Commons:Picture of the Year/2022/R1/v/Schachbrett an Pusteblume.jpg

Picture of the Year 2022
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Schachbrett an Pusteblume.jpg

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  1. Dhtwiki
  2. Rhododendrites
  3. Red-tailed hawk
  4. Apisite
  5. BD2412
  6. Abductive
  7. Luz Maria Silva
  8. Tinss
  9. 名字长的让人受不了
  10. Xrkkt
  11. Shizhao
  12. Wolverène
  13. Ssprmannheim
  14. Morosaurus millenii
  15. Radomianin
  16. Leo219
  17. Lvova
  18. Avtandil
  19. A11w1ss3nd
  20. TeriEmbrey
  21. Salicyna
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  24. Luma Salman Hameed
  25. SelfCloak
  26. Salem Ander
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  30. Kenrick95
  31. Bhupendra Shrestha
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  35. Glennfcowan
  36. Marcia Bia
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  44. Slava Sahakyan70
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  46. Tamanpreet Kaur
  47. MarcelBuehner
  48. BrunoBoehmler
  49. Makary
  50. Wandelndes Lexikon
  51. Paul2520
  52. Cobra bubbles
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  58. ComputerHotline
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  63. FASROD
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  66. Lemonbalm1990
  67. Ryan Hodnett
  68. Logograph
  69. Boylarva99
  70. Liridon
  71. Piotr Bart
  72. Volvox
  73. Poco a poco
  74. Thepuglover
  75. Touam
  76. Fraxinus.ornus
  77. Jianhui67
  78. Ensahequ
  79. Diablo Cris
  80. JohnEntwistle
  81. Vincent Simar
  82. Horcrux
  83. GeXeS
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  85. Daniel Case
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  88. IC9999
  89. היידן
  90. Eraldowest
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  92. Brackenheim
  93. Seboloidus
  94. Grullab
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  96. Klára Joklová (WMCZ)
  97. Hessian
  98. Vinícius94
  100. VulpesVulpes42
  101. Alhadis
  102. Nina Flor
  103. AJG007
  104. Fernando Archuby
  105. WikiWriter7519
  106. Tetraktys
  107. Camervan
  108. Yeuzio
  109. Adoscam
  110. Rohalamin
  111. בוב שלג
  112. Oeneis
  113. Donald Trung
  114. IiVertex
  115. MarieVirtuElle
  116. Dr.gregory.retzlaff
  117. Iancaddy
  118. Ivonna Nowicka
  119. Noroi
  120. Szalax
  121. Hatovix
  122. Lystopad
  123. Gyrostat