Commons:Picture of the Year/2022/R1/v/Видра.jpg

Picture of the Year 2022
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  1. ...have registered before Sun, 01 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
  2. ...and have more than 75 edits before Sun, 01 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 UTC in any single Wikimedia project that is still alive.
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  • One vote per picture.


  1. SHB2000
  2. DarkCherry
  3. BD2412
  4. Mostafameraji
  5. Abductive
  6. Halowand
  7. Apisite
  8. 名字长的让人受不了
  9. Valentina.Anitnelav
  10. Derbrauni
  11. JrawX
  12. Xrkkt
  13. Nardog
  14. Frettie
  15. Lettherebedarklight
  16. Lvova
  17. Rosalind Elsie F
  18. La Mantis
  19. Draceane
  20. Anarkour
  21. MS2054
  22. Fiver, der Hellseher
  23. T-Ro Trains
  24. Mushushu
  25. Богдан Панчук
  26. Sclerotized
  27. N9713
  28. Zacharycmango
  29. Cincotta1
  30. Aleš CZ
  31. Jakubhal
  32. Zapyon
  33. Ата
  34. Julle
  35. Geolina163
  36. DrPZ
  37. Alexxx1979
  38. Rohieb
  39. Ngoclong19
  40. Luda.slominska
  41. Le Loy
  42. JenniferGrunenberg
  43. Филин07
  44. Marta Arosio (WMIT)
  45. Ham II
  46. Bearas
  47. KiloByte
  48. Bogdan Stancu
  49. AryKun
  50. Ampimd
  51. Dorieo
  52. Thi
  53. Momantra
  54. MarcelBuehner
  55. Noclador
  56. Siggi Weide
  57. Hike395
  58. Luxferuer
  59. SiMon
  60. LemonOrangeLime
  61. Krzem Anonim
  62. Schiplagerheide
  63. Spncrinc
  64. Riverhugger
  65. Cabana
  66. FinixFighter
  67. Gulde
  68. Karelj
  69. Lavalizard101
  70. Chaimon
  71. Ryan778
  72. Fabiorahamim
  73. Daniel Case
  74. Ryan Hodnett
  75. Vgo61
  76. Lokal Profil
  77. Kasa Fue
  78. Tulkas Astaldo
  79. Nikokok
  80. Rami R
  81. Fluffykerfuffle
  82. Mpn
  83. Dispe
  84. Waz8
  85. Dukalyon
  86. Guy Delsaut
  87. Bluerasberry
  88. Czar
  89. DaSupremo
  90. Jianhui67
  91. Kwameghana(Bright Kwame Ayisi)
  92. AAAAAAidan
  93. Vincent Simar
  94. Frantishak
  95. Monna Ry
  96. Tomer T
  97. Horcrux
  98. Zorka Sojka
  99. VulpesVulpes42
  100. GeXeS
  101. Auguel
  102. Joycewikiwiki
  103. Hessian
  104. Sadads
  105. Captain Galaxy
  106. Лапоть
  107. Brackenheim
  108. Athko
  109. Klára Joklová (WMCZ)
  110. Jamzze
  111. Gsquaredxc
  112. Bff
  113. Gates of Ale
  114. Drhankh
  115. RouterIncident
  116. Zoeperkoe
  117. JoachimKohler-HB
  118. AJG007
  119. Wiser CJay
  120. WikiLuke
  121. Camervan
  122. Nina Flor
  123. Yeuzio
  124. Leopardg
  125. Cyfraw
  126. Kacamata
  127. Ldorfman
  128. Alhadis
  129. בוב שלג
  130. Zhing'za zï Ïnin
  131. Tybo2
  132. Korrupt
  133. Donald Trung
  134. Litlok
  135. Alena Pokorná
  136. SAKRI
  137. Emw
  138. MarieVirtuElle
  139. JKRS's
  140. Wikinade
  141. Quenhitran
  142. Elcairo
  143. Ivonna Nowicka
  144. 좀비 브렌다
  145. Kadı
  146. Megalogastor
  147. 1234qwer1234qwer4