
A screenshot of the tool

Upyloader is an upload tool created by GNUtoo based on the pywikipediabot script. It makes multiple file uploading much easier through a Graphical User Interface that lets the user select the wanted files, add descriptions and licenses and upload them with a bar showing the progress of the upload. The tool is still in an alpha 0.1 development phase with lots of improvements and feature additions in the works. It currently only works on GNU/Linux because it was not tested on windows(help needed) or others platforms.
It works the following way: you chose a directory where the images files reside,then you select the ones you want,set the common description and upload


  • can load multiples directories...files are appened from the directories...but very untested(tell me if it work)
  • progressbar for upload,while beeing a pulse progressbar it indicate the file number in the total number of files
  • support jpg/jpeg, gif, png, svg, tiff
  • handle broken files


  • Does not handle the errors of the so for now if you have an error you would have to handle it in the console(if you started it in a console)
  • there is no default directory yet for the filechooser
  • there is no per-picture description
  • license is only handled in the description
  • there is no progressbar while loading the images into the GUI