Commons:Picture of the Year/2021/R2/v/Lonely tree at Fairy lake.jpg

Picture of the Year 2021
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Lonely tree at Fairy lake.jpg

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  1. ...have registered before Sat, 01 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
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  1. Krzysztof 13
  2. Captain Galaxy
  3. BRPever
  4. Patsagorn Y.
  5. SlvrHwk
  6. Besteirense
  7. Rosguill
  8. Carturo222
  9. Fuxx
  10. Vardion
  11. Rude
  12. Michael Barera
  13. Mashtato
  14. Touam
  15. Volker Höhfeld
  16. Brezelpaul
  17. Duffseb
  18. Saschaporsche
  19. Bishnu Saikia
  20. Redwoodking
  21. Demidenko
  22. Breogan2008
  23. Zangala
  24. Vers75
  25. ZandrLacx
  26. Frettie
  27. Sophivorus
  28. Jamain
  29. Zeete
  30. Jouluntähti
  31. A.WagnerC
  32. Jakednb
  33. Sebastián Arena
  34. Mcvoorhis
  35. PaoloFaulkner
  36. Amaanki
  37. Arorapriyansh333
  38. Ponson13
  39. Mickey83
  40. Achim55
  41. Leo72
  42. Cosmophilus
  43. Misters32
  44. OmegaFallon
  45. Slm85
  46. Bharel
  47. Netherzone
  48. Paulparadis
  49. Slamanderz
  50. Empat Tilda
  51. K2suvi
  52. Namikilisu
  53. מיכאל.צבאן
  54. Geof Sheppard
  55. Mrcesare
  56. Vano3333
  57. Mlf44
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  59. 2TWarren
  60. Pigeon43
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  62. Peter SamFan
  63. AlonsoRiveraM
  64. Nazrul Islam Nahid
  65. Ra'ike
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  68. Thomas K.R. Rettig
  69. Sogal
  70. Sten
  71. Box99Tube
  72. PolinaTomsk
  73. -Paul-
  74. MKristerson
  75. Tachs
  76. Pandalus-emeth-stultus
  77. Lbeaumont
  78. Wowzers122
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  83. Maven111
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  86. Charlie4404
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  96. Fraxinus.ornus
  97. DoroshenkoE
  98. Oobug
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  100. Shs1954
  101. Ramesam54
  102. Lord Akira otafuku
  103. Ong Kai Jin
  104. ValeriySh
  105. Fflgt
  106. Juzyk
  107. Greeny69
  108. Sunray
  109. NoRud
  110. BelCorvus
  111. IWL04
  112. LexKurochkin
  113. Parnaval
  114. BuddhikaW88
  115. Fulvio314
  116. Thorndonite
  117. Hurtuv
  118. Mervat
  119. Codex
  120. JeffreyViolin
  121. Aditt
  122. Boris19870728
  123. Avacalop
  124. Dmitry Shurupov
  125. Josefine Hellroth Larsson (WMSE)
  126. Lovemedead
  127. ChhTJ096
  128. HamimM7
  129. Goth nespresso
  130. Wurzelgnohm
  131. Fatima exceptional
  132. Elfabso
  133. FloridaKitties
  134. Wikiwide
  135. Kalem.metin
  136. R10623
  137. Kmtextor
  138. Notabene
  139. Yannis1962
  140. Gneisss
  141. Zorblek
  142. Beach drifter
  143. Ksmuthukrishnan
  144. Ulanwp
  145. Hadaso