Commons:Picture of the Year/2022/R1/v/Little Shiva edited.jpg

Picture of the Year 2022
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Little Shiva edited.jpg

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  1. BD2412
  2. Halowand
  3. Deltahead
  4. Abductive
  5. Cambuston
  6. E2v
  7. Miniwark
  8. Pierre André Leclercq
  9. Tynako
  10. MS2054
  11. Kriz Ju
  12. Radomianin
  13. Palnatoke
  14. Geolina163
  15. Yann
  16. Ariam
  17. Le Loy
  18. Micha99
  19. Филин07
  20. MaryamFaHa
  21. Kritzolina
  22. DrHolsow
  23. Ejowan
  24. Simon Burchell
  25. Hamuli
  26. Giaccai
  27. Marta Arosio (WMIT)
  28. VeraVidiVici
  29. BeatrixBelibaste
  30. LemonOrangeLime
  31. Katya0133
  32. Fontema
  33. Fabiorahamim
  34. Хаванцев Иван
  35. Kasa Fue
  37. Ensahequ
  38. Jianhui67
  39. Horcrux
  40. Kiril Simeonovski
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  44. Hessian
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  46. Donald Trung
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  56. George Chernilevsky
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  62. आर्या जोशी
  63. Phyrexian
  64. Yaco
  65. Vincent Simar
  66. בוב שלג
  67. Maria Sieglinda von Nudeldorf
  69. Steindy
  70. Zhing'za zï Ïnin
  71. Zwd626
  72. Thomas261989
  73. Dungodung
  74. MZaplotnik
  75. Dhtwiki