Commons:Picture of the Year/2021/R1/v/Northern cardinal female in CP (02035).jpg

Picture of the Year 2021
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Northern cardinal female in CP (02035).jpg

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  1. Abductive
  2. Thebiguglyalien
  3. Rhododendrites
  4. Cbrescia
  5. Another Believer
  6. HwætGrimmalkin
  7. Clarice Reis
  8. Fabiorahamim
  9. Apisite
  10. Mbrickn
  11. SvenDK
  12. Tournasol7
  13. Geraki
  14. Cote d'Azur
  15. Simranjeet Sidhu
  16. Vgo61
  17. BD2412
  18. Athulf
  19. Nadkachna
  20. La Mantis
  21. BannSaenger
  22. Julle
  23. Xrkkt
  24. Ата
  25. Tupungato
  26. Irvan Ary Maulana
  27. Kv626
  28. Nikita Bhamidipati
  29. Wlados1991
  30. Simeon
  31. Netelo
  32. Лапоть
  33. Dragoon17
  34. Adjoka
  35. Kiril Simeonovski
  36. CaptainCookie
  37. Anidae
  38. Bestoernesto
  39. Deror avi
  40. Aderguit
  41. Kammerer55
  42. General Douglas
  43. Xtine66
  44. Lepricavark
  45. DokiDotto
  46. Ritamaliqi
  47. AtlanteanAstorian
  48. Bnichols23
  49. Cyfraw
  50. Meno25
  51. Kroton
  52. Galessandroni
  53. Carl
  54. Hessian
  55. Der Wolf im Wald
  56. Diannaa
  57. Mimarx
  58. Kess
  59. Nella.hohlova
  60. Marta Arosio (WMIT)
  61. Wikkiwonkk
  62. Liannadavis
  63. DrPZ
  64. Eve Teschlemacher
  65. Nikokok
  66. Georg Buzin
  67. Cmao20
  68. Mpn
  69. Thanhdien8421
  70. F123
  71. Kiryienka
  72. Nina Flor
  73. Donald Trung
  74. Mykola7
  75. BugWarp
  76. Buhadram
  77. Oatco
  78. EvansXXI
  79. Legotwin
  80. Geolina163
  81. Daniel Case
  82. Orcair
  83. Seven twentynine
  84. Mdd 2007
  85. 4nn1l2
  86. Padawane
  87. Hommi2020
  88. Kghbln
  89. MK88250
  90. MaiDireChiara
  91. Terragio67
  92. Teachix
  93. J. N. Squire
  94. Tramu
  95. CristianNX
  96. Fiver, der Hellseher
  97. Lorèloi
  98. Baccy