Commons:Picture of the Year/2022/R1/v/Schachbrett (Melanargia galathea) im FFH-Gebiet "Sandgebiete zwischen Mannheim und Sandhausen" 17.jpg

Picture of the Year 2022
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Schachbrett (Melanargia galathea) im FFH-Gebiet "Sandgebiete zwischen Mannheim und Sandhausen" 17.jpg

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  1. Elizaiv22
  2. Zquid
  3. Red-tailed hawk
  4. Apisite
  5. BD2412
  6. Abductive
  7. Betseg
  8. DaSupremo
  9. 名字长的让人受不了
  10. Shizhao
  11. Ssprmannheim
  12. Radomianin
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  15. Rosalind Elsie F
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  18. 90sveped
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  22. Amorymeltzer
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  30. Филин07
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  33. NeLaS
  34. Slava Sahakyan70
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  51. Piotr Bart
  52. CraSH
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  54. Michael Barera
  55. Kiril Simeonovski
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  60. Vincent Simar
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  63. IC9999
  64. Captain Galaxy
  65. Hessian
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  68. AirshipJungleman29
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  71. Alhadis
  72. Glafoululle des Alpes
  73. Drhankh
  74. Adoscam
  75. AJG007
  76. WikiWriter7519
  77. Yeuzio
  78. Jim.henderson
  79. Djiboun
  80. Rohalamin
  81. Lomoraronald
  82. Donald Trung
  83. Steindy
  84. Sergey WereWolf
  85. MarieVirtuElle
  86. JKRS's
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  88. Ivonna Nowicka
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