Commons:Picture of the Year/2022/R1/v/Polystichum setiferum-20210427-RM-165358.jpg

Picture of the Year 2022
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Polystichum setiferum-20210427-RM-165358.jpg

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  1. Poslovitch
  2. MomosAngel
  3. VeryRarelyStable
  4. BD2412
  5. Betseg
  6. Abductive
  7. Apisite
  8. W.carter
  9. Pierre André Leclercq
  10. פעמי-עליון
  11. Wil540 art
  12. Rohieb
  13. Gap9551
  14. Czupirek
  15. Daniel Case
  16. Zapyon
  17. Geolina163
  18. Julle
  19. খালিদ জে. হোসেইন
  20. DrPZ
  21. Екатерина Борисова
  22. Le Loy
  23. Филин07
  24. Julius Senegal
  25. Tenbergen
  26. The Emperah
  27. Sehrg
  28. Karelj
  29. 613 The Evil
  30. Trizek
  31. Giaccai
  32. MarcelBuehner
  33. Min.neel
  34. Discott
  35. احمد شکری488
  36. Nicu Farcaș
  37. Knotimpressed
  38. Fabiorahamim
  39. Vgo61
  40. Fluffykerfuffle
  41. Boylarva99
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  43. Dispe
  44. Alebasi24
  45. Dukalyon
  46. DaSupremo
  47. Jianhui67
  48. Jengod
  49. FreCha
  50. Wkee4ager
  51. Hessian
  52. Lord Ya
  53. OwenBlacker
  54. Mushushu
  55. SvenDK
  56. Kiril Simeonovski
  57. Joycewikiwiki
  58. Nioger
  59. Captain Galaxy
  60. Donald Trung
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  62. Djiboun
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  64. Marta Arosio (WMIT)
  65. Dirtsc
  66. Rzuwig
  67. George Chernilevsky
  68. Duschgeldrache2
  69. Лапоть
  70. MichaelSchoenitzer
  71. Ellery
  72. Cyfraw
  73. Kacamata
  74. Joanbanjo
  75. Dr.Bookman
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  77. Nigmont
  78. Alhadis
  79. Alena Pokorná
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  84. MZaplotnik