Commons:Picture of the Year/2022/R1/v/Australian owlet-nightjar A22I9928.jpg

Picture of the Year 2022
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Australian owlet-nightjar A22I9928.jpg

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  1. SHB2000
  2. Red-tailed hawk
  3. Apisite
  4. BD2412
  5. Cambuston
  6. Abductive
  7. Sat Ra
  8. 名字长的让人受不了
  9. Shizhao
  10. Shi Annan
  11. Wolverène
  12. Tragopogon
  13. Avtandil
  14. La Mantis
  15. Ата
  16. QuickWhitt7
  17. Petriĥoro
  18. Sîmbotin
  19. Bhickey
  20. Radomianin
  21. N9713
  22. BugWarp
  23. Joanbanjo
  24. Julle
  25. DrPZ
  26. Ngoclong19
  27. Le Loy
  28. JenniferGrunenberg
  29. Филин07
  30. Mosbatho
  31. Bogdan Stancu
  32. AryKun
  33. Io Herodotus
  34. MarcelBuehner
  35. Nk
  36. Makary
  37. احمد شکری488
  38. Ash Crow
  39. ComputerHotline
  40. Chaimon
  41. Patrik Kunec
  42. Birdsage3
  43. Fabiorahamim
  44. Ryan Hodnett
  45. Vgo61
  46. Boylarva99
  47. Лапоть
  48. Dispe
  49. RodRabelo7
  50. DaSupremo
  51. Jianhui67
  52. Duży Bartek
  53. Maria Sieglinda von Nudeldorf
  54. JohnEntwistle
  55. Kroton
  56. جهان بینش140
  57. GeXeS
  58. Athko
  59. Gamergirlyt9
  60. Sadads
  61. Nemea
  62. Bff
  63. Dupont Circle
  64. Aram
  65. Gates of Ale
  66. Zoeperkoe
  67. Hessian
  68. Acer11
  69. Nina Flor
  70. AJG007
  71. Juanantonaya
  72. Megalogastor
  73. Lystopad
  74. Reade
  75. Kacamata
  76. Germain92
  77. Cyfraw
  78. Alhadis
  79. Zhing'za zï Ïnin
  80. Donald Trung
  81. Oeneis
  82. SAKRI
  83. Señor Aluminio
  84. 좀비 브렌다
  85. בוב שלג