عباس ثابتیان
  174. Agabian
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  176. PtrQs