Commons:Picture of the Year/2022/R1/v/Himalayas, Cholatse, Nepal.jpg

Picture of the Year 2022
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Himalayas, Cholatse, Nepal.jpg

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  1. Poslovitch
  2. AusJeb
  3. Erfan7
  4. Elizaiv22
  5. The Squirrel Conspiracy
  6. BD2412
  7. Abductive
  8. Deltahead
  9. Glennfcowan
  10. Apisite
  11. Nann Chhay
  12. E2v
  13. 名字长的让人受不了
  14. Tumkir
  15. Luigi936
  16. Jodok
  17. Shi Annan
  18. Radomianin
  19. Coldbolt
  20. Argenberg
  21. Avtandil
  22. Dsgn
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  24. Cathy Richards
  25. Fiver, der Hellseher
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  27. Gap9551
  28. LucasBrown
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  35. DrPZ
  36. Ngoclong19
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  39. Arcuscloud
  40. Frank Schulenburg
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  74. MargaretRDonald
  75. Dukalyon
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  79. Rodrigum
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  93. IC9999
  94. Kiril Simeonovski
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  108. WikiLuke
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  111. Davepeta
  112. Tarsitius01
  113. Victorcyho
  114. TravelTheWorld35
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  116. Kacamata
  117. Feuille d-Acacias
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  122. Alhadis
  123. Hessian
  124. Dr.Bookman
  125. SAKRI
  126. Zhing'za zï Ïnin
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  128. Gce
  129. Daniel Case
  130. Quenhitran
  131. Yishayl
  132. Elchuddy
  133. Kawnhr
  134. PtrQs