Commons:Upload Wizard feedback/Archive/2014/01

Using this page to update form fields?

Is this the right place to suggest new form fields and options? A discussion about consent noted that the upload for doesn't provide any possibility for the uploader to indicate consent was obtained for publishing photos if they are of identifiable living people.

A new pair of consent-related fields is being discussed On the village pump, and referenced this page as the place to discuss that detail. --SJ+ 19:30, 25 December 2013 (UTC)

Related: it's not clear how the fields the Upload Wizard as an extension are maintained or updated. Is there a mediawiki-message method for updating it? Does a customized sef of fields currently require an update to the entire core extension? Should these discussions happen here and not at --SJ+ 19:30, 25 December 2013 (UTC)
AFAIK, the current Multi-Media-Team is working on a solution which involves parsing TemplateData (c.f. for example {{Information}}). Adding new fields is, however nothing I would welcome, I would appreciate an Assistant that helps you with everything (i.e. copyright concerning derivative works, personality rights, ...), by asking clever questions (having a decision tree in mind) reducing the amount of fields one has to work on. Let me give you an example: Does the image show humans that are still alive? - If not, no consent-queries are required at all. It is a simple question that everyone will be able to answer. On the other hand, if you shower the user in questions about the location the image was taken + are the individuals notable + did they consent for every upload, you are overstepping the mark, I think; and we would be back to what we had with the old upload form. I suggest discussing this on a separate page so it doesn't get buried. -- Rillke(q?) 13:36, 27 December 2013 (UTC)
I like the assistant - just a single question unless you answer 'Yes'. I'm ok with a separate page for this, though it's not a terribly involved request: it just has to happen in some simple fashion. --SJ+ 11:08, 30 December 2013 (UTC)
It would be worthwhile to have a somewhat in-depth discussion prior to making any changes -- after all, the clean look of the current Upload Wizard resulted from a good many discussions, as well as the dedicated work of interface designers. But simply creating another page isn't sufficient for getting a good deliberation -- somebody would have to step up to guide the process.
I do think SJ's path is a workable alternative, but we should be very careful to revisit the feature and see if there's anything that was missed after the fact.
As SJ proposes, it should start with the "yes/no" question above, but we still need to figure out where that question lives in the Wizard, and what a "yes" answer leads to. Here's a possible list:
  • [ ] I am the person depicted, my consent is legally meaningful, and I consent to broad publication of this file
  • [ ] All the people depicted (or, where those people are not legally qualified to consent, their guardians) informed me that they consent to broad publication of this file
  • [ ] All the people depicted are public figures, and therefore consent is not required
  • [ ] The people depicted were in a public place, or had no reasonable expectation of privacy, and therefore consent is not required
  • [ ] The file was published by a respected organization or professional photographer, who we can reasonably assume obtained all necessary consent
  • [ ] Other: __________________
I want to emphasize the importance of "Other" in a case where we may have failed to anticipate all possibilities!
Finally, how is all this recorded in the file's metadata? It would make sense for it to add the {{Consent}} template; but IMHO (and according to many on the template's talk page), there are significant use cases that are not covered by that template's current implementation; so we will need to improve the template. In addition, the current "Media Viewer" software being developed creates a "splash screen" that includes a subset of what is on a file's Commons page; should that page include information about personality rights as well? -Pete F (talk) 05:37, 14 January 2014 (UTC)
I neglected to add a line for insufficient consent, along the lines of the item "I found this item somewhere on the Internet" in the copyright section of the wizard as it currently works. Related to this, I want to point out the possibility of unintended consequences. Even without this feature, we occasionally get somebody making a less than credible claim that they attained explicit consent from the subject of the photo; while I of course assume good faith as a general rule, it would be naive to pretend that things like revenge porn don't exist. Will asking for an explicit statement significantly increase the number of people lying about consent? I hope not, but I don't know. It's worthwhile to consider how we will watch out for that, and how we might respond if this turns out to be a problem. -Pete F (talk) 21:01, 16 January 2014 (UTC)

Category selection

The "upload wizard" should handle upper vs. lower case mis-matches for category names, e.g., "Image processing" exists, and "Image Processing" is not a brilliant new idea. :-) Be..anyone (talk) 04:01, 2 January 2014 (UTC)

reported. --McZusatz (talk) 12:15, 2 January 2014 (UTC)

Watch list

Would be nice, if it is possible to add the images auomatically to the Watchlist while uploading. Patrick (talk) 19:37, 12 January 2014 (UTC)

progress bar.. feedback loop

HI Currently up loading a single 128m file I know it'll take time but just the spinning dial to show that its working doesnt instill all is ok is it possible to a progress bar instead, which would then also help me keep track of how much longer and when to return to finish the process. Gnangarra 04:27, 19 January 2014 (UTC)

Hi, please file a bug and post the link here. (don't forget to select 'Upload Wizard' as Component). --McZusatz (talk) 11:19, 19 January 2014 (UTC)

Still the 50 limit?

Could the 50 limit for flickr sets be raised, at least for admins? The system seems a lot more stable and lag-free than it was when 50 was set as the maximum. I'm not advocating for infinite size, but 100 would be nice. -mattbuck (Talk) 20:47, 20 January 2014 (UTC)

Long descriptions hang Firefox

When I try to enter a detailed description in the Upload Wizard, my Firefox 26 (on Ubuntu 64bit) hangs, and I have to kill it and re-upload. Erel Segal (talk) 17:37, 26 January 2014 (UTC)

subida de fotos

no acaba de funcionar bien, o sube y luego no la abre , lento Montgrisal12 (talk) 18:33, 26 January 2014 (UTC)

Bild hochladen

ich habe ein Bild hochgeladen, dass ich nicht einstellen kann. Das habe ich vor 3 Tagen schon mal eingestellt. Nun soll ich das neue Bild löschen. Es heißt: das Hochladen aller Dateien ist fehlgeschlagen. Die meisten Inweise sind in Englisch. Wie kann ich das Bild einstellen? Danke Hedi Wegener

Hedi Wegener (talk) 13:43, 29 January 2014 (UTC)

updating of existing images


Is it possible to implement a function that enables updating existing images? When I click "upload a new version of this file" it still referrs me to the old upload form.

Thanks! Ei Caramba (talk) 10:12, 30 January 2014 (UTC)