Commons:Picture of the Year/2022/R1/v/Hintersee - Hochkalter.jpg

Picture of the Year 2022
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Hintersee - Hochkalter.jpg

To vote, you must

  1. ...have registered before Sun, 01 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
  2. ...and have more than 75 edits before Sun, 01 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0000 UTC in any single Wikimedia project that is still alive.
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  • One vote per picture.


  1. VeryRarelyStable
  2. Red-tailed hawk
  3. Bobamnertiopsis
  4. BluePenguin18
  5. BD2412
  6. Apisite
  7. Lettherebedarklight
  8. Wil540 art
  9. Avtandil
  10. Petit Angevin
  11. Noxbis
  12. LucasBrown
  13. ChrisRuvolo
  14. Meno25
  15. Draceane
  16. Ата
  17. Julle
  18. Nsophiay
  19. DrPZ
  20. Therou
  21. Glennfcowan
  22. Arcuscloud
  23. Гардус
  24. Филин07
  25. Last1in
  26. Autom
  27. Lee
  28. Thi
  29. MarcelBuehner
  30. Ajpvalente
  31. PaulGorduiz106
  32. Makary
  33. Loizbec
  34. احمد شکری488
  35. Simon Burchell
  36. Vinícius94
  37. Игорь Филиппов
  38. Rhain
  39. Fabiorahamim
  40. Boylarva99
  41. Aboubacarkhoraa
  42. Theaitetos
  43. Mpn
  44. Piotr Bart
  45. Fluffykerfuffle
  46. RodRabelo7
  47. DaSupremo
  48. Thgoiter
  49. Terragio67
  50. Lord Ya
  51. Oooo93
  52. OwenBlacker
  53. Diablo Cris
  54. Sheahunter1
  55. Anarchyte
  56. Yuval CT
  57. Lobufalo
  58. That Coptic Guy
  59. AirshipJungleman29
  60. Ivanbranco
  61. Louis hi
  62. Grest7
  63. GonGorf
  64. Hessian
  65. OtuNwachinemere
  66. Happy5214
  67. Bff
  68. WikiLuke
  69. Daniel Case
  70. Nina Flor
  71. Davepeta
  72. Tarsitius01
  73. Lystopad
  74. Kacamata
  75. Watzmann
  76. Rohalamin
  77. Cyfraw
  78. Donald Trung
  79. Nigmont
  80. SAKRI
  82. Qwertyu2244
  83. Thomas261989
  84. Quenhitran
  85. Elcairo
  86. בוב שלג