Commons:Picture of the Year/2022/R1/v/Shahfirooz.jpg

Picture of the Year 2022
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  1. Manjiro5
  2. Don-vip
  3. Sajbadina
  4. Saturnow
  5. Jesielt
  6. Parma1983
  7. Judisa
  8. SHB2000
  9. Ivanics
  10. Shushugah
  11. VeryRarelyStable
  12. Red-tailed hawk
  13. SWinxy
  14. The Emperah
  15. BD2412
  16. Mostafameraji
  17. 9yz
  18. Pehlivanmeydani
  19. Halowand
  20. Cambuston
  21. Glennfcowan
  22. E2v
  23. Wallacegromit1
  24. MilkyDefer
  25. Shizhao
  26. Jodok
  27. Shi Annan
  28. Pierre André Leclercq
  29. Radomianin
  30. Leo219
  31. Coldbolt
  32. Vnnen
  33. Lvova
  34. Leschnei
  35. Lettherebedarklight
  36. Rosalind Elsie F
  37. Avis28
  38. La Mantis
  39. Avtandil
  40. Petit Angevin
  41. V0lkanic
  42. MS2054
  43. Minilammas
  44. OrbiliusMagister
  45. Anarkour
  46. Heinrich Kämpchen
  47. Danyele
  48. Fernando
  49. Gap9551
  50. TQFFE
  51. Leejordan9
  52. Lebronj23
  53. Богдан Панчук
  54. ChhTJ096
  55. Raubdinosaurier
  56. Struppix
  57. Fontema
  58. Nsophiay
  59. Tinss
  60. Rudy Fransiskus
  61. SelfCloak
  62. Faelomx
  63. EnaldoSS
  64. David Jackson
  65. Cincotta1
  66. DaSupremo
  67. KNHaw
  68. Chris Chittleborough
  69. Jakubhal
  70. Kenrick95
  71. Bhupendra Shrestha
  72. Paracel63
  73. ZI Jony
  74. Gelli63
  75. Tex38491
  76. Sergey.prokopenko
  77. Hume42
  78. Arjuno3
  79. Eien20
  80. Daehan
  81. Eryn Blaireová
  82. Amorymeltzer
  83. Pudelek
  84. Гардус
  85. Филин07
  86. Iifar
  87. JukoFF
  88. محک
  89. Tom Rheker
  90. MrPanyGoff
  91. Mediamenta
  92. WanaraLima
  93. FreCha
  94. IamMM
  95. Ham II
  96. Xxl filip
  97. DrHolsow
  98. Jsamwrites
  99. Константинъ
  100. Italas
  101. Trizek
  102. Peulle
  103. Laurent Jerry
  104. Dorieo
  105. Tupungato
  106. Jozef020
  107. Motivum
  108. Metrostroy2033
  109. Momantra
  110. Giaccai
  111. Kgbo
  112. MarcelBuehner
  113. Rami R
  114. HMa
  115. Ajpvalente
  116. Brettchenweber
  117. S-O-iMi-O-S
  118. VeraVidiVici
  119. Slava0576
  120. Pompilos
  121. Fatemi
  122. Lordgilman
  123. Loizbec
  124. Zangala
  125. احمد شکری488
  126. BeatrixBelibaste
  127. Flowneppets00
  128. Vahidmasrour
  129. Albert Magellan
  130. Matpib
  131. Jan.Kamenicek
  132. Simon Burchell
  133. Akela NDE
  134. Jvillafruela
  136. Wikibenchris
  137. Aerin17
  138. Bpierreb
  139. Epìdosis
  140. Raquel Baranow
  141. Lizbetann
  142. Sheridan
  143. Bennyfactor
  144. Pixelsandbacon
  145. Scann
  146. Knotimpressed
  147. Moritz 2011
  148. Persia
  149. Иван Олефиренко
  150. Meiræ
  151. Blolbly
  152. Katya0133
  153. Sal73x
  154. GrandpaDave
  155. Jdforrester
  156. Kyrios Sampson
  157. Aoyajiro
  158. Fabiorahamim
  159. Vgo61
  160. Хаванцев Иван
  161. LegofanCy
  162. Lokal Profil
  163. Ryse93
  164. Boylarva99
  165. Marsman
  166. Liridon
  167. Tucvbif
  168. Pohled 111
  169. Theaitetos
  170. Piotr Bart
  171. Kachelus
  172. Лапоть
  173. CraSH
  174. Poco a poco
  175. Emolga826
  176. King of Hearts
  177. Nuretok
  178. Michael Barera
  179. AlessioMela
  180. Guy Delsaut
  181. SouthernDude297
  182. Tangerineduel
  183. BrotherSulayman
  184. Jianhui67
  185. Duży Bartek
  186. Diablo Cris
  187. Vincent Simar
  188. ThelmOSO
  189. GC85
  190. Offeliaa
  191. EcheveriaJ
  192. Rachmat04
  193. Mucube
  194. RTao
  195. RyanPLB
  196. Rohieb
  197. Monna Ry
  198. Paul2520
  199. Hatovix
  200. جهان بینش140
  201. Tomer T
  202. Kalepom
  203. Lord Ya
  204. Mytrowych
  205. PrinceofPunjab
  206. Evesiesta
  207. Horcrux
  208. OwenBlacker
  209. Simeon
  210. Mostafamirchouli
  211. Auguel
  212. Downtowngal
  213. Eddie891
  214. Mesterderebeldia
  215. Markmark28
  216. StringRay
  217. Luizpuodzius
  218. Athko
  219. Thisaccountis42
  220. Luna Moonshine
  221. Kiril Simeonovski
  222. Eltargrim
  223. IC9999
  224. Hirvelaid
  225. Cyfraw
  226. Nioger
  227. Znoisuled
  228. היידן
  229. Sadads
  230. Quedel
  231. Juandev
  232. Zippybonzo
  233. Alarob
  234. Captain Galaxy
  235. Robina Fox
  236. Sipalius
  237. Fivework
  238. Mlf44
  239. AirshipJungleman29
  240. Klára Joklová (WMCZ)
  241. Nemea
  242. Fued Katari
  243. Skimel
  244. Louis hi
  245. Llimacoelho
  246. DopplerRadioShow
  247. Djiboun
  248. Chenxin199261
  249. Krok6kola
  250. Nigmont
  251. Mitte
  252. GonGorf
  253. Riverhugger
  254. Kacamata
  255. Loriot
  256. MZaplotnik
  257. OtuNwachinemere
  258. Happy5214
  259. Gilangpnp
  260. Rzuwig
  261. Dirtsc
  262. Wiser CJay
  263. Dragonfly137
  264. Juanantonaya
  265. Zervim
  266. WikiLuke
  267. WikiWriter7519
  268. KaTeznik
  269. Camervan
  270. Каріна Ігорівна
  271. Brackenheim
  272. Marcxosm
  273. Jim.henderson
  274. Leopardg
  275. Grullab
  276. AndrR0e
  277. GiankM. M
  278. Neuroxic
  279. Serenthia
  280. Tbhgeo
  281. Bnichols23
  282. Kevstan
  283. Art Jarka
  284. Reade
  285. Phyrexian
  286. TehFrog
  287. Levi bernardo
  288. Pyrlandczyk
  289. DentArt
  290. Timawesomeness
  291. UnpetitproleX
  292. KommX
  293. Dr.Bookman
  294. Alhadis
  295. Zhing'za zï Ïnin
  296. Aliar110
  297. MichaelSchoenitzer
  298. Phoe6
  299. Hessian
  300. Waz8
  301. Donald Trung
  302. BRPever
  304. Qwertyu2244
  305. Gce
  306. Daniel Case
  307. Royalbroil
  308. Clindberg
  309. MarieVirtuElle
  310. WhatamIdoing
  311. Thomas261989
  312. The Raven's Librarian
  313. Do-Do-Drop
  314. Puppe100
  315. Yishayl
  316. 좀비 브렌다
  317. Noroi
  318. Ra'ike
  319. Mozucat
  320. Zwd626
  321. Mustafa MVC
  322. Solon26125
  323. 1234qwer1234qwer4